IRebraehan .. be Datlv Vol IX. No. 109. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1910. Price 5 Cents. GREEK LETTER MEN WILL HONOR AVERY VICTORIOUS TEAM IS BACK FROM BIG MEET Kappa Psl hotiBO. Talks and a feed and a general .good time are the pro gram for tho evening. Every man Interested In track athletics is Invited. VARSITY MAKES 0000 IN FIRSTPBACTICE GAME MATHER HAS LEAGUER8 AT HIS MERCY FOUR INNINGS. THEY PLAN GREAT BANQUET FOR CHANCELLOR APRIL 13. GOVERNOR WILL ATTEND ASJHJEST Several Prominent Lincoln Men Be on Tost List and W. E. Hardy lll Preside At Lindell Hotel. to i'rovernor Shallenberger, Mayor Don L. Love. Dr. James T. Iees, Superin tendent Stephens of the Lincoln pub lic BchoolB. W. B. Hardy, and "Bill" Eaton, humorist, and the hoard or re Ken tH will be the guests of the Ne braska fraternities at a great ban (uet to be held in honor of Chancel lor Samuel Avery on April 13 at the Lindell hotel. These men have ac cepted the invitations of the Greek letter men to lo honor to Nebraska's IKjpular chancellor in the first annual banquet that the local societies have conducted. One idea has been paramount in the minds of the fraternity men in ar ranging this banquet that of making the chancollor and the state feel that the Greek letter societies of this state institution lire a power for good and that they feel a deep gratitude toward Samuel Avery for the Arm hand e has UBed in conducting affairs of the University of Nebraska. Working for New Spirit. The Greeks -wish to bring together every faction In the university that this school nia become a greater power In the educational circles of the country, and that it may secure a spirit of fair play a spirit which will result in establishing Nebraska as the leader In athletics and all branches of endeavor in this section of the coun try. Just because there is aJine of dis tinguished men who will speak in re snonso to the call for toasts, is no uiirn this Imnnuet. is Koing to bo a sol7 emn occasion. On tho contrary, it is going to bo a time for Jollification, when all good fellows will get to gether and have a big time. The toasts will be limited to ten minutes each. Tho subject matter of each speech will be of vital interest to every man in the university and it will be put forth in a manner mai will please every man who is present. At this vital moment in the affairs of the university, when more money Is needed for jts professors, Us colleges, and its maintenance, there can be no doubt that Governor Shallenberger will say something that every person interested In the university will bo eager to hear. It will ho interesting matter that the chancollor will have to speak on for tho benefit of tho fraternity men. Ho Is riot a fraternity man himself, but he has come in close contact with ", " the Greeks of this school during the ' past year, and ho will say things that ought to bo hoard by every fraternity -studenL W. E. Hardy, who is to he the toast master, is an alumnus of sigma Chi, and is one of tho most active alumni fraternity men in this section of tho country. Ho is "next" to the affairs of tho Greeks in this school. Ho has a message from the fraternities that will contain several meaty bones. He takes the broad view of fraternity life. Dr. Lees Has a Good, Word. Dr, Lees, whose faithful work in tho interfratornlty council has made him a popular man with every one whom ho has had dealings, will have just a few tilings to say, but ho wTil put thorn forth in a sincere manner. Ho has "been a, father to the Greeks' of tills school, and his words will bo accepted by tho fraternity men as though they were uttered by parents. ' v Superintendent Stephens, Phi Delta Theta, will tell a few stories regard ing fraternities of the universities. He lias some ideas about h'lgh seliool fraternities that will be worth hear ing. A member of tho board of regents will speak for that body, and he will let the students know what the gvo ernlng hoarVl of this school, thinks of the Grccksr - Then "Bill" Katon, a humorist who Is crowding George Ado, Chauncer De Pew, and the other after dinner speak ers for first place as the most popular provoker of laughter, will be on hand. He is funny to look at, but to hear he is simply Irreslstable. Several comedy "stunts" have been arranged to make the evening a joy ous one. There will be songs of all kinds popular, university and oper atic. There are going to be some good Jokes on somebody, too. The joke makers will spare no one; nobody !b too high or too low in -station to get "his" from tho fun makers on April 13. The fraternity men who are in charge of the banquet will be pleased to have any suggestions that may be offered In conducting the affair. Two committees have been appointed by the Greeks. "Hap" Haliigan is In charge of the arrangements, and Olydo B. Elliott is chairman of tho committe on toasts and entertainment. These men will be glad to hear from any one who has a worthy suggestion. Tickets can bo secured from mem bers of tho committees. Single tick els sell at $1. SILVER SERPENT PLEDGES Thirteen Sophomores to Wear Pin of Junior Society. Thirteen sophomore girls were pldeged to "Silver Serpent," tho hon orary Junior girls' society. The names of those pledged as given out last night follows: Ula BatCB, Pi Beta Phi; Laura Peterson, Alpha Oniicron Pi; Nettie Hill. Alpha Chi Omega; Edith Gannt, Chi Omega; Doris Wood. Kap pa Kappa Gamma; TfiTzeTPerrinT Delta Delta Delta; Louise Barr, Kappa Alpha Theta; Cornelius Llndscy, Delta Gnm ma; Hazel Johnson, Alpha Phi; Elsie MathewB, Florence Hush. Mnrgurite Kuncle and Alvlne Zumwinkel. MANY SUBSCRIBE FOR ANNUAL. Over Six Hundred and Fifty Since Friday Morning. More subscriptions for the Corn busker have been taken in a shorter time this year than ever before. Since tho stnff began taking subscriptions Friday morning over six hundred and fifty students havo subscribed for this year's annual. This makes a total ofJ over eight hundred copies that havo been subscribed, for so far this year. A tabic will bo placed in the hall of tho library tills afternoon. -Those wiio haven't subscribed and who wish to do so will be able to subscribe at this time. After today subscriptions will bo taken at tho Cornhuskcr office un der tho Administration building until the entire edition Is sold. This will give every student an opportunity to subscribe. A certain number of thfs year's books are being held for tho alumni. In case these are not all subscribed for by the alumni they will be thrown open to the students. A largo number of alumni subscriptions hav.e already been taken. . Tells of Velasque. Tho entire afternoon of Saturday was taken upby the Portfolio Club In listening to an address by Miss Hay den on Velasque, Sho told of tho work of the Spanish Tarllst, and was illustrated by a number of copies after his works which she made while i In Spain. j CHICAGO, KANSAS AND IOWA SUC CUMB TO NEBRASKA. FIRST WITH TWENTY-ONE POINTS Attendance Equals 3,500 University Band and 100 Rooters Cheer Ne braska Burke Runs Exciting Race Nebraska Stars. Nebraska's track team got back Sat urday from the big Omaha meet elated over their winning first place over so many of the crack athletic teams of the country. The total number of pointB won was twenty-one. Chicago was second with nineteen points, Kansas third with eighteen, and Iowa fourth with fourteen points. Two hun dred and fifty men took jmrt In the different events. They were the best athletes of the west, representing uni versities, athletic clubs and high schools. Nebraska would have had a much larger score had her athletes ' had more experience and longer training. .McDonald, Just out of the hospital, was unable to do his best. Among the Nebraska stars was Amberson. He won the two! mile run by a full lap, and did it in better time thnn it was run in the United States last year and nearly equal to the world's record. Burke won the quarter-mile champion ship of the west. The finish of this event was one of the most exciting things of the meet. It had tiie spec tators on their feet, nnd Burke won by a very narrow margin. His princi pal oppon'enl was NevJtt, running un der the colors of tho Kansas City Ath lectlc club. He Is the same Nevitt who played quarterback with the Has kell Indian football team here last Thanksgiving. Burke's work hns been attracting much attention this year. Three Trials. Funkhousor starred in tne shot-put. Three strnlghtTrlahTlie put the shot over thirty-seven feet. .MoBt meets are won by a put of thirty-live feet of less. The meet lasted till about 12:30. The university band was present to help cheer the Nebraska men and there were also about one hundred Nebraska students present. The attendance equaled 3,500. large crowds were present from Des iMoines, Kansas City and Omaha. A number of world's record holders were present to ucl as judges. Among tlieni was Dr. Clapp of Nobraskn. J. E. Sullivan, secretary of tiio Amateur Athletic Union, who has had charge of tho American Olympic team for tho past four yenrs, was present. Governor Shallenberger, who in his student duys was tho champion sprinter of the Uni versity of Illinois, was among tho dis- tinguished guests. The meet was a financial success. The individual winners for Nebraska were as follows: Burke, first in 440-yard open. Anderson, first in milo handicap. Hoed, second in open 50-yard dash. Funkhouser, second in handicap shot-put. Lindstrom, first in polo vault, tied and won toss. Collier and Flack qualified for semi finals in hurdles. Powers and .May qualified in semi finals, in 50-yard dash. ' Tho whole team showed they were not outclassed by any team in the west. Tho relay team led against Drake until the last man foil, and tho Drake runner passed him before," he could go on again. The Omaha meet has given track work a big impetus at Nebraska. T.hey camo back with tho determination to do things this spring. There is to be a big boosters meetngvof track, men to be held Thursday night at the Phi ROOSEVELT FOR COLLEGE HEAD Mlnneapolis Writer Suggests Him as President of Minnesota U. - Tlu'odoro-IlQosevolt-for-tho presi dency of the .Minnesota State Univer sity! This was tho suggestion made to Governor Eborhart by a Allnnoap oils writer. The correspondent makes a strong case for (he former president and Is sure that the lion hunter would ho Just the man to train the husky Gophers and grapple with all foot ball and other questions of Import ance that confront the head of the great Institutions. He says: "The question came ttp a short time ago whether or not any effort had been made to secure Theodore itooso volt ns president of the University of Minnesota. It would seem to us that $25,000 a year to have him here as president of the university, Inasmuch as It would be the greatest advertise ment that tho university could havo and would double tho number of stu dents." St. Paul Dispatch. SPRING PRACTICE OPENS Varsity Men Commence Training for Next Fall's Work. Football again! Yesterday a squad of about eight men reported to Associate Coach Ew fug for spring football practice The work for next fall's football season opens up this spring and tho men aro thus brought into direct connection with tho revised rules which will be placed In effect next full. A slight mistake in the timo sot for practice caused a number of tho men to report late yesterday. Today's practice will open at 1 and close at 3 In order to give the athletic Held to the baseball squad. Try New Rules. Coach Ewlng announces that tho men will be trained In the new game and play will bo run In accordance with tho rules recently adopted by'tho national rules committee. Yesterday the men spent most of the time In punting and catching the hall. If enough- men roiort in the next few days, teams will bo lined up nnd the men will be taught the new game un der a system of plays which are bek Ing formulated by Coaches Cole and Ewlng. Coach Ewlng wishes nil the men who intend to be out for football next fall to report for spring practice. Tho work will commence 'at 1 o'clock each day and last until 3. Tho spring p mo tive will be carried on for about a month nnd at that timo it Is hoped that the men who will bo out for tho game next fall will havo a thorough understanding of the game and thus bo able to go Into play without hav ing to learn tho preliminary work which would 'otherwise bo necessary. The Rules. Before adjourning its session Sat urday to meot ngaln in Philadelphia to, complete its work," the intercol legiate football rules committee ten tatively adopted six Important changes. They probably will bo defi nitely adopted at tho next meeting, They are: 1 Removal of jho 5-yard restric tion on tho player who receives the ball from tho snap back. 2 A requirement that seven men bo maintained by tho offensive on tho lino of scrimmage. 3 Prohibition of tho flying tackle. 4 Division of tho game Into four periods of 15 minutes each. 5 No pushing or pulling of tho runner to be allowed. ' 6 Limitation, of the onside kick to twenty yards beyond the lino of scrimmage. ' . FRANK AND STORMS TWIRL WELL. "Jasper" Clark Beats Gagnler in Footrace and Draws Applause of the Few Fans Who Were Present. With tho wind blowing at a two forty gait Coach Carroll's pupils went up against Don Dosplaln's Antolopos yestorday afternoon, and when tho smoke had cleared away thoro wore 12 marks chalked up for tho leaguers wlillo tho Comhuskors had hut 5 simoleons to content thomsoIvoB with. But with tho wind friBklng along. "Cotton" Mathor, tho boy with the black hair,' certainly in ado monkeys out of tiro Antolopos for four Innings. Not ono of Despnln's tried and trusty warriors was ablo to nnvlgato around the four BnckB nnd nnry-n-ond was able to draw a freo tickot to tho initial Hack. Game Fast. Tho game yotBorday was a practice gamo for Iwth teams, but neverthe less both teaniB showed that they wore ablo to play tho national game. Botli teams played a steady game, which lacked any spectacular features. "Jasper" Clark, who officiates around the initial sack for the 'Husk- ers, was able to beat "Dago" Uagnier to second In a footrace, which called forth applause from the faithful who Journled forth to seo tho gume. Frnnk and Storms also tried tholr hand nt twirling1 tho horso-hle for tio varsity, and tho work they did gavo Coach Carroll's heart an in creased mlpltatl6n. , The varsity lined up as follows: Qreonsllt (captain), catcher; Clark, first fjnse; Walters, second; dimming and Lofgren, third; Metcalf, short; Slower, TTutcliffe and Sturtznogger, fielders; pitchers. Mather, Frank, and Storms, TARISCA WINSJCHAIf I0NSHIP Last of Series In Gym Contest Held Last Night. Tho closing cotests for tho univer sity gymnastic championship ..wore pulled off in tho armory last night. Tablsca won ilrst place and, In addi tion to the tltlo of champion univer sity gymnnBt, will receive an "N," The horizontal bars and flying rings were the events of last night, result ing as follows: Horlzonal bars--Ta-blsca, 23.7; Dawson, 22.3; Moorh'ouso, 22.2; Weavor, 20.0 J Trump, 19. Rings Tablsca, 22.3; Moorhouso, 21.7; Dawson, 21.3; Weaver, 18.3. This, togethor with tho result of the previous contest, gives Tablsca 109.8; ' Trump, 108.8; Dawson, 101; Weaver, 7G; Moorhouse, 43.9; Rheeso, 30. The team which will compote at Minne sota in tho western Intercollegiate gymnastic contest will bo chosen from these men. The meet Ib to bo held April 10. ELECT ORATOR TODAY, J. L. Rfce'and J. E. Bednar Are Only Candidates. ' The. position of Ivy Day orator will be settled at a meeting of tho senior class today. As yet thoro aro only two candidates In the Hold, both mem bers of the senior law, class and both' university debaters. These men are 'John ,ln Rice and James B. Bednar. Baked beans, baked on the promise and served hot with delicious brown' bread, 10c. at The Boston Luach. o