'V v "lrtpttW"HrtWV,"NWMMVlWitj4 .,...vA w.gfc,..7,,..jgnJ.i--'Jr.tga:..-',.;--, s4V"'"Jti M , --.... T -, , H -r1'"!'!' ' '- .MtMMMMHVMMMMMiaiVWHiMMNM;. r- R THE DAILY NEBRASKAN - iy-i rj DIRECTORY. Easier Clothes For The Men -- MMBiHIUIHMaMHMHBHHai mammmm jj- tjuslness Directory Evory toyal UHtlt7''Btwlbnt,'lB''Ugd to Datron iitrr thofiR NfobraBkan advertisers, and . to jiientlon tho Nobraskah whllo do4 mani iurlwi.v''"''i'imurffmrmmimiimt'Mjm.v. wnwiwg atl&tKmtitiwmmrmMtmamMmmmmvttamt! ;xz -:V 4ng so. .BANKS First TruBk 4k Savings 'bakeries , Foleom UAUBER. SHOPS Green's .HOOK STORES Co-op. ' , j Uulvorlflty OLEANEUS f J. 0 Wood & Co. , Weber's Sultorluin. ' Joo, Tljo Tailor. ' Tod Marrlner. "1JC0THINQ i Farquhar , Mngoo St Doomor Mayor Bros. I'alaco Clothing Co. Snolor & Simon Armstrong Clothing Uo. COAL Gregory WhltobroaBt Confectionery Lincoln Candy Kitchen Tommy ,'OANCIKQ -AfclVDBMT Lincoln .OOCTO'RB Or. Cramb ipRY GOODS Mlllor & I'aluo ' . Rudge &. Ouonuil DRUGGISTS Rlgga 'iCNGRAVERS Cornell FLORISTS C H. Froy CHAPIN DROS. FURNISHINGS Oudd liagoo & Deomor Mayor Bros. Palaco Clothing Co ttudgo & Guenzol Spolor & Simon Armstrong-Clothing Co. HATTER8 Budd Fulk ' Unland Armstrong Clothing Co. Magoo & Deemer Mayor Bros. Rudge & GueMcl ICE CREAM Franklin Ice Cream C. JEWELER8 (Iallott Tucker LAUNDRIES Evans OPTICIAN8 dho&a. Rowe. ... .. ORCHESTRA Thornburg'B. '"" AM lOTOQRAPHBBls Townsend. PRINTERS dlmmona - Van Tine JtESTAURANTB Boston Lunch Cameron's Y. M, C. A. Spa ' SHOES Armstrong Clothlm O. Uudd .Men's Bootery 'Mayor Bros. Mlllor & Palme SHOE REPAIRING Electric Shoo Store SKIRTS , -Slcjrt Store TAILORS. I Elliott Bros. : V ' , .Gregory , . iHorzog .Joer The Tailor. , xAh' . LVDWIG. THEATERS 'i Qllver . , Orpbeum. Lyric , .. HTYPE WRITERS Lincoln Typewriter Ex. . lOndorwood Typewriter Oe. For Youna Men, L Svstem Clothes. Si 5 MWilili WW yii if Immm NEBRASKA TAKES THIRD PLAGE AT SOUIX CITY MORNINQSIDE COLLEGE EASILY WINS FIR8T HONORS. flVt MEN REPRESENT NEBRASKA 8outh Dakota Wins 8ccond Place and Drake Takes Fourth Plaoe at the First Annual Trl-State Indoor Track. ''Moet'at Sioux City. MoriilngHldo College oaslly won tho Hr8t annunl trl-state Indoor meet at Sioux City Saturday night. Tho Sioux City -institution nnfchcd with u total of iirty polntK, while South Da kota, Its nearest rival, had but twenty one. The lloor wnH in very poor condi tion, It requiring twenty-two laps to make n mile. -It-wnH-impOsalblo' to1 make good time for fear of being ln jurod. Visiting Teams Complain. Tho visiting teams complained of tho treatment given them by Mom Ingsldo and expressed, no willingness vtq roturn to Sioux City. There were charges of tripping and blocking in tho two-milo race, in which Morning side onto red live men. Nebraska entorod only five mon, but they made a very good showing. Three of tho four men who qualified, in tho aO-yard dash were Nobraska men. Drake entered in but few events,, but. succeeded in defeating Nobraska in tho relay. Drake won flvo points rind Nebraska won eight. The Sioux City Young Men's Christian Associa tion captured four points. Quarn-. strom nnd Berkstrom brothers were tho big point winners for Morning sldo. 8ummary of Meet. 30-yard dash : ' Quarnstrom, Morning- sldo, first; Roid, Nebraska, second; DaviB, Nebraska, third. Time: 0:03V4. Two-mile run: II, Burkstrossor, Mornlngslde, first,; dishing, Morning side, second;. Anderson, Nebraska, third. Time: 9:30. .30-yard high bundles: Fclber, South Dakota, first; Rlgdby, Souths Dakota, -j . f 9 a little more snap in tfye cut and colozing tlan might suit tfye older and more conservative wearers. Es sentially stylish built to fit to endure to lend confidence and- dignity a beating, mote conservative in style, tfye peifection of the clot lies-makers9 art. Otiier Spring Suits down to $i2.5o "Hawes" showing of'Spting Hats in our windows ought to give you a fynt of our ability to properly hat you oMagee 6f Deemer Kensington Clothes, St)hts, Stetson Hats socond; Bolt, Mornlngslde, third. Timo: 0:04 -1-5. Twolvo-pound shot put: Lyons, Jouth Dakota first; Roberts, South Dakota, socond; A. Burkstrcssorr Mornlngslde,' third.- Distance: 39 feet inch. One-mile run: A. Burkstrossor, Mornlngslde, first; Anderson, Nobras ka, second; Larson, Sioux City Young Men's Christian Association, third. Time: 4:3B. 300-yard dnsh: QuarnBtrom, Morn- Jngide,. first; . iopjgomexy.. JMnrulng? sldo. second; Shoemaker, Morning- side.-.thlrd. -Timo:-0:38. High jump: Norgrond, South Da kota, first; Watson, Sioux City (unat-J tached), second; Mcintosh, Morning sldo, third. Distance: fi feet G Inches. 880-yard run: James Lowis, Morn lugslde. first! A. Burkstrossor, Morn ingsldo, second; H. BurkHtresHer. Mornlngslde, third. No time. Relay raco: Drake vs. Nebraska. Won by Drako in 2:19. Rolay raco: Morningsldo vh. South Dakota. Won by Mornjngsldo In 2:41. Nebraska will send a team to Kan sas City Saturday to compoto in, meet thoro. DR. RICHARDS AT CONVOCATION. . Musical Number hy. 'Member of the 8enior Class. (Dr. .E. H. Richards of Now York City will give an address at convoca tion today. Ho will. speak Un-;connec- tion with tho laymen's missionary movement which is being held In the city at the present time. Tho convention, whjch opens to day, will closo on March 17. It is perhaps one of tho largest conventions ovpr hold In tho, city of Lincoln'. Over 2,000 delegates will bo present, 1,000 of whom will come from outside tho city. Tho senior class will furnish tho musical number, which will consist of "Apolonaiso" by Pjjdorowski, and will bo given by Miss Samuolson. DR. BE8SEY FAVOR8 THE PLAN. Honor System In Line With All Other Forms of Progress. In attempting jto ascertain the atti tudo of membors of the faculty on the j t clothes jot college men. Kensington Clothes $20 to $40 Derbies and "" Stetsons, " Manhattan Lincoln, honor system as recently installed at Nebraska, an Interview with Dr. Bos soy ollcited a reply In overy way favorablo to tho system. "I am mighty glad to seo it in stalled at Nobraska," "ho said, "and 1 think it was started from the right ond." When the matter had bocn discussed before meetings of tho faculty he con fessed that ho had not boon very en thusiastic in regard to the movement. This nttltudo, ho said, was takon be- causa ho. did not. hollovo tbutr -yon- could force anything of that nature iUpon.tho studontvbody.-It.hnd to. come) voluntarily in his opinion. That tho barbs and co-eds must get in lino with tho raovoment or be left far behind was his expression. It is in lino with allo'f tho othor groat movements of tho past few years, he said. Tho abolition of tho railroad pass is but ono of the mnny phases of tho samo movement. A few years ago,. ho said, ono would have thought such Ideas absurd. Now they . are taken ns a matter of course. NO CUSSING AT MISSOURI. 8tudents Vote to Expurgate Songs and Yells. Columbia, Mo:, Mar. 12. A vigorous campaign at tiio University of Mis souri JhaB resultod In tho exclusion of nil Impropor words such ns "holl" nnd "damn" from tho songs and yolls of (hat institution. The "question ' oxclted so much in terest that It was finally decided by a poll of tho entire student body, which showed an almost unanimous senti ment in favor, of purer language. Only eight students declared for tho "cuss" words. Notice. The members of the Engineering Society aro requested to meet in front of tho engineering building qt 12 o'clock this morning to have tholr .pictures taken for the Cornhusker. Sophomores Will Meet. There 'will be a mooting-; of the sophoiuoro class Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, Tho class Olympics will be discussed. J3vory sophomore is urged to attend. to $3o wK , zdurora Red Oak The First Trust .t Sav ings Bank 4 Par Cant Intaraat A $1 opmt an aooiunt Comer f 0th & O SlmU Just Published Webiter't NEW INTERN Afl'ON AL Diction, j (G.& C. McrriuaCo., Springfield, Matun itxrpisie the old latcmational at wabii iliati book exceeaea fti predccei'tor. Cfiltor' in Chief, Dr. W. T. Htrrii, former U. S. Con of Education. The definitions have b;cn re arranged and amplified. The number of ternu defiaed has beea more than doubled. The Cty Biology, synonyms, pronunciation, have re ceived unsparing scholarly labor. The lan guage of English literature for over seven centuries, the terainolocy of the crts and sciences, and (he every-day cpcccli of ttrect, shop, and household, ore prcsenteJ wil.'i full seta and clearness. In siza of vocabulary, in richness of general information, and ft con venience of consultation, the book sets a new mark la lexicography. 400,000 words and phrases. 6000 illastrations. 2700 pages. Write U Um poUubrt far Sptciaca Ps. 1 ' rpHE' Label in a SHIRT is your guarantee that everything in the shirt is right. All you have to look for is the pattern you like. $1,50 and more In white or in color. , Qluctt, Peauody & Co. MAKlJia ' the 1 . I iiAitalY CC