iwiwmniniwinin imi,n mi n i umini wmutwi,-;; -tt mpnnmm4wmjtxsxtn3b -J "" et jj.l: -"' '' i' "r '"'''' '" n " ' ij t" l THE DAILY NEBRASKAN iMMm m ) "1 DIRECTORY. 1h nli-cf nr TOvnr loval juJlvorslty student 1b Urged to patron 'lio tiros Wobrnalcan advortisora, and (to mention, tho Nobraskan whllo do jlag as. ' 'BANKS First TruBw fc Savings fUAKlUIUES Folsora HARDER SHOPS ' aroon'B tUOOIC STORES Co-op, . . Uulvorlsty CLEANERS J. 0 Wood & Co. vs Weber's Sultorlum. ' Joo, Tho Tailor. c Tod Marrlnor. 'CLOTHING ; Farquhar . Mageo & Doomor Mayor Bros, Palace Clothing Cp. Spolor & Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. COAL Orogory ' Whltobroast CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy Kitchen Tommy iDANOWa- ACADEMY Lincoln RflKTS JUOCTORS Dr. Cramb DRY GOODS MlUor" & Palno J Rudgo & Guontel DRUGGISTS ;. Riggs jlffiNaRAVBRS v Qornoll FLORISTS . C. H. Fr6F j. ohapin bros. : furnishings ', Budd j' Fulk " Magoo & Doemer i Mayor Bros. j Palaco Clothing Co. i Rudgo & Guonzel Spolor & Simon Armstrong. Clothing Oe. hatters Budd Fulk Unland 1 Armstrong Clothing Co.' J Magoo & Doemor 1 Mayor Bros. Palaco. Cubing Co. Rudgo & Guonzel Spolcr & Simon ICE CREAM ' Franklin Ice Cream Cfr. ' jewelers Hallott Tucker ' LAUNDRIES Evans OPTICIANS ; Shean ! Howe. ! ORCHESTRA Thornburg's. ! PHOTOGRAPHERS Townsend PRINTERS v diiumona Van Tlno RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch , Cameron's Y. M. C. A, Spa 'shoes Armstrong Clothing Co. Bookman Bros. ., Budd Men's Bootery Rogers & Perkins ; Mayor Bros. MlUor & Pains SHOE REPAIRING ! Electric Shoo Store . SKIRTS, Skirt Store TAILORS 1 , Elliott Bros. Gregory Herzog Joo, The-TaUar: LUDWUft " ''t THEATERS " ;n . Oliver Orpbqura. Lyric' y TYPEWRITERS ' Lincoln Typewriter. Underwood Tjrpewrltor'O GLEAN STUDIES AS WELL US CLEAN ATHLETICS FACULTY AND 8TUDENT8 KP PROVE NEW HONOR 8Y8TEM. SORORITIES FAVOR THE SYSTEM Ladles' Fraternities Are Discussing the Matter In View of Adopting It "Barbs" Are to Support It. Tho worls of tho fraternity men of tho unlvonilty in adopting an honor HyHtem for tho Crook letter men of tho unlvorslty is mooting tho approval of tho unlvorslty body in gonornl. Tho students aro all enthusiastically in favor of tho moasures as adopted, and tho approval of tho niombors of the faculty has also boon placed upon tho system In Its ontlroty. Tho movoniont is spreading already and the mombcrs of tho intor-Hororlty council are discussing tho systom with a vlow of adopting It among the mem bers of tho ten sororities of tho unl vorslty. Tho sororities and frntornl tlqs of tho unlvorslty aro not alone In the matter and tho loaders of the "barbs" of tho university aro also dls cubsIiib seriously tho proposition of having tho "barbs" of tho different classes moot and send delegates to a meeting for tho purposo of adopting tho system among tho T,burb" students of the university. Alumni Approve. Among tho alumni of tho university tho matter has also been discussed, and 0110 p'romlnent alumnus of tho In stitution statod yesterday that It was tho fairest movo that tho student body has taken in many years. He said further: "Tho systom as adopted by tho representatives of tho fraterni ties of the university moots my ap proval in every roBpect. That the stu dents will govern themselves accord- lug to the system as adopted is my belief, as all of the men who adopted this system nro men and will llht to the (Inlsh for a clean hoIiooI. Further more, they will support any measure Hlmllar to this one which is for the botterment of the University of Ne braska." Tho student body on the whole aro supporters of tho systom and aro ardent In their pralso of the fraternity men for being behind a movoment of this nuturo. "It 1b for the betterment of tho unlvorslty in ovory resloct. 'Ne braska hajr always "stood for cleanath- letlcs, ami now that sho stands for clean studies adds more to the char acter of the university than any other movement could "have done," were tho words of a prominent undergraduate yesterday. Chancellor Approves. Chancellor Avery .is also very en thuslustlc about the mnttur, and state yohterday that he was very hopoful for the success of the honor system which was adopted. When interviewed lie said: "In some schools, the honor bystem bus been turned over to tho student body by the faculty with great en-. thuBlasm and much show, but. it has not always turned out entirely satis factory. Tho Idea of tho students themselves taltlng up tho matter of solf-gpvornment In the moral codo Is a now ono; nnd I am very hoperul for good results. "I trust that much good will bo ac complished and that other organiza tion outsUo of tho fraternities will adopt the honor systom for its mem bers, making the whole' movement a co-operative ono by tho student body. Tho faculty will watch tho working of tho system with keen interest and gradually as tho system warrants, it hopes to relinquish its supervision In tho matter and will turn ovor tho au thority to act, in cases relating to honor among students, to the studonts themselves as soon as it feels it can safely do so. I bellovo It would bo a I lino thing, and I am glad to seo the movomont started." Chancellor Leaves. Chancellor Avery left yesterday for Valentino, Nob. His trip Is taken on business in connection with tho nov experiment station in' tho process of being established there. f Quality Counts for as much in your Spring Suit as in any thing else. Cheaper gar ments, may look superfi cially as' good as our L System and Kensington Clothes but they do not wear as well nor keep their style. cAboundance of Spring Suits from $12.50 to $40 Magee&Deemer KENSINGTON CLOTHE8 MANHATTAN 8HIRTS STETSON HATS AGRICULTURE The boyB of the second year class are now working on steel. Mr. Pease of the senior cTass is now studying poultry houses ami has taker, up the design of one in nis rural architecture work. o The senior class lias just taken up the subject of farm motors and in a few days it will be well for all objects about tho farm, especially ditches and farm buildings, to place themselves holilnd life preservers or thoy will be run into. Comedians. All university peoplo who have over attPndeil-GornellGollege-( Iowa r nro requested to leave their names and addi esses with Professor Perslngcr. U210, some time Saturday or Monday. A promln'cnt alumnus of Cornell is expected In the cltj; next week, and some of the old C'ornelllnns are de sirous that ho meet as many as pos sible of those who have been connect ed with the college at one time, or another. INTER-FRATERNITY BASKETBALL STANDING. North Side. PI. W. L. iM.- Phi Kappa Psi.... 22 0 1. 000 Alpha Theta Chi... I I 0 l.OOO Phi DeltaaTheta., 3 2S, l" .GGG Sigma Chi 2 0 2 .000 Phi Gamma -Dolta. 2 0 '2 .000 South Side. . PI. W. L. Pet. Delta Tnn Delta... 4 1 0 l.QOq Beta Theta PI ' 2 I .GGG Sigma A, Epsllon. '1 1 l' .r.OO Alpha Tau Omega. 2 0 2 .000 Sigma Nu ........ 3 0 .000 GUNS HAVE BEEN LOST. Cadets Have Mislaid T,wenty-aeven Rifles. A number of guns have been lost by cadets of tho battalion. Twenty-seven rifle numbqrs havo been posted In tho armory by tho quartermaster of guns that are missing. Thp.so guns have been mislaid or exchanged during tho year' and nro now bolng advertised, They may bo claimed at tho ofllce of the quartermaster. Lillian Chambers, '09, is industrial socretary at tho Y. W. C. A. In St. Jo soph, Mo. Miss, Chambers was tho' first industrial secrotary St. Joseph ffllk. r m l k Avly JtWsfm 1 y f!K"Ay.BI m stm wmk f Wm y LINCOLN AURORA RED OAK hnB had, and her work has been very strong. Over 100 girls have been in her Biblo titudy classes alone. Some of the opixjrtunltles for practical ser vice aro quite amusing, such ns asslsi tng to wash and dress up a family of olght children, two or them twins, six days old. Miss Chambers spent Sun day in Lincoln and led tho Monduy noon meeting. The Y. W. ('. A. girls Kavo her a rousing welcome. Miss Chambers was treasurer of the asso ciation at one time. Grace Coppock, '0.r, Is in Shankhal, China. She was sent out by tho na tional -board of the Y. W. C. A. She is associated In work with Estella Paddock, our Nebraska missionary. Miss Vibbnrd mot a lady In Albany Inst summer who began to fdllHier of tho wonderful work being done In China by a young woman from Ne braska, who hadn't yot gotten tho lan guage, but whose Hfo was meaning so jnucluIL- turneiL ouLtolu ojit own Grace Coppock. Carrie Schult., '08. one or tho for mer presidents of tho Y. W. C. A., now general secretary ill Ulnghamton, N. Y.. In an occasional letter tells of r.oal things being accomplished there and of tho satisfaction found In such work. Junior basketball practice will be hold dally from 4 to G. T. Z. Zncek, manager. WANT ADS Advertisements for the want ad col. umn should be left at the business of fice, basement Administration build ing, between 11 a. w. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Want ads will positively not be In serted upjess paid in advance, at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first insertion; three Inser tions cents; five lnsertlons.40 cents. FOUND Found Tau Omlcron Sigma ("Splko") pin. Owner may havo same" by paying Tor this ad. 07-3t FOR SALE . For Sale A now high-gra'de bicycle, at 25 per cent discount. Inquire at Nebraska!) oftTco. LOST LostPhi Dolta Phi frat pin, sot with opals. Finder return to 1435 L, or call F1383 for reward. 95-3t Lost A Delta Upsilon fraternity plnVsot with opals. Finder return to Nebraska!) ofllce'and receive reward. .95-31 y frH i Bring Yaur Next Job of Printing to Iy AN TINE PRINTING CO. j andGar Satisfactory Result 128-130 No. 14th St. Aute 3477 j IsimmoNs a t T H E PRINTER 5 t i s Prlnttnsx z Bncrrilnoc, 9 Bmboaalne Auto 2019 817 South 12th 3 taitiiiiniwiiuiiiiinnniiiiniiiiitniwiiiiiri The First Trust & Sav ings Bank 4 Per Cent Interest A tl nnanaa.anannHl $1 opin an aciOBHt- Conrn I Oth cO Stmts Tfl Cincinnati $2.50 Shoe Store and Electric Repair Factory New Location 142 North (2 WARTHON'S Just Published Webiter'i NEW INTERNATIONAL Dictionary (G. &C. Merriam Co., Spriajfield, Man.) surpasses the old 'International a: cc:h ri-tliti book exceeded its prcdecesior. I.l.Ict in Chief, Dr. W, T, Harris, fonacr U. 5. Coa of Education. The dcMnitioss have Ltcn rc-'j arranged and amplified. The nunber of tcrpsi defined has heea more than doubled. The Dy- mobf, syaoaymt, proniuidatloz. Lsvc r-J ceived unsparing scholarly labor, The ba guagc oi tnginn mer:urc (or over seven centuries, the terminology cf the rrts end sciences, and the every-iliy speech cf street, shop, and household, arc presented with full ness and clearness. la t'.ic of voccbclary. b richness of geatrtl bformation, end b cca Tenieace of consultation, the book eels a cey mark ia lexicography. 400,000 words and phrases. 6000 illustrations. 2700 pacca. r Vrltt ta IJ pu'utiilnri for Cpcctota P;n. A L ' -u