The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 19, 1910, Image 3
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN OLIVER THEATRE MONDAY NIGHT, MARCH 21 Polly of the Circus Campus Wr Gleanin &3 &3 &3 Just for Saturday 47 dozen Ties bought at a price and we will sell them at a price--:23c each. These ties usually sell at35c to 50c Prices $1.50 to 60c WED. MAT. AND NIGHT, MARCH 23 Brewster's Million Itties gsw I 1 1 m i Ill Thurs. and Frl., Mar. 24-26 "8ERVANT IN THE HOUSE" Hair Dressing, Shampoos, Rib bon Ornaments for Evening Functions. Manicuring for Gentlemen. Miss Margaret Mills 118 SO. 12TH STREET. AUTO PHONE 7294 'VVr HI BoysMy Spring line of woolens are stunners. See them! L. J. HERZOG 1230 O St Fine Tailoring The Owl Pharmacy Northeast Corner l4th and O Street Hot and Cold Drinks at Our Fountain SEE OUR WOOLENS UEUiott Bros. TA1LUK3 142 SOUTH TWELFTH TYPEWRITERS All makes rontod with stand $9 pr Month. Bargains in Rebuilt Machines Lincoln Typiwrltir Exchange Auto 1165, Boll 1181. 123 No. 11th UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 1 STREET, YELLOW FRONT Tur PtrMc Solicited Quality Counts THAT'S WHY FRANKLIN'S ICECREAM IS SO POPULAR We make a specialty of fan cy creams, sherbets, Icea and punch for Frat & Sorori ty partioa.Whlpplng Oream always on hand. Bell SOB. Auto 811. 1810 NBt Hot Drinks at now in ieason Do you know any place where you can get u QUICK SERVICE ai you can it ournew store? No need of being crowded. Lincoln Candy K itchen sf y. ?eW C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 O street. Delta Upsilon will glvo a house party Saturday evening. Thornburg'B Orchestra. Auto 5877. Sidney Frum, who was operated upon for appendicitis, Is back on the campus again. Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe, 11R-119 So. 12th street. Ralph Weavorllng, Alpha Tau Omega, has been out of school three days on account of sickness. Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa. 13th and P Sts. Miss Helen Redlnglon, '07, is gueBt of the active members of the A. O. houso. Chapln Bros., florists. 127 So. 13th. Mrs. Hill, former chaperono of the PI Beta Phi sorority, visited thoc tlvo members yesterday. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop. 120 N. 11th. Miss Juno Brown, Phi Beta Phi, has been out of school threo days this week on account of sickness. Prof. M. M. Fogg was In Omaha last night acting as judge of tho annual Omaha-Des Moines H. S. debate. Thero is a debate tonight between Ashland and Nebraska City. This is a special league debate on tho league question. FULK 1325 O Street New Caps this week. Second physical examinations aro now being mado at Wisconsin, Librarian Jowitt announces that tho complete works of Edward Fitzgerald and also tho works of Rabelais havo -been recently placed on the library shelves. Esther Burrltt, Grace Burritt, and Poarl Barton, all of Lincoln, have pledged Delta Zeta. Thero are sev oral other pledges whoso nanus. have not been mado public. Fred Hunter, Alpha Thota Chi, at tended tho dedication of tho new high Bchool building at Fairmont last Fri day. Ho stopped off long enough to shako hands with old friends. Miss Nol Peterson, Delta Delta Delta, will spend her Easter. vacation at St. Mary's Hall boarding school at Fairbolt, Minn". Miss Peterson attend ed St. Mary's- before entering tho uni versity. MIbs Edith Flack, Delta Delta Delta, who is ono of tho teaching forco in tho Omaha public schools, has been off duty for tho past month bocauso of sovero sickness. Sho is now ablo to resume her work again. Miss Laura Peterson, Miss Gesila Berlcner, Miss Blanch Woodworth and MIbs -Alfreda Powell, all of Alpha Omicron PI, left today for Omaha. Thoy will bo present at tho funeral of MIbs Bessio Chambers. Considerable oxcltement prevailed last night among tho occupants of tho sorority houses that cluster about tho corner of Thirteenth and R streets, when tho horse belonging to tho "pop corn man," who every evening fre quents that vicinity, became fright ened at a couple who strolled 'leisurely by, and literally ran away. Little damage was done,. save tho spill ing of a few brightly polished apples and splintering a spoke or tsro. 23 25 dozen Belts bought of a Wholesale House that has quit hand ling belts. We bought these belts to sell at 35c. We will sell them at 23c each Saturday only. A good line of sizes and colors to pick from. UNLAND St W ::1 Classified Column Advertisements for this column should be left at the business office, basement Administration building, be tween 11 a. m. and 12 m.f or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Want ads will positively not be In serted unices paid In advance, at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first Insertion; three Inser tions 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents. WANT ADS FOR BENT Nicely furnlBhed roohiB, with board, at 1119 K. 103-3t For Ront Two furnlBhed house keeping rooms; modern. 229 No. 12th. 103-3t For Ront Nowly furnished rooms; 15 cents a night, and a dollar a week. 231 South Ninth street. Stetson and Tween Hats, Seven teen new shapes in Stetsons and about twenty in other makes at $2.50 to $3.00. -Just in. FOUND Found Fountain pen, last Tuesday, on athletic field. Owner may havo same by identifying and paying for this ad. 102-3t FOB SALE For Sale A now high-grade bicycle, at 25 per cent discount. Inqulro at Nebraskan ofilco. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DR. LILLIAN 8NOW, 1339 O; hours, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Diseases of women. Auto 3038. DR. C. H. RU8H, Surgeon. Richards Block. Both Phones. DR. J. R. HAGGARD, 221 Burr Blk. Both phones. LIFE mSURANOE UNION CENTRAL-LIFE, 8. B. Coon, agt., 216 Richards block. Twenty-one seniors wero awarded Phi Beta Kappa keys at Minnesota this year. Matinee dances are very popular at tho University of Missouri. These dances aro usually given from 3 to 0 o'clock In the afternoon. A student of Minnesota University who scattered hydrogen sulphlrte la a rooming house was captured by the other roomers and given a quick hair out. It Is said that tho job was net an artistic ono. At tho University of ;Mlsjourl ono engineering student bqcamo so en thus'Iastlo oyer tho celebration of St. Patrick's day that ho sat In tho front window of .the Missouri store all day and at green ico cream and St. Pat rick's sundaes. . 23 CO,, 1 ACRICuLTURET n i Tho baccalauroato address boforo the school of agriculturo will bo de livered oh tho 17th of April by Presi dent Albort Boynton Storms of tho vIowa Agricultural College. Tho oxer- clses will bo hold In Grant Memorial hall, university campus. Tho graduation oration boforo tho Bcnior clnss of tho Bchool of agricul ture will bo given by Dean E. A. Bur nett in Grant Memorial hall, on tho university campus, April 22, 8 p. m. Tho junior hop committeo Is making very elaborato preparations for tholr spring hop, which will bo held on tho evening of April 2. If tho plans of tho committeo carry 6ut, It will bo tho crowning event of tho year. o Again tho freshmen havo thrown down tho gauntlet to tho second year class In a baseball challenge, and again tho juniors aro victorious, by tho tune of 7 to 4. FRATERNITIES & SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orders, give Ui a Trial Order. 8ATI8FAOTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMPY 1106 0 STREET AUTO 3220 BELL 234 LOST! If you have lost or found art icles, rooms for rent or books to, sell, advertise in the Nebraskan's WANT-AD column Our rates are low anpl we get results. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE - t i'. ' i 23 l4ttle Block: . Tho Worklzor Rifles nro mastering tho flno points of bayonot drill, and by tho advanco thoy nro making, thoy hopo to soon bo oxports in this lino of drill. o Tho sonlora report ono of tho most onjoyablo ontortalnmonts that has over boon their fortuno to attend at tho "St. Patrickal" rocoption given by tho ladles of tho faculty. Senior cap and gown committeo will moot Monday, 5 p. m., TJ100. Commit too, MIbb ArondB, Miss Wheolor, Mr. Shoaff. C. W. Mongoll, chairman. Professor Irving Fisher of tho econ omics dopartmont of Yalo has predict ed that tho present rlso In prices In this country Is a forerunner of a dis astrous panic. It Is proposed by promlnont edu cators to Interchange students In tho unlvorsltles of Canada and tho United States. Tho Army had little trouble In de feating tho Franklin and Marshall bas ketball team In tho recont gamo hold at Wost Point. Tho scoro was 49 to B. K a . f ' if' i ." 'i 'V -i