The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 12, 1910, Image 2
"wit THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 3he Daily Nebraskan ,.,.t xa,, TODAY iR THE PROPBUTY OF THE UNIVBnaiTY OP NEBRASKA, " Lincoln, Nebraska. Published by THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD Prof. G, W. A. Lackey EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor .. K. P. Frederick Managing Editor Carl J. .Lord -AMOoUtt-Edltor.,-rT.. M. Idgtcombe Aiioclate Edjtor. .... ..R. D. Hawley U8INES8 STAFF. , Manager.. . ...... a... . Q. C, Klddoo AMliUptMnaa,ejrjXiX1. ... y, v. w. n"" Circulator. . ...... ,. f ,...,. crpuonanan ., I -m yr OWOiQ9WUmw0QO90G0G02X2VW0wOWV90WUWO COWdCATION Att Needlework De- X I 4- V 'Vrfltnrlal anri liatnekfc Office! A8EMENt7aDMINI8TRATION BLDQ. Poitofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 12.00 PER YEAR Payable n Advance. Single Copies, B Cents Bach. Telephone! Auto 1888. Night Phonet Auto 1888; Auto 3844. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo chanced for nt tho rato of 10 contn tho Inirortlon for every fifteen words or fraction, there of. Faculty notlcca and University bul letlns jWlllJ)!adly J PHbHshod free. Entered at the postofflco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as scoond-clasit mall matter under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Advertisements for the want column should be left at the business office, base ment Administration building, between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and S p. m. Cash must accompany nil orders for ad vertlslng, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction thereof the first insertion; three Insertions' -twenty-five cents; five Insertions forty cents. TUESDAY. APRIL 12. 1010. -'Swat 'cm Into the loft garden," "Git your ntlt on 1,1," nntl similar terniB are in demand now. Learn thoni, nud see tho gatnoB. With Nebraska co-ods ho ably ron rosontod at St. Louis In tho bntiolmll jTnof "with a fomlnlno bnBoball unipirp In our midHt, with a full Hedged equal BUffrago loaguo, It sooiub about time that some Nebraska co-ed waB rising to tho occasion and demanding the national gamo nB her prlvllogo. Why hot? Somebody Iuib discovered that the excited populace Bhould have shouted, "Long llvo Louis tho XXI." Instead Flat Set telescopes, Black R II Q II Band Grey Lids - - $2.50 ffis oif. of "Lon llvo Louis XVIII." Tho fact that this populace haB been dead for TYdTfib" tlino should riot, It leOius to us " lead to such unkind criticism or their ..conduct on this occasion. They wero ; probably so excited at tho tlmo that thoy.lost tholr reckoning on LouIbos. It must have taken somo bookkeeping to .tag them all anyway. THORNB AND LAURELS. Freshmen! Too bad! Could tho divine muse but hand us her ro8o tinted bouquet, could sho but on our head tho Incenso of the gods for but a brief momont, wo swear that It should all bo dovotcd to an eulogy to you. You fought bravely, and you fought well. That you lost Is but your misfortune. .I. -Til0 battles which you have fought w -and lbBt are graven not on decaying - tablets of stono, bitt in tho overliving memory of man. 'Twbb a conflict wor thy of a LaunceloL Would that wo , had tho hand of a Tennyson to Jell It. Ages hence, when wo shall be but , tho faintest memories around theso old balls, the freshmen will gather In tho shade or tho pine l)y the fountain and with bated breath listen to tho whispered rtalo of tho battles you fought and lost. Sophomores! You won! You need no eulogy of .ours. Tho Jaurel wreath 1b yours. Wear It light--ly -over ono ear. jf von wm jU lightly as bocomos a generous victor -,to a valiant foe. ! E. O. EAGER. , Most of us, when wo come to the 'university, are prone to take athletic 'events as a' matter of course. ,We 'seem to tako It for granted tha games, their scedules, finances and all the manifold details connected with the . athletic side of a large university, rain id6wh,'in orderly Arrangement for our . delectation. But this has long ago been disproved by scientists. -No "ORGANIZED PLAY1' 00000OSO0000QK000000000OSO0 larqcthunder cloud evor npnears on tlio horjzon and ralnB down a football Bchodulo, nor are the llnanclnl matters Bottled HUo tho dew on a Juno morn ing. It Iff llreminn behind. And prcc lous llttlo glory Is his lot. For tho last four years Manager Eager haB brought Nebraska athlotlcs to a paying basis.- Not only that, but he has dono all that a manager could to placo Nobraska on a par with other Institutions In tho athletic world. HIb re-election comcB aB a recognition of this fact. While thoro Is tho poetic" Bide of afliTeUcswhlcih iTeeds ouT"HUiF port, thoro Is also the business Hldo tho side that makes tho wheelB go round which needs our support, If we would build for a bigger and bettor Nobraska. Election of Basketball Captain, tho captain of next year's basket ball team will bo elected this morn ing. Tho campaign has been very quiet, and It Is not Itnbwn its yet Just who will bo nominated. Regents Meet Today. Tho university regents will meet at 10:110 this morning. They will con sider tho annual budget and dlBcu.js tho question of raising salaries. The proposition of extending tho campus will alBo be brought up for considera tion. Convocation Today. Prof. G. W. Lucky will speak at convocation this -morning; His sub ject will be, "Shall organized play grounds play a part In tho public school curriculum?" Professor Lucky Is ah authority on this subject and his talk should provo Interesting. Y. W. C. A. Cabinet Meeting. The large cabinet of the Y. W. C. A. will meet at Professor Brunner's homo, 2111 4 South Seventeenth streis, Saturday, April 1G. All chairmen ami sub-chairmen are expected to be pres ent. This will bo an open air affair and tho girls are invited to go out at any time In tho afternoon they desire, to play tennis and other games. Sup per will bo served on tho lawn at G:3r and -the business mooting will follow,- '".' DEBATES COMING TO CLOSE. High School Championships Soon to Be Decided. Three contests In the Nobraska High School Debating League wore deoided last Friday night In the south eastern, north central and west cen tral districts. ' The Humboldt-Falls City debate at Humboldt was won by Falls City by a 2 to 1 decision. Falls City now meets Wymore for the championship of tho southeastern district, The speakers W.Qro.ft8L follows! s Humboldt, . affirmative .Florence Hummel, Paul Walsh, Sam Zimmer man. ' Falls City Jean Cain, Cainile Lay den, James Falloon. Pierce won from Randolph at Ran dolph, and will now meet Albion for the chajnplonshln of the north 'central division. This wll decide who will represent tlio nqrtli central district Broken Bow won from Ravenna Friday night. The judges were Prof. u O'CLOCK Edwin Maxoy of the University of Ne braska, Pror.oriTr'VerhTer of tho Grand iBland college, and DrN. Ford of Ansley. Broken Bow was repre sented by Clyde Waters, Wayne Soper and J. Stukey. Those who Bpoko for Rnvonna. were Blnnche ReeBe, VIrgll Hlava and William Culpet. Broken Bow will now meet Ord for the chain plonBhlp of tho west central district next Friday night. PUBLICITY HAS BOY FA8T William "Sldls, Harvard Prodigy, Can not Keep Out of Newspapers. It Is Impossible to feel sorry for young William James Sldls. The monster publicity has him fast In Its clutches. Tho mark of the yellow boast Is upon lilm. Henceforth ho can hope neither to walk nor-to eat nor to sleep withqut, being thrown upon the canvas, for the delectation of tho crowd, once in. so often. Kind hearted persons who have been angry with tho father of tho brilliant. child for. "forcing" him beyond his years had bettor direct their attention to tho newspapers. For it Is on rocord that young Sidls training has left him a healthy and normal boy; whereas we hate to think what a year of newspaper notoriety will do for his temper and IiIb peace of mlud. Tho very pleasures of boyhood are now donled him. He cannot Join in a game or ball without having tho fact telegraphed to a hundred cities and published under tho caption, "Har vard's Mathematical Prodigy Solves Pltchor's Curves Without tho Aid of Logarithms." He cannot go in swim ming without throwing the world into amazement at tho fact. As for boyish quip or Jest, he dare not, for his-reputation's sake, rlak It. It will bo trans lated into mathematical terms and cast abroad for the serious edification of tho multitude. New York Evening Post. NEVER KNOW if you NEVER TRY When you want to got Clesnlnj- and Pressing dono by .band and not by machinery bring your clothes to- JOE The Tailor who is also a Specialist on altering and refitt ing your clothes up-to-date. MARGARET M. FRICKE Dressmaker of Style and Economy UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. UNCOLN University Bulletin APRIL. 13-14, Wednesday.-Thursday, baseball, Nebraska vs. Kansas Aggies at- Mat hattan.. 14, Thursday, 11:30, Memorial Hall Sophomore class meeting. 1516, Friday-Saturday, Nebraska vs, Kansas at Lawrence 19, Tuesday Democratic Club meets, Music Hall, Temple. 2122, Wednesday-Thursday,, baseball," Kansas vs. Nebraska, athletic field. 27, Tuesday, baseball, Highland Park, vs. Nebraska, athletic field. ' ' paftment . Spzing JSfyowing g . . Sofa Pillows, Table sRin ners and Library Scarfs Shown on I he At Is and Crafts, Clashes, Linens, etc. You will not find a more beautiful display in the city than we are showing. AVe give free Embroidery and Stencil lessons every Tuesday, Friday and Saturday from 2 to 4 o'clock. Miss Mary McCartney, instructor. JOIN THE CLASS Pennants a specialty. Special orders taken H. HERPOLSHEIMER CO. Mrs. Stevens, 'Prop, and Mgr. I OUR ICE CREAM PAR LOR HAS NO EQUAL... Fruit Sundeas and and College Ices and Fancy Drinks at THE DIVINITY SCHOOL 8f HARVARD UNIVERSITY UNSECTARIAN pLECTIVE courses leading to the University degrees of S.T.B., A.M. and Ph.D. "' Students paying the full fee may take without extra charge appropriate courses ofiered In the Graddate School of Arts and Sciences and in Andover Theolog ical Seminary. For particulars address Cambridge, Massachucetts. Fraternities Sororities We can save you 12 per cent on your fuel bills Semi-Anthracite $8.00 IS THE REASON Litu.Mf. Gregory The Coal Man icmoit Sum frier The University June 20 to August 12, 1910 Courses in Agriculture, Anatomy, Botany, Chemistry, Education, Educa tional Theory and Practice, Secondary Education, Normal Training, Elemen tary Education, English Language and Literature, French, Geography and .Geology, German, American History, Homo Economics, Horticulture", Latin, Manyal Training, Mathematics, Me chanical Drawing, Philosophy and Psy chology, Physical Education, Physiol ogy, political Science and Sociology, Rhetoric and English Composition, Zoology, w&m 1307 O STREET UNIVERSITY PRIVILEGES The Dean of Harvard Divinity School, Session of Nebraska Special attention to subjects re quired for professional certificate. Nine hours of college work possible. Conditional admission on 22 points. Teach'ers 21 years' or over mayTenter as Adult Special Students. High-School Courses in tho Teach ers' College High School. ' For bulletin or Information address THJE REGISTRAR, The University of Nebraska, Lincoln. ! N A i '.i - hV ' fcv Ui i 1 V tJWSg iJinmir'niiiWafiKimn .1m r, .n ,. . ...... , ..., , iiWMMmmrtn fti-MMfrtafMtfMH -