' t THE DAILY NEBRASKAN DIRECTORY. Business Directory Evory loyal bulvoralty student 1b urgod to patron ize these Nobroakan advertisers,- and 1 Glean Gut Clothes Msis-.esSBsBBBBBjBBBBSBSBBMSMBiBSBSSissiSMSBssssi for Clean Cut Fellows t montlon the Nebraakan wmio ap ing so. i BANKS First Trus. fe SavlngB BAKHIUB8 Folflom BARBER SHOPS Green's BOOK STORES Co-op. Unlvorlsty CLEANERS J. 0 Wood & Co. Wobor'ff Sultorlum- Joo, Tho Tailor. Tod Marrlnorr OLOTHINQ FarquhAr Magoo & Doemor Mayer Bros. Palace Clothing Co. Spolor & Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. COAL Gregory Whltobroast CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy Kitchen Tommy , DANCING ACADBMT 1 Lincoln' PITTS DOCTORS . Dr. Cramb DRY GOODS Miller & Paine Rudgo &. Guonzol DRUGGISTS . Rlggs ENGRAVERS Cornell FLORISTS C. H. Froy CHAPIN BROS. FURNISHINGS Budd Fulk Mageo & Doomer Mayor Bros. Palaco Clothing Co. Rudge & Guontol Spolor & Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. HATTERS Budd Fulk Unland' Armstrong Clothing Co. Mageo& TJoemor Mayor Bros. Palaco Clothing Co. Rudgo & Qucnzel Speler & Simon ICE CREAM Franklln Ice Cream Co. JEWELERS Hallotf Tucker LAUNDRIES Evans OPTICIANS Shean Howe. , ORCHESTRA - Thornburg's. PHOTOGRAPHER Townsend PRINTERS Simmons Van Tine , RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch Cameron's Y. M. C A. Spa SHOES Armstrong Clothing Cex. Beckman Bros. Budd Men's Bootery Rogors & Perkins Mayer Bros. Mlllor.fc Paine SHOE REPAIRING Electric Shop Store ' SKIRTS Skirt Store TAILORS Elliott Bros. Gregory Herzog Joe, "Ae Tailor.' . LUDW1G. THEATERS Oliver Orpheum. Lyric TYPEWRITERS Lincoln Typewriter Br. Underwood Typewriter O. .i - .!.,'. . . - t mm? tftanJ W waryoro rWi g tftatylvy PskskskiSRr HERE'S A STRONG HAT COMBINATION fclawcs Derbies - $3.00 Stetsons (soft unci derbies both) $3.50 to $10.00 No need to say more about such standard lines. Our L System Clothes, $15 to $30, are made with a dashing individuality of style that appeals instantly to the college man. They're made with all the care possible as to style, fabric, tailoring, originality. Our Kensington Clothes, $20 to $40, we urge up on the man who is particular about his clothes, and yet conservative. They cost a little more perhaps than some. Here's the reason: They're made es pecially to our order; we dictate the tailoring in detail, hand-tailored at that. The result: We can offer you Kensington Clothes made the way we know "good clothes" should be made, in quality, style fit, superior to most custom made clothing, but for much less than you could have a suit of equal value made. cMagee & "Deemer Lincoln- zAurora 2ed Oak The First Trust 4 Sav ings Bank 4 Per Gent Interest A $1 opens an aooount Corner JOth St O Srt Jll ST P U Bt ISH ED Webjter'i NEW-INTCRNATIONAL Dictionary, (G. & C. Mcrrlara Co., Springfield, Mas. ) surpasses tic old luUmziional ai azch as ihtt book exceeded its predecessor. Ec.tor in Chief, Dr. W. T. Harris. l"or:r U. S. Con of Education. Tho definition have been re arranged and amplified. Tha nuabcr of term defined has been sacra than doubled. The Ety mology, synonyms, pronunciation, hare rs- reived unsnarlnc scholarly labor. The lan guage of English literature tor over aeven centuries, the tcrminolony -f '-he arts and sciences, and the cvery-day jpicch of street, shop, and household, aro presented with jull- ness and clearness. In si:o of vocabulary, in richness of general information, and in con venience of consultation, the book sets a new mirk in lexicography. 400,000 words and phrases. 6000 illustrations. 2700 pages. Yrit to tit poblUWi for Spiaa Ptjti. I - V OLYMPICS WILL BE HELD NEXT SATURDAY FIRST AND SECOND YEAR MEN WILL HOLD ANNUAL CONTEST. SOPHOMORE MASS MEETING TONIGHT Tug-of-War Will Be Different than It Was Lalst Year Even Will Begin at-9-0'clock.Saturday Morn ing Freshmpn Confident. 9 ' JC" I "A I tfeLw .bVV sssk. BbbbH CONCORD EVANSTON 7tta Ara-Hotch wttu uattonholo THE NEW Arrow COLLARS FOR SUMMER. High enough for looks low enough for comfort and plenty of room for the tie to slide In. . ' Uc.ftch,3forSSc. Clum. reatxxly A Co. Arrow Cuffs, see. Tho loiifr looked for sophomore freshman OlympicH will be held S:if uidny morning. The first and second year clnsses ill then flKht for suprem acy. The boxers and wrestlers who havo long been in training will bo given the opportunity to show their prowess and the marathon runners will do their utmost to Imitate. Si. Ive. Tpm Longboat, et al. The other valiant classmen avI.I simply pobo as targets to receive tho blows directed by their determined opponents. Bloody noses, black eyes and torn clothes will predominate after ovoryono Is exhausted and too tired to light longer. Then will tluj victors inarch proudly down the street shouting victory jlhd the van quished sneak through the alleys with hanging heads, on tip-toe and speechless. Tho glrlB will not be left out of, the contest, far from It. They will sur round their favorites and cheer them to victory. Decorated -with their clns colors, they will closely watch the progress of the battle as Interestedly as the women of Rome watched tho contests of tho gladiators. Free-for-AII Changed. The only change In the list of events will be In tho manner In which tho free-for-all will be managed. Last year tho freshmen weroplaced behind ono line and tho sophomores behind another. At a given signal tluy rushed forward and tried to pull tho members of tho opposing class back over their line. This year the stylo of freo-for-oll used at Hchlgan'and Cornell will bo used. A piece of canvas six feet square 1b used. Three sophomores' take hold of one side and three fresh men will' take hold of the other, Th other members of tho class will Hue up on two lines forty feet apart. At h given signal they wlK rush together and each class will endeavor to pull the canvas back over their own lino. The class which Is able to do this two out of three times will be declared the winner. The other events will be light, mid dle and heavy-weight boxing and wrestling; the marathon race and the tug-of-war. Five points will be given for first place In the marathon, throe points for second, and ono point for tilled. The tug-of-war teams will be composed of ten men from each, of the classes. Sophomore Mass Meeting. The sophomore class will hold a mass meeting in the chapel at seven o'clock this evening. The meeting will be in the nature of u rally for tne Olympics. All ot the new sophomoio songs and yells will be practiced and everyone will wear the class co'oiv All Olympics committees are re quested to meet In 117 Wednesday -it 12 o'clock. All arrangements will be made at this time. Dr. Condra and Referee Campbell will bo present and will give Instructions aB to how rho meet Is to be carried out. The freshman committee has hon changed. Tho committee as appoint ed by the president is as follows1 Chairman Kosltsky, Ray, Tonoy, Clark, Lehmar and Funkhousor. VACATION MONEY You buy on crodit pay when old and koep tho profit 601, to lOOlprofit and monthly prize to our agent Independence for Teachers and Students who oil and aUrvrtlio our l'ATKNTKI) UTKAit COOKK.lt anil complete line of l'UKK ALUMINUM COOK1NQ UTKNS1LH. An oniiortuntty to make IUa.00 and oror ervry month. Experience not noceuory. Write miw for particulars. AddrcM BALED MANAOER. AMERICAN ALUMINUM MANUFACTURING. CO. LEMONT, ILLINOIS j CORNHUSKER CANDIDATES BUSY. UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER r S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 1 STREET, YELLOW FRONT Tur ratrsac Solicited Three Men In Sophomore Class Want Jobs on 1911 Annual. The candidates for the positions of managing editor and business man ager of next year's CornhiiBkor are busily at work. It was announced that Dana Van DtiBen and C. L. Clark "were candidates for business manager and that Guy KIddoo had entered the race for managing editor. A mistake was made in naming tho ofllces for which Mr. Kiddoo and Mr. Van Dusen wore candidates. The names of these gen tlemen were simply changed about. Mr. Kiddoo 1b a candidate ' for busi ness manager and Mr. Van Dusen Is running for the managing editor's Job. At the present time Claronce Clark Is the only other man in the race. This election will occur on Thursday, April 14. Not much Interest has as yet been aroused, but It is thought that things will. warm' up next week. The Flonzaley String Quartet Oliver Theatre APRIIrth Philip Halo, the Boston Critic says: "Thoy need fear no rival in this country today." Prices $1.50 to 50e- Soats now on Sale Hot Drinks iiiiMBHmiiMBHaaaananaa art now in season. Do you know say place where you can get as QUICK SERVICE as yu can at ournew store? No aetd of being crowded Lincoln Candv W" m 1 1 V , v fkitcnen 1400 S. W. Cmrawr v