A THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ' . 'f : . THEATRE k .THURSDAY NIGHT, APRIL 14 " MISS PATSY " With Gertrude Qulnlari And All Star Cast,- Prices $1.50 to 50c Frl., Sat. and Mat, April 15-16 CHA8. B. HANFORD Frf. and Sat. Mat., "American Lord." Sat. Night, "Taming of the Shrew." , Boys My Spring line of woolens Are stunners. See them! L. J. HERZOG 1230 O St Fiae Tailoring PERITORIC LENSES , .Does Away With Reflection SHAPED TO THE EYE HOWE OPTICIAN 319 No. J2th Tki First Trust 1 Sav ings lank 4Psr Csnt Intsrsst A $1 tpins an atoiHnt Cnui 10th U OStrtata li The 0kI Pharmacy Northeast CorneVi4Ui and O StreeU .Hot and Cold Drinks at Our Fountain Cornell University Medical College A coIIoro doprroo Is required for admlflslon. Advanced standing granted stndonts prostnt ing Batlafactory orodontluls from accrodltod tnealcal collogos. Erory tncillty isolTorodto nndorgraduatos Booking tho dogreo of Doctor of Medicine. Aniplo facilities aro also offorod quallflod graduates to pursuo original Investi "gationiu any department. For furthor par ticulars apply to Tht Dun, Ciraill Ualimlli Hidlcil Collin, First Avo. andSJth St., Now York City. Rrlaa- Yanr Nxk Job of Pristine to jVi " ' rAN TINE PRINTING CO. I and Gat Satisfactory Results J 12S-130 No. 14th St. Auto 3477 j am SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros. TAILORS 142 SOUTH TWELFTH Cincinnati $2.50 Shoe J Store and Electric "Repair Factory New Location 142 North 12 WARTHO IN'S jL Quality Counts THAPSWHY FRANKLIN'S ICE CREAM IS SO POPULAR W make a specialty of fan cy creams, sherbets. Ices ial pane-for Frmt 6$ Boreri , tr MrttMWfaipptog Cream aJwari eahand. Ball SOi. -iUfcatltlTliliKBi. D1IVEK )Campus))j M- Gleanings w C. H. Proy, florist, 1133 O street, Q. O. Gilbort of Johnson, a membor of thov class of 1009, was n campus visitor Monday afternoon. ' Chapin Bros., florists. 127 So. 13th. Miss Marian Kovanda, '10. has ac cepted a position in the Brnlnerd high school. Thornburg's Orchestra. Auto 5877. J. V. Truman, a momber of the class of 1910, will have clmrgo of the Brownsville public schools next year. - Try a lunch at tho Y. M. C. A. Spa. 13th and P Sts. John C. Rlslor received notice last week that ho has been elected as principal of tho Fairbury high school. Eat at Don Cameron's Cafq, 11R-119 So. 12th street. Miss Dellma Dyon, '10, will be in chargo of the English and history work in tho Lyons high school in tho ensuing year. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop. '120 N. 11th. H. O. Perry, a member of tho pres ent senior class, has recontly been olected to the prlncipalship of tho Utica schools. - " Before buying your spring footwear lot Beckman Bros, show you their now snappy oxfords. .1107 O st. o An alumnus of Indiana has offered a fifty dollar prize for tho best short story of Indiana life. If You Can See Well See Me The eyes are good enough to deserve the best of everything in the way of Spectacles. Hallett is Competent ESTABLISHED 1871 Professor Jones of tho history de partment Is still unnblo to attend all of his classes. It seems that the grippe germ is a persistent enemy. O 0 Prof. IJay Pool of the biology, de partment haB been ill for two weeks past and unable to hear his classes. Ho will bo able to resumo his work the latter part of the week. 00 I3. W. MarcelluB, uupoiintendont of schools of Crete, Nob., was a campus .visitor yesterday. Ho Bpent most of his time In town In inspecting the grade work done In tho Lincoln city schools. O 0 ' Director. McBrlen left this morning for Ong, Nob., whoro "ho will lecturo on the high school lecturo course. He wlllMecture tomorrow night at Ohlowa and Friday ho will address the teach ers or Pawneo county at Pawnee City. 4 Yesterday afternoon tho, seniors In tho teachers' college went in a body to tho Bancroft school, to Avitness somo -practical work In school hygiene, Dr. E. J. C. Sward, former secretary of tho stato board of health, gave u practical demonstration of tho meth ods employed in medical Inspection in tho Lincoln schools. 0 0,0 Superintendent Strickland. U. of N. rOC, of tho Nelson public schools was Pay Your WITH It is the jw5f ' Better Shoe Bettor Re pairing also 1220 0; In tho Admfalstartion building 'Tues day arranging with Director McBrion for work noxt year in Nelson under the auspices -of tho university exten sion department. Tho work will' bo both subject matter and lectures. Mr. Strickland was also looking for high school teachers., 8. A. E. WINS FIRST GAME. Look Like Pennant Winners In Fra ' ternlty League. Eigma Alpha Dpsllon won their first baseball game yesterday by defeating Sigma Nu 12 to 6. They put up tho classiest exhibition of baseball that has been seen In tho lnterfrntcrnlty leaguo this spring. Batteries: Frank and May; Hawlcy and Dobson. Alpha Tau Omega and Delta Tnu Delta played lato yesterday afternoon, Alpha Tnu Omega won' by tho scoro of 9 to 7. Batteries: Reed and Hutchinson; Whltcomb and Boylcs. Standing of tho teams: North 81de - V, L. Pet, Sigma Chi 2 0 1.000 Phi Delta Thola ...... 1 0 1.000 Alpha Thota Chi 1 1 .007 Delta Upsllon '. .. 0 1 .000 Phi Gamma Delta 0 1 !000 Phi Kappa PsI 0 2 .WO South Side Alpha Tau Omega 1 0 1.000 Sigma Alpha Epsllon . . 1. . 0 ' 1.000 Sigma Nu '. 11 .500 Kappa Sigma 1 1 .500 Dolta Tau Delta 0 2 .000 Games today Phi Gamma Delta vs. Sigma Chi. TICKETS GOING FAST. Nearly All the Tickets Gone for the Annual Non-Corn Hop. Last Saturday Chairman Cain placed tho tickets for tho annual hop of tho non-commissioned ofllcers, and yesterday nearly all tho tickets wero to Pro ide the Best 1143 O STREET sold. This danco has been limited to eighty couples, and yesterday Chair man Cain engaged Eddio Walt's or chestra of eight pieces. Tho members of the commlttco havo In somo in stances a few of tho tickets loft, and. they aro selling them fast. "Any ono who desires a ticket must get it Im mediately," said Chairman Cain yes terday, "as thoy will alt bo gono In a fow days." Tho danco will be hold April 23 nt tho Lincoln hotel. Tho members of tho commltteo uro Harry Hathaway, master of ceremonies; Krause, Bennett, Van Duson, Welch, Patterson, Hnhno, Ferguson and Lord. NEW TENNI8 COURTS. Tennis Association Raising Money to Fulfill Contract,, 'Tho members ot tho Tennis Asso ciation aro at tho prijsent timo rais ing money with which to fit out tho now courts. Arrangements havo been made whereby' tho association will have ono moro court and tho old ones graded in and lit ted up by tho super intendent of grounds, if tho associa tion will purchaso new iron posts sot In cement. This has been agreed to and with the raising of the necessary amount of money tho tennis association will bo fitted out with another court, mak ing three In nil. , Election Bet 8M0J STREET Anto 8417 Bell 804 SOPHOMORES WILL ELECT TOMORROW Members of Cornhuiker Staff Will So Chosen for Next Year. Tlio political pot in tho sophomore class is beginning to boil and bubble In great shapo. Tomorrow nt 11:30 In tho chapel tho second year men elect tho business manager and man aging editor for next year's Corn busker. So fnr four mon havo an nounced themselves as candidates for tho two positions that aro to bo Helled and all aro making a strenuous campaign. C. L. Clark of Lincoln and Guy C. Kiddoo of Omaha aro tho candidates or tho' position of business manager. JiFpoInT oToxporionco both mon scorn to bo well qualified for tho position, both having bcon managers of tholr high' school papors, whilo Kiddoo ha had additional exporlonco as'managor of tho Nobraskan. Thoy havo also both been nctivo in class affairs. Tho candidates Tor tho othor posi tions arc Randall Curtis and D. B Van Dusen, both' of Omaha. Van Div son was cditdr of his high school pa per and has hold a position on the staff of tho Omaha Daily Nowb. Cur tis has also had somo experience in newspaper work. As Is tho caso wit) tho other two candidates, both Cur tis and Van Duson havo boon quite prominent in class affairs. ffl Classified. Celumri 1 Bfcfi Advertisements for this column should be left at the business office, basement Administration building, be tween 11 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Want ads will positively not be in serted unless paid In advance, at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first insertion; three Inser. tlona 25 cents; five insertions 40 cents. WANT ADS FOB RENT For Rent Nowly furnished rooms; 15 cents a night, and a dollar a wook. 2.11 South Ninth street. FOB SALE For Salt A now hlgh-grado bicycle, at 25 per cent discount. Inquire at Nobraskan ofllco. LOST Lost Omaha 1ilgh school class pin, '09. Return to Nobraskan ofllco and receive reward. ""S. 114-3t LoBt A Delta Upsllon fratornity jrin, set with opals. Return to No braskan ofllce and receive reward. 112-3t FOUND Found Slick pln,.wlth yollov Htonu. Owner may havo same by paying for this ad. ' , 114-3t Found Automatic self-nil In g foun tain pen, after class scrap. 112-3t Found Mooro's non-1'eakablo foun tain pen, after class fight yosterday. 112-3t Found Fountain pen clip, after class scrap yesterday. 112T-31 Found Cuff button, with purplo stone, after class fight yesterday. ' 112-3t PR0FESSI0ML DIRECTORY PHYSICIANS AND SUBOEONS DR. LILLIAN SNOW, 1339 O; hours, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Diseases' ot women. Auto 3038. DR. C. H. RQ8H,, Surgeon. Richards Block. Both Phones. DR. J. R. HAGGARD, 221 lurr Beth phones. ' Ilk. LUTE INSURANCE UNION CENTRAL LIFE, t. B. Coon, 1 1 agt., 216 Richards blepk. jnnnnnnnnniwwmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiii! 8IMMON3 c T I eft PRINTBRi t S Bnjp ravfn, V : 9 Wmtoaaalng sm I Auto Nil 117 South lira E fcniiiiUiiUunMiiuiiuuiimmuiiM,mffl Hot Drinks Mr aenr la mmob Da ran ilaw amy place where you caa fat m QUICK SERVICE u yai Ma at ournew atera? Na aaad af fcetag creweW LiaacdiiJCLndy Kitchen s.w. ca o Caraar UNIVERSITY JEWELEI&IPTICIliN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN II2I I STREET, YELUWFRMT Year ratrtaift UHkH&i THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW SCHOOL Thruo-yoar oourno, leading to degree of Do tor or Law. (J. D.), which by tbo quarterly uyntom may bo completed in two ana one fourth calendar years. CoIIorq education re quired for regular admission, ono year of law, being counted toward collcftq degree. Law. library of KJ.0OO volumes. The Summer Quarter offer special pporitual- tics to students, teacaera ana practitioners v First Term Begins June ao Second Term Begins July a8 CouraoH opon In all Departmontrtof tbo Unl Tomlty during tbo Hummer Quarter. For Announcement Address DEAN OF UW SCHOOL, THE UMVERSIT! Of CHICAGO 5 flew from Cover to Cover WEBSTER'S - NEW INTERNATIONAL! DICTIONARY JUST ISSUED. M. hOW, Dr. W. T. Hmb, fern U. S. Cm. elEsV tttftt. Jt GcaeraJ Menuus rractkaly DeaUeJ. H DirWM rHt: btrertsatWerfe AVeye, Lm lsspertaat le4ew. CeetsiM. Mere laorautiM el bterett tt Mere People Tha Aky OuW Dktkury. 2T00 PAGES. 6000 ILLUSTRATIONS. 400,000 WORDS AND PHRASES, GET THE BEST in Scholarship, Convenience. Authority, Utility; 4 sm i"i Write for Specimen 7ies to (LtCMJUUAMCO.,P-m,SyfWRU.akM.t Tm U1 do ms a forer to MMtloa tut pwimum. A. G. SPALDING & BROS, TtfpB arc the Largest Manufacturen in the World of Spalding Trade Mark Official Equipment FOR ALL ATHLETIC SPORTS AND PASTIMES kaowm trefkt IFYOU re lata. t i atkletis sHMrtTei sbewerMaea Guinuitec ol QuattCy aSt aeeM Imt a,ey e4 ia hi wiali ' V;) vvvvvfat-cv) m Si's a eeaajlei eeerele 4Uol Wltat'a l(w las fejrt a4 la seat tree e4 set. A. 6. SnildiDfi & Bros. HI VttMaA'ATMMM, CkiMf. N ) .V A. :hhMi.: