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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1910)
? ' . . i,u. 1 J i a t t.1 t!f" . V$tgM frftH ' V l-ifr. ' i W V., 4 I I tt ,i( ( i. .1 K fllitaSiv'-f'A VW tV - "- ' J. 'M Zhc Bails IRebrasfcan VoL IX. No. 113. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. LINCOLN. SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1910. Price 5 Cents. GLASS OLYMPICS THIS MORNING HS8SSSS22SB-5ESSE 3S3K33eS32SSS23SSS3SSS FIRST BASEBALL GAME OF THESEA50N TODAY FRESHMEN TO MEET NEBBA8KA AGGIES ON ATHLETIC FIELO. 0 BIG FIGHT OF YEAR TO BE HELD TODAY ON ATHLETIC FIELD. fRESHMEN- BATTLt-f OREQUAUTY Both Claim Are In Good Condition Heavy-weight Wrestling to Be In terestlng Event Hospital Corpa or) Field. At noon today the qoustlon that has been dlscussod ail year by the mem bers of tho two lower classes will be solved. Then It will bo known whether tho freshmen can wear their caps. If the freshmen win the Olympics this morning they will bo allowed to wear their new caps without Interfer ence from tho sophomores. If they lose they will bo compelled to resume the humble position of freshmen. In fact, the solo object of the Olympics this morning, is to detormino whether tho freshmen are to bo classed as tho equals of "tho sophomores. - BInco the big fight of Thursday class spirit has run high and thjs morning's contest promises to bo very Interesting. The sophomores succeed ed In putting ono of their banners on the flag pole on University ball Thurs day evening. It waved thero doflantly Until the chancellor, fearing that lb might cause anothor outbreak of hos tilities, bad It removed about nlno o'clock yesterday morning. Glrla to Parade. Ono of tho big features of this morning's tournament will bo a sorleB of stunts by tho girls. Tho girls of both classes will play an Important part. Tho sophomoro girlB aro going to execute a snako dance. It will bo a brilliant affair, as tho girls will bo fully decorated with tho class colors. After this thoy tvM form thomBolveB Into n rooting Bquad which will bo In chnrgo of a cheer leader. Tho freshmen girls wiir occupy a special Bcction of tho bleachers. They will enliven tho mornjng's entertain ment by Binging tho freshman songs and giving tho freshman yells. Thoy will form tho figures 1913 In tho col ors of tho class. Tho freshmen of tho different sororitlos will go. In groups. Last year tho girls did not play an Important part In tho class Olympics. Tblp year thoso in charge of tho af fair are determined to mako tho con test of Interest to ajl tho members of both claBBOB. List of Events. ; The following la the program or tho big contest: 1. Helvy-wolgbt boxing; 2. middle-weight boxing; 3. light-weight boxing; 4. heavy-weight wrestling; B. middle-weight wrestling; 6. light weight wrestling; 1. tug-of-war; 8. free-for-all. Tho marathon will bo run while tho wrestling matches are In progress. Tho course will bo three miles long. Tho list of tho sophomoro entries was completed yesterday afternoon, but up, to a lato hour last evening the froEhman list had not been completed. Tho sophomoro entries aro as fol lows: Heavy-weight boxing Seldel. . Middle-weight boxing Landers. Light-weight boxing McKibbin. Heavy-weight wrestling Bly. Middle-weight wrestljng Farley. Light-weight wrestling Smith. Tug-of-war Anderson, Gibson, Har mon, Bly KIddco, Pike, Hohn, It. Gib son, Munday, Curtis, Pearso. Marathon runners Anderson, Clark, Bates, Bpautdlng and McGowan. Tho freshman runners are: Relnsch, Snyder, Black, Chaplin and Huber mann. . -Your car fare would pay for a nice lunch at the Boston Lunch. Whj o borne? i y. K flNyh0W i& Tnrua J, B DI8CREDIT8 HISTORY Paris Newspaper Has New Thebry In Regard to Louis XVI Et Al. Tho world has believed until pow that on January 23, 1793, Louis XVI was decapitated at Paris. Tho Matin, of that city, now makoB tho statomeat that it was Louis XIX whoso head 'fell undpr tho guillotine Tho assertion Is based on tho alleged fact that It has been discovered that tho namo of Clovls In German Chlodwlg Is sim ply tho namo Ludwlg or Louis in an old form. Hence tho threo French kings of tho namo of Clovja must ho counted wlth'tho Louis lino, and by doing this the enumeration as It Is now .recognized. Ialla jis incorrect "It was not Louis XV, but Louis XVIII who befriended Pompadour and Du Barry. Tho question as to whether tho watchmaker Naundorf was really Louis XVII Is positively decided against Naundorf, ami It is found that tho people of Paris who shouted after tho 'Hundred Days,' 'Lond Livo Louis XVIII.' should have shouted 'Vivo Louis XXII"' says the Matin. Now Orleans Picayune. SPRING PRACTICE CONTINUES Football Squad Grows Daily and the Men Working Hard on the Game. With tho continuance of tho warm weather the mombors of the spring football Bquad will increase to the size of two toamB. With this result tho men will be put through some signal practice and also will bo taught somo formations based on tho now game. Coach Ewlng has been letting tho men bo far do pnly punting and catching tho oval. About a dozen men havo reported for practice so far since tho work began, but as soon as tho mom bors of tho student body who aro In terested In tho pigskin gamo can got their work arranged a larger Bquad will be out for work. Considerablo discussion has been aroused over the possibilities of tho new gamo and the formations which will be based on tho revised rulCB. Many men think that tho quarterback will havo to bo one of tho heavy back field men and will, do little or no pass ing of tho ball. This .will glvo four heavy backfield men, any of whom i may recelvo tho ball and carry It. Any of these men will also mako the runs which wore formerly caller quarter back runs, and tho light, uhlfty quar terback will bo abolished except In name. f; U'wmj ajM .& .Z .4 RSl . NnRA Pon RK33,JAr .. . erCCl ossx Ksri, n mAZyr I VB-rZ. I " ft J- j , m i - m m m 1 M ?&1.W"V Sofn I n,,w j- - .W M V A-S ' ,i. M. War as teem by th 'Cartoonist E. 0. EAGER RE-ELECTED MANAGER OF ATHLETICS ATHLETIC BOARD REWARDS GOOD WORK OF POPULAR MANAGER, GYMNASTIC TEAM TO BE 5ENT Nebraska to Be Represented at West rn Intercollegiate Gymnastic Meet Eligibility of Base- ball Men piscussed. At a epocJal mooting of the unlyor BllyaUflellc board which was hold last evening In Dr. Clapp'B ofilco, Earl 0. Eager waB re-elected manager of athletics at tho university. For tho past four years Manager Eager has held this position and ho has brought tho athletics of tho uni versity out of debt and ma do them a financial succesB. Through Manager Eager university athletics havo been brought to a paying baslB and bis ro olection cornea ag a recognition of tho work which ho baa done. Growth of -Athletic Field. Ono of the chief things Manage Eager has accomplished has been to procure for tho university tho now athletic field which tho .'natitutlon now has. This work nas been accom plished after a great many difficulties wore overcome, and speaks well of tho result of Mr. Eager's manager ship. Baseball Eligibility. The board considered tfio matter of tho eligibility of men on the Corn husker baseball team whose eligibility might be questioned by other schools. Tho' board decided that it would not certify as to the eligibility of these men only so far as it was ablo to dq so. If (ho eligibility of a player Is questioned by another school tho board -will not take action on the mat ter only so far as It Is ablo. If'this Is not satisfactory to tho Bchool which makes tho complaint, then all Inter collegiate baseball games with that school will bo cancelled. Another matter considered by the athletic board was sending a gymnas tic team to Minneapolis. It was de cided that a team would bo sent to Minneapolis to represent Nebraska 'at the western intercollegiate contest Which will bo held at that city April 16. . .Tho team which will be sent will be i-1 J l-i.f.. jsgZ- . iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiii,iW HlW.rfOeKWHATT 1M4 S v- &KoopTicToaa Of VTUOKMTft M Lhwaiy. weaker than the Nebraska team of rW V A 1 " Tt last year. This M becauso of tho loa w,th a &0 pitching taff they of D. Mitchell, who won tho western havo bon ablo to hold tho varsity Individual gymnastic championship mon -wn time after time tills soa last year. Another handicap to (ho - The outfield that has been de team Is tho injury to Toblsca, who won veloped pas been ono which qoyers, the the individual honor In the gymnastic ground and nails the b)),jyfry, tfe workmen this year. "Dtirlnrpfactlco'-t' ,fc ,8 possible for them to get their recently ho hurt hla lear. which will .food-hooks on tho horsehlde. keep him out of practice for a num-1 ber of days. Ho hopes though to havo It In shape to enter tho moot at Min neapolis noxt Saturday. FENCING CONTESTS TONIGHT. Championship at Stake and Shield to slAwardedtoWlnner al Gymnasium. Tho university fencing club will hold Its final contests this ovenlng for tho championship of tho university tholr season today, tho members of in fencing. A handsome shield Is to tho varsity squad aro still working bo awarded the winner of tho contests. out an(j preparing thoraselyea for tho Probably ten or twelve men will be coming contests down In be Sun entered, thero being about that num- flower state. Tho first trjp of thp sea ber in tho advanced fencing class of BOn wm 00 tajcon Tuesday, when tlio Dr. Clapp. J toam loaves on Its southern trip to Tho bouts will tako place at tho moot the KanJIb Aggies and tho ,Jay gymnasium at 8 p. m. No admission nawkers from Lawrence, The Corn- win ne cnargca ana tno puonc is ww- VUUlVi EIGHTH.ANNUAL BANQUET Engineering Society at the Llndell O. N. Munn President. The University of Nebraska Engi neering Society held its eighth annual banquet last night at tho Llndell hotel. About seventy-five members of the so ciety and members of tho faculty of the engineering department and a number of guests "wore present Ev eryone present reports a most enjoy able time. Much enthusiasm was shown over the work of tho society It seems that moro has been accom plished for tho benefit pf the univer sity than over before In the society's history. The following was the list of toasts, O. N. Munn acting as toastmasterr "Tho Society," W. H. Burleigh, president of the society. "College Fellowship," Professor W. H. Morse. "University of Nebraska," P. H. Har rlson. v , , "The Remlnlscents of an Engineer' Dean C, It. Richards. "Blue Prints." W. E. Byerts. "Otaam " Prnfatinr T. A Onlnln1 flRSHEAITTEAM DOPED TO WIN Aggies Are an Unknown Quantity May Spring a Surprise Freshmsn Have Strong Aggregation of Ball Toilers. Thp first gamp of tho aeMpa. This will bo played on tho university ath letic Hold this afternoon, whon the members of tho froshman and the Ne braska state agricultural oollego teams lino up against each ptbor at 3 o'olock. Dope aooms to point to the fresh mon as winners of this contest, aa the 'first-year men have dovoloped . nine which has handed the members of te varsity team a nice little defeat igore than onco this year In the prAitfee games. Freshmen Strong, The freshman squdd Is eao bt the strongest that has boen turned out at tho university for a good many years, In opposition t9 this toam comes the Aggies, who are an unknowa quality. The men of the state farm squad haye been practicing dally and hare woi a share of (heir games wlt)i soyeral pf tho minor teams around the city and tho neighboring suburbs, but they'h'ave' not run up against a team of any strength as yet. No one knows What .tboy-can-do-or-wlll-dorbufc-tne-freBhT" mon aro picked toglve them a good trouncing. Varsity Team Works While tho freshmen are commencing buskers play two games with each of these teams and tho mon are com- menclngo get anxious for the fray. Next lyednesday and Thursday, April 13 and 14, the pupils of Coach Carroll aro td play the Aggies from Kansas at Manhattan, and from .there they Journey to Lawrence, where they meet the Jayhawkers from K. U. on April 15vand 10. This will bo the first trip -that the team will take this year, and the games will bo the first of the regular schedule contests for the Scar let and Cream horsehlde artists. Between twelve and fifteen , nien will be taken on this trip and this will Include Ratcllffo,, Sturtzenogger and Sleuther, outfielders;, Clark, Watter, Metcalfe, Fellman, Lofgren and Cuin mlng, inflelders; Greensil captain and catcher; and , Mather,, Adsmp, Frank and Storms, pitchers. Men Delinquent, , Ono 'thing which at the present time Is giving Coach Carroll a lot of sleein less nights la the fact that thrpe pr four of the men on the squad are de linquent In their studies. This fact wllj prohibit the, men from taking tho trip unless they get their back worjc Ino good shape before he trip Is taken. Coach Carroll s urglag the men to get busy at tbejr, studio and th:i8 al low them to participate U lpUiette Iglate feasebalL 4 , I 7 - ---, (f