' T3SXGTZ3m$ t5"" -ajauMrawBwatfityi.i! 8H8KSHSKII&wbjww- THE DAILY NEBRASKAN B HlJUtrtV i h f I The Daily Nebraskan THE PROPERTY OP THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA, Lincoln, NobraBka. Published by . ..s THE STUDENT PUBLICATION HOARD EDITORIAL STAFF. .,,, Editor K. P. Frederick Manaalna Editor Carl J. Lord Aitoolnta Editor T. M. Edoecombe Auoclate Editor R. D. Hgwjey BUSINESS STAFF. Manager.. O- c Klddoo Militant Manager V. C. Hatoall Circulator. .C. Buchanan Editorial, and Butlneti Offloel "BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Poitofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payablo In Advanoa. Single Coplei, fl Centa Each. Telephone! Auto 18B8. Night Phonee "Auto 1B88; Auto 3844. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will' bo charged for at tho mto of 10 contB tho InBcrtlon for every fifteen words or fraction there of. Faculty notlOTB and Unlvornlty bul letlna will bladly bo publlnhed free. Entered at tho pOitofTlco at Lincoln, NeUi;aka, a ocond-olafl mall matter under tho Aot of Congress bf March 3, 1870. Advertisements for the want column, should bo left at the business office, base ment Administration building, between 10, a. m. and 12 m., or between z p. m. ana B n. m. Cash must accompany all orders for ad-' vertlslng, at tha rate of ten cents for each' fifteen words or fraction tnereor tne nrsi Insertion; three Insertions twenty-five cents; five Insertions forty cents. TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 1010. THE WEATHER. Ycslurduy wuh the twenty-llral day or March, tho spring equinox. The equinox linti been ushered In with the UHiiiil BtorniB and atmoBphorlc-disturb unccH. Tha Htorm center hoB been lo cated In (ho college or law and Its effects liavo been felt In varloim parts of the campus. Strang lassltudo liaa characterized tho Btudent aBinoBphero and will be followed by a calm which, according to predictions, will continue for a weok. Aftor tho calm predic tions fall to carry uh that far. Let us hope for settled woathor. tho pluck and tho enorgy to carry his course with honor. Ho haB not boon whirled away by tho flurries that so often carry a weakor. man far away from his college course. Ho may have played and played hard, hut ho has also worked and worked hard. We -can hnrdly admire a failure. We Bel do in admire a mediocre mmv or wo man. But wo do admire one who buc-cecds. Phi Pal vs. Delta Tau. This ovonlng at 8 o'clock the mom bors or tho Phi Kappa PbI and Delta Tau Delta fraternity basketball tenmB wllf meet In tho armory to decide the championship of tho Intorfratcrnlly basketball league. Both toama have won all the games on tholr roBpoctlvo sldOB and this game decides which team will hold the ilrst place pennant. PHI BETA KAPPA. Tho culmination, tho crowning Forestry Students Leave. Flfteon undergraduates- or tho for' est department loft Sunday morning for Halsoy, to bo gone two weeks. Tholr work there will be flold plant ing and nursery work, together with a . little in the reforestation of tho sandhlllB. This work npplicB on the amount, of required practice or Held work nceesBary for graduation. I V 8lgma Tau Initiates. Sigma Tau, tho englneorTng frater nity, hold an initiation 'Saturday nftor- noon at tho Alpha Thota Chi house. The following men were initiated: O. B. Van Borg, '10; H. C. Cussack, D. L. Hrlckson, F. H. Rosencrants and O. A. Bennett, '11. Tho annual banquot was held Saturdny evening nt the Lincoln, nt which many alumni members were presont. O. J. Shaw, '08, of Aurora acted as toastmaster. Interfraternlty Championship. Tho In'terfraternlly baseball cham pionship of laBt year will be playod off today. Tho championship at the close. oi the season last year lay be tween trie Delta Tau Delta and Phi Gamma Psl. Tho game will Jie played today nt 4 o'clock. University Republicans. All university republicans are .urged to be out for a meoting Tues day evening at the Temple. A speaker will, bo present, who will bo an nounced later. This Ib an important meeting and a full represontatidn is desired. . A. M. HARE, President. Receives Recognition. Dr. ('. W. Wallace of tho Univer sity of Nebraska Is receiving olllcial recognition in London nt tlio present time. The research work which he has been doing and which has result ed in the wonderful Shnkespoarean TRUCK MEN BACK Cornhuskers Make Good Showing-at the Kansas City Meet Saturday. The members of tho squad of track men who represented tho University of Nebraska at tho Kansas City meet last Saturday evening returned yeB terday. The men of tho squad made a good showing nnd are satisfied with the result of the moot. The chief glory of tho Nebraska men was win ning the relay race against eight teams who contested for thiB ovent. The Nebraska men had tho satisfac tion of defeating tho fast Drake team' which was conceded to win the race, and tho Cornhusker men nro now the champion relay team of tho Missouri Valley Two 'of tho Nebraska menvqunllfied in tho semi-finals and. the finals of the llfty-yard dash, but they .were unnblc to win placoB In this ovent. About fifty entries were made for this pvent nlone. In the hurdles tho Nebraska man, MacDonald, vas handicapped to such an extent that he was unablo to win a place, altnough wtlh the handi cap against him he made a showing worthy of commendation. The work or all the .Nebraska track men is now concentrated on tho Omaha meet, which will be held April 1st. You Won't Feel Right If You Are Not Wearing the Latest in Dress Ac cessories. " Furnish ers to Men Who Know" The Arrow Collar in the Very Latest Shapes GET A BUDD $2.50 HAT BEFORE YOU GO HOME. 1415 O ST. The New Crepe De Chene Neckwear for Spring QT The men you see at church, on the " street, in the theatres during the next week will be wearing the very newest and moat attractive Dress Accessories that can be found on the market. It has reached that period of the year when merfmake the 'rriosE radical change' in their dress and invariably it is their cus tom to become throughly posted before making their purchases. (JT We are rapidly gaining a reputation " for carrying one of the most up-to-date stocks of Men's Dress Apparel that can be found in the city. This un doubtedly is due to the fact that the department is entirely new; new man agement; new fixtures; new thoroughly posted clerks and last and most import ant an absolutley new stock through out the entire department CJT We invite your inspection and criti " cism assuring you that you will never be urged to purchase. Special attention is called, to our Window Displays, clear ly illustrating the very latest for Easter Wear. Rudge & Guenzel Co. Be Refreshed Our Fountain is now open. Fruit Sundaes and Cold Drinks. We try to please all. ySvw 1307 O STREET event or tho Bonlor year 1b, to many, tho announcement or tho Phi Bota Icifppn elections. "Tlioro-Ib tho Btu dent who hns workod hard, sacrificed much, and gained tho coveted key. Ho is happy There is tho student who Iuib not worked as hard, perhaps, but who has taken a lively lntoretu in tho world about him. To him tho key comeB as an incident in his college career. He too Is happy. Then thoro Is tho student who Iuib been compelled to support hlniBeir throughout his col lego lire; perhaps ho has been ill for a time; perhaps he has had special in terests In his college "r!7o which have caused him to nogloct a part or his courBo; or perhaps ho got a wrong start as a freshman; he gets no key. He Is maybe unhappy. Lastly, there Is. tho student who has deliberately noglected his work. Perhaps ho too feels a twlngo of regret at tho delib erate loss 'of tho koy. ' . Phi Beta Kappa, It TsSaT5To say, Is beyond tho reach of a few of tho stu dents who attend tlip unvorsity. It Ib the highest scholastic honor to be given to an academic student. Bu,t,lt takes a sacrifice to securq tho honor. -Some are unwilling to make tho sacri ,flce. 'Some are prevented from mak ing it. Those who nro unwilling to mako it can only feel roprot, it those things which they wore unwilling to give up for tho Phi Bota Kappa key (Were of less value than the, key, Those who were prevented, from, making the ' , sacrifice, through, other, moro neces . sary .sacrifices, should feel,. no regret. H Is unavoidable,- . ,. . ,,. Yet It is Inherent In man lo desire recognition. Phi Beta, Kappa is rec ' ognltiQn of scholarship, pure and sim- plei The student 'body admires th$ rfcholar,iie,does''not admire the grind, for It '-'feels'that he Is losing more ithan- ho gains, But the Phi Beta 'Kappakejr'does'nbt necessarily brand a student .fcs' agrlndt It' means that the ifltudhthaB'-merely :had the grit, discoveries is being oincially recog nized by tho government. The official records and documents which ho has discovered are bolng exhibited in tho museum or official records in London. Notice. . Freshmen who desire class caps should boo tho committee or solocitors at once, as tho last order goes In to night at o'clock. F. PHILLIPS. Chairman. Sophomores, Notice. Owing to the ract that this Is Phi Bota Kappa day, the registrar lias forbidden tho holding of any class meetings. For this reason the sopho more class meeting that was to be held' today has been postponed until tho llrst Thursday after the Easter recess. NEVER KNOW if you NEVER TRY When you wunt to got CloanlnR and Preying dono by band nud not by machinery bring your clothoH to JOE The Tailor who Ih also a Specialist on altering and refitt ing your clotboa up-to-dato. MARGARET M. FRICKE Dressmaker of Style and Economy UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN Dean Davis to Read Paper. During tho spring vacation Dean Davis will read .a paper on "Incent-, Ives to Study" before tho deans of the arts colleges In tho north central association convened at tho Univer sity of Illinois. He will' .also attend the meeting of the association nt Chi cago. . University Bulletin TpWWW Senior Finance Committee. Member's of the senior' finance and auditing committee are requested to meet in U10G Tuesday evening at5 o'clock. Members of this' clmmlttee are O. E. Berg.. Miss Esther Bailey and. Paul Yates. i .k ' . aR. L. COCHRAN,' J iv Comijiittdo.: I ; r-: . . fct' ''' Field Geoldgy. All members of courses 21 'and 22 are'VequeatSd to 'confer with' Profes sor Bengtson today In regurd ,td the field work to be done. . PartleB will make the Platte river excursion' the latter half of this" week. l03-3t MARCH. 22, Tuesday, 10 a. in. to 12 in. No classes. 22, Tuesday Phi Bota Kappa Day. 22, Tuesday, 11 a. m., Memorial Hall Junior-freshman debate. s 22, Tuesday, 8 p. m., Muslt Hall of Temple -Democratic Club meets. 22, Tuesday, 10 a. jn., Memorial Hall Junior-freshman debate. "FIf :ttrerith Anetadtnont.,, 22, Tuesday, 7:30 p. m Memorial Hall Sophomore rally. 23, Wednesday, 6 p. m. Spring vaca tion commences. 23, Wednesday, 7 p. m. Glee Club meets. 25, Frldayf 5 p. m. Convocation. ,.., Prof, Gv W A. Lucky. "Shall Or ,,r . ganlzed Play Bo .Made a Part of the Public SchooltCurrlculum?,r SOWednesday, 8 a; m. Spring vaca tion onds.' 30, Wednesday, 6:50 p. m. Y. W 0. A- mid-week meeting; ''Mrs. lW T. Elmore, 31, Thursday! li:'3(T'a in., Memorial Hall Bophdmore meeting. Fraternities Sororities We can tavo you 12 per cent on your fuel bills Semi-Anthracite $8.00 IS THE REASON utuoBid,. Gregory The Coal Man 1044 ost Watch This Space University of NebrasKa SUMMER SCHOOL A Scission begins June 17th and Lasts Eight Weeks, ;:; For Information Address ... ..: , THE REGISTRAR ,;...;. :. '.. . ... . ; MivEism OF HBASKA i A I. J r ii