t THE 'DADDY NEBRASKAN t . V I : 1 .". tj OLIVER THEATRE MONDAY NIGHT, MARCH 21 Polly of the Circus Prices $1.50 to 50c WED. MAT. AND NIGHT, MARCH 23 Brewster's Million Thurs. and Frl., Mar. 24-25 "8ERVANT IN THE HOU8E" Hair Dressing, Shampoos, Rib bon Ornaments for Evening Functions. Manicuring for Gentlemen. Miss Margaret Mills 118 SO. 12TH STREET. AUTO PHONE 72S4 LlMflMHMIi iJWTS ' Boys My Spring line of woolens are stunners. See them! L. J. HERZOG 1230 O St Fine Tailoring The Owl Pharmacy Northeast Corner 14th and O Streets Hot and Cold Drinks at Our Fountain Gllssifiid Column Advertisements for this column should be left at the business office, basement Administration building, be tween 11 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. want ads will positively not be In serted unless paid In advance, at the rate of 10 cents per insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first Insertion; three Inser tions 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents. WANT ADS POUND Found Fourttaln pen, last Tuesday, on athletic field. Owner may JiaVQ samo by identifying and paying for this ad. 102-3t Found Salz fountain pen, which can bo obtained by Identifying samo and paying for this ad. 08-5t Pound On campus, heavy brass Yalo lock. Owner call at the Nobras kan office. 100-3t Found In gym locker room, gold dog's head stickpin. Owner call at Nobraskan office. " 100-3t FOB SALE For Sale A new high-grade bicycle, at 26 per cent discount. Inquire at Nobraskan office. WANTED SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros. TAILORS 142 SOUTH TWELFTH TYPEWRITERS 11 makes rented with stand $S pt Month. Bargains in Rebuilt Machines Llnciln Typswrlttr Exohinga Auto 1150. Boll 1181. 122 No. 11th UNIVERSITY JEWELER k OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1128 1 STREET, YELLOW FRONT Yaur FatrMttf e Soltcttoi 'For Ront Newly furnished rooms; 15 cents a night, and a dollars week. 231 South Ninth street. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DR. LILLIAN 8NOW, 1339 O; hours, 0 a. m. to 9 p. m. DlBeaBes of women. Auto 3038. DR. C. H. RU8H, Surgeon. Richards Block. Both Phones. DR. J. R.. HAGGARD, 221 Burr Blk. Bothrphones. LIFE INSURANCE UNION CENTRAL LIFE, 8. B. Coon, agt., 216 Richards block. i $, V Campus I III' LM Quality Counts TH ATS WHY FRANKLIN'S ICE CREAM 15 So POPULAR W mike a specialty of fan ty creams, sherbets. Ices amd puHoh for Frat 6$ Sorori ty parties. Whipping Oream always oahand. Bell 808. Ante sill. llltJN bt, Hot Drinks sm aow la sMsoa, De yon fcnsw ay pUcs where you can get as QUICK SERVICE . ai yau caa at ournew store Ne whA of being' crowded Lincoln Candy V a. Jl w 14th O IV itciieii s. w, Career C. H. Froy, florist, 1133 O street. m Thornburg's Orchestra Auto 5877. Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe, 11K-119 So. 12th street Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. 8pa. 13th and P Sts. ' ) Chapin Bros., florists. 127 So. 13th. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop. 120 N. 11th. Youz Easter Suit If you're thinking of a new suit for Easter you'll feel re paid for giving a few minutes of your time to investigat ing our KENSINGTON and L SYSTEM garments. For College Men Who ate particular KENSINGTON CLOTHES, stylish, yet conservative $20 to $40 L - SYSTEM CLOTHES, more dash ingly individual $15 to $30 Other well-worth-the-mony Spring garments down to $12.50 MAGEE & DEEMER Lincoln Aurora Red Oak J Men's Spring Suits . . Select your Easter suit now. And if you select in here, you will not only be CORRECTLY dressed but EXCLUSIVELY DRESSED. We never buy a 'lot 6f suit of the same pattern. : f ; ALL THAT'S INEW IS HERE III HI' I The Better Kind Of Men's Clothes FARQUHAR AVofd was focoTved" Trom Professor Taylor Is that tho climate at San Antonio, Texas, Is Just what ho nqed-, ed and that ho Is rapidly regaining his health. Tho Y. W. C. A. girls are requested not to forgot two ovents, tho hard times social at tho armory, 7:30 Sat urday night, and today's noon meet ing, when Itev. S. Mill Hayes of Trinity church will speak. Columbia University leads tho American colleges In attendance, the total registration being '6,132. Something New in University Pins Seal or Letter. Numerous designs. Stick Pins Fobs. Hat Pins-All New Styles. Established 1871 HALLftTT 1143 O Street Supt. Chas. W. Taylor of MctJook wafc at tho university yesterday. Miss Elsie Fitzgerald, '12, of Lin coln has pledged Alpha Omlcron PI. 8ave your pennies and go to the Chicago Glee Club Saturday night. Field Geology 22. Class will meet next Saturday, March 19, at 9 a. m., in TJ7. Field trips to bo mado during vacation will be planned. It is essontial that every member bo present. 101-2t Two students In one of tho rhetoric department have been flunked for plagarizlng. Professor Barberlettves tonight for Ames, Iowa,r where be will act aBa Judge in thV Ames-Drake debate. . A Bowdoin student who rescued a child from a burning building was awarded a Carneglo medal and $2,000 with which, to defray his college ex penses. t Illinois and Chicago met each other Saturday night in 'two contestsa "bas ketball gamo at Chicago and a water polo game and swimming match at ChamptUgn. ' Dr. John M. Coulter of Chicago uni versity will deliver an address 6n "Practical Science" at the seventy fourth convocation of that school March 15f President Harry A. Garfield of Williams College in a recont -address in Boston decried excluslveness In college life, and pleaded for greater College demqeracy, c NOW! SPLENDID SPRING a?; .' ti!(' Vft T t STOCKS "tifcMX '. ; -wraps rmpm-PfPi ' I K tV . ... f" IN ALL DEPARTMENTS .4 " nui& SUBSCRIBE NOW for The Daily Nebr askao .