fJr- IX t .ih.i.iuhi, mi 111 !. ' mm'tiiurtnttl9iir!mmmmtmiitMmmimmrmmmtitutmlin'ttimi. t: i.niininiinMiiJamWwii i n'milin. - j-.u.i... ,ilwlilllil- 'fits-simMllttAjrMMflMya !SfMHlU3 w A THE DAILY JtfEBRASKAN ifcyi-yil iiiii t It s ' I i.t L P ' H . II ill I! tfi ?! i h in I M i t, t I,; i i j ! : I III I 1 4 I U m; i .1 ' 'v; l"I The Daily Nebraskan TUB PROPERTY OF fHB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Nebraska. Published by . THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD EDITORIAL STAFF. Bdltor K. P. Frederick Managing Editor .Carl J. Lord Aiioolato Editor T. M. Edgecombe Aiioolate Editor R. D. Hawley BUSINESS 8TAFF. tjj Manager C, Klddoo Aitlitant Manager V. C. Hatcall Circulator C. Buohanan Editorial and Business Offlcei ASBMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofllce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb, SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 5 Cents Bach. Telephone! Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1888J Auto 3844. ' INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will be charged for nt tho rnto of 10 centii tho Itmortlon for every fifteen worde or. fraction there r; Fncu1ljrriolldea" arid UrilVertlfy bul letins will hlnrlly he published freo. Entered at the postofTlce at Lincoln. Nebraska, na second-class mall matter tindor the Act of Congress of March 1, 1179. Advertisements for the want column hould be left at the business office, base ment Administration building, between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for ad vertising, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction thereof the first Insertion; three Insertion twenty-five cents j five Insertions forty cents. THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1910. As no more caaoB of small-pox havo Tjoon reported in tho unlvorslty tho spread of tho disease may havo boon stopped. Tho precautions taken by tho authorities on tho discovery of tho cases, whilo thoy may havo fright onod a fow, wero only thoso mado noc casary by tho omorgenoy of tho mo mont. With a gurglo and a splash tho fountain Is at it onco moro, Its bene fits aro no longer restricted to tho re freshing of ono thirsty student at a' time. Four streams now play In tho' cement basin. Tho fountain has at last taken its proper placo In universi ty affairs. It is no longer a mako- Ladies Sample Shoes shift representation of tho real arti cle Back to tho old campus and to work, -ahimmer-ofth'o- now "togs" and-tho dazzling glaro of 'tho new hats; our nerves aro still shattered by tho stren uous weok or rest; our inner man is still torpid from tho offects of mother's homo cooking. In fact wo aro in fino condition for anything but study. Tho biggest meet In tho west to bo held In Omaha tomorrow? Surely you havo been misinformed. Tho big tales of tho Marathon and Olympic contests of mythology aro but want advertisements In tho "more mention" column when compared with tho stor ies circulating about tho campus in Tcgard to tho magnitude of the Omaha moot. And what is Nebraska to do at this meet? According to "dope" bo lng circulated at present, Nebraska bids fair to win in tho events for which she Is entered. Tho band will bo thero, a special" train will carry tho Nebraska delegation, and tho var ious organizations will havo boxeB. Tho magnitudo of tho moot in tho yos of Nebraska students can scarce ly bo limited' to any comprehensible arcs With a yellow howl "Tho Cotner Collegian" (yes, a neighbor of ours) comes out with a special edition. It Is certainly a complete bibliography of Cotner slang done up on tho vilest of yellow paper. Professors spanking wives, chancellors ousted, bathing the cow, Greek professor wedding actress, dean killing burglar with talk, popular pastor caught In hen roost and many other screams of frenzied Imagination delight tho readef. When it comes to stuff so yellow that it is sticky and so thick that only a tongue-tied native of China could pronounce it, Cotner has tho Denver Post backed down Into the middle cf the Proterozolc Ago dig Irig for clams. O0000000000000 0 CONVOCATION Temperance Rally MEMORIAL HALL 0000000000000000Oe0000000Oe HIGH SCHOOLSf THE STATE This column Is conducted for the benefit of the high schools over the state. News Items may be seni In by any school. Alliance. On March 24 Alliance was roprosont od at tho' district contest in Bridge port by Lura Vanco, orotorlcal; Ralph Thomas, dramatic, and Beulah Smith, humorous. Fivo citioa woro ropro sented in this contest, and Alliance won first in orotorlcal, first In dra matic, and socond In humorous. The stato contest will bo bold In tho near futuro, but tho location has not yet been detormlnod upon. Tho tennis club has boon roorgan Izod and tho courts aro now constant ly in uso. By tho gamo with tho Sidnoy high school on March 19, Alllanco again bo camo champions of western Nebraska in basketball. Only twlco In hor bas ketball career has Alliance high boon defoatod, first by tho athlotlc club from Ardmoro, South Dakota, thon by tho Peru Stato Normal by a scoro of 13 to 10. In both thoso gamos Alll anco was forced to uso an almost en- tiroly now line-up bocauso of illnoss Uand injury among tho mombors of tho team. Ardmoro was later de feated on hor own floor. Immediately precirdlirg tho boys'ncontosrwith-Sldi noy, tho Alllanco high school girls de feated Sidney by a scoro of 18 to 9, thuB winning tho championship of wostorn Nebraska, and northeastern Colorado. ThiB Is the first year of girls' basketball in Alllanco and thoy aro very much olatod over their suc cess. Falrbury. On last Friday ovoning about 100 pu pils of tho Falrbury high school ac companied the hoys to Boatrico. A special train left hero at 6:30 and re turned at 12:30. Tho Falrbury boyB had ovorythlng their own way from tho. start and tho gamo resulted In a score of 38 to 12 in our favor. Tom and Cedric Spraguo wero star players. This is the fourth successful gamo which wo havo played with Boatrico this season. Hastings. Miss Hazel Parks (Hastings high school, '11) who won first placo In tho annual declamatory contest, will .represent Hastings In tho district cbntost composed of tho schools of tho south-central portions of Nebras ka. Tho chorus of Hastings high school Is rehearsing nightly under tho direc tion of Miss Cox in preparation for tho first annual May festival to be held during commoncomont week, the latter part of May. For tho first tlmo In several years nasungs nign scnooi nas organized a baseball team. Tho regular schedule has not yet been completed, but two games havo already been played with the Hastings college team, of which the college and high school each won ono.. OO O O000000000 $ TODAY II O'CLOCK 6 Tho senior class of tho Hastings high school will begin rehoarsfng on their immediately aftor tho spring vacation. Only ono play Is to bo produced this year, Instead of two as in former years. Tho senior and junior classes of the Hastings high school tendorod Pro fessor P. B. McCoy a farewell recep tion at tho Y. M. C. A. parlors on Fri day evening, March 18. Mr. McCoy will leavo In a fow days for his now homo in "Wyoming. Ho 1b a Nebras ka graduato and has beon very popu lar as tho head of tho department of science in Hastings high school sinco 1903. Grand Island. At tho declamatory contest held on Monday night Dorothy Kalmdn, '12, won first and .Walter C. Rauort, '11, second. Grand Island was defeated In her flrBt gamo of baseball by Wood Rlvor last woek by a scoro of 6 to 5 in eleven innings. Tho girls basketball team won from St. Paul Friday by a scoro of 17 to 7. Out of tho seven games played this season tho girl's toam has won fivo. Tho Kearney normal may bo playod soon. $4.00 and $5.00 Values. Patent and button, Gun lace, any kind made, $2.50. BUDIO 141 5 O St. Debates. Doan W. Q. Hastings, Profossor L. E. Aylsworth, 'Professor Churchill of Wesloyan woro Judges.Jit-thoAuburn-- Wymoro debate, hold at Auburn last Friday night. This was tho first con test In tho second series of tho south eastern district. Wymoro, tho win ner, will now debate tho winner of tho Humboldt-Falls City debate for tho championship of tho district. Wy moro won tho championship of tho dis trict last year and was represented In tho final debate held here by Mark Hargreavo. Wymoro was represented by Cyril Brown, Waldo Winter,, and Victor Coulter. Alleta Snow, John Stoddard and Ruth Kelliger epoko for Auburn. NEVER KNOW if you NEVER TRY When you want to got Cloanlnfr and Pressing uouo by band and not by muculnory bring your clothes to JOE The Tailor who la also a Specialist nn altering and ro fitt ing your clothes up-to-dato. MARGARET M. FRICKE Dressmaker of Style and Economy UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN University Bulletin MARCH. 30,. Wednesday, 8 a. m. Spring vaca tion ends. 30, Wednesday, 6: B0 p m.Y. W. C. A. mid-week meeting. Mrs. W. T. Elmore. 31, Thursday, 11:30 a. m., Memorial Hall Sophomore meeting. 31,, Thursday, Sophomore class meets at 11:30. Men who Dress Well Will Appreciate our Wash NccK Wear Men will buy these WASH TIES not only for their present but future needs as well For Collars THE "ARROW" points to us. Concord is the newest, with the Ara-Notch. 2 for 25c I "Furnishers to Men Who Know" r mrnK MRvMwivs(HBrrwMBV'Bf rrnrnnrafr ViawnaMi 33 .. ' -wimm '.K--ym' -- ,-&$ r f I! V " ; i ! . . ...,...,.,v,.,.,.,: f ' ' ' ' " w " ! - - ' MISS HELEN LACKAYE Leading Lady .with Max Figman, who conies to the Oliver on Fri day, Saturday and Saturday Matinee, April I and 2, in "Mary Jane's Pa" Junior. Reception and Dance1 u So A N' .April 2, 1910 TEMPLE HALL Simply to introduce our extensivo as sortment of Wash Ties we aro offering; for the remainder of the week 60 Dozen Forded WASH FOUR-iN-HANDS AT 3 FOR 50o The Ties offered are a regular 25e value and well made in a narrow folder or reversible four-in-hand. The assort ment comprises plain colors, bias stripes, figures or panel designs. PURE SILK HALF HOSE AT A PAIR 50o Guaranteed al ISilk, spliced heels and toes ; wear better than lisle ; colors, tan, grey, helio, hunter green, navy and black. SPRING NEGLIGEE SHIRTS $1.00 TO $2.50 We are showing a very comprehensive assortment of Spring Negligee Shirts in Scotch or Domestic Madras or in Por cales in light or dark effects. For YOUR PERSONAL RELIEF Light weight Lisle Union Suits, l'rosoknit Union Suits. Linen Union Suits. B. V. D. Union Suits. In fact, underwear to supply your needs for "NO." Tickets Si. OO 8 P.M. s i I " 4