The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 01, 1910, Image 3
t . 't THE DAILY NEBRASKAN SPECIAL NOTICE! Six Pairs of Imported Mercerized Hosiery 75c Saturday we place on sale a special purchase of Men's Imported Mercerized Hosiery. Navy Black, Helo, Res ida, Gun Metal, Dark Grey, Wine, Reo-Tan, Brown and Purple. Your choice of colors, six pairs to box, 75c. rTrTT. . m .. . i i """ M," !. . MAYER BROTHERS Lincoln's Leading Head to Foot Clothiers OLIVER THEATRE TONIGHT, SAT. & 8 AT. MAT. MAX FIGMAN IN " M A R Y J A JNLEJ 'JB PA" "NlgHC f.MIo 60c. Mat $1.00 to 25c WEDNESDAY NIGHT, APR. 6 ELSIE JANIS IN "THE, FAIR CO-ED" Prices $2.00 to 50c ttMTS iBfl tXrJ JmMM W. m BHBBMTflj 7W-A , r BoysMy Spiring line of woolens are stunners. See them ! L. J. HERZOG 1230 O St Fine Tailoring ' PERITORIC LENSES Does Away With Reflection SHAPED TO THE EYE HOWE -. OPTICIAN 319 No. J2th Cincinnati $2.50 Shoe 1 Store and Electric I 1 Repair Factory J New Location- 142 North 12 C. H. Froy, florist, 1133 O street. Lucllo Brown, is visiting with Miss Scott at Omalm and will return on Sunday. ? Cbapin Bros., florists. 127 So. 13th. Dr. Guernsey Jones has been un able to meet his classes this week be cause of' sickness. It is hoped that he may return to his work next week. Thornburg's Orchestra. Auto 5877. Mr. France, York, and a former stu dent in the university was a visitor at tho Phi Gamma Delta house yester day. .Try a lunch at the Y. M. O. A. Spa. 13th and P Sts, Ada Morgan, Baslino Tully and G. It. Raymond went to Ashland last night to Judgo on a high school declamatory contest Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe, 11R-110 So. 12th street. Dale McDonald, who is under quar antine, is now almost recovered and will bo able to return to school in a few weeks.' Green's Sanitary Barber 'Shop. 120 N. 11th. Geo. Reeder, Phi Delta Thota, has been unablo to attend school for the last few days on account of sickness, Ho will bo able to bo on tho campus For young men we show some spe cial styles L-System Clothes, $15 to $30--with a. little Hiore5napandin dividuality in tailoring and fabrics than might suits older and more con servative wearers. For the young man who hesitates at anything, approaching the extreme, and yet is particular we urge KENSINGTON CLOTHES, $20, to $40. Correct, ' stylish, reliable they Fit- and Stay-Fit. CAPS to be worn more this spring, especially by college men. ' Duck" Bni,nB"ull"og7Suto, Golf the 'latest and all the styles. They're beauties, $1.50, $1.00, 50c. MAGEE&DEEMER KENSINGTON CLOTHES . MANHATTAN SHIRTS STETSON HATS I INCOLN AURORA RED OAK again Monday. Miss Veletto, Qould of Lincoln has been compelled' to drop out of school owing to outside work; which now, de- SB WARTHON'S YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE Tho Iruo value o oyo glasses avo mnko for you nroauRO they will bo first quality, fino looking. nwl fitting and bo a comfort to wear 119 well, rollnvo you Of li your oyo troubles and drivo away those splitting neauui'iios. HALLETT, Registered Optometrist mands all of her attention. " The Dramatic Club banquet commit tee wtfjl 'meet at noon Friday in U 106 to arrange for tho annual banquet which will 'u'd given soon..? ' "" ' "J FOUND -Tn Uni, hall, clasp pin bearing initial "M." Owner may havo same at ''Rag" ofllce. 107-3t TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES SOLD OR RENTED ' Ront Applies on Pnrclmso Price, Fiyo Days Froo Irinl before you pay. Two yours irmirnteo when" you purchase. Easy Terms. Got our 11st. auco. 2ubu; lieu 12U, B. F. SWANSON CO., Inc. 143 So. 13th St. v ) I ESTABLISHED 1871 " 1143 O STREET '