The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 12, 1910, Image 3
THE DAILY NEBRASKA! uW s k , & m.. Ito I'-. fflfci L M." ' il i OLIVER THEATRE THURSDAY NIGHT, APRIL 14 "MISS PATSY" With Gertrude Qulnlan And All Star Cast. Prices $1.50 to 50c. j Frl., Sat. and Mat., April 15-16 - CHA8. B. HANFORD ?Frl.-Tind STtf.-MSt'7mrlcanLlirfa7' Sat. Night, "Taming of the Shrew." iZ mmmmmW Boys--My Spring line of -woolens are stunners. See therh! L. J. HERZOG 1230 O St , Fine Tailoring PERITORIC LENSES Docs Away With Reffcctlon SHAPED TO THE EYE HOWE OPTICIAN 319 No. J2tlx y))CampU5j)j M Gleanings w Tht First Trust I Sav ings Bank 4 Par Cent Interest A $1 pins an aooount pins Corner 10th & O S(rU T n The Owl Pharmacy Northeast Corner 14th and O Streets -lot and Cold Drinks at Our Fountain C. H. Frey, florist, 1183 O street w Leroy Temple, Ml, spent Sunday in Ottinha. Ghapln Bros., florists. 127 So. 13th. Miss Lela Berry visited with her pnrents In Falrbury Sunday. Thornburg's Orchestra. Auto 5877. Byron C. Yoder, '08, Delta Upsllon, spent Sunday In Lincoln. ' Try a lunch at the Y. M. C.,A, Spa. 13th and P Sts. Harry VeTlars, Acacia, vlBlted In Tecumseh the latter part of last week. Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe, lir.-HO So. 12th BtreeL . s H. P. Wunder, '10, nndW. LI. Ran dall, Ml, visited In Omaha Sunday. Green's Sanitary Barber Sh'op. 120 N. lTthr " - - Miss Hazel Rabor, Ml, Ib reported as being on the sick list Before buying your spring footwear let Beckman Bros, show you their new snappy oxfords. 1107 O st. There was no spring footbnll prac tice yesterday, but work will' -be re sumed today. John Newell of MInden Is visiting his brother, L. O. Newell, for a few days. Hazel Fall, ox-M2, Delta Gamma, spent Sunday with her sorority sis-tors. Cornell University Medical College A coHoko iIortoo la required for admission. Advanced standing granted students prostnt Ing satisfactory orodontlnls from accredited inodical colleges. ETory facility Ib oITorcd to undergraduates Booking tho dogreo of Doctor of Medicine. Araplo faollltics aro also of f orod iunlined graduates to pursue original Investi gation In any department. For furthor pur Honiara apply to Thi Dun, Cirnill Unlurtltr Midlcil ' Collict, First Avo. and 28th St., Now York Cltyr Bring Yur Next Job of Printing to J I" YARiifEPrarnNGco. i ' and Get Satitfactory Res'ulU 12S-130 No. 14th St. Auto 3477 "Vl'cl" Eye Glasres. Howe, Optician, 310 No. 12th. Charles Yocum of Broclc was visited Saturday by his father. Mr. Yocum returned home Sunday. Ben Johnson of Fremont and Ellis DraUo of . Oniaha, . -both Dolta Tan Delta, visited friends In Lincoln Sun day. 0 Yesterday afternoon "'"a Tuatirieo mtiBlcale was given In tho nuiBlc ball of tho Temple. ' Thoso taking part were junior students in music. Clarenco Korstlan, Ml, has been at his. homo In Crete for tho past week looking after business interests there. Ho returned to school yestorday. Miss Laura Peterson, '12, and Mabal Solmon, Ml, both of Alpha OtnicrGTT Pi, spent Saturday and Sunday In Omaha.- Miss Sarah Herrlngton, Alpha Omi cron PI, spent Saturday and Sunday attending a Iioubo party glvon by Miss Edith Carpenholt of Arlington. R. W. Patterson, Ml, Acacia, of "Waslilngton Count House, OTilo, lias been compelled to drop out of school nnd return home on account of the serious Illness of his mother. Tho special program of the Palla dlnn Literary Society given last Fri day by tho young hullos of that, organ ization consisted of a short play. The program was a grand success. D. C. McCIennon, '00, wlio Is now engaged In Irrigation projects in Colo rado and Wyoming, Iiqb been spend Ing tho last few days visiting friends In the unlvorBtly. Miss ' Rosolla Skinner and Miss Juno Hickman of Aurora have been guests of Miss Irma Franklin for tho FULK FURNISHER - HATTER 1325 O STREET LEWIS UNDERWEAR New Spring and Summer1 line just in. If you've not experienced the delight of a Levi's Union Suit, put it off no longer. Prices reasonable. The satisfaction great: PRICES 1 UP TO $3 The Silver Serpents will hold' their Initiation tonight. t Delta Zeta entertained Informally at the home of Mrs. C. E. Shugart, 2445 J street, Saturday afterndon. - Miss Leah Carl sent the botany do- SEE OUR WOOLENS Bros. TAILORS ( 142 SOUTH TWELFTH Cincinnati $2.50 Shoe Stp'rfeanti ElcctWc Repair. Factory - r t New Location M2 North 12 MM ' . r r, r-. -ii.- N XM-JTIKK. I l7V-ri' partment a line specimen of trailing arbutus from Now York. Miss Almoo Koutz of Ponca and Miss Janet McAllister of Columbus have pledged Alpha Omlcron PI. Kappa Sigma held an Initiation Sat urday evening and ducked some men In tho Eleventh Btreet fountain. Tho members of tho Alplia Phi sorority gave their annual part at tho Lincoln hotel Saturday evening. Q Miss , Both Parkinson" of Council Bluffs attended, tho annual party of Alpha Phi Saturday evening, Tom Murphy, Beta Theta Pi, who Is now located in Kansas City, spent Sunday with fraternity brothers, Rev. J. M. Bates of Red Cloud Is visiting In the 'city! Mr. Bates is one of tho best botanists in the state and has a large collection of specimens. Ho has donated a large number of valuable Specimens to the' university. I Oud II W ' litjr Counts THATSWHY FRANKLIN'S IPF CREAM IS SO POPULAR W mak a ipedtlty of f mn- r.crmi. ghtrbifo, Icei ,., . ..., ia-...i MM mn lor tt ewv , t!' -.t"4 jv,w & past fow days. They attonded tho Alpha Chi Omega party last Friday night and returned to Aurora yester day. . Miss Kathcryn Milroy of Omaha and Miss Lela Husoof'Fullerton wero .guests at tho-AlphaEhl -house-Saturn day and Sunday. Tho bulletin of tho University of Michigan summer Bchool Ib out. It names Raymond J. Poolo as assistant professor In tho botnny department. Charles D. Schell, '91, visited the university yesterday. Mr, Schell taught for many years In tho Philip pine Islands, but Is now located in' the state of Washington,'' U. M. Benedict, '90, profossor of biology In tho University of Cincin nati, has written to his old friends in tho faculty. He declares himself to be pleased with his present work. . Miss Howell's cIqbs la dramatic In terpretation listened yesterday morn ing to a shor play entitled "IuHpnpr Bound," presented by members of the class. The presentation wbb very ef fective. Those taking part wero Paul Yates, Miss Killian, Howard Plasters and, Miss Hogriff. Miss Nlta Hazel- Iwuuu uuieu ub cuutii ui iuu 1'iay. Pay Your Election Bet WITH THfr t is W-L2?7 Better Shoe SHOfr ! i' 'V Yates-Prench Co. Ti.l T) palring, alno 1220 O STREET Auto 417 Bell 804 Rudge & Guenzel Co. Men's Summer Shirts $2.50 and $3.50 Shirts at $1.20 f MEN'S SUMMER SHIRTS with collars attached '"7 .nearly 500 garments of pure Silk, Silk arid Linen arid Mercerized cloth. Exceptionally attractive striped effects and plain kcolor including Tan, Grey, Blue, Pink, Helio, arid White. A number of these Shirts have been taken from our regular lines A very large assort- "djl Of merit offered this week at P " Special at 50c JJ1 These Shirts come with collar or with neck band in both plain and plaited effects. Colors shown in Tan or Grey. Choice of the entire showing this CQif week at OJC Wash Neckwear at 3 for 50c ( Ve show a complete spring line in r?annel, Open-' " end or Reyersible shapes. Buy your Summer needs while the assortments are at their best. O Cgm Eff Choice of theSpring and Summer line at TO tJvrC " Furnishers to Men Who Know " TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES Rent Applios on Purcbaso'Pric'o. Fivo Days Froo trial boforo you pay- Two yours guarntoo whon you purchase. Easy Terms. Got our 'list. Auto. 2080; Boll 1299.' B. F. SWANSON CO., Inc. 143 So. 13th St. RlwfflffBl KIf; .ffflffflfffln pwrrBfllfflfflffH t; '. GERTRUDE QUINLAN. FRANCES RING. WITH j" "Miss Patsy? at the Oliver Thursday Night, Aisril 14 Henry W. Savage has assembled. to-1 gether one of tho strongest companies of comedians of recent years tfor tte' presentation of "Mls$ Patsy," In -which Gertrude Qulnlan, the original slanfey waitress fpf "Tho College Widow" iB th? bright particular star. The com pany Includes jio less than six1 or tho original cast of "The College Wldovy'' including 'Laurance Wheat, Thomas Melghan, Aalln4, Dunlap Francis Ring and MaudV Earlo. "Miss Pats" comes here direct from a run 'of 100 I performances at tho Chicago Opera House. It will be presented, at (he Oliver on Thursday nlght. Gertrude Qulnlanr the plguant comedienne who made ,o phenomenal a success In the amusing role of "Flora Wiggins" In "The College Wldow.jtUl play thp name part, in "Miss Patsy," ' .' , , Vrnncna Rlne. handsome and gifted as a comedienne, was cKosenrbm a lengthy list of famous' actresses to create the rolo.of "Helen Burrella" In 'Miss Patsy," the arabltlqus.oracter comedy which .Henry W. Syae .sent from NewYoriTrl:.rin tho'.r 1910. Civ ti