- -A .' t THE DAILY NEBRASKAN J i ' ' I' faPX' ir tM , i-i . -I m i I r i i, - , ti T 1. oil ( " 4 OLIVER THEATRE TONIGHT AT 8:15 "The Goddess of Liberty" Prices $1.50 to 50c. N8AT. MAT. AND NIGHT, MAR. 12 "ISLE OF SPICE" Mat., 75p to 25c Eve., $1.00 to 25c Mon., Tues. and Tuea. Mat, Mar. 1415 "TRAVELING 8ALE8MAN." Weak Eyes Htudoutu, Htono eraphors, Book Kooporsnnd yoa uflin a..(Tni wlfli weak ;yos, GnujMatod Litis. Inflamed, Film. Btyoa and Watery Kyo, ilnd Ilygclri Kjrc Cream acts liko a charm in roatorlnK thorn to a healthy condition. Porfoctlv harmlntw. andla guaranteed to produco satisfactory ro unite or monoy refunded. At druggista or mailod on rocolpt of prloo. GOc. , II. XV. tiV TON, Gonlien, Indliiu, M!75 ins LKSfi Boys- -My Spring line of woolens are stunners. See them ! L. J. HERZOG 1230 O St Fino Tailoring The Owl Pharmacy Northeast Corner 14Ui anil O Street Hot and Cold Drinks at Our Fountain SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros. TAILORS 142 SOUTH TWELFTH yjjCampusui) W- Gleanings W "C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 0 street WW Oraco Trigg, '06, Ih in Trenton, N. J., in ImluBtrlnl Vork. Thornburg'a Orcheatra. Auto 5877. Agnthu Totton Anderson, '0G, Ih In mission work In Beirut, Syria. O (i Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe, lin.no So. 12th strcot o The Englluh Club will meet with Miss Harriet Milr Saturday night. . Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa. 13th and P Sts. 5, The Bohemian Club is plnnnliig to give a number of Bohemian folk dances nt ono of its meetings. 0 Chnpin Bros., florists. 127 So. 13th. Anna Watt Is physical director i; the city Y. V. C. A., St LouIb, Mo.. 'whore she is mooting with splendid success. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop. 120 N. ilth. Mary Billing, '07, is in preparation for the foreign field at thu Moody Bible Institutol Chicago. Dr. E. M. Cramb, Osteopathic Phy sician, U. of N. '99 Burlington bloclc. The Black Masque will be at home to junior' girls Saturday afternoon from 1 until C o'clock at the Y. W. C. A. rooms. All Junior girls are Invited to come. TYPEWRITERS All makes rented with stand $3 per Month. Bargains in Robuilt Machines Unooln Typiwrltsr Exchange Auto 1155. Boll 1181. 123 No. 11th UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET, YELLOW FRONT Your Patrauge Solicited Quality Counts THAT'JSWHY FRANKLIN'S ICE CREAM IS SO POPULAR We make a specialty of fan cy creams, sherbets. Ices and pnnch tor Frat & Sorori ty parties. Whipping Cream always on hand. Bell 203. Auto 8181. 1016 N St. Hot Drinks arc now in uuon, Do you know aay place where you can get u QUICK SERVICE u you can at ournew store? No need of being crowded. Lincoln Candy K.ltCnen S. W. Corne,4 , . - tho University of, Nobraskn. Sho just bubbled over with missions. A card just received tells of her Joy In her work and sends nn urgent call for Ne braska to send young men and women to India. Special arrangements havo boon nmdd with tho oxocutlvo committco of tho. laymen's missionary movomont convention,' so that university men may register for tho convention at re ducod rates. J. L. Dor Kindoren has charge of registrations from Nebras ka University. Notice. All university organizations taking representation in tho Cornliuskor will pleaso proparo their write-ups "nt once and turn In nt the Cornliuskor man agement. RALPH S. MOSELY, Edltor:ln-Chlof. Notice. Tho Junior social committco is ro quostcd to meet in U106 at G p. m. Friday. Tho members of this commit tee are B. Cherrlngton, Q. II. Rushton, Earl Leo, V. C. Haskell, Helen Stelner, Jessie Bnghtol and Edith Hnnna. A. M..OBERF1ELDER, Chalrmnui Notice. ' All organizations In tho university desiring representation In the 1910 Cornliuskor must sign up for space desired at once. This Includes frator nltieK, Bororities, clubB and tho differ ent classes and class organizations. Call at tho Cornliuskor office during tho nftomoon. RALPH E. WEAVERLING, 93-21 Business Manager. The women of Orlnnoll College aro holding nn Interesting basketball tournament. GLASSES OR WRINKLES Watch a person with eye edfect trying to see without glasses and the frowns, wrinkles and crow's feet appear and deepen as effort to see increases. Our glasses will counteract this. HALLETT, Registered Optometrist ESTABLISHED 1871 1143 O STREET Notice. All members of tho Engineering Ro doty will meet In front of the M. E. building Tuesday at 12 o'clock to havo their picture taken. 9U-2t The lutor-class debuting board will meet at tho Daily Nobrnsknu office to il I gTiFaFnTTfT Important business. 0 o Notice. All wrlte-upB for the 1910 Corn liuskor are due now. All organiza tions should see to having their writes In in once. flIJ-L't EDITOR. Professor Chatburn Speaks. Professor George It. Chatburn lias been Invited by the township trusteci.- of Broken Bow to deliver an addrut; in that placo Saturday upon tho sub- Ject"Better Country Roads." Florence Pnrinoleo, '07, now assist ant secretary In Omaha city Y. W.'C. A., who has just left the stnto work of Nebraska, also spent one year in the HnrlOm city association, Tlnrloni, N. Y. Fanny Drake, '0G, now general sec retary of the Y. W. C. A. at Roch ester, N. Y., wfls treasurer one year and ono of our most efficient workers. Her worjcln Rochester Is reported as unusual. o Tho Wednesday noon praise sorvico was unusually Interesting. Tho fol lowing program waB rendoreilt Vocal solo, Blanch Buehler; violin solo, Ber nlco Chambiors; accompanist, Bessie Chambers. Pearl Archibald', '0C, president of th Y. W. C. A. March, '05'-'0C, is state aecrotary of Now York and Now Jor soy, having charge of the industrial work, organizing associations, in fac tory towns and branch work In the factories. a x 9 Lena Nelson,,-'06, Is now JnMeorut, India." Her missionary work began lir California Is to hold a military ball. - Marshall Key,' fdrmerly of Purdue University, hns cnteYcd Frnnklln col lee. O d Pennsylvania's now school of arch!-tecture-wlll-be-second-only-lo-thnt-of-Parls. , A $!1,000 fire occurred recently In the chapel of tho University of Vir ginia. Iast weok marked the thirty-second nnnlversary of the founding of tho Yale News. Three hundred and fifty girls at Minnesota havo signed the honor pledge against cribbing. An Indiana club was organized at Chicago Unlyorslty recently. Georgo Burr McCutcheon addressed tho first meeting.. "What was tho best nftor dinner Bpeechy.auovor heard?" "The other follow j-jald, 'Let'me set tlo with the waiter!'" In 1748 Now Jersey College, now Princeton, furnished students with board at $1.07 per week. Tuition was $8.00 for each half year. . THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO New Spring Hats Now. Ready w c t V) H T Special Sale of regular $2.50 Hats at $1.90 all styles. Palace Clothing Co 1419 O Street Every Department is overflowing with choice Spring Mer chandise & Choose Now if you would, have the BEST. . . . - . I STOP INTO THE FOLSOMFOR REFRESHMENTS. ICE CREAM AND ICEIS, LIGHT LUNCHES, CANDIES AND BON BONS. '$sm 1307 O STREET The Unlrenlty year If divided Into four Quarter, Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn. Admlnlon Ii granted at tin1 opening of each, on January ad, April ml, June i6tl, and October jit. Graduate Instruction 'It ofTcred In the Craduate'Scboola c( Art and Literature and In the Ogdcn (Graduate) School of Science. Profeiilonal Instruction Is offered In the Divinity School, the Caw School, Ruin Medical College (aflillatedj, and the School of Education., t. Summer Quarter 190S, June 16-September 1, First Term) June itt-July rj Second Tcrmi July 7-Augut 31. Keglttra. Hon Is permitted for the entire quarter or for 'either term. Full and regular credit, Is given for woilc.dooe. Special course are ottered for teachers. For Information address THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ' CHICAQO ... ILUNOI8 TYPEWRITERS all makes " -- S0LD 0 K, RENTED Rent Applies on Purchaso Pricjij. Five Days Froo trial before yon pay. Two years guarntoo when yon purchase. Easy Terms. Got our Hat. Auto. 2080.; BdU 1200. '' B. F. SWANSON CO., Inc. 143 So. 13th St. & SUBSCRIBE NOW foe The Daily Nebrasfcan it t MM ':'&( ' ' .(