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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1910)
-' Am '.' . , . ir I ' - vr - Tai' " w,i. .. ? , ;. a ,.. .,., ,-fgfe Vol IX. No. 102. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN. FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1910. Price 5 Cents. IRebtaeftati 0a tip ube COUCH CHEARINGTON TAKES UP HIS DUTIES BEGIN8 TRAINING WORK FOR THE COMING 8EA80N. TEAM WfAK IH WEIGHT MATERIAL The Loss of MacDonald In the Hurdles Handicaps the Work of the Coach In These Events Plenty of Long Distance Men. Track work is 'to commence Imme diately. With the acceptance of B. M. (Sherrington as the 'track coath posi tion for the coming season and tho interest the men of the university have already shown so far this year In this lino of athletics Conclv Cher rington has decided that work on. the cinder path must commence Imme diately. Tho material out for tho varsity team this year is in somo ways tho Xhest that tho university has over known. Tho strongest amount of ma teriaKappears to be In tho century and' middle "distance runs. LasC year tho varsity-vwas -weak In this part of i iflKPWy?HIriiiiiiHi UiJ' HK M BZBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfl son. TIiobo men nro though only freshmon and are theroforo not eli gible for tho varsity squad. A Long-Distance Quartet. In the long distance runs only ono or two experienced mon aro loft to work on the squad. Oablo, the lead ing long distance man In tho univer sity last yoar, has dropped from school and therefore will not bo In lino for tho CornhUBkcr team. Am hereon and Trump Bhowed up well last year in tho long distance run, and with tho addition of Dates and An derson a quartet of milo and two-mile men can be developed who will give any teum In 'the Missouri Valley a run for their money In tho mTIo and two-mile races. In tho hurdles tho coach will again be handicapped. MacDonald, tho cap tain of tho cinder 'path athletes last year, has been a mombor of tho var sity team for three years and there fore he will be unable to participate with tho team In any of the inter collegiate meets this year. This leaves ono of tho former point winning events for Nebraska open to outsid ers to gain points, aB MacDonald was tho best high-stick man in the Mis souri Valley for tho past two years. Few mon havo been working on tho hurdles so far UiIb spring, but with the taking up of regular spring prac tice Coach (Sherrington will attempt to fill tho vacancy on tho team caused by the loss of MacDonald. Flack last year showed that ho had good form in getting over tho hurdles and may provo to bo tho man who will take tho place of MacDonald on tho Corn huBker squad. Track Meeting. A meeting of the men of tho uni versity Interested in track work win bo hold this afternoon at 5 o'clock in room 10G In Memorial hall. Tho meet ing will be hold for tho purpose of getting a line-up of the men of tho university who aro Interested in track work and also to lay out plans for tho coming season and try to seo what men of tho university aro going to do to get tho team into shape which Will -roprosont tho Gornhuskorsat tho-Om-: aha moot. i , , . . PBBBBBBBBBpBBJarV't. H BBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBb' BBBBBBBBJ BBW. SSSSSSSaJ.a BBBBBBBBBBW'iBJBJBBBJkvBBBBJ bbbbwHbH BBBBBBBBfcir r 'KBBBBBBBl iBBBBMfeW ' ' ' '.BBBH h BBBBBBBBBBm bbHbbbbbbVNb'bbV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm FJk''BBBH BBBBBBBBBBBBBfltBiBBBfl I may bo Bparod tho vory unploanant duty of indefinitely suspending from tho university any who might olhor wIbo bo nbsont from clasBos tomorrow as a result of such conspiracy." Tho laws did not go. 08CAR G. ERICK80N Baritone. SNEAKING PROVED TO BE A BAD BUSINESS BIG FIGHT IS ON April 9 to Be Day for Clash of tho Classes. Tho day for tho big light 1b sot. Roferoe II. IC. Campboll of tho Olym pics announced yesterday that April 9 would bo the day on which tho freshmen and sophomores will clash In the Olypiplc contest. Thnt tho vic tory may bo more decisive, tho loBlng sldo will bo forblddon tho wearing of class enpu. Tho contest will bo hold in tho morning, ns was previously planned, and much enthusinsm Is already be ing worked up oyer tho matter. Tho freshmen are confident of winning, owing to superior numbers, but tho sophomores expect to make up this handicap in point of valor and ef ficiency. Pnllys will bo held soon for tho purposo of getting nil of tho mem bers of each class out for tho scrap. CHICAGO GLEE CLUB TOMORROW EVENING BEST COLLEGE CLUB IN COUNTRY HERE TO 8INU BENEFIT THE NEBRASKA CLEE-CLUB- son. Reber Johnson, Violinist; Osoar Erlck- , Baritone, and Oswald Stark, 'Cellist, Are Features to Be Presented at Concert. NOT A LAW BOARDED THE TRAIN FOR CRETE YE8TERDAY. A HASTY MEETING WAS (ALIED Messenger Boys Deliver Chancellor's Letter to Sleeping Law 8tudents at Early Dawn Puts Decisive Stop to Sneak. MU8ICAL PROGRAM. Tho Chicago Qloo Club will give a concert In tho Tomplo thoator tomor row ovonlng. Thin club is ono of tho boat collogo organizations of this kind in , tho United States today and it is thought that a largo number will di-i tond tho concort. Tho Chicago Qloo Club is at tho present tlmo making its annual tour of tho woBt and tho local gloo club is vory fortunate in boing abld to bring thorn to Lincoln. Tho pcoplo of tho university aro expected to see. that tholr visit horo "is a success. A short tlmo ago when tho Oborlln Col logo Qloo Club appoarod horo. the Btu donts took vory llttlo Interest In their- Tho law Bchool "did not colobrdto skip day yesterday. A few 'members, wero absent from classes in the morn ing, but It was not known whether they had a good exouso or dimply laid In bed till too lato to get there. Tho juniors started tho agitation at a class mooting Wednesday morning. They Btarted as if thoy meant bus! ness and appointed committees make all tho arrangements. REBER JOHN80N Violinist. V"",Nrf,N track work and 'tho men wore de veloped along this lino to a great ex tent. Since the men who havo worked on this lino of athletics aro all back In school the coach will havo to de velop mon for tho' long distance runs and tho wolght events, as in this part of track athletics there is a lack of material. Weak In Weights. For tho past two years tho Corn busker toam has been strong in weight: material. In -those 'events Col lins was easily tho leading man in tho Missouri Valley. For last year and the year before It .was certain -that In tho sbotrput, tho hammer throw and in tho discus that the Cornhusk ora would take first place In theso events In any meet in which thoy par ticipated. This yoar Collins Is not out for the work with the track squad and theroforo tho job of Coach Ghor- rlngton will bo to develop a weight man who will win points for the Corn husker toam. The' amount of mate rial in Bchool who can put the "pill" a distance little short of tho univer sity record is largo. The clftef trou ble here is to get these men out for training. The. only men of the uni versity who have dono any amount of work with tho weights so far this year havo boon Funkhauser and .Han- DEATH FROM FALL IN SHAFT Former 8tudent, Miss Bessie Cham bers, Victim of Accident. Word has been 'received from Om aha telling of the accidental death of MIhb Bessie Chahmbors, a former stu dent of tho UnlverlBty of Nebraska. Wednesday afternoon MIbs Chambers fwent to take a music lesson on tho fourth floor fit the Boyd theater build ing. On starting from the building she went to tho elevator shaft, and walked Into tho shaft, presumably thinking the elevator was thoro. She foil Into tho basement and received Injuries from which she died aC 10 o'clock that evening, Miss Chambers was twenty-eight years 'old. She attended the univer sity three years ago and was a mem ber of Alpha Omlcron Pi Bororlty. She had been teaching in tho Omaha high school for eight years. V CARD OF THANK8. Tho parents, sisters and brother of Clen 6. Hammond desire Co express their thanks and appreciation of tho beautiful floral tributes sent with the body of our beloved son and brother to Pawnee City. To tho different de partments of the university who sent theso beautiful flowers, wo say thank you for the sympathy shown us and tho lovo shown to our dear ono who passed away so suddenly. M. D, HAMMOND AtyD.. FAMILY. to Thoy invitod the other classes to join them in a real sneak day. The freshman class ddclded to join in tho movement. The seniors did not take definite ac tion. According to rumor the matter was reported to Dean Hastings in tho afternoon by two seniors. Tho dean immediately expressed his disapproval of the plan. Ho talked to alt tho classes and asked them td do nothing which so plainly violated tho regents' rule regarding skipping. In the evening a Ijasty meoting was called to discuss tho dean's request, and about fifteen of tho law students attended. After, much discussion jt was decided to abandon the plan. However it was not known whether everyone would agree with tho senti ment expressed a't this poorly attend ed mooting. In Order to make plain tho faculty's position on tho matter, Chancellor Avery had all tho Western Union Telegraph company's messen gers busy from 2 to 4 a. m. delivering the following note to the members dt tho law college: "Sir: Dean Hastings Informs mo that the proposed 'Law; Skip Day' has been abandoned and I wish (o ex press to tho students of tho college of law my appreciation of their cheer fully following tho dean's jnstruc structions, "Lest, however, notice of the abari" dbnlng of tho plan, should fall to reach any of tho students dt tho collogo, I am sending this note to all by spe cial delivery. , "I trust that by means of this noto 8trlng Quartet Pleases Large Audi ence At Convocation. , Convocation yesterday consisted of a musical recital, Including selections from nn nccompanled and unnccom panlod Btring quartet. Memorial hall was filled lo tho galleries with univer sity students and "an oxcellont pro" gram" and "groat talent" wero verbal decisions of npproval given by all at the closo of tho recital. The members of tho-string-quartet wero Edward J. Walt, first violin; Ernest Harrison, second violin; Wil liam T. Quiclc, viola; and Miss Lillian Elcho, violoncello. In tho second se lection Mrs. Fred Rehlaender accom panied on the plnno and Mrs. Ray mond on tho organ. Tho program wns as follows: "Andante Gnntablle'-TVrschalkowBky- 'Les Preludes" Liszt Tho offect of tho string quartet playing tho first selection on muted WVAAAAAAAAAVWVNAAVAWVWAAAAA strings was very good and oven aided, by proceding "Les Preludes," in caus ing the forceful effect of tho later. HHNHbhP4" PROGRAM OF DEBATING LEAGUE. Three r Be Held ebates Are to Tonight. ' Tho program of tho series of tho Nebraska High School Debating League, as announced on tho bulletin board, includes three debates for to night Of these two are in tho north central district. Albion will debate St. Edwards at Albion, and Wayne will dobato Randolph at Wayne. Tho wjnners of theso will pair pit with Pierce, who defeated Creighton, to decide the championship for that dis trict. Tho third debate tonight will be be tween Beaver City arid McCook at Beaver City. This will decide tho championship of tho southwest dis trict, where Beaver City defeated Franklin Academy and McCook, de feated Trenton. " 1 Judge A. S. Tebblts of Lincoln, a special lecturer in the collogo of law, and Mr. Albert Watklns of Lincoln started for Beaver City last night to act as judges. The Oscebla-G'eheva debate, which was scheduled for tonight, has been postponed nntl next Tuesday, at the request of, Geneva. Bakod'hoans; baked on the premise and. served hot with delicious brow bread, 10o. at The Bostoa Lunch. 08WALD G. STARK 'Cellist. concert and tho attendance was1 small. In spite of this fact, tho Obor lin organization rendered ono of tho best concerts that has ever been heard In Lincoln. Tho concort tomorrow night should1 bo an excellent ono. Thoro aro riibro men with tho Chicago club this yoar than havo over gono on a tour with that organization "bofpreV'Tnese men are trained the year around by ono1 ot the best gloo club loaders In America; . and the club has a, reputation, second to nono. "" . ' t Three members ot the club 'who are , gaining a' reputation on the tour of tho club aro1 Reber Jonhsori, Oswald O. Stark and Oscar Gordon Erlckson. Popular Violinist;! Reber Johnson Is a violinist who' it very popular in Chlcagohaving ab peared In a largo number of concert there. Musical circle's of Chicago think that Mr. Johnson' has no supeH rlor on the "violin. This popular 'vio linist , has also toured America and Europe at various times wlthi 6oncert companies. v . Oscar. Qordon Erlckson Is a vdcal sololat'of the highest type. As a bari tone singer; Mr. Erlckson Is- well known. He is a produot of Chicago Continued, on Page 9 '' ai GYM EXHIBITION - - TONIGHT ti 't - - ARMORY