x W,.,4 ? 7JKiTS st-.- THE DAILY NEBRASKAN A ft I V, t I '. I it, 'i The Daily Nebraskan THE PROPERTY OP ..,.. TUB UNIVERSITY OP NEDRASKA, Lincoln, Nebraska. Published by . THE STUDENT PUBLICATION HOARD EDITORIAL 8TAFF. Editor K. P. Frodorlck Managing Editor ;:c?-ri J Lo!!d AMOclato Editor T. M. Edflecombo Associate Editor R. D. Hawley BU8INE88 STAFF. Mannoor - C. Klddoo Assistant Manager V. C. Hawaii Circulator C. Buchanan Editorial and Business Qfflcei A8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Pottottlce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Coplee, B Cents Eaoh. - I H Telephone: Auto 1888, Night Phones Auto 1888 Auto 3844. - INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for nt tho rato of 10 contu tbo Insertion for ovory flf toon words or .fraction there of. Faculty notices and Unlvoralty bul letlnn will blndly bo publlnhed froo. Entered at tho postofTlco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as aocond-olasfl mall mattor under the Act of Congress of March 8, 1879. Advertisements for the- want column should be left at the business office, base ment Administration building, between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 6 p. m. Cash must accompany all ordera for ad vertising, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction thereof the first Insertion; three Insertions twenty-five cents; five Insertions forty cents. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 2a, 1H10. A flock or "N'fl" hnB Bottled on' tho BWoatorB of Nebraska uthlotes. It Is noodleas to any that tho cbvototl "N" Btuntla for tho bunt in OornhuHker nthlotlca. Tho relay rnco. ut tho Kcuihiib City moot resulted In a victory for Ne braska which means much to tho track work. Choer up thoro aro n fow moro worlds to conquer, i. o., the Onmha meet. Tho "Mystic FlBh" has fallen Into our midst with a splash. Just what kind of a ilsh n "myBtlc" IIhIi is, wo, not being ornlthologlcally, or zoolog ically inclined, would hesitate to studying (?), when tho cook didn't got tho propor color schomo worked out on thoHo pnncakoB, when you can't And n clean collar button in your room nMto's drosBor or tho IioUbO cat Hooms to hnvo swallowed tho viBibfo supply of collar buttoiiB, when you havo crammed for a day on "IdloniB" and aro examined on "traiiBfation," you may fool a trifle "off color." Tho world does not prosont its usual roBy cheeked, plnk-eycd sldo to 'rouse your budding onthUBiasm. nut then this in not porpotual. Tho perpetual "grouch" is the man wo nro "gunning" for with an appro priate editorial penned by ono of tho faithful from a neighboring college. Ho snys: "Wo read a largo number of edi torials in college papers concerning the student with tho poroptunl grouch. Whothor students are moro suBcoptl bio to pessimism than laymen Ik a question which Uicbo weighty 'spiels' brings to our attention. It Is acarcoly to bo presumed that such Ib tho cnBO bIuco collego men have comparatively fow cares. However, tho species prob ably scorns moro numerous on nccpunt of tho fact that ono grouch can spoil tho ontlro day. "There is nothing that bo complete ly upsets a person on these fine morn ings us to walk, across tho cnnipus fooling happy and friendly toward ovorythlng, only to havo a wet blanket thrown ovor tho Joy In living by the porpotual grouch.. Ho 1b tho person bo brlBtllng with business and Impor tance that ho has no time for u cheer ful word as ho pubbcs you. Life to him Is measured only by the amount of work ho makes his uBsoclntes be llovo he Is .doing. "Thoro aro two grouches tho busl noHB grouch and tho common grouch or pessimist. Tho business grouch Is tho moro obnoxious because he comcB In contact with moro people. Ho Is all right as long us things nro coming hlK way, but tho moment you stroke his hair the wrong way he rofuses to purr. Ho imiBt have th' entire milk pun for himself or he refuses to lap Tho athlotle field Is now prolty woll crowded. Nevertheless tho prospects aro fine for a victorious team this year. MRS. WIQG8 ATTENDED. Fat Woman, 8nako Charmer and Bill Taft In Parade. Tho Y. W. C. A. poverty social Was a decided success. A poverty stricken crowd was In attendance and overy ono got thorojighlyoff their dignity Tho affair was a "charity organiza tion" bonoflt. Mrs. Wlggs Df tho Cnbbago Patch and Mrs. Ruggles ad dressed the nudlenco, while Bovernl children who had boon "benefited" gavo a short program. Ono of tho spe clal features was tho parade and cir cus, which displayed the usual fat lady, snako charmor, acrobat and an imalB. Bill Taft and Samantha and Jpslah Allen lent an added charm tc tho occasion. Tho bread lino had their usual diet changed to pop corn ballB and peanuts, and overy one went homo fooling they had had ono bright spot in their colorless lives. Miss Vibbard leads tho Tuesday noon meet ing and Mrs. Vincent leads th.6 Wednesday noon mooting. PHI DELTA THETA BANQUET. Celebration Under Auspices of Ne braska Chapter and Omaha Alumni Association. Phi Delta Theta frnternlty cele brated tho founding of tho fraternity nt Miami University on March 15, 1848, and tho constitution of Nobrnska Alpha chapter at this university thlr-ty-flvo years ago, with a banquet In Omaha last Saturday night at the Om aha Club. Tho colobratlon was under tho Joint auspices of tho Nobrnska chapter und the Omaha alumni asso ciation, and the company Included members of nearly overy large univer sity in the country. Tho banquet hall wus decorated in the colors of tho fraternity and the YOUNG MEN Who are compelled cither o! necessity or choice to ECONOMIZE and maKe their money go as far at possible arc invited to MAKE THIS STORE YOUR TRADING PLACE We are selling all cur $2.50 new and nobby spring hats lor $1.90 and our Suits at $10, $12.50 and $15 are $5 a suit cheaper than others sell them. Palace Clothing Co. 1419 "0" Street Be Refreshed Our Fountain is now open. Fruit Sundaes and Cold Drinks. We try to please all. S 1307 O STREET EASTER HATS $2.50. WHY PAY MORE? BUDD 1415 0 ST. state. Howovor, It lmporteth much of dark deeds and solemn wlg-wng ou tho part of sundry freshman co-eds when they moot In tho sacred wig warn under tho coral tree. It certain ly oughtn't to ,bo a Jolly fish. PorhapB that triangular meet would not bo a bad means of placing Ne braska moro llrmly on tho athletic map. Three men and twenty-eight women elected to Phi Beta Kappa honors. Next year tho slxtoon-to-ono stnndnrd ought to bo reached. At last wo havo found- ono man who has tho courago of his convictions, and, as wo thought, he is from Mis souri. J. Ed Crumbaugh, who has charge of tho publisher's ofllco of that university, appeared on tho campus yesterday In a straw hat. A FAIRY STORY. Onco upon a time there wus n senior class who wero so kind ns to donate a drinking fountain to tho Uni versity of Nebraska. So the fairy story goes. Tluit thoro may bo some foundation to tho talo fs believed by many students. In support of this be lief they show tho ruins of what they claim was at ono time the fountain beneath tho lurgo pine. They oven go so fur. as to assert that watep once flowed from this historic mound. That Is where wo draw tho line. As we gaze out of tho window at that pile of stones which nt, ono time meant so much to tho Thirsty of tho university, as we watch tho heat waves dance over Its glaring edge ns from a fur nace and feel tho parched side of our tongue scraping our dUBty palate, wo doubt whether water' ovor gladdened the heart of man in that fountain. If so-r-why not .now? up tho milk. Ho Is tho big Angora with lino hair, tho rest aro common maltose. So long us tho other cats stand buck and see him ro nt It ho "will purr nmT "eTfoTcTf lIko"a thorough- brod, but shut off his milk supply and ho hecomos n common 'Old Tom.' Ho makes ovorythlng around him miser ablo with 1Ib yowls simply becauso thoy cannot seo hlB born right to have ovorythlng Jimt tho way ho wants It. "Tho common, grouch generally sneaks off In the corner and meditates by hlgjonesome. Intermittent growls alono Indicate his presence. Ho is en tirely Inoffonslvo If lot alono, but ho is bad if stumbled Qhto In the dark. Oiie does not enre to ropent tho experi ence. "If thoro is ono characteristic which bolongs to collego men alono It Is cheorfulness. Whorover you see three or four students together you nro sure to find tho merry Joke nnd tho good fellowship. Tho grouch Is so alien to this atmosphero that he becomes conspicuous, and for this rea son college bdltors nro tempted to on largo upon his faults." TENNI8 COURTS BEING REPAIRED THE PERPETUAL GROUCH. When you have been up till 2 a. m. Usual Trouble In Lack of Court Room on Old Ground. The tonnls courts west of tho library aro being repaired by the members of tho club and It is expect ed that thoy will bo in first class con dition by tho end of the week. How over, tho poor condition of tho courtr has not discouraged tho many tennis enthusiasts from playing becauso 'the ground has been used continually for tho past few daye. , The same condition prevails this year as last in that thero is not a sufficient number of courts to satisfy tho demand. Some of tho club mem bers havo tried to get some space on tho 'athletic field, but at present it looks as If their efforts were In vain. pennant ,of every one of tho seventy two colleges where tho fraternity has chapters. Practically ovory member hero In Lincoln attended. Deforo tho banquet tho entire party nttondod the Orphoum. Tho manager of tho the ater had a number of tho artists wear tho colors of tho fraternity nnd of tho university. Tho Junior prom at Dartmouth will ,tuko place May 27.. NEVER KNOW if you NEVER TRY Whoa you want to got Cleaning and Pressing dono by hand nnd not by muchlnory bring your clothes to JOE The Tailor who Is nlso a Specialist on altering and refitt ing your clothes up-to-date. . MARGARET M. FRICKE Dressmaker of Style and Economy UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN University Bulletin MARCH. 23, Wednesday, 6 p. m. Spring vaca tion commences. 23, Wednesday, 7 p. m. Glee Club meets. 31, Thursday Meeting of senior class. 25, Friday, 5 p. ,m. Convocation. Prof. G. W. A. Lucky. "Shall Or ganlzed Play Bo Made a Part of the Public School' Curriculum?" 30, Wednesday, 8 a. m. Spring vaca tion ends. 30, Wednesday, G:B0 p. m. Y. W. C. A. mid-week meeting. Mrs, W. T. Elraora 31, Thursday, 11:30 a. m., Memorial Hall Sophomore meeting. "irYK h I . Get if ctlStciar0 Watch This Space -p University of NebrasKa SUMMER SCHOOL liVYfflifl l'rWtl Session begins June 17th and Lasts Eight Weeks. Fjor Information Address THE REGISTRAR . , UNIVEBSITV OF NEBBASKA 1 n M ft I )1P '1 Sn? mi m NJ ETSM