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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1910)
i ii niiaj,iMjuuimiu jw-iJW.M''i.'"- rr, jitkrw,, e3 JtfBja&UtiSK fi-zz i ll liu 3SS V-f?5 SCSS5t Wtf THE DAILY NEBRASKA -jr. " u M ?! v I! u DIRECTORY. Business Directory Every loyal Unlvorslty student Is urged to patron tto thoBo NobraBkan advortlflors, and to mention tho Nobrnskan whllo do ing BO. BANKS First TruB fe Savings BAKERIES Folsom BAKBER SHOPS Qrcon's BOOK STORES Co-op. Unlvorlsty CLEANERS J. 0 Wood & Co. . Wobor's Sultorium. Joo, Tho Tailor. Tod Marrlnor. - CLOTHING Farquhar Magoo & Doomor Mayer Broo. Palace Clothing Co. Spolor & Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. COAL Gregory WhltoSroost CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy Kitchen Tommy DANCING ACADDMT Lincoln PITTS DOCTORS Dr. Cramb DRY GOODS Mlllor & Palno Rudgo &.Guonzol DRUGGISTS Rlggs ENGRAVERS cjornoll r-FLORISTS C. H. Frey CHAPIN BROS. FURNISHINGS Budd Fulk Magoo & Doomor Mayor Bros. Palaco Clothing Co. Rudgo ft Guontel Spolor ft Simon ArmBtwng Clothing. Oo. HATTERS Budd Fulk Unland Armstrong Clothing C. Magoo ft Deemer Mayor Bros. Palaco CTothln "Oo. Rudgo & Guonzel Spolor & Simon ICE CREAM Franklin ice Cream 0. JEWELERS Hallott Tucker LAUNDRIES Evans OPTICIANS Shoaa Howe. ORCHESTRA Thornburga. PHOTOGRAPHERS - Townaend PRINTERS Simmons Van Tine RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch Cameron's Y. M, C. A. Spa SHOES Armstrong Clothing 0, Bookman Bros. Budd Men's Bootery Rogers ft PerldHS Mayor Bros. Miller ft Pain SHOE REPAIRING Electric Shoo Store ' 8KIRTS Skirt Store TAILORS Elliott Bros. Gregory Hqrzog Joe, The Tailor. LUDWIG. , THEATERS Oliver Orpheum. ' Lyrlo TYPEWRITERS Lincoln Typewriter fc. .Underwood Typewriter 0. -.. .i JOY CLARK MANAGER CHICAGO GLEE CLUB THREE OTHER NEBRA8KA TV1ES MEMBER8 OF ORGANIZATION. THERE ARE THIRTY-SIX MEN IN CLUB Greatest Basketball Player In the United 8tate8 Manages Chicago Organization Benefit of Local Gleo Club. A largo numbor of unlvorslty stu dontB, especially thoso from Omaha and vicinity, will bo pleased to loarn that tho Chicago Gleo Club, which will appear Jn tho Tomplo theater to night, 1b managed by Joy Clark. Mr. Clark graduated from Omaha hlg"h school with tho class of 19DG and is ono of tho greatest athletes ever turned out of a Nobraska high school. On ontorlng Chicago Unlvorslty, Clark immediately bocamo prominent in basketball circles. Ho mado tho Chicago varsity, and later waB given a place on tho AU-Amorlcan basket ball team. It 1b gonorally conceded by basketball experts that Clark 13 tho groatest collogo basketball playor In tho United States. BeBidos Joy Clark, thdro aro three othor Nebraska men on tho Chicago Tho Now York Evening Mall, speaking of tho club says: "As disclosed by. the. program, tho club was found to consist of a num bor of agroeablo voices, cultivated be yond tho wont of college glomun, and trained oh woll for offects of delicacy as of strength. Tho spirit And finish of tho chornl work mado a most fa vorable Impression." Tho Chicago Inter-Ocean says: "Thoso who attonded the concert glvon by tho University of Chicago Gleo Club expecting an ordinary col logo boys' sing-song wore surprised. Thoso who anticipated an evening of horse-play and musical pranks were agreeably disappointed. To tho credit of tho college boys, bo It said, they rendered a high class program in a decidedly artistic manner, and a largo and fashionably audience signified Its comploto approval of the innovation by demanding an encoro to every num bor on tho list." ' ART EXHIBIT IN STUDIO. 8tud9nts Work Hung Includes Work In Oil and Water Color. Tho work of tho students of the de partment of fine arts of tho unlvorslty Is boing placed on exhibition in tho studio on tho second floor of Library hall. Tho work on exhibition includes all of tho boat work done by tho stu dents in nil of the classes under Miss Hoyden. It includes work from tho celpt of an Invitation to send ropre sontatives to tho International con gress of botanists to be held in Brus sels, Belgium, In May. Tho conven tion Includes nil of tho leading coun tries of tho world. Tho Invitation comes as an agroeablo surpriBO to Ne braska, owing to tho fact that In this country only ten institutions received invitations and only four of these woro schools, tho remaining six being botanical gardens or similar Institu tions. Tho four colleges receiving in vitations to Bond, delegates were Chi cago, Nobraska, Harvard and Cornoll. Consequently Nebraska Is tho only state university to receive an Invitation. BA8EBALL MEN HAVE MUMP8. Frederick Haydon and-J. Denny Estes Are the First Victims. Mumps has attacked tho baseball squad of tho University of Missouri. Two men have gone Into retirement and othor players aro expecting to havo to. Fredericq Haydon of West Plains, tho only pitched out this year who has won an "M," was tho first ono on the squad to cratch the dis ease. Ho has a combination of mumps and tonsilltls. J. Denny Estes, a candidate for an outfield posi tion, was tl)o second player to get tho mumps. Yesterday other members of tho squad imagined thoy could feel their Jaws swelling. nBBBBnBBMlrBBH!C ' BBBVmBBBBBiBBBBl ' Bv iBB ABL2W . AKBBl - SPBflT BKiBilKVflH aM Iftflv IViM BSSzdBSSSmB&9JVtcBSSSSSSBiMBBSSSS1 BBSSSi SBlTBSl SSSSSbBtBSSSm STBSlV':(BSSSSSSv''--aSSSSal BSllBHBSSSSSSBklBSSSSSSSKBSSSl-v'aBSSSlBSX lBs1 BSSSSSSSkBSSSl' 'hWSSSS BSSSSb'BSSSb 2l'BSSSSSS'BSSSSSaf'BSSSSS ' SSSUBSSSSSSX-:- BSSSBSSSSraSSSSSSSST --' 1 BjK;liiBHviBBBBBB;lBBBBBB BFvlWi BlBBB ABBBBBBBBW & ?& SBBBIrBssssBBB'BBWV' ' .h 1 -!'-' r ' 1 iaanflfcsrar V. Haaaav lk. aaaa aaaaaBft- AaaaH 4feraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBrtaaaaaaaaaaaHaaaaPv" aHaaaaHff lalHHHavX .BW BHBBBBIBVBBBBbLSBBBBBSJbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS3l z BmTViTBBiiBBl CHICAGO GLEE CLUB Glee 'Club. All of theso men are from Omaha. Tho club comes to Nebraska under thq auspices of tho recently organized Unlvorslty of Nobraska Glee Club. Tho procoeds will bo turned Into tho treasury of tho local organization and will bo used to supply its needs. Tickets aro rapidly selling for tho concert to bo glvon this evening. It has boon Bomo tlmo since tho student body has taken as much Interest in an event of this kind. as thoy aro for tonight's concert. Ono reason for this is probably that thero Is no othor unlvorslty function to boKold tonight. Thirty-six Mmebembers. Thero aro thlrty-slx men with tho Chicago Unlvorslty organization this year, which is probably tho largest number carried by any similar organ ization in America. All of these men aro chosen from tho threo thousand men who attend tho University -of Chicago by tests of skill and a regular system of try-outs." oonseqniontly each Individual must bo well qualified for a place In tho club beforo he Is allowed to become a member. Tho program tonight will consist of both classical and popular music. A" largo numbor of tho moro popular college songs will be sung. Ono num bor on tho program that should please Nebraska students will bo tho rendi tion of the "Corrihuskor," with all tho various parts, Press Reports Favorable. Tho press reports from various parts of tho country contain nothing but praiso for tho work of tho club. cast in charcoal, work from life in charcoal, water colors from both still life and tho model, and oil paintings and sketches from still lifo and tho model. Much of the work Included In the exhibit shows artistic ability together with good execution. Many of tho drawings in charcoal aro finished pieces of work, whllo tho water color and oil exhibits lncludo a numbor of good skotches and soma finished pieces of work. Tho exhibit will bo loft on tho wall of tho studio until tho ond of tho year, and the best work of the various classes will bo added from tlmo to tlmo. Tho department hopos that all of the unlvorslty public who aro Interested In the work of tho de partment will tako advantage of tho opportunity to see some of tho work boing done at Nebraska. Tho work compares favorably -with tho work of tho best art schools in tho United States. FERN BEDS ON CAMPUS. Department Receives Invitation to World Congress of Botan ists at Brussels, t Forns on tho campus are to be a reality this spring. Between two and threo hundred ferns aro to bo received shortly which will bo distributed in fern bods about the campus. This Is ono stop in. tho present movement at Nebraska toward beautifying tho cam- PUB. The department of botany is in re- CHINESE TAUGHT AT CHICAGO. Another Addition to Oriental Lan guages at Maroon Institution. Beginning with tho autumn quarter tho University of Chicago inaugurated a series of now courses in elementary and advanced Chinese, forming com panion courses to thoso In elementary and ndvanced Japanese which had been offered for tho past year. Tho offering of courses in hofh Chinese and Japanese constitutes a recogni tion by tho university of tho growing impprtanco of tho Orient from tho point of view of its commercial and educational relations with tho United States. M?' Yinchang Tsenshan Wang, who offers tho courses in Chinese, is a graduate in Chinese lit oraturo under tho "Imperial Chinese Compotltivo Examination." EPIDEMIC OF. "PINK EYE." Many 8tudents Are Wearing Bandages On Their Faces as a Result. When a student is seen on tho cam pus with a bandaged eye, says tho Dally Missourian,' it does not neces sarily mean that he has been in a fight. . Ho may ha o the "pink oyo." At present thero is an epidemic of It among tho students In the university. It makes tho oyo Inflamed and weak and usually' lasts threo or four days. Business Directory Evary Loyal University Student la urged to patronize thesa Ne braskan advertisers, and to men tion the paper while doing so. a The First Trust ft Sav ings Bank 4 Per Cent Interest A $1 opins an aoobunt Comer 10th & O StnU Bring Your Next Job of Printing to IyMTINE PRINTING CO. I and Gat Satisfactory Results 128-130 No. 14th St Auto 3477 - pirnniHinuniHiiMHiiiiHiiiiiiHrimnni E6IMMOINS CTHE PRINTER E,narmvlngc, HI rlnttni mbosalng Auto 2811 817 South 13th hnuuuiiiiiiuniiiiiiHimaiiiinnuuniii PERITORIC LENSES Does Away With Reflection SHAPED TO THE EYE HOWE - OPTICIAN 319 No. 12th Cincinnati $2.50 Shoe Store and Electric Repair Factory M New Location 142 North 12 A ARTHON'S Just Published" Webiter'i NEW INTERNATIONAL Dictionary, (G. & C. Menriun Co., Springfield, Iiai. ) surpass ei the old International as much as thct book exceeded its predecessor. Ctl.tor in Chief. Dr. V. T. Harris, forcer U. S. Com of Education.- Tbe delinltioni hve-L-ccn-rc arranged and amplified. The number of ten defined bas been more than doubled. The Ety mology, synonyms, pronunciation, have re ceived unsparing scholarly labor. The lan guage of English literaturo for over seven centuries', the terminolbcy cf the arts and sciences, and the cvcry-diy speech of street, shop, and household, are presented with full ness and clearness. In size of vocabulary, in richness of general information, and in con venience of consultation, the book sets a new mark in lexicography. 400,000 words and phrases. 6000 illustrations. 2700 pages. r B Writ to lit pnblUUn for Sptlmtn Pare. A. 6, SPALDING & BROS, THKJ Spalding Trade Mark Ono "hundred and fifty men aro try ing out for glrW parts In tho Hares foot Dramatic Club at the University of Wisconsin. Im known troughout tha world aa a Guarantee ot Quality are the Lar Manufacturers in 'the World Official Equipment FOR ALL ATHLETIC SPORTS AND PASTIMES 'gest jrs W dot I IFYOUM v ,m x. VOT yo nould hT a oopy o4 tha Spalding oatalogua, It a aoomplot eenoyolo podia of What'a Slew 1 Spart and la Mat IrM on Mqaeat. A. 6. Spalding & Bras. 147 Tabu Armor, Chicago N ?pmw 9