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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1910)
A THE DAILY NEBRASKAN The Daily Nebraskan i'HB PnOIMSRTY OP t mmt THE " UNIVERSITY OP N13DRABKA, Lincoln, Nobrunkft. PuhlliOicd ly . ,, TUB STUDENT PUBLICATION nOAUD EDITORIAL STAFF. t , . editor K. P. Frederick Managing Editor i:c5.r' J LoLd AnoclAte Editor T. M. Edgecombe Aitoolnto Editor R. D. Hnwley BUSINESS STAFF. wi t Manager Q C. Klddoo Anlitnnt Manager ..V. C. Hatoall Circulator C. Duchnnan Edltorlnl and Duilnesa Offlcei ABEMENT, ADMINISTRATION DLDO. Poitofflco, Station A, Lincoln. Nab. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance, v Slnglo Copies, B Centa Each. Telephonei Auto 1088. Night Phonei Auto 1B88 Auto 3844. INDIVIDUAlr-NOTIOEB will bo chunred for nt tlio rnto of 10 cnntH tlio InBortlon for evirv fifteen words or frnotlon thoro of. Fn cutty nntlcon nnil Unlvoralty bul letins will Mndly bo ptilillidwl froo. Entered nt tho postnOlco at Lincoln, Nobrnitlm, n 8onond-clnnu mull mixttor under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. . Advertisements for tho want column should be left at tho business office, base ment Administration building, between 10 . m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and B p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for ad vertlslng. at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction thereof the first insertion! three Insertions twenty-five cents) five Insertions forty cents. THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1010. ' Listen, Mnbol. Did you hoar thoso Junior caps? , So St. LouIb lnlcnda to nuido ny tho conforonco rules. That fablo concern ing tho cpldornila of a sheep Is still In tho ring. Nino moro Btudonts have hoard tho call of tho wild. Perhnps somo day tlio student body will begin to rcallzo that thoro Is a dogrco of "Bluffing" which ovon tho unlvorsity uuthorltlos will not tolerate. Tho annual banquet for all fratornl ty men Is another step In tho right di rection. Anything, however small or Shoes for groat, which In any way tends to Im provo tho feeling of fellowship bo tweon man nnd man In tho university ought to bo encouraged. Tho unlvor ' slty should bo n big brothorhood in stead of a collection of Individuals. Again tho univorslty Is to receive a visitation of tho glad hand and tho iron-clad smile. If ono of thoso stalk ors of human gamo should grip you by tho hand and with a grin ask how your school work Is going toll him you aro unclafslfed and can not vote. Notlco tho smllo fade; the grip loosen ns, with a disgusted glanco ho says, "Oh" nnd leaves you. " Silence! Did anyone Jiear a murmur from tho freshman or tho sophomoro? "Whoro Is all tho pugnacity of a fow weeks ago? Where- .Is all that thirst for goro which mado tho unlvorsity public fear that after all, tlio universi ty wbb threatened with a return of medievalism Gono. Disappeared With tho first faint breath of tho spring violet and tho drone of. the spring bee, Valor lies a slavo to tho hook-worhf. Tho matter of "no license" for Lin coln received tho hearty commenda tion of a number- of representative men from both the faculty and student body nt convocation yesterday. Dean Richards sounded tho key-noto of the situation In Llncrln when ho drew u lino between prohibition as. a gener- al Iseuo and "nov license" as a local . issue. Lincoln is what might ' bo termed a collcro or school city. This places the question of llconso or no license In n particularly prominent po- - ,sItlon, nrd throws a gocd share of the responsibility on tho voters of- tho university, F.very' student should ro wember that It Is not a question of general prohibition, , but tho, local question,, "shall Lincoln havo saloons?" CONVOCATION THI8 MORNING. Special Mooting at the Temple at 11 -Addresr by Dr. Aylsworth. Thoro 'will bo n apodal convocation at tho Tomplo today nt 11 a. m., at which Dr. Barton O. Aylsworth wilt spoak Dr. Aylsworlh was formerly presldont of tho Colorado stato agri cultural college and has boon called by Sarah Piatt Docker "tho finest Bponkcr In that stato." Dr. Alysworth is on nblo nnd schol arly speaker andlB well known as n lecturer throughout tho mlddlo west. Tho subject of his addreBB tomorrow will bo "Woman and tho Ballot In Col orado." On account of his travel ovor tho stnto in his agricultural work Dr. Aylsworth is well qualified to Judga tliaroHulta-of, woniunHUftxago in Colorado. Ho will no doubt prove jvnlntoroBtlng sponkor on this impor tant quostlon. IVY DAY COMMITTEE. Appointed by President Hawley of the 8ophomore Class. Tho sophomoro Ivy Dny commlttoo wns appointed yesterday by President Hawloy ns follows: C. A. Emory, chairman; Loulso Barr, Oratio Walker, Ruth Honnlngor, Irono Bailey, P. P. Smith, T. Q. AndrowB, J. D. Pomoro'no. This commlttoo co-oporntos with tho commlttoo from each of tho other claB8cs in arranging tho details of tho lunch and ontortalnmont for Ivy Day. Mr. Burko, who is aBslBtlng In tho farm mochanlcs dopnrtmont returned yostorday tho J. I. Caso cngino, which was borrowod from that company. In return ho received n cofnploto now out fit. Honco tho boys who havo not flnlBhod their farm motors will got to llmbor up a now engine. Men AGRICULTURE T $3.50. Those $4 and $5 Kind At n rocont mooting of tho tennis association at tho farm, Profossor L. W ChaBo was mado president with power to appoint a commlttoo to as sist him in tho management and caro of tho court. Ho has appointed Pro fossor V. V. Wostgato as secrotary and trensurer, whllo Mrs. Rugg 1b tho third member of tho committee. Mrs. Rugg will havo chargo of all rosorva- eta FOR ATHLETIC MEET AT OMAHA m FRIDAY, APRIL 1ST TAKE THE CHICAGO-NEBRASKA LIMITED ON THE ROCK ISLAND Leaves Lincoln Promptly a.t 4:05 p.m. Plenty of Room and a Seat For All KTfTf! 77 City biiuth tlon of tho courts. Henco all persons desiring to reservo the court for fi pe dal games will sco her. Last yoar very littlo restriction was mado as to who should uso tho courts, biit on account of tho cost of keeping them in order it has boon decided that members may ask friends to play with them, these friondB to bo considered as guests. However, employes nt tho univorslty fnrm will not bo considered as guests. Tho courts are boing worked Into chapo and nB soon aB wo nro favored with a good rain they wil bo in excel lent condition. Inasmuch as tho weather was such during tho bast winter that it was Im possible to work at concreto outside, tho class In this work has been un able, to du much,.J)ut jiojwthat llie. basomont to tho old boiler houso In.' ben nrranged for concreto, thero is hopo that in tho future work with this material will bo of tho very highest or der. ' Mr. Jones, school of agriculture, '10, was called homo last week becauso of tho death of 1i1b grandfather. W. P Snyder, superintendent of tho substation farm at North Platto, wishes to havo six mon to work on tho fnrm during tho summer vacation. Ho will pay from $30 to $35 per month with room and board. C. P. Chaso, of tho class of 11)10. left Thursday for his homo on thn Chaso farm at Pawnee City. At this placo ho will spend a fow dnyj then contlnuo to Manhattan, Kansu?, nt which placo .ho will take up Ma duties in tho Kansas Agricultural coMngo us Instructor In farm mochanlcs and farm management. During tho summer he will havo chargo of somo of tho corn breeding work. Mr. Chaso graduated from tho schol of agriculture In 1904, artor which ho spent a few years In farming, then ho returned to tho uni versity and lins boon assisting In tho various departments whllo completing his collego course. Last summer ho worked with Professor Montgomery In BUDD 1415 O St. tho corn brooding work and put in his sparo tlmo making a grain drill- and threshing- machio; Although Mnj Chaso does not recelvo his dogroo from tho university until Juno, his ex perience on tho farm and In tho corn Improvers' association, along with his collego training, should make him ex ceptionally woll prepared for his now position. THE Office 1141 O St. Bell 304 Auto 3304 ' Depot 20th and O Sts Bslh312 Auto 2272 Special Sale Saturday YOUNG MEN'S SUITS AT $ 1 5.00 Blue Serges, Nobby New Grays, Worsteds ancLChevoits You will notice at a glance tho great values in the Suits. They aro made by K i reel ibn urn and tho style and lit is perfect. All wool of course. Palace Clothing Co. 1419 "O" Street It Will Interest You To know that we have just received a new ' , and complete line of Dresser Scarfs and Lunch Cloths Also a beautiful selection of Center Pieces with two and three rows of drawn work and edged with Torchion Lace These on Sale Friday 59c to $1.50 A now spring showing of Sofa Pillows and Library Scarfs during this sale 39c to 75c. U. Herpolsheimer -Co. Art and Needle Work Dept. 2nd Floor Mrs. Stevens,- - - Prop, and Mgr. w Summer Shoes iror louner Men r Perfect fj that means comfort and coolness custom style C:vc3 a. cmarU clrescy effect. v... ...:.. iuu cv lu: (j ci coning both these features in vour summer footwear if you come to us for a pair of aL Regal quarler-sizs3 insUre you rmy beand the n-sw R;Cal models custom styles. J j;i let m sltou) ou the SPEIER OF Wi that jlsj.S (IJ T ffl $350 $400 $500 hi u .OtOji SHOES an exact fit, whatever your foot-length are accurate reproductions cf tho latest new Regal Oxfords they'll do the rest. & SIMON V -A V, -I WLMLJW.'wwwm V MUM 'tT Wlf'8am'wir-n S'