" i' " in ininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiimi7iiiiTiiViiii"irrii iimiini'iiiiilU'fcT "" ' i"i 'ii'ii'iwiliwwiMiwjMilUiitiJW.ltl!ilia!MliUt'4AI!!JWi . THE DAILY NEBRASKAN X 8 i I M The Daily Nebraskan the property or TJEIU UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Nobmnka, PtililinhPtl ty. THE STUDENT PURIFICATION HOARD ' EDITORIAL STAFF. - , , Kdltor K. P. FrodeHck Managing Editor..... Carl J. Lord AMOClnte Editor. T. M. Edflocombo .Anoolato Editor. R. D. Hawley BUSINESS STAFF. Manager..... ......Q. C Klddoo Anlitant Manager V. C. Haioall Circulator C. Buchanan Editorial and DutlneM Office) A8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION 1LDO. Poitofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payabla In Advance. .Single Coplei, S Cents Each. m Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1B88) Auto 3844. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for nt tlio rato of 10 'contfl tbo Insertion for every flftoon wordn or fraction thoxte'. or. Faculty nnticcB ana university dui letlns will bladly bo publlnhed freo. Entered nt the postofflcn at Lincoln, Nebrnakn, ,nn tiocond-clann mall matter under tho Act of Congrcsa of March S, 1879. 'Advertisements for the want column should bo left at the business office, base mont Administration building between 10 . m and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p, m. Cash must accompany all orders for ad vertising, nt the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction thereof the first Insertion; three Insertions twenty-five cents) five Insertions forty cents. THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1010. ' various nhascB of nowsnapqr work. Perhaps, to keep abroakt of tho times, wo ought (to oi up our old ono cyllndor typowrltcr and hang out a' Bhlnglo with "Nowapnpor Laboratory" omblnzonod on It in cnrmlnc. Should tho present Bttito of goldon Bunshino, combined with singing birds and springing grass contlnuo tho hook worm will have us nil. Ono individual Is Immune from all attacks; In fact, ho. thrives on thoin tho spring poot. Tho vordoncy of this Ibbuo of tho Dally Kobraskan may bo attributed to Bovoral causos. It might bo a tribute to spring, It might bo a freshman Is sue, it might oven bo duo to tho fact (lint tho supply of black ink was ex hausted. As a matter of fact, it Is duo to tho fact that St. Patrick's day Is with us again. It Is all tho tribute a bUBy nation can pay to a pooplo who havo dono grout things In its up- ARE WE STILL 8AVAQE87 "For years," says tho Jndlanapolls Nowb, "tho nttondanco of tho students at tho morning services In tho chapel of Michigan agricultural collogo has boon notoriously scanty. Reqontly somo practical jokor put up posters on tho campus, announcing that Jack Johnson would glvo a talk in tho chapol at tho regular hour for assem bly Borvlcos. As a result tho chapol was jammed to tho raft'ors. Rut Jack waB far away." About ovory so ofton wo flgurallvoly pat ourselves onlliaJ)ack and wondoxJ at tho wondorful progress wo havo mado slnco our nncostorH claimed the troos as a habitation and sustained life with a liberal allowance of herbs nnd roots. And it doos look as though wo had como a long way, but when in tho centers of learning, where of all places ono should find conditions farthost rbmovod from Uiobo of sav agery, wo find that tho kind of human specimen who can dollver a chnpel dlBcourso which will bo attonded y an Individual whoso only claim to coin potency for giving a chapol talk Is the fact that ho has been nblo to pound Into Insonslblllty ovory opponont which has bo far faced lilm. It may bo that tho Bocrot of securing a largo chapol attendance has at last been dis covered, but at what a cost of pride lit 'our oft-declaimed progress. Reflec tion on tho, opiBodo. is not altogether plonslng, but maybo wo aro partially savages still and there is advanco yot to bo mado. Dally Iowan. Gcscllochaft Meets Friday. Tho aocmanlBtlscho GoBollschaft will moot Friday afternoon at 1:30 at tho banquet room In tho basement of tho Toniplo. A good program has boon arranged by MIbs Reed, chair man of tho program committee. It NO' MORE TREATS. Wisconsin Students Sign Petitions to . This Effect. Antl-trcating na a preventive and a sano practlco will bo In voguo after Friday morning, according to tho num bor of signatures on petitions that aro bolng circulated this week. This action is the result of a con foronco of representatives from sev oral prominent student organizations in tho university held last week. It was docldod to bogin tho campaign nt onco nnd tho following resolution was formulated and started Monday" on its rounds among tho students: "No student shall buy for, or accept from another student, Intoxicating liquors In tho city of Madison. "Tins resolution "sTiall bo In offect on and after Friday, March 11, 1910. "Wo, tho undersigned, ngreo to do all In our power lo do away with the trating practice and put into .actual operation tho abovo regulation." Moro than BOO names woro Blgned to tho resolution Monday and yester day. No student to whom It waB pre sented hesitated to afllx his signature and it Is believed that practically all the mon In tho university will Join In tho movomont. "Sure, I will bo glad to Blgn It," said ono student, "becauso It will be a great saving In expenses." "I bollovo thoro will bo no troublo In persuading tho students to conform to tho regulation," said one of tho men Instrumental In beginning tho move ment yosterday. "I bellevo that It will regulato Intoxication among the students, and nlso keep them from spending so much monoy. "The same regulation is In forco In sovafol colleges, Michigan being ono of tho most prominent to adopt It. Tho resolution was circulated there last year, and It Is said that tho plan has boon BuccesBful. Wo did not fol low Michigan's oxamplo by any means, as wo did not know thnt such a rulo was In effect thoro until after we de cided to broach it In thin university." Dally Cardinal. Oxfords Men! With that high arch and cuban heel. Two ties and buttons. Pumps that's it, those plain toe $5.00 lasts. $3.50.. Dollar Off Budd. 45 Q St. BUDD .building, On Jho supremo bench, in municipal, Btnto and national affairs, in prlvato enterprises, In American lilBtory, overywhoro you will And tho -flOU-of-tho-Emcrjtld-lBlcT IIo-ls-nttlnr front today. NEWSPAPER LABORATORY. Tho school of journalism scorns to havo como to stay. Colleges aro adopt ing it ovorywhoro and thoso which adopted it ilrst aro bringing It to a stato of perfection. Tho main justi fication for a school of journalism Is tho fact that there is a dally Increas ing demand fOr journalistic training. But of all tho unique features In connection with tho work a laboratory, .recently Installed at Wisconsin In con nection with tho school of Journalism, Js a winner. It Is equipped with sovon standard typewriters with dosRs, on which tho students aro required to writo their Btories, 7 !.To furnish models for their work, "aovoral thousands of woll ' written news stories of all types have boon mounted and classified In a largo fil ing case. Magazlno and special foaturo articles taken from newspapers and periodicals havo also been provided to furnish Btudents good examples of this kind of material. Files of tho Now York papers, tho Mllwaukeo and other Wisconsin dallies and representative weeklies of 'tho stato, aro preserved for dally refor once andjisq by tho students In nows paper work. Reforonco books, descriptive matter and illustrations of typo-sotting and type-casting machines, printing presaeB and stereotyping outfits also form a part of tho laboratory equip ment. A "morgue," with obituaries, cuts, and materlces. of woll known peoplo psbowsntho student .how much matter ,can bo, preserved for ubo 'on short notice. , . ; as F -t Wpver seventy-five students havo en rolled in tho six coursos offered in will consist of a reading by Miss Lulcknrt, two numbors by tho quartet, consisting of Miss' Hoppnor, Miss Koko, Mr. Kruegor and Mr. Nussbaum, ana conversation In German and Gor man songs. A short business meet ing will nlso bo held to hear tho re port on tho constitution by tho com mlttco appointed to draft ouo. A good tlmo 1b assured, and overy ono should bo there. HURRAH FQR QOLONEL BILLS. Contributes Fifteen Dollars to Jack Best Fund When He Hears that Much Is Lacking. Tho Dally Nebraskan yesterday re ceived a letter from Colonel C. J. Bills of Lincoln saying thnt ho had boen waiting till tho final pull to do his Bharo in sending Jack Best to .Eng land. When ho saw tho 'amount had reached $335, ho immediately wroto put his check: for ?15, which Tiinkes tho total $350. This absolutely assures tho trip. Colonpl 13111b advlsod tho No brnBkan to contlnuo to tako subscrip tions, so as to make tho trip "not only a good ono, but n hotter one." Colonel Dills has always shown a great interest In tho Unlyorslty of Ne braska, and ospoclally la our athletic success. Wo thank him for his contribution. Boxing has boon a recognized uni versity activity in all tho larger east ern universities. Also coaches aro em ployed to glvo lessons in wrestling In many cases. From tho Cornell Dally Sun It Is learned ' that an extended Borles of boxing contests will bo held next April between Columbia and Yale, and that offorts aro bolng mado to organize an intercollegiate' boxing Jcaguo. Economics classos at. .Dartmouth aro. required to subscribe to Now York dally papery this' year Instead of purchasing text-books. ' , NEVER KNOW if you NEVER TRY When you wnnt to i?ot CluanlnK nu Prt'HHliJK ilono ly linnil nnd not by inuchlnory brlntf juur uiuiiiun lu JOE The Tailor wholHftl-on Hiieolullatbn nltorliifr nnd rotltt inK your clotlu'H up-to-duto. MARGARET M. FRICKE Dressmaker of Style and Economy UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN University Bulletin 0OGO0OffiO000006 ' t ' ' J nnMTnrA rrA; rrnrA v r 1 ' I MKlNCj QUARTET MEMORIAL HALL u O'CLOCK ffi O O00000000000000000000000 O ( Kgalv Catchers' Mitts rilO adillStnhlo n.iritlitvr nrrannomnnt in I ,!.-. lw.ll... . I -- ... tvuiviu ...Is. VJWWLJ 1IW1IUW hold the ball everv time. Ml ch Mitrs nn n.l uv ,u tn catchers as Gibson. SchmidvMoran, KLleinow, Dooin in fact all the catchers of the h. leagues. The Kak Ball The official baU of the great American League and WorlJ's Series. Standard with all leagues and tne hall- used by the big college and university nines in championship games The Reach Trade Marie Cjtranltts sitislicilon aid pcrttct goods The I'.rnc'j OfTiclnl Uise Dnll Ouldc contains p;nyiUK ruUs, kjIiciIuIcs, nyrniKCH , cii ., nlito nctlon plctiircs nnd lilsioryot Worlds Scrh-s In one book. io eentH nt dealers' or by mall. Ready about Marc i nt'i. Keacli base Hall cnlntOKUc I'KEK. A. J. REACH COMPANY, i7a&,TullpSt.,Phlla., Pa. OFFICIAL American LeapeBaU ..aftte.. iSTtotol'" STOP INTO THE FOLSOM FOR REFRESHMENTS. ICE CREAM AND ICES, EIGHT LUNCHES, CANDIES AND BON BONS. i c T?S J. CWQI. 1307 O STREET TYPEWRITERS all makes SOLD OR RENTED Rout Applies on Purelmso Price. Fivo Duys Freo trial boforo you pay. Two years Kimrntoo wlion you purcliaso. Easy Torma. Got our list. Auto. 2080; Boll 1200. B. F. SWANSON CO., Inc. 143 So. 13th St. MARCH. 17, Thursday, 8 p. m., Armory Bas ketball. Inter-class final gamo. 17, Thursday Musical program. Con vocation. 18, Friday, B p. m. Special convoca tion. Prof. Wv L. Stophens, super intendent Lincoln schools. 19, Friday End of rnld-soraester ex aminations. 19, Saturday, 8 p. m., Temple Theater ' Chicago Glee Club. 19, Friday, 8 p. m. Gy exhibition. Armory. 22, Tuesday Phi Beta Kappa Day. 22, Tuesday, 11 a. m., Memorial Hall . Junlor-freahman debate. 22, Tuesday, 8 p. m Music Hall of Tomplo Democratic Club meets. 22, Tuesday, 10 a. m Memorial Hall Junior-freshman debate. "Fif teenth Amendment." 22, Tuesday, 7:30 p, ra., Memorial Hall Sophomore rally. 23, "Wednesday, 6 p. ra. Spring vaca tion commences. 23, "Wednesday, 7 p. m, Glee Club . meets. 25,, Friday, 5 p. m. Convocation. Prof. G. W. A. Lucky. "Shall 0 ganlzod Play Bo Mado a Part of the Public School-Curriculum?" Fraternities Sororities W can save you 12 per cent on your fuel bills Semi-Anthracite $8.00 IS THE REASON Lhti.BMt, Gregory The Coal Man 1044 ost THIS WEEK! AT TEMPLE ORPHEUM Chicago Glee Club BETTER THAN EVER MARCH 19 PATRONIZE COLLEGE AMUSEMENTS t .- --01 -.