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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1910)
Mmjft&mmt&miwxvtmw '''r'SX1!! jj!i Sr!l!!IJIV--t'ltwv w Jtiii,iWtir4 jjmwMwum llll -III I sjMHPW5 - ,&;"lktb?i ,r rSTPC-'X- . -r-vr '"i THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 1 tf I a it ii i i i u if ) The DailyNebraskan THE PROPERTY OP TUB UNIVHRBITY OP NEBRASKA, Llnooln, Ncbroaka. Published y . THE STUDENT PUMLICATION DOARD EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor K. P. Frederick Managlno Editor i:-;;0"' J''Lld Aiioclnto Editor T. M. EdQocombo Atioolato Editor R. O. Hawley BUSINESS STAFF. Manaoer Q. C. Klddoo Atilstant Manager V. C Haicall Circulator C Buchanan Editorial and Business Office! ASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Poitofflce, Station A, Llnooln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, B Centi Each. Telephone: Auto 18B8. Night Phones Auto 1BB8; Auto 3844. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES wilt bo charged for lit tho mto of 10 conta tho Insortlon for ovory fifteen words or fraction thoro- of. Faculty notice and Unlvoralty bul letins will bladly bo publlnhod froo. Entered at tho poatofTlco at Lincoln, Nebraska, afl socond-olasn mall mattor under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. Advertisements for the want column should be left at tho business office, base ment Administration building, between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 8 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for ad vertlslng, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction thereof the first Insertion; three Insertions twenty-five centst five Insertions forty cents. SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1910. So tho students of Madison havo fllgnod ft Bolomn plodgo und covenant not to treat each other In saloons. Wo admit that at Nebraska wo havo prob loms of many sorts and varlotlos, but tho treating habit does not appeal to us as It does to thoso Institutions of jiighor learning whoro tho saloon 1b a popular feature "Nothing set In tho midst of naught," is Doctor Lowell's descrip tion of Tho tall of Halloy'a comot. Might also apply to tho student's mind about examination time. MlsBOurl haB plans undor way to establish a comploto school of pho- Spring Oxfords tography. With schoolB of Journal ism, pootry and what-not, MlBBOurl has at last como to tho realization of tho fact that thoro Ib a moro ac--curato, moro vlvltLIorm of. exposition, than anything Bho has yot taken up. Honco tho Bchool of photography. In cidentally thoro ought to bo plonty of material for laboratory work about tho tlmo tholr annual is being proparod. Tho oxaniB aro over. Throo moro school days and wo aro off kind Providonco averting a railroad strike Dodging book agencies and other em ployers of student labor, tho boys will tako throo days of solid rost and moth or's cooking. Then tho shock of tho Easter hat, tho now "Dreadnaught," on tho glr ho used to know and two moro days to recover boforo returning to tho university. THE FRE8HMAN. Thoso freshmen seem to ho irro prossahlo. Thoy defeated tho juniors and won tho intorclass basketball championship, thoy Bay thoy aro go ing to lick tho sophomoros ' in tho Olympics, and Tuesday thoy will do Choir host to defeat 'tho Juniors for tho Intorclass dobato championship. It is high tlmo that somo of tho uppor classmen were jogging somo of tho musty cobwobs, which thoy havo ac cumulated during tholr collogo course, out of their system and assuming some of tho joyous "ginger" of tho freshman. ITS PURP08E. Thot honor Bystom which Is being put Into operation at Nobra'ska is be ing tried, at a number of other col logos 'at tho present time Among thoso Is tho University of California. In an editorial' on tho honor sommlt too andits purposo in tho university tho Dally Calif ornlan says: 1 "ft" adorns, to be taken for granted that tho objectof tho honor, systom committee Is to foist an arbitrary and artinclnl honor system upon tho stu dent body. This Is pdrhaps a natural conclusion from tho namo given tho committoo, but It is, nevertheless, a mistake Tho object of tho committoo Ib to olimtnnto cheating in oxamina tlonB. Its mombors aro woll awaro of tho fato of tlio honor syBtom sub mitted to tho student body four years ago, and thoy do not proposo to repeat tho oxporiment. Thoy roallzo that a truo honor systom must como through yoarB of development, and thoy aro not ob ogotistlcal afl to buppobo that by tholr unnidod offorts thoy can an ticipate tho work of sovoral colloga gonorationB. But if choating is over to cetiBo, Bomo ono, somo tlmo, must start an organlzod campaign. This tho committoo has taken as its work. It fools what tho university needs 1b not so much, an honor .system ns a quickonod Bonso of honor nmong tho students. As tho latter 1b developed, tho formor will follow aB a natural consequonco. Cheating In oxamlna tions is not tho result of any mora, donravlty, but of tho absonco of pub lic opinion agalnBt this particular form of dishonesty. If the committee's of forts havo ovon a Binall sharo in cre ating this public opinion, its members will consider tholr work woll done, nnd will confidently entrust tlio In stallation of tho honor system to tho hands of thoBO who aro to follow. THE BE8T BOOSTER. Tho boat booster is ono whoso of forts aro not spasmodic, nor given to sudden ropalso. Ho is a droamer, but dream's for a purposo. Tho poor boostor dreams, but without purposo. Tho host boostor has a plan for oach dream and porsists in giving it a trial. Tho difforenco botwoen tho two Ib ono of systom rathor than Intention. Both havo good Intentions but tho host boostor syBtomatlzos his. Ho who best understands can host boost. An understanding of what is best for an institution comeB from caroful study. Tho poor boostor is Buporflclal, tho host gets to tho kornol 2000 PAIRS IN AT BUDD'S FAMOUS $3.50 PRICE. of tho thing. Tho best booster has in mind somo doll nl to plan, Is continually at it, and always works for tho host Interests of tho grQatQ&tnumfco.rJrdEx. Notice. All organizations should hand in tholr write-ups by Wednesday. Ploaso attend to this at once RALPH MOSELEY, Editor. Notice.. All organizations who havo not Bot tled with TownBond for tholr picture to ho put In tho "Cornhuskor" should do so at onco, as tho Cornhuskor man agomont would like to got tho picture In -order to fulfill their contract with said organization. This must be done by Wednesday If they want their picture In the Cbrnhusker. RALPH E. WEAVERLING, Business Manager. Y. W. C. A. Notes. Tho Monday noon mooting will tako tho form of a pralso service, with spe cial music. Miss Malono will glvo two vocal- esloctlons and Miss Edna Mlllor a piano solo. Monday ovoning at 6:10 sharp tho girls of the big cabinet will moot at the city Y. W. C. A. for lunch and for tho first big cabinet mooting "of tho year. All members aro expected to bo present. Bureau for Teachers. Tho University of, Chicago maintains a bureau for tho recommendation of its students to teaching positions. During tho last season 470 persons re ceived appointment through tho ser vices of this bureau. Tho service Is rendered by tho univorslty without charge and is extended both to those seeking Initial positions and to thoso already located who aro deserving of promotion to better place's. Platform Club Met Wednesday. Tho Platform Club mot on Wednes day ovoning, and nftor listening to a round tnblo discussion, a businoBs sosslon was held. It was voted to purchaso a club pin and thin mnttor was loft to a committee On account of tho intorclass debates tho meetings of tho club havo boon somowhat cur tailed bocauso on ouch class team thoro aro two club members. How ever, after tho spring vacation Mio regular wcokly meetings 'will bo held and tho univorBity public 1b invited to attond any of tho debates. Miss Field Publishes Bulletin. Miss Ethel C. Field, who took her master's dogroo in tho department of botany at Nebraska last spring, has boon working ns special assistant in tho 'department- of agriculture at Washington, D. C. Sho has Juu pub lished a bulletin on tho wart dlueaae of tho potato which Ib attracting aomn attention. 8UMMER 8CHOOL EXCUR8ION8. 8ummer 8tudents at Chicago Univer sity to Take Pleasure Trips. A fenturo of tho Bummer quartor at tho University of Chicago this year will bo tho wcokly slght-BOolng oxcur slonB. Thoso will havo for tholr main object plcasuro and recreation and, In cidentally of course, information. Mon dny aftornoon excursions conducted by competent guides will glvo stu dents an opportunity to visit tho pub lic libraries, tho Flold Musopm of Natural History, tho Art Institute, tho sovoral social settlements, tho John Worthy Bchool, tho Brldowoll, tho largo mall order houses, and tho prin cipal packing houses. Excursions by automobilo will bo takon which will show tho fifty milos of boulovards nnd parks which encircle tho city. These and other trlpB by boat and lako will mako It posslblo for students to bo como familiar with tho significant features of a groat city. BUDD 1415 OSt. NEVER KNOW if you NEVER TRY Whon you want to Rot GloanlnR nnd Pressing uono-br hnd nnd not by-TnnchlnornrrlEi? your olothoa to JOE The Tailor who Is nlflo n Specialist on altering dnd ro fitt ing your olothoB up-to-date MARGARET M. FRICKE Dressmaker of Style and Economy UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN kHHklHHiMi University Bulletin MARCH. 19, Saturday, 8 p. m., Temple Theater Chicago Gloo Club. 22, Tuesday Phi Beta Kappa Day. 22, Tuesday, 11 a. m., Memorial Hall Junior-freshman dobato. 22, Tuesday, 8 p. m., Music Hall of Tompl5 Democratic Club moots. 22, Tuesday, 10 a. m., Memorial Hall Junior-freshman dobato. "Fif teenth Amendment." 22, Tuesday, 7:30 p. m., Memorial Hall Sophomore rally. 23, Wednesday, 6 p. m. Spring vaca tion commences. 23, Wednesday, 7 p. m. Gleo Club meets. 25, 'Friday, 5 p. m. -1-Convocation. Prof. G, W. A. Lucky. "Shall Or. -.rganlzed Play Bo Made a Part of the Public School Curriculum?" 30, Wednesday, 8 a. m. Spring vaca tion ends. 30, Wednesday, C:50 p. m. Y. W. C. A. mid-week mooting. Mrs. W. T. Elmore. 31, Thursdny, 11:30 a. m., Memorial Hall Sophomore mooting, STOP INTO THE FOLSOM FOR REFRESHMENTS. ICE CREAM AND ICES, LIGHT LUNCHES, CANDIES AND BON BONS. TYPEWRITERS all m a k e s ssssssssssssss: SOLD OR RENTED Rent Applies on Purchaso Price Fivo Days Froo trial boforo you pay. Two years guarntoo whon you purchase Easy Torms. Got our list. Auto. 2080; Boll 1209. B. F. SWANSON CO., Inc. 143 So. 13th St. i Watch This Space s University ' For Information Address THE REGISTRAR UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA JfiJK a mP 3ity I Chicago Glee Club Saturday Evening March 19 RESERVED SEATS 35c and 50c Box Office Open Friday at 1 P.M. Benefit U. of N. Glee Club GIVE THE BOYS A FULL HOUSE i Patronize Our Advertisers Ssm 1307 O STREET of NebrasKa SUMMER SCHOOL Session begins June 17th and Lasts Eight Weeks. SBHBHSV M i . ? i I i . ms -rtrawa