The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 12, 1910, Image 4
ii'iuiMiiM!WwwiiiWIWWWwMt snn.M-ifnHimmmjm. , . - r:?'MviMmi'm,!ir?&itwtxjw K i I i THE DAILY NEBRASKAN '4- 't 1 . a y k is u I 4 DIRECTORY. lustVeat Directory Evorj loyal University studont 1b urged to patron ise these Nobraskan adverilsors, and 'to montlon the Nebraakan while do .tng bo. BANKS i Flrat Tfua 4b Savlnga DAKER1E8 FoUom BARBER SHOPS Croon's 'BOOK STORES Co-op, Unlvorlaty CLEANERS . J. 0 Wood ft Co. Wooer's Sultorlum. Joo, Tho Tailor. Tod Marrlner. - JLOTHINQ Farquhar 1 Magoo & Doomer Mayer Bros. , Palace Clothing Co. Dnnlnr JO- fllmon Armstrong Clothing Ce. COAL ' Grogory Whltobroaat CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy Kltcues Tommy DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln PITTS DOCTORS Dr. Cramb DRY GOODS Mlllor ft Paine . Rudgo- & Quonzol .DRUGGISTS Rlgga ,BNGRAVERS Qornoll (FLORISTS , C. H. Froy CHAPIN BROS. FURNISHINGS Budd Fulk Magoo ft Deomer ' Mayor BroB. Palaco Clothing Co. Rudgo & Quonzol Spolor ft Simon Armstrong Clothing Oo. HATTERS , '. Budd Fulk '. Unland Armstrong Clothing Co. Magco & Dcemor " Mayor BroB. .V ...4 . ' Palaco" Clothing Co. Rudgo ft Guonzel Spolor ft Simon ICE CREAM Franklin lco Cream Ce. JEWELERS ' Hallott Tucker LAUNDRIES Evans OPTICIANS "" . . Shoaa Howe. i ORCHESTRA. l 11M1 , Thornburgs. PH0T0GRAPHER8 Townsend PRINTERS Simmons Van Tine , -'","" RESTAURANTS Boston Lnch Cameron's Y. M. C. A. Spa 8H0ES Armstrong Clothing Ce. Beckman Bros. Budd Men's Bootery Rogers & Perkins Mayer Bros. Mlllor ft Paine SHOE REPAIRING Electric Shoo Store SKIRTS Skirt Store TAILORS Elliott Bros. Gregory Horzog ,Joe, The Taller. , LUDWIQ. ,, u THEATERS Oliver . Orpheaia. .; Lyrlo TYPEWRITER! A , Llncolsj TypewrlUr'Jsx. UdenooVTjrewtflif Of, pntiniinnHniiiiiniimminiMMhinHuc SIMMONS 1 PRINTER e T M B & lrlntlnsf S : sac BnjzrAulnB F : :tfc sTmboasIng 4C - E Auto 85lt 817 south 13th r BlUUM--MM""'--""'-g Thi First Trust & Sav ings Dank 4 Par Cant Intsrest A $1 spins an aoosunt Ctntt 10th U O StrftU Cincinnati $2.50 Shoe Store and Electric Repair Factory New Location 142 North 12 WARTHON'S Pll jmVkplro' 96 a New from Cover to Cover WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY JUST ISSUED. EfcUOULDr. rW. Tr Htrrii, former U. S. Cos. of Edu cation, d General Information Practically Doubled, d Divided Pago : Important Words AboYe, Lett Important Below. 0 Contain More Iaforraatioa of Interest to More Peopla Than Any Otber Dictionary. 2JT00 PAGES. 6000 ILLUSTRATIONS. 400,000 WORDS AND PHRASES. GET THE BEST In Scholarship, Convenience, Authority, Utility. P Wrlto lor Cpoctrocn Faces to a&CMERRUM CO.,PnlGjiirt,SprlMnU.Mi. You will ("oui auTor to atntloa t&u publication. I I VSJ& Are Showing Wen's and Young Men's Spring Suits in th3 Hlgheat Type of Clothes Made All new colors and effects and correct models are here. Good, stylish, well made Suits. $ 1 5, $ 1 8, $20 For $25, $30 and $35 you can be as well dressed as it Is possible to be FARQUHAR I I 2 Collars Free 2 Collars Free 2 Collars Free SATURDAY SPECIAL Ae a1I1 eive away upon presentation of this ad.2 col lars with any shirt you may buyof us regardless of price of shirt Saturday Only UNLAND Sc COMPANY L ittle Block: 1 shirt - 22 collars 3 shirts - o collars Be sure and bring this ad with -you. 22 shirts - A- collars -4- shirts - S collars etc Void without 1 1 AGRICULTURE r Tho boys In tho wood laboratory havo mado a thermometer back to bo used by Profosaor Emoraon In somo experimental work. On account of tho Inclement weather tho freshman baseball team wore un ablo to play tho East Lincoln toam Wednesday aftornopn. Tho University Agricultural Club J gavo a houBO party at tho Phi Delta , Thota fraternity houBO last evening. About thirty coupl6B woro present. partment will prcsldo and lead In tho dlBCUBsion. Tho subject will bo, "Ani mal Nutrition. Every ono Intercstod i I In this subject is cordially invited. o I A request has been received by the department of agronomy! from Hono lulu for samples of grulnl to bo used In tho government sclroolfor Judging purposes. A lottor fromVrofessor Ten Eyko of Kansas asks for four varie ties of corn to send to Australia. A. G, SPALDING & BROS. THE Spalding Trade Mark Mate) It knows tronghout th world m guarantee ol Quality are the Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Equipment FOR ALL, ATHLETIC SPORTS AND PASTIMES Another Beed corn tester has boon added to tho crop laboratory. ThlB makes flvo in all. Tho last comes from tho Geprgo Leo Co. of Omaha and is to ho used In an incubator. o Tho Havolock high schopl class in ngrlculturo visited tho farm campuB yesterday afternoon and Inspected the work being carried on In tho different departments. LaBt ovonlng a very exciting game 'of' baseball was playod botweon tho freshman and sophomore classes at the farm. Tho gamo was called In tho thirteenth Inning with a tie scoro. HISTORY A PART OF. COLLEGE EDUCATION MICHIGAN FIR8T AMERICAN UNI VER8ITY TO TEACH HI8TORY. Prof. P. W. Chaso of tho farm me chanics dopratment at tho farm nnff Carl Chaso, 1010, loft yesterday fot Falls City to look after tho farm drain ago oxperimont being carried on near that city. IFYOUI nr Inter tad ! tblitK BDOrt YOB honld hart oopy 01 th tipaldlngcftUloirufc It's aoomplateenoyolo pedtfcof Wbit'i (ifw lu Mpart and U tent frit oa rqaet. A. G. Spalding & Bros. 147 Vafcufc Avmw CkLiif Classes In blacksmlthing havo com pleted their exorcises In wrought-lron and aro now taking up steel. Their first exercises will bo tho tempering of tho various articles they make, such as puncheB, chisels and drills. The cIaB808 In woodwork havo near ly completed tho model bouse. "When It Is flnlshod throughout an opening will be mado In the floor ot the wood shop large enough to allow tho pass- age of the house outside, where it will bo placed beside the model barn. The University Agricultural Cliib meets this evening at 8 o'clock In the faculty room at -the -Temple. Profes sor Smith of tho animal husbandry do- western colleges Wisconsin takes tho , load In tho number of courses, and in omclency of tho subject Is consldorcd tho best school in tho United States. obraska ranks well with western colleges as to tho morlts of tho his tory department. Wo havo hero at prftsont thirty-six courses In history, and eleven instructors. Professor Caldwell then gavo tho reasons for such an alarming growth In tho popularity of and tho demand, for history. Th.o coming in of tho teaching of practical government and tho training of men for-public services necessitates a largo field of knowledge oMhe-pa8t-and-tho-deTendonco of Iho prosonT"8ltuatlonB upon thoso of tho past Tho doctrine of evolution also ap peals to history and It becomes evi dent thata man must know tho past In order to live In tho present Tho qualifications of thoso who woro X6 teach tho subject of history woro also emphasized. "One In order jto teach history should glvo years of study and from every point of view should bo a specialist," said tho pro feasor. Among tho present problems which At flvo o'clock convocation vestor- l'uufronc iao Dsiory teachers of tho day Professor Caldwell of tho Amorl- country toay is whero to begin In can history department gavo a short teach,nS It, and how. It was Professor address on tho place of history In the ' Caldwoll'B 0Pln'n thQt the subject school curriculum. Ho said that his- Bhould bo taught as a science, not ox J.oiy as a subject in education was a act Probably but tho problems shoulfl nowcomer. In tho course ot tho loc- bo BtudIed nB a system of ovonts. Ho turo -Professor Caldwoll showed tho BGOmed to nsreo with tho methods tlmo that'hlstory has boon studied has V8Jd at Nebraska of making a begin- been relatively short. i"b m mo meaiaovai or ancient po- ProfosBor Caldwell said regarding, history that Germany In 1830 was bo-1 KNOW PAST TO LIVE IN PRESENT History Studied Because of Demand for Knowledge of Practical Government. rlod. ginning to absorb history in Its Insti tutions of learning by lectures and but MEDIC8 TO OMAHA. until 18Q0 was there any apparent do- Doc8 and Prep Docs to V)8,t 8cent8 velopment. England, which Is one of - . . . the foremost at present In teaching of history, was as late as America lri of Their Future Labor. This morning about thirty members adopting tho subject as ono of worth of tho medical college departed for as a systematic study. Michigan, a t Omaha, whero they will Bpend tho day western school, was tho first to In- in visiting the different hospitals of stall and teach history In a systematic thnt. ,f ,. mn . . . . , . ... - , that city. They were met at Omaha manner and deserves great credit fori. UUIUUtt the action. by tho membors ot tho faculty of the J ' Present Status. college of -medlclno and several mem- Tho present status of tho subject of bora tbo college of medlclno at Om history is of interest to every student aha. of that subject In Harvard there aro I The faculty and students of tho Om2 at present fif ty-flvo courses in history ba branch of tho college will conduct under twelve men, with many assist- the Lincoln delegation on their tour of ants. Professor Caldwell said: "If yo' Inspection and entertain them while studied nothing but history for four they aro p the city. Several' members years you could not complete the Har- of the faculty of tho college on the' yard history curriculum:." Among1 tbovcamPu went with the students.- " '