THE DAILY NEBRASKAN V 7 r ki! X a ft OLIVEK THEATRE TODAY 2J30 TONIGHT 8:J5 Brewster's Million Mat., 76c to 25c Night, $1.00 to 25c Thur. and Fri., March 2425 THE SERVANT IN THE HOUSE Prlcca $1.50 to 50c. 8aturday, "THE GREAT DIVIDE' Hair Dressing, Shampoos, Rib bon Ornaments for Evening Functions. Manicuring for Gentlemen. Margaret Mills 118 SO. 12TK STREET. AUTO PHONE 7294 RUK BNaHtYH Boys My Spring line of woolens are stunners. See them! L J. HERZOG 1230 O St Fine Tailoring The Owl Pharmacy Northeast Corner 14th and O Streets Hot and Cold Drinks at Our Fountain PERITORIC LENSES Does Away With Reflection SHAPED TO THE EYE HOWE OPTICIAN 319 No. 12th Cornell University Medical College A coUoro dofp-oo is required for admission. Advanced standing granted atudonta proHtnt lne Batlsfnotory credentials from acoroditod inodlcal colleges. Bvory facility is offered to undergraduates seeking tho dogreo of Doctor of Modlcluo. Aiuplo facilities are also offorod qualified graduates to pursue original Investi gation in any department. For furthor par ticulars apply to Thi Dim, Ctratll Unlunllf Midleil Colliii, First Avo. and 28th St., Now York City. BrinrYourNextJob-ofPriatiBrto I V AN TINE PRINTING CO. and Get Satisfactory Results 5 128-130 No, 14th St. Auto 3477 . SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros. TAILORS 142 SOUTH TWELFTH Quality Counts THAT'S WHY - FRANKLIN'S , ICE CREAM ' IS SO POPULAR - We make a specialty of fan cy creams, sherbets. Ices and punch for Frat & Sorori ty parties. Whipping Cream always on hand. Bell 205. 1 Auto 8181. 1818 NSt Hot Drinks M now in season. Do you know any place where you can get aa QUICK SERVICE aa yau can at ournew store?' No aecd of being crowded Lincoln Candy Kitchens. v. Mtk JbO Ceres jj)Campu8j) x$H Gleanings W C. H. Froy, florist, 1133 O street, Max Jamison of Morso Bluff, Neb., lms pledged Kappa Sigma. Chapin Bros., florists. 127 So. 13th. Miss Lucllo Dell. PI Phlv lefJLJieai. torday for Denison. Thornburg's Orchestra, Auto 5877. Miss Helen Vincent will spend the Easter vacation in Des Moines. i Try a lunch at tho Y. M. C. A. Spa. 13th and P Sts. F. P. JesBiip of Minatare ban been compelled to drop out of school be cause of ill health. Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe, 11R-119 So. 12th street. Miss Helen Stelnor, Alpha Omlcroii PI, is out of school because of hIcv- ness. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop. 120 N. 11th. Twenty out of the thirty-one Phi Beta Kappas at Nebraska were from the teacbors college. Hazel brown oxfords with two-Inch heels also shown at Men's Bootery, 144 No. 12th street, v ion Miss Nlta Hnzelwood went to York last night to act as jiftlge in a de clamatory contest held there. Pro fessor Turner of Wesleyan and State Superintendent Bishop were the other judges. YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE The true valuo of oyo glasses wo mako for you becuuso thoy will bo first quality, fine looking apd fitting, and bo a comfort to wour as woll, roliovo you of all your oyo troubles and drivo away thoso splitting hooduches. HALLETT, Registered Optometrist ESTABLISHED 1871 1143 O STREET Buy "Vlcl" eye glass mountings. On and off with one hand. Howe, Opti cian, 319 No. 12th. Kappa Sigma gave a dancing party at .the St. George "studio Saturday evening. - - An ICastor program will be given by tho department of elocution tomorrow morning. Dale McDonald, '10, spent Sunday with tho Knnsas chapter of Phi Kappa PsI. DO Alpha Chi Omega gave a dancing party for Alpha Tnu Omega Saturday ovenlng. -i Tho members of Delta Gamma en tertained their friends nt'the chapter house Friday evening. ' . Miss Huyden of tho art department will Bpend Sunday in Kansas City vis iting at tho homo of MIbs Marian Hart, '09. I r After the concert Saturday evening tho members of the Chicago Glee Club serenaded tho different sorority houses. . Carl Modesetto Just left for Sidney, Neb. He will spend two weeks In the western part of the state doing qpeclnl work for the geology department. H. F. Wunder, '10,'nnd William Rail dall, '13,. have returned from Denver, where thoy attended a banquet given by the Sigma Nub of Colorado. . Director J. L. McBrien left today for Bridgeport, where he will lecture under the auspices of the high school. H. H. HarriBon has been compelled to permanently discontinue his work in tho university because of weak eyes. ,' The members of Alpha Chi Omega entertained3the alumni members !Fri- day evening. They also gavo an af tornoon party in honor of (heir moth ers and patronesses Saturdoy. The grey oxfords and ties nro tho newest nobby footwear to be seen at tho Men's Bootery at 144 No. 12th Btreet. 105 Miss Esther Bailey, '10, left yester day for McCook, whore she will have charge of the physlcB and mathemat ics In tho high school. Miss Laura Swan of Auburn was called home yesterday because of the illness of her mother. She will . not bo ablo to return to school this year. After the junlor-freshmun debate yesterday morning- the team repaired to the Lincoln hotel and had an in formal feed In honor of their coach, G. N. FoBter. , Miss Howell of tho rhetoric depart ment wefit to Omaha today, where Bhe will give a reading in tho Y. M. ( A. of the Omaha high school tonight. Mr. Frank A. Harrison has Just re turned from Springfield, where lie de livered his lecture on "Nicaragua,'' given under the direction of the uni versity cxtonslon department. Dean Davin will during vacation at tend the meeting of college deuiiH belt! at Urbana, 111., and afterward attend the north "central association of touch ers In colleges and secondary Hchooh. held at Chicago. Dr. G. N. Anderson of the Swedish department will lecture under tho di rection of the university extension de partment tit Crounse April 23, at Hay mond April 24 nnd at Valley April 2fi. His subject will be ''Norway and Swe den," and the lecture will be Illus trated by slides. J. L. Watson of the Kansas Uni versity attended the Sigma Alplia Epsllon party Friday night. ChurleB Stewart of the faculty. at Iowa Uni versity and a former Nebraska man, nnd Charles Nelson of Aines, la., also attended tho party and banquet. The German play which wus t't havo been given In Omaha on tho 1st of April has been postponed on ac count of the indoor nthletlc meet t bo given on that night. It is now billed for the next night, April 2. Re hearsing is going steadily on, und all tho members of tho cust are enthua nstlc about their Omaha performance. Announcement has been received at tho university that G. Leonard Prltch ford, a former Nebraska student, bus been elected to tho Sigma XI honorary fraternity. Mr. Prltchford Is at the University of Minnesota and is doing work in tho department of chemistry. He is to take his degree as Master of Science this spring at that univer sity. MORE TROUBLE FOR LAWS. Commotion Among Freshman Class Yesterday. As tho freshman law cluss was peacefully dozing through one of ite classes yesterday morning It was rudely awakened by un unforeseen ac cident. , A largo part of. the plaster on tho celling fell without warning und caused great consternation. Some, awakened suddenly, Imagined that a terrible earthquake had occurred, and they started on tho run for tho door and windows. ,' Those who sat directly mhler the falling plaster were tlie first to learn tho real trouble. As the plaster fell upon their heads and sifted down their necks, they hurriedly .changed their seats, .holding their heads and digging the plaster from, their ears. . It wns some time before the class quieted down again nnd tho professor was enabled to continuo his lecture PHI KAPPA P8I WIN8. Dofeats Delta Yau Delta In Champion ship Game. Last night In ho armory Dolta Tau Delta and Phi Kappa Pel sottlod Clio championship of tho lntorfratornlty basketball league Phi Kappa PsI como off victorious by a scoro of 3G to 10. Tho first half was fast and cloinr;uluT ended wTtirtlfcHBcoro 10 to 12 for tho Phi Psls. A medium Blzod crowd witnessed . tho gnme. A first placo pennant will bo award ed to Phi Kappa PbI, whllo Dolta Tau Dolta will bo given n socond placo pennant. Tho ilne-up was as follows: Phi Kappa Psl. Dolta Tau Delta. Carrier 1. f Hunt Schwnko r. f Whitcomb Frlcko Kllllan c Alton Mulligan Klddoo r. g Heggolund Stelnhart 1. g Brooso Temple Tho officials woro: A. C. Bohmldt, referee; Dr. Clhpp, umpire Y. W. C. A. Thirty-live chairmen and sub-chairmen mot Monday night at the city Y. W..C. A. for tho first largo cablnot mooting of tho year. Presldont Lucilc Mlllor presided, nnd all chairmen re sponded with unusually good wrltton reports, considering tho fact that their work had Just begun. Tho mom-, bershlp committoo reported tho result of tho campaign. TIiub Tar sixty now memberB for tho month of March. Tho llnniico committee reported $27(5 on hand. Tho mooting wns made more attractivo by dainty litlo !Taco cards, suggestlvo of spring; which tho prac tical service committoo had preparod. 1 i i Classified Column Advertisements for this column should be left at the business office, basement Administration building, be tween 11 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 6 p. m. Want ads will positively not be In serted unless paid In advance, at the rate of 10 cents 'per insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first insertion; three Inser. tlons 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents. WANT ADS FOE BENT Nicely furnished rooms, with board, at 1119 K. 103-3t For Rent Two furnished house keeping rooms; modern. 229 No. 12th. 103-31 . For Rent Nowly furnished rooms; 1G centsa night, and a dollar a week. 231 South Ninth street. FOUND FOB SALE For Sale A now high-grade bicycle, at 25 per cent discount. Inquire at Nobraskan ofllco. LOST Lost I31ght-lnch slide rule, bearing owner's name and initials. Return to F. O, Wheelock. Telephone 2596. 103-3t WANTED PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DR. LILLIAN SNOW, 1339 O; hours, 9 a. m. to 9 p. ra. Diseases of women. Auto 3038. - " DR. C. H. RU8H, Surgeon. Richards .Block. , Both Phones. DR. J. R. HAGGARD, 221 Burr Blk. Both phones. LIFE INSUBANOE UNION CENTRAL LIFE, 8. B. Coon, agt., 216 .Richards block. onnniMinnniMMiiMMinminnnrmrma I I7V17VVOINS PTHED PRINTERS fc ftrlnt!ng, t 3 &S Bmbostalns 3 Auto 9819 817 South 13th tniiiimiiimimiiummuuinuiiiuniii, TYPEWRITERS All makes rentodwith stand. $3 par Month. Bargains in Rebuilt Machines Llnooln Typiwrltir Exohangi Auto 1100. Boll 1181. 123 No. 11th Th First Trust & Sav ings Bank 4 Per Csnt Intartst A $1 opins an account "I Corntr f 0th U O Struts 3 Cincinnati $2.50 Shoe Store and Electric Repair Factory New Location 142 North 12. AARTHOINS UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN II23 0 STREET, YELLOW FRONT Teur Fatrnafe Solicited Wbw from Cover to Cover WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY JUST ISSUED. Ei.kCkW,Df. W. T. Htrrli, f omr U. 3. Cm. f tin cslies. & Gesersl Iafonuliea PrscticsNy Dosbled. fi) DiTided Page: Iaportast WU Abore, Less Iaportsat Btlew. 4 CMtsJas Mere IsfomsUea of hterfft t Mere People Tims, Abj jOUer Dlctieasry, 2700 PAGES. 6000 ILLUSTRATIONS. 400,000 WORDS AMD PHRASES. GET THE BEST in Scholarship, Convenience, Authorhy,,Utility. Write for Bpeolrocn rates to C.ikC.MERRIAMC0.,PBVlUsn,89riwn(U.Mu. Tea will do bi ifww tentaUon thupsbiloiUoa. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. THE are the Largest Manufacturers -in the World of Official Equipment FOR ALL ATHLETIC SPORTS AND PASTIMES Spalding Trade Mark Ib knows trooghoot the world u a Guarantee ol Quality IFYOUig . ... "Port yo should bay a oopy 4 the BpaldlBg catalogue. It's acoraplet eeaoyolo pedla of What's New 1st apers and la sent frae oa raqaest. A..G. Spalding & -Bros. 147 AbuhjAye, Chicago ( 4r "