! A THE DAILY NEBRASKAN v A !- OLIVER THEATRE TODAY 2130 TONIGHT 8:15 "The Comedy Hit of the Season" Henry B. Harris presents The Traveling Salesman A Comedy, by James Forbes. Mat., $1.50 to 25c Night $1.50 to 50c Mf Students, Htono- WfOQlf klffX praphors, Book 11 Hflim Lluu koopors nnd yon " J who Buffer with wtnk oyes, Grnnulatoa Lldn. Inflamod, Film, Styea nnd Wntory Eyoa, find Hygoln Eye Cream ootH llko n charm in trostoriug them to n healthy condition. Porfoctly harmless. tindlsKunrnntood to produco satisfactory ro mUtfl or monoy rofundd. At drurw.HtA or mftilod on receipt of prloorCOor II. W. UU lO.V, GoNhen, Imllnnn. vv9 MB WrAES HRjTi 43V& Boys--My Spring line of woolens are stunners. See them! L. J. HERZOG 1230 O St Fine Tailoring The Owl Pharmacy Northeast Corner 14th and O Streets Hot and Cold Drinks at Our Fountain SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros. TAILORS 142 SOUTH TWELFTH TYPEWRITERS All makos rontcd with stand $3 per Month. Bargains in Robailt Machines Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Auto 1155. Boll 1181. 122 No. 11th UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET, YELLOW FRONT Your Patronage Solicited n'jji Quali tyf .Counts TH APS WHY, FRANKLIN'S ICE CREAM IS SO POPULAR We make a specialty of fan cy creams, sherbets. Ices and 'punch for Frat & Sorori ty parties. Whipping Cream always on hancLBell 205. .Auto 8181. 1818 N St. Hot Drinks; at aew i seasoa. Do yotf know amy place where you can get as QUICK SERVICE as yeu caa at ouroew. store? Ne ' ' ae4 of bdag crowded. Lincoln Candy K ltCnen S. W. Crer Campus I Gleanin C. II. Froy, norlBt, 1133 O street, w Thprnburg's Orchostra. Auto 5877. Eat at Don Cameron's Cafo, 11M10 So. 12th street Try a lunch at tho Y. M. C. A. Spa. 13th and P Sts. Chapin BroB., florists. 127 So. 13th. Green's Sanltnry Barber Shop. 120 N. 11th. Save your pennies and go to the Chicago Glee Club Saturday night. Dr. Contlra spoke yesterday on "In dustrial Geography" to the teachers nnd pupils of the Whlttler city school. Ben Cherrlngton, '11, acted as of ficial at tho Onmha-SIoux City basket ball game held at Omaha liiBt Satur day evening. IlllnolH has a society of .Jewish stu dents. FULK gsjj 1325 O Street New Caps this week. INTER-CLASS GAMES TONIGHT. Double-Header to Be Played in Armory. The Inter-class basketball games will be held tonight at the armory. The tlrst game will bc culled at 7:30 sliarp. The juniors meet the seniors and the freshmen the sophomores. Last year the junioi'H won the cham pionship. This year nil the teams aro strong and close games are anticipat ed. The freshmen especially have some strong material. Admission will be free WILL CONFER ON APRIL 19. Representatives of Missouri Valley Schools Will Consider Football. The date for tho football confer ence which was called some time ago hy CancellarJizmliSjLri)ngoIKaik. sns. has been sot for April 19. All of tho Missouri Valley schools have been heard from and have promised to send dolegntos to confer on the nmttor of reforming football rules. Tho schools which will bo included in the repre sentation besides Knnsas are, Mis Four!, Nebraska-, Iowa, Drake. Iowa Slate College and Ames. The conference will bo held in Kan sas City, buf tho place of meeting hns not yet been decided upon. The date, April 19, was sot in ordor to hold tho conference after tho na tional rules committee meets In Bos ton, Mass., tho Intter part of tIs "month, .- . SENIOR MASQUERADE. Big Celebartlon of the Four-Year Stu dents at the Music Hall of the Temple. With a crowd which 'almost limited the capacity of tho music hull oflho Temple tho members of tho senior class hold their annual masquerade Saturday evening. Costumes, of vari ous sorts and colors led to tho air of jollity which prevailed. Alf sorts or characters wore ropresonted from cowboys' to. goddesses of liberty. The climax of the evening came whon'fimo to unmask arrived. All oyes wero curious to see who tho red-haired girl was who no one seemed to know. At the proper tlmo tho masks wero removed and the familiar faces ap peared lacking tho falso whiskers and other means of disguise. The' red haired girl was srowarl Elliott, who was declared to be tho best disguised person at the affair. After numerous stunts -had, been held tho masquerade closed -with Q, period of dancing. Tho chaporones wore Redstrar Harrison nnd ' Miss I Alice Ensign. - , KEARNEY NORMAL CLUB. Organization Formed of Former Stu dents of That 8choolt A number of students who had for merly attended tho Konrnoy Normal School mot at tho homo of R. C. Berk strom, 227 Vluo street, for a social evening Inst night. They dlBcussed tho ndvlsablllty of organizing n club which was proposed by ono of their number. Tho proposal carried, and Mr. ErneBt Dnnly was olectod presi dent and Mr. R. ('. Beckstrom secre tary. Committees were appointed to dravr lip a constitution nnd lo nrrnngo for tho program of future meetings. The next mooting will bo hold April 2. All studonts who,, through attendance at the normal should be mombors of tho club, are urged to bo present at tho meetings. Tho plan of tho club is to further tho interests of tho university nt tho normal and to be of whntovor other service it can to the two schools. Says President Fox Nichols ol Dartmouth: "Tho college, in all lt relations, 1b the most human and hu manizing influence in all of our civil ization, and year by years, Its gains In this direction aro substantial." Stetson and Tween Hats, Seven teen new shapes in Stetsons and about twenty in other makes at $2.50 to $3.00. Just in. Classified Column drS Advertisements for this column should be left at the business office, basement Administration building, be tween 11 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Want ads will positively not be in serted unless paid in advance, at the rate' of 10 cents per insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first Insertion; three Inser. tions 25 cents; five insertions 40 cents. WANT ADS FOUND Found In Unl hall, small fob,, mudo of four gold chains. Owner may have same by paying for this ad. US-St Found Sal, fountuln' pen, which can ho obtained by identifying aamb and paying for this ad. 98-Cl Found Tau Omicron Sigma ("Spike") pin. Owner may havo same by paying for this ud. 97-31 Found Waterman's Ideal fountain pen. Owner may have same by pay ing for this ad. ' 99-3t FOR SALfc For SaleA now high-grade bicycle, at LT por cent discount. Inquire at Nebraska!, ofllcc. Tho- Famous, corner 13th and O. will havo their Easter opening of mil linery Wednesday and Thursday this week. All the new Idous In early spring tailored and suit. hats can bo seen at very reasonable prices. 9!) LOST Lost General note book, wltlucrny cover, on' Inst Friday. Finder please return to Rag ofllce. 99-31. LoBt Bunch of four hoys in or near armory, last Thursday evening. Ro-t turn to Nohraskan ofllce. 98-3t PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY PHySoIANS' AND SUBOEONB DR. LILLIAN SNOW, 1339 O; hours, 9jn. m. to 9 p. ni. Diseases of women. Auto 3038. .DR. C. H. RUSH, . Surgeon. Richards Block. Both, Phones. DR., J, R. HAGGARD, 221 BurrBlk. Both phones. XIFE INSURANCE . UNlOr), CENTRAL LIFE,, 8. B. Coon, aflt., 216 Richards blocl.' Cc83c&c&c&) cSjc&j c&jc&j Any Man Make a Safe Hit rZ W5 2 If he is fully coached C Styles in Men's Haberdashery. Every time 83 qs a new aim lis ucnvcicu 10 inc nome Jriate .ck S. we are the first to make a "safe hit" with it W SHIRTS--Plaited or OX- ported or domestic madras at $1 to $2.50. The ''Neckwear" we deliver, to you .are good '& V& for a "home run" if you are up and coming. ) OX- NECKWEAR in a large variety of pat terns and silks all of which are exclusive with us. Crocheted Neckwear, Tubular Slip easy Scarfst Silk and Linen Wash Ties French Seam or Open End 4 -in -hands at 25c to $2.00. rS? LS LEATHER GOODS composing new Spring ' & "Arrivals. A mnsf n.nmnlp.fp cVnwirv rf .Qui 'Q Cases, Club and Oxford Bags in Walrus, ) Seal, Cowhide, Alligator, Sheepskin, etc., at &j popular prices. f A A1TMV DJ77 T Y -. tiju.Tr uijiii-wc anuw a new raDric, Washable belt in different 'lhades of gray, vertical and cross stripes and checks, made to , match your suit at each 50 cents. Not only J sizes but sizes at 2 for 25c. Rudge & Guenzel Co. I H BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBv ' BBBBBBBBBvBBBBBBBBBBBBVfl ftBBBBBBBBBBVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI BHBHBSBCdBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV I ' r-" t " i , 0iS : ! : : zrz SCENE " The Traveling Salesman" A COMEDY BY At the Oliver, Today following tho policy established hy Tionry B Harris with his "The, Lion and the Moubo" nnd other companies, tho presentation in this city or "Tho Traveling Salesman," the latest com; edy success of James Forbes, author of "The Chorus Lady," will bo of thot same high charncter as was In.ovl- . i r r7' c&c&) c&c&c&c&c&ri&.1 Can in the New Sonne- & X3 Neailec stvles. itn. 8) 8 i1" 8 i 1 pi . CT V, in every style of Arrow Collars On 4 FROM t ',!' JAMES FORBES it u( - r 2:30 -Tonight 8:15 i " ' i 1 donco when Mr. Harris' other., plays wero presented hero. "Tho Traveling Salesman" will make its bow to tho 4 .... 1 patrons of tho Olivor theater todaJy matinee nnd tonight, and will no doubt' be recoived. with tho sanlo hor'yQ claim as was manifest' during fho'.'iao months' run of this? delightful, pmebfy; , at tho Gaiety; theator, in Jow XrV;1?