The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 01, 1910, Image 4
V A THE DAILY NEBRASKAN " New Illustrated Cat R 1CG alog containg infor ' m'ation valuable to booklovcrs, including full des cription of the books offered in this great Sale. Secure a copy of this original and interesting book catalog. Note! These Qenuine de Luxe Sets are off ered exclusively by us In this city. They should not be confused with ordinary sets, sold everywhere. Special Attention (liven to Mall Orders. UUfl& Clearance Book Sale ryA Our Editions de Luxe at About One-Fourth Subscription Publishers Prices! T JLt 1 iV A 1 !!-, We nt fa,lurcs "onK Subscription Publishers enables us to make the blRpcst and IjCginS lVlOIlQciy- lVlOrmngf pni frtll most important offerinjc of High-Class. Books ever made in this city. 45 lots of STarulurds Sets in 7. styles of binding AT ABOUT ONE-FOURTH P ICfcf. HbtTnot delay your selections for Just now you can secure these fine Library Editions de Luxe at prices that arc almost incredible. Snmoln Ulndlntf Irish Literature! t CosyrliMed It Joka U. horrli ft Co. JUSTIN McCARTHY. Editor In Cblif Thousands of txioklovcrn linvo bouitlit this vnlunMo and Interesting set of books nt the Mull subscription prices, pnylnrf nlxn t four tlnicsour present mile prl rs 1 lie act contains about 50(10 ptiftf s, Inrito clear ty;c, ex tra lino witter marked pnper with nuiny full -pntfc Illus trations, colored plates, luilf toned, etc I'nrt of tho Inst volume In prlnti (I ln(!ncllc, with Fritllli translations on optKiflto prices The n't is complete In five (x tnvo vol umes with coitions inilcxis. 'Iho "A Leather llinllntt Is very linndi)ine, with gold bocks, Hold tops, c loth sides, wide lenthcr corners. A denulne hdltlon dc I.uxn Sub. Price $32.00 Sale Price, $7.76 Sub. Price, $24.00 Sale Price, $6.00 MHHtl 1MMH! l BVf 1IhhHi HMH M Hi"Nl'l Extrn .Hold Cloth tops, Imnnnfnnf rUnfina' TkiAldoi Shikitpnri will bi told itpirittly. Clotb Dladlnf AllljJUl lain, HUllVVo pir volant, aut ; toll Liitntr per volami, OOc. The Aldus Shakespeare! See Catalog for Full Descriptions kmsm tt. '.VWAV.,i5i:d,,rA The Ideal Handy Sobicrlptlon Edition 40 volumes In tkli ntw Aldai Sbiktiptira eich pliy formi t volume compltti Is Itself, tad tbt nt 1 1 a mijalflcent Sbtktiptireia Library olielattly wltboit oncqail In complcttatsi oad coavenltact of form, n wll ti la biiaty tad qiillty Iti unrivalled editorinl features includo voluminous notes (nt the bottom of the p utes) ly (iollancz. Hudson, Hcrford, comments hy nil the world's tfrcut Shukcs penrenn niithorllios, cimplcto Introductions. tfloshurlrs nnd synopses Tlio typa 13 oxtrn lanje. printed on Aldus do Ltixo paper each putfe watermarked and there is n photogravure frontispiece In cncli voliimo. Copyrighted nnd published hy.Uiaelow, Smith & Co , New York. FULL FLEXIBLE LEATHER BINDING The full red lenthcr used In binding was imparted expressly for this edition, (iold tops. tfold backs with ((old crest on over, ns shown in cut, silk ribbon marker, sizo 4 In. by 7 in. Sab. Price ptrset, $00.00 Sale Price, $24.00 MAROON ART CLOTH. Tlio Aldus Shnkcspcorc Is nlso bound in extra Imported seml-llcxiblo cloth, very durable. Snk. Pria ptr set, $48.00 Sale Price, $12.00 World's Best Poetry! Di Lou Edition Copyrlfbttd by John P. norrli ft l. CLISS CARMAN. Editor In Chlif wlta fluy Auoelitei Coituininu about fiOOOpiiics printed on superfine paper, wllo margins, excellent typi, I2J full piit' illusira tij ii, photilravuro pir traitj, colore I plates and It ilftviei.Tinronrocoplous In lex;jennblin(oTe ts find inst'i'itly any p.morqi3 Uttoi, ouitltatintt a vjlu nblo reference wjrk. Tho sat is campleto In five vol urn's. In this valuablo work nre nnny copyrii(hted i3jiiii. I tcl'idt-d by rtirinii sim of Houtfllton, Miflllti & Cjinpatty, The Century Cjinpnny, Scrlbners, etc. Suprrtly boaad In Tbrttqurter Ltithtr, old topi. Norrli piptr ildci, iold bicki. Edition deLau. Sub. Prici, $32.00 Sale same in cloth. Sub. Price. $24.00 Sale Price, $7.7S Price, $6.00 Read And Use This Special Price ListOrder To-day See Catalog for Full Descriptions Check (X.) The Dooka You Want AINSWORTH 8 vols. Lei. BURNS 0 Toll. H Lei. BALZAC 18 toIi. YA Let. DANTE, H. W. L. 4 yoIj. Cloth DANTE, H. W. L. 4 wli. X Le. DE MAUPASSANT 10 vols. Cloth DE MAUPASSANT 10 vols. Lis. DE MUSSET 10 vols. Cloth DE MUSSET 10 vols. X In. DICKENS 20 vols. Cloth DICKENS -20rolir!4 Lei. DUMAS 18 vols YA Lei. EMERSON 0 vols. K Lea. ELIOT 8 vols. K Lei. FIELDING 0 vols. Cloth FIELDING 0 vols. Let. Sub. Prlco $35.00 $35.00 $72.00 $ 6.00 $25.00 $35.00 $49.00 $35.00 $49.00 $60.00 $90.00 $80.00 $25.00 $35.00 $22.50 OUR PRICE $ 8.75 $ 8.75 $18.50 $ 2.95 $ 6.25 $ 7.60 $11.25 $ 9.00 $12.25 $14.7.5 $22.50 $19.50 $ 6.00 $ 8.75 $ 5.50 $30.00 GIBBON 8 vols. i Lea. GUIZOT'S FR. 8 vols. Lea. GREEN'S ENG. 8 vol.. X Lea. GAUTIER 12 vols. X Lea. GOETHE 7 vols. X Lea. HAWTHORNE 0 vol. Cloth $33.00 $35.00 $25.00 $48.00 $30.00. HAWTHORNE . 0 wis. X Lea. HUGO 10 vols. Cloth HUGO 10 vols. X Let. IRVING 10 vols. X Lea. IRISH LIT. S vols. Clo'h $24.00 $ 7.50 Check (X) Tho Dooks You Wont IRISH LIT. 5 vols. X Lea. KIPLING 10 vols Cloth $ 7.50 $ 8.75 $ 6.25 $12.75 $ 7.50 $ 6.25 $35.00 $35.00 $49.50 $45.00 $ 8.75 $ 7.50 KIPUNG 10 vols. :V Lea. KINGSLEY 7 vols. Cloth KINGSLEY 7 vols. X Lta. LONGFELLOW 10 vols. Cloth LONGFELLOW 10 vols. X Lea. LONGFELLOW 10 vols. Full Lea. LAMB 8 vols. X Lea. LOSSING'S U. S. HIST. 4 vol,, cioth LOSSING'SU.HIST; -A-rohr--u. H!H HLBACH 18 vols. X Lta. ORIENTAL TALES IS Vols. Cloth PLUTARCH 8 vols. X Lta. POE 10 vols. Cloth POE 10 vols. X Lta. PLATO 3 vols. X Lta. Sub. Price $32.00 $30.00 $39.00 $20.00 $32.00 $35.00 $49.00 $75.00 $35.00 "$20.00 $26.00 $72.00 $75.00 $22.50 $35.00 $49.00 $15.00 OUR PRICE $ 7.75 $ 6.25 $ 8.75 $ 6.50 $ 7.75 $ 8.75 $12.00 $18.50 $ 8.25 $ 5.25 $ 6.75 $18.50 $16.50 $ 5.50 $ 9.00 $12.00 PEPY'S DIARY 4 vols. X Lea. RAWLINSON 8 vols. X Lea. SMOLLETT 6 vols. Cloth SMOLLETT 6 vols. X Lea. SCOTT 24 vols. Cloth $10.50 $ 11.75 $24.00 S 6.00 SCOTT 24 vols. X Lea. SHAKESPEARE 20 vols. SS $25.00 $25.00 $22.50 $30.00 $75,00 $ 3.90 $ 6.25 Check (X; Tho Books You Wont SHAKESPEARE 10 vols. X Lea. SHAKESPEARE ALDUS EDITION (Solo Scparatcly) 40 vols. Cloth Cloth Per Vol. 40 vols. Fall Lea. Full Lea. Per Vol. STEVENSON 10 vols. Cloth STEVENSON 10 vols. X Lta. STERNE 6 vols. Cioth STERNE 0 vols. X Lta. SCHILLER. S vols. X Lea. hTHACKERAY 10 vols. X Lea. TAINE'S ENG. LIT. 4 is. X Lea. TRAVEL LIBRARY 0 ! X Lea. WILDE 10 vols. Cloth $ 6.25 $ 5.50 $ 7.50 $17.50 $100.00 SHAKE.SPEARE. 20 vols. X Lea. SHAKESPEARE 20 vols. Full Lea. SHAKESPEARE 10 vols. Cloth $60.00 $90.00 $130.00 $35.00 $24.50 $14.50 $22.50 WILDE 10 vols. X Lta. WORLD'S BEST POETRY s vols, cioth WORLD'S BEST POETRY s vols, x Lta. Sub. Prlco $49.00 $48.00 $ 1.20 $96.00 $ 2.40 $30.00 $39.00 $22.50 $30.00 $20.00 $45.00 $21.00 $33.00 $35.00 $49.00 $24.00 OUR PRICE $12.00 $12.00 30c $24.00 60c $ 7.50 $ 9.50 $ 6.50 $ 8.25 $ 5.25 $12.50 $ 5.50 $ 8.25 $ 7.75 $ 11.25 $ 6.00 $32.00 WORLD'S GREAT LIT- o "is. cioth WORLD'S GREAT LIT. 10 you. X Le.. ADDISON 1 vol. X Lea. AURELIUS 1 vol. X Lea. BACON 1 vol. X Lea. CHESTERFIELD 1 vol. X Le. $29.50 $ 8.75 EPICTETUS 1 vol. X Lea. FRANKLIN $40.00 $50.00 $ 6.00 $ 6.00 $ 6.00 $ 6.00 $ 6.00 1 vol X Lea. $ 6,00 LINCOLN 1 vol. X Lea. WEBSTER 1 voL X Lea. MINT JULEP 1. vol. Cloth The Travel Library! aaaaafldflaaaaaaaaUJlllB fcfATB illlfl Mjtwgagapff i iiJiiiiaiaMaarepjrwinaaar Prlittd tt Tbi Rl wsidi Prtn Copyrlibttd by noa(b(oa,mtllln II Compiay Tbo a lU valamti ccitiln 2S7B pi(ti at tett, tad 28J lllaitritiaai from drtwlai b Ja:tphPtant)l,iadpbfto gripbi. Prlitt4 oi taptrflat pipr Tbo MuterworW of Fimou Anurias Trtvdcrt C0NTEMS C? THE SET SIX VOLUNEJ 1 OirOUUomi. byHUbiaWI Hifttboiat. A clinic on Lag llibll'oiadnuaacri. 2.1b AmcrlcinlnL'olttad, By Will ltd Elliot Grulli. A aio t f :c!ait:a work. 3. A Llttli Tear It Fnaco. By Uary Jimti. Studird work ta Ibli lapott'lt iabjct 4. Cm tlll:t)iyi. UyJeknHiy. A tiiir.iicrica pua,pi:i is ia- $ 6.00 $ 7.50 $ 9.50 $ 11.25 $ 1.25 $ 1.25 $ 1.25 $ 1.25 $ 1.25 $ 1.25 $ 1.25 $ 6.00 $ 2.50 $ 1.25 $ lTTol World's Great Literature! 'Lossing's U. S. History! slI ft B ft.1l.. I.- .-. 1. ItflllUta fUftd tUtat.lIsi lUUAffailW ftrtlillaaf II v ?""-ty: .i1"" "-';;.., "i ". "w,i .w.7:"7..i-v : ;.:.:r;.r.fVi..i..v llraaiTO.-o.ia iaiUTtai.oyvanci vuicy nr. iuumi( itmi,wjmi." ELECAHT THUEEQUAUTE LEATHE1 BIRDIM. Gold top.tVd backs, marhlrd sides, wioe leaincr corners, cacn dci iscatrrtuu paucu . onuiiu wu- Sukcrlptioi Price, $33.00 Sale Price, $8.SS The Masterpieces of Ancient and Modern Times Mm TaUiSTON PECK. L II. D., EditoMa Cbltf. Fnak R. Stockton d Jallu Htwtkorao, Auoclito Edltori. latndaction by Jobs Rasitll Yonif. This great work Is similar to Tho Warner Library and In many respects consldt red superior, It covers tho entire field of literature, with biographies of all tho authors and selections. from their works. In no other set of books can so much entertaining and instructive rending ba obtained in such compact form. As a Literary Encyclo pedia und Reference Work it Is invaluable to every home library. This Monumental Work, 12,000 pages, is printed on superfine Diblo paper of extra lino quality and opaqueness with a puro white dead lustra surface. Although each volume contains 1,200 pages the 'superior quoli y light weight paper affords a delightfully con venient 12nto. sizo volume, a decided relief from tho cumbersomo form in which such volumes aro usually presented. There are many full page illustrations. Tho set is completo in ten volumes. Three-Quarter Leather, Sub. Price, $50.00 Sale Price, $11.25 Buckram Cloth, ' Sub. Price, $40.00 Sale Price, $9.50 " Utct Sabicrlptlon Edition KoMitdtmut, iuiu A completo ind fiicimtlaj aimtlvo of oar country's life from cirlleit tlmti to tb prticnt diy. Dr. Losslnit was more than a his torian, and lie wus more than an en fiitfinft writer, though to be sure he was both of these, but he was also a great authority; a court of last re sort lor facts and data; and from his fitnttmnnt thpr.t 1 nn nnnpnl A Plctorlil Nirrtl, lnclediao cr 1000 lllai tritloai la:ladli( miay fall pip colortd Dhtti' br P. 0. C. Dirltt. Tbomn Nut Chippll,Powtll,Trambali,UiUr,r1.ttbiws M Manw tfJBBBBBrl.'BBBa Ranal SSS 55 SS '''.!'.l KSSf MpjaS RaSsi MM) BH''.'.''A Baaaf WSH MM 38 B'fi rjn nw; iniui nn '...i j 9aaaV 5BB& Bm SbbbW HH''"t'',dH aviVl I RVI 1 1 an Vt 1 1 RJaf I aaaaa .' "!' 'avJ nKAAjpjiaajRuiMja.HjivaaaviBnnaB anani 2 29 tmn M BawJ SP. alj JJ1 fflF cal nprodtctltai of tbo ctlibnttd Brody c)lliliaofh)to(riphiefCltllWorbcrot, urtai, Lta, aairmia. jouion, aatruia, jita loa, tt: , etc. Tbtit prlctliti tf itWti wtrt loiatdbytkiSemtiryofWtrrortbliwork, tai may cf tkcm art hero prodnccd for tbo flr.t tlms. Tb:ro aro miny mopi. THIS SUBSCRIPTION EDIT10I1 It coiiltto la fair HMrh .rlav. vaIih.. .rlatiJ tu lapcrflaa wovo piptr udo oiprtirly for tbii edition. CopyrUkttd by L0SSIKG BI5T0XT COMPANY. Lxathe?i?indirer Sub. Price, $26.00 Sale Price, $6.75 nunckramc.oth Subt Pricet $20.00 Sale Price, $5.28 A