The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 12, 1910, Image 4
A THE DAILY- NEBRASKAN v" DIRECTORY. 4WP-i,'s- i I i i I ft. K IE' uslness Directory Ererj loyal ' University student is urged to patron- t lxe these Nobraskan advertisers, arid to mention the Nobraskan while do- 1 r Tng so, t i BANKS First Trua. b Savings ; OAKERIES Folsom '. . BARBER SHOPS ' Green's t-BOOK STORES Co-op, ' Unlverlsty CLEANERS J. 0 Wood it Co, Wobor's .Sultorlum, , Joe, The Tailor. ..Ted, Marrlner. CLOTHING Farquhar . Magoo ,& Deemer Mayer Bros, - - Palace Clothing Co. Spoler & Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. COAL Gregory Whltobroast CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy Kltchem Tommy -DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln PITTS . DOCTORS Dr. Cramb DRY GOODS Millor & Paine Rudgo & Guoniel ' DRUGGISTS T Rings J7 ik i,t' : ENGRAVERS -,- Cornell FLORISTS . . C.H. Frey OHAPIN BROS. FURNISHINGS Budd Fulk Magoo ft Doemer Mayer Bros. Palaco Clothing Co. " Rudgo ft Guoniel ' Spelor ft Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. HATTERS Budd FuHc Unland Armstrong Clothing Co. Magoo ft Deemer Mayer Bros, t . Palace Clothing Co. t ( Rudge-ft Guentel -HT Speler ft Simon , ICE CREAM Franklin Ice Cream Cm. JEWELERS Hallett Tucker LAUNDRIES Evans OPTICIANS Sheaa Howe. ORCHESTRA Tnornburg's. PHOTOQRAPHKUI Townseni PRINTERS . Slmmoaa - Vaa Time RESTAURANT! "" Boston Lunek Cameron's Y. M. 0. A. Sp . ? SHOES Armstrong Clothlm C. " Beckman Broe. f ,tf - Budd ' - " Men's Bootwr ! Rogers k. Perklu Mayer Brea. Miller A ?akwt . v SHOE RBPAnUNav" -Electric Shoe Store SKIRTS Skirt Store tailors: Elliott Broe. , "Oregbry- " Hrrog l H til, i Joe, The Taller. LUDW&G. THEATERS Oliver 9 '. $i L OrpkeuaL' ' " ' Lyric TYPEWRITERS Lincola Typewriter, lc Uaderwoo Typewrller fJt, Zebra Stripe Neck wear 50c The now changeable Zolira stripo silk' neckwoar is the thing. ' ojlt slips onsy and ties correct ly with a cIoho fitting collnr. ?, I i 1 . i i XevvMV? M I J!rWffcmi& W " .' f M KSJt '"' ' MW& &f?Z, . MR- iflu "l'Vi"1'.. lr ms V HI Ma.i I'-' V( 1 I 'v I VLF jfcrrim 3fflestekr .Ehhf0 HP r Jc V lHBh MBVJ UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1(23 1 STREET, YELLOW FRONT Tew Pitreugc Solicited $ VACATION MONEY You bey 601 to on credit" par whan old and keep tho profit 1001 profit and monthly prize to our agent lmUesitBHM fr Tsaelwrs uhI Studtnts who Mil and adrvrtUo our l'ATKNTKO STKAM tXX)KRltand complete line of VUUK ALUM1KUU OOOKIMO UTENSILS. An opportunity to mike llto.90 andorer ererytmoaUi. Bzikerlence.not Beoewary. Write now for paitlouUra. Addreu BALKS MANAGE", AMERICAN ALUMINUM MANUFACTURING CO. k LKMOHT, ILLINOIS J Just Published We.rteri NEW INTERNATIONAL Dictionary, (G. AC. Merrian Co., Sprikf field, Mat.) swpastet tke old laternational at much ai that book exceeded its predeceuer. Edttr ia Cklef, Dr. W, T. Harris, former U. S. Com. of Edacatta. The defbtUoas hate beea re arraflitd aad aaplifiad. Tm Moer of terass deftaed tat beea mere thaa doubled. The Ety BftU(T, tyaoBymij proattwitti011. Dv re calrtd uaipariaf scholarly Ubor,, The laa- faafe of Ebm bteraarc far oter. terea ceatariet, the tertakolofy of the artt aad tdeacaa. aad the eTenr-dy tpeech of street. thef, aad hoatehold, are pretested with fall- Mis aad dearaett. Ia ttze ot Tocasuary, ia rlchaets of feaef al afonaatloa, aad ia coa- raalcace of coataltatioa, the book sets a aew ark ia lexkoiTSBky. 400,000 werds ud phrases. $000 iHMitratios. 2700 pages. Write to Um aaUUhen fer Saeckua Tnu. i Mag Specializing Kensington Clothes They Fit Our L SYSTEM clothes are conceded by all who know them to be supreme among all young men's garments. If you would break away from the com ' monplace, come and see these extraordi nary clothes. - - - - Tfyey Fit and Stay . . Fit that's what we guarantee to be true of our KEN SINGTON CLOTHES--$20 to $40--for more con servative dressers. Style and quality are there, too, of course. When can we prove to you that a Kensington Spring Suit will fit better than ordinary ready-to-wear cloth ing similarly priced better than most tailor-made clothing sold for more? 01 tg I Classified Column Bl TB AdVoTtlBcmento for this column should bo left 'at the business office, basement Administration building, be tween 11 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p., m. and 5 p. m. Want ads will positively not be In sorted unless paid In advance, at the rate of 10 cents per insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there' of for the first Insertion; three Inser tions 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents. WANT ADS FOR BENT For Rent Newly furnished rooms; 15 cents a night, and a dollar a week. 231 South Ninth street. FOB SALE For Sale A now high-grade bicycle, at 25 per cent discount. Inquire at Nebrasltan oHlce. LOST LobI Omaha lilgh school class pin, '09. Return to Nobraskan office and receive reward. ' 114-3t LoBt A Delta UpBllon "fraternity ,nln, sot with opals. Roturn to No braskan office and receive reward. 112-3t . FOUND Found Slick pin, with yello v btonc. Owner may have same by paying for this ad. 114-3t Found--Automatlc self-fllllng foun tain pen, after clasB scrap. t 112-3t Found Moore's non-leakable foun tain pen, 'after class fight-yesterday. 112-3t F Found Fountain pen clip, after class scrap yesterday. ll2-3t Found Cuff button,' with purple etone, after class 'fight yesterday. 112-3t WANTED Wanted Students In the "advertis ing field, to coVer thejr home towns, home counties or any unassigned ter- ee & Deemer rltory during the summer vacation. From $ao to S50 can be mude. Ail dress for particulars. H. A. Hopkins, Secretary Michigan Press Association, Saint Clair. Michigan. Ill-It PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY PHYSICIANS AND SUBGEONS DR. LILLIAN SNOW, 133D O; hours, 9 a. m. to 9 p. ra. Diseases of women. Auto 3033. . DR. C. H. RU8H, Surgeon. Richards Block. Both Phones. DR. J. R. HAGQAR.D, 221 Burr Blk. Both phones. LIFE INSURANCE UNION CENTRAL LIFE, S. B. Coon, agt., 216 Richards block. WRESTLING CHAMPIONSHIP. University Wrestlers Will Strive for Honors This Morning. Tho wrestling championship of tho university will bo decided this morn ing. The wrestlers will moot in the armory from 8 until 9 and contest for premier honors. a There are a number of good wrest lers In tho university at tho present time, and the contests will probably be exciting. Frank Clark, the frejh man who showed up so woll in tho Olympics last Saturday, Is doped to have an excellent chance to win this morning's contest. ENGINEERING LECTURE. Harwood Frost Addresses Engineers Yesterday, Yesterday morning all tho oilglneers of tho various classes were excused at 11 o'clock to attend a very instruc tive address g(ven by Hnrwood Fropt of The .Engineering News. ' Mr. Frost spoke to- the engineers on the 'subject of "The "Educational Value of tho Technical Press." A large and appreciative audience greet ed tho .speaker and listened to his address with great interest. Syracuse University has recently place'd Its band on a flrmifbaBls by giv ing tP each member n scholarship valued at $60 a year. " " Proper Spring Head wear $2 to $10 You've no idea how woll wo can Hat you. 40 or 60 now spring stylos to show you in hats mostly Hawos and Stetsons. HBBW-rj-VeBLflk vrVjvHB!a9v3awywvJFT J 1 I'm Going to Help 100 Boys Through School Are you working your way through school? Then I'm willing to help you. I have work for 100 young men from tho end of this school year until Sept. 1. I want only boys who have no means of going through school ex cept by paying their own way. The work which I havo to offer is easy for tho fellow who hasJUcunetal. Not only 1b It more profitable than any other line of work you can talte up during tho summer, but It will glvo you a training and experience In salesmanship that is always an asset. The only requirements: You must be paying your way through school. Miun bo Qf good habits. Must be willing to sign a contract to work until Sept. 1 or thereabouts. Call and get "the particulars. TIiIb 1b the best opoprtunlty you will have this year. S. R. McKELVIE Publisher 'Nebraska Farmer ... 119 North 16th Strat. ;nwwnwnnmnmwijrf?wHmmTMt Esimm ons g THE PRINTER b Sa"rlntlnflc : Bnjravlnc, P mboaalng a E Auto Mil 817 South 18th E'tu",uu"nl"MMnuimniiuuuimnf Hot Drinks fai SMtea; Da tm fcuw af fit wfaM JO CM M QUICK SERVICE u r t ottfaew stoc Ne Mf a! Maf crowdML Lincoln Candy Kitchen &L 4 ratntmu,. r t . f f