The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 11, 1910, Image 1

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VoL IX. No. 97.
annual inter-cla88 scrap to
be Meld soon.
First Year Men 8ay That They Will
Wear, Cap To Contest With the
Sophomores Either in Olympics
or a Frcc-for-AII Fight.
Trouble Is brewing for the sopho
mores. Tho freshman class held a
class meting yesterday morning and
decided that If the sophomores did not
want to hold tho Olympics that they
would havo to fight. The freshmea de
elded to wear cops and to fight to
keep1 them from tho hands of the
sdphomores. President Coffee ap
pointed tin Olympics committee anil
Instructod tho chairman to get ready
for tho big fight at once.
Tho Olympics .wore Hrst Instituted
at Nebraska last year as a substitute
for the annual scrap between the two
lower classes, and proved a big suc
cess. It is .an annual Institution at
' Nebraska which seemed to furnish an
outlet for real class spirit and rivalry.
Were Postponed.
The usual timo for holding tho con
tests Is on tho second Saturday aflor
the election of tho froBlrman president
for tho first semester. Last fall tho
Olympics wore set for Saturday. No
vcanbo.r 13, but on account of tho In
clement . weather tho referee and
other uppordasH officials postponed
tho ovent Indefinitely.
Both classes had worked hard and
both wore confident of success. Cluss
mootlngs wero hold nnd woro made to
arouse such enthusiasm that not u
member of cither class would have
been absent from tho field.
Although nothing has been said con
cerning tho Olympics for some time,
tho frcshmon havo not forgotten about
them, and In their meeting yesterday
dccidedtoforco-tho sophomores Into
The Bophomoros have done nothing
since last fall with regard to tholntor
clnss scrap. Several of the prominent
members of the sophomqrc class ex
pressed themselves In favor of tho
Olympics yesterday. They said that
they could whip tho freshmen and that
they would do It. ' The second year
men will hold n class meeting in the
near future and arrango for tho con
test. When President Hawloy was ap
proached on tho subject ho stated
that ho would call a class meeting
"within the noxt few days and If the
class was In favor of holding the con
test he would appoint a commltteo to
munugo tho affair for tho sopllomores.
Ho said that as far as( ho was person
ally concerned, he was In favor of
holding tho contest.
List of Events.
Tho events will bo practically tho
, same as lnstyear, consisting of threo
h wrestling bouts, light, . middle- and
heavy-weight; threo boxing matches,
light, middlo and heavy-weight; a
Marathon race; tug-of-war, and the
. freo-for-nll. All theso ovents,wlth tho
excoptlon of tho Marathon, will bo
hold at Nebraska Hold. Tho Marathon
runners will start at tho campus, go
ing out to tho fair grounds, then after
circling the track onco they will finish
at Nebraska field; making tho courso
threo and a half miles in all.
Tho officials selected for tho Olym
pics last fall wero: It. E. Campbell,
head referee; Dalo McDonaW, Joe
- Burke,- and BUI Chaloupka, timekeep
ers; H. O. Perry, Dick Russell, field
judges; C. E.. Hooper, scorer; Jack
Best and Coach Hewitt, boxing
r judges; P. W.' Johnson and Jim Har
vey, wrestling, In addition to these
f) twenty seniors and twenty juniors
wero selected to act as linemen nnd
judges of tho free-for-all. Somo of
these men aro no longer in school and
it will bo necessary to appoint now of
ficials if tho contests aro hold this
Theater Craze Has Caught ,the Whole
The engineers havo decided to at
tend tho Orpheum In a body. Tho
fever of theater seems to havo spread
'from tho freshman law class to the en
gineers, nnd tho whole engineering
college will go on March 18. Tickets
can bo secured from D. F. Smith. 0.
W. Mongol and H. C. Cusnck.
Crack Cross-Country and Track Man
Leaves to Go Into Govern
ment 8ervlce.
Clins. W. Gable has received a flat
tering offer from tho government de
partment of entomology, which ho has
accepted. Ho loaves Monday for a
short visit at his homo in Genoa, and
from there to Kansas, whore tho gov
ernment is doing special field work.
Mr. -Gable will take his degree in ab
Bontla, as he Is practically through
with the required work.
Gablo waB on the, cross-country team
last year and was to captain tho team
this year,1)ut did not return to school,
duo to an injury received during tho
summer. Ho has been on th'o track
Jtenm the past two years, and broke
tho university two-mile record agahmt
Kansas last year, and was expected to
repeat tho trick this year.
Will Leave for 8loux City Today Has
Good Show In Contest.
Tho relay track team which will bo
sent to Sioux City today for tho in
door moot there Saturday was picked
yesterday afternoon. Tho mon to go
are Burke, Heed, Minor and Davis, to
compose the team, and Funkhauser ns
extra man. The team Is cbnsldered
good enough to stand a good chance
of winning from tho other colleges.
Other contestants besides Nebraska
In tho Sioux City meet will bo Drake,
Morningsido, Grinnell and probably
Iowa, Ames nnd Minnesota. Thp
Sioux City meet Is something new In
tho athletic line. SToux City has a
now building whore the meet will be
Tho Nebraska mon are all experi
enced and havo before this shown
their ability on tho track. They un
doubtedly will glvo tho other schools
tho timo of their lives if thoy win.
Contributions have been coming in
rapidly for tho Jack Best fund. Maijy
of the organizations are sending in
sums of from threo to ten dollars' and
the fund reached three hundred dol
lars by last ovoplng.
Threo fraternities nnd one sorority
sent in largo .contributions nnd "tho
other organizations woro 'represented
by tho university band nnd company
Previously reported $221.35
.Delta Zeta '. n.OO
Forestry Club r.00
W. E. Pentad, Billings Mont. . . 5.00
Dr. G. E. Coudra 2.00
S. A. Esklne .,,, 1,00
Dr, J. T. Lees . 10.00
Sigma Nu . . . , 10.OO
Kappa Sigma , 10.OO
Phi Delta Theta . . . . , "10.00
Chi Omega '. tfi.00
University Cadet Band ' 10.00
Company C ....,),." 3.00
Anonymous 3.00
Total .,.;,. .':",,.'.. $300.55
Ceremony Held at Home of Worthy
Matron Organization Started In
February May Become
The Eastern Star girls of tho uni
versity organized a now sorority.
Fifteen Eastern Star girls met last
night at tho home of tho worthy ma
tron of Electa cnaptor, Lincoln lod,ge,
Mrs. Jack Mathows. 435 North Thir
teenth Btroet, and organized the
Achoth sorority, to which only East
ern Star girls of the university shall
be eligible.
It is told that this is not an Im
pulsive outburst of sprTng enthusiasm
on tho part of social aspiring univer
sity girls, but tho well thought out
consummation of more than a yenr's
deliberation on the part of the Lincoln
O. B. S. chapter and and certain In
fluential student mombors.
On February 23 tho grand matron
of Nebraska camo to Lincoln and Tiold
a meeting at tho homo of Professor
Chatburn. A representation from tho
Lincoln chupter nnd from tho student
.body wero present, nnd tho founda
tions for tho new sorority woro laid.
Last Saturday fourteen girls met ut u
1 o'clock luncheon at the homo or
Mrs. Dobson, a past grand matron' of
Nebraska QB. S., and arranged for
the formnl organization Inst night.
Charter Members.
The chnrtor mombors are Alice
Humpe, Frances Chatburn, Mabclle
Long, Florence. Hill, Etta Yont, Cath
eryn James, Helen Lawrence, Pattlo
Metzger, Roso Yont Elsie Mathc7s,
Biittanla Daughters, Hazel Flshwood,
Clara Green, Winnlfred Eiehnr.
Thc-Llncoln chapter pc6plo back of
this piovoment state that It Is remark
able that no other university or col
lege hus attempted before an organiza
tion of this sort, In consideration of
the nationnl infiuenco of the Eastern
Star lodge, and with the brother soci
ety of tho Acacias a established fact.
They consider It will be no small
honor to tho University of Nebraska
that she. shall be the mother of an or
ganization which undoubtedly, now
that" tho Initiative has been taken,
will becomo a national affair. Already
the girls have an invitation to install
a chapter in a neighboring college.
Tho new sorority 1c backed by the
Lincoln O. E. S. chapter and in fact
ovory Eastern .Star order In tho state.
.Tho grand matron Is very enthU8.lnstlc
and optimistic of results. It is un
doubtedly a social organization, but
Greek letter girls are not barred from
its members"hlp, nor Us members' from
Greek letter sororities. Greek lottor
girls aro among the chapter member
,A large audience collected at regu
lar convocation yesterday for tho pur
pose of hearing a lecture by Dr, C. E.
Barber of New York, his lecture was
to havo been delivered under tho aus
pices of tho university Y. M. C. A
but because of inefficient train service
tfio speaker of ,tho day failed to make
nn appearance,. A timely suggestion
from tho renr of the room prompted
Professor Grummann to request Dr.
Lelnnd of this city to speak until tho
arrival of Dr, Barber.
Dr, Lelnnd gavo a brief address.
Previous to tho announcement of Dr
Loland, a request was modo that at
Thursday's convocation tho lowor
seats of Memorial hall bo reserved for
the men and tho gallery softs bo gra
ciously given to tho fair co-ods. To
this roquoBt Dr. Iceland made an Incl
dental quotation from the following
pnsBugo or serlpluro: "God made man
a little lower than tho angols."
In the course of his talk Dr. Lvland
emphasized tho expediency of organ
izing a world's federation or Chris
tian workers and designated the uni
versity students or today us tho poo
plo to promote this work and accom
plish this taHk. Bocuuso of thoir do
tailed work In specific lines or study
because ns professional men thoy will
prove export londors, Dr. LoTnnd
assigned to them tho duty of leader
ship in tho reformation of this world
to tho right chnnnols of religion and
"Trained mon," ho said, "aro want
ed; they alwuys will bo wanted, for In
them only can training bo found which
Is commensurate with tho Intricacies
of tho great rollglous and moral prob
loms thnt today may result from the
slightest provocation."
In conclusion Dr. Lelnnd Bnld; "In
stitutions of loarning should be hit In
spiration to ovory young -man. Thoy
should detcrmlno tho courso of young
people's educational training and
should so inspiro him or her with the
thought of thoir obligation to the
world that they can surpass all others
In actual work. Ho who does not re
ceive this Inspiration loses ono of tho
greatest of university contributions."
Weekly Battalion Review of the Bat
talion Followed by Inspection.
Lnst night tho cadet battalion was
lined up for dress parade. The length
of tho battalion oxtended nlong
Twelfth street for ovor a block. Tho
entire battalion, composed of six com
panies, band, hospital corps and rango
detachment, were lined up for this
ceremony In military drill.
Following tho drill companies I and
K of the bnttnllon were marched -in to
tho armory, whoro thoy wero inspect
ed by Commandant Yatcn. Tho bat
talion this year Is tho largest It has
ovor been nnd tho Increased growth
or the battalion indicates that more
interest Is bolug taken in drill than
was over experienced berore.
Will Meet In Omaha to Celebrate 35th
A matinee party, inforjuul reception
and banquet will be included In the
big celobration to bo enjoyed by tho
members of tho Phi Delta Theta fra
ternity wjien they arrive In Omaha on
Saturday, March 19, In honor of the.
thirty-fifth nnnlvorsnry of tho estab
lishment of tho "Nebraska Alpha chap
ter of thlH fraternity. at Nebraska.
At thog banquet, which will bo given
at the Omaha Club, John L. Kennedy
will preside and jnominont mombors
of this fraternity to be prenent from
out-of-town and wlio will rcBind to
toasts include C. S. Lnmkln of Koytes
villo, Mo., who is tho national his
torlnn of the fraternity; Willlnjn
Hnyward of Nebraska City, who Is a
candidate for congress, and William
A. White of Kansas, who t Is a well
known editor 'and author.
Amos Thomas, F. T. B. Martin nnd
Robert Updike, Omaha alumni, nro on
tho entertainment committee. Thoy
ljn.vo planned n mntlneo party in tho
afternoon at tho Orpheum, when all
of thp out-of-town guests will bo pres
ent. Precedlpg tho banquet at the
Omaha Club an Informal reception
will be held In the parlors. About 100
members of this fraternity aro oxpoct
ed to bo present.
Baked beans, baked on the premise
and served hot with delicious brown
bread. 10c. at The Boston Lunch.
Price 5. Cento.
Wat Prominent Athlete In School and
Haa Had Experience as Coach
of Western Track
I. P. Howltt was olectod as the track
coach of the unlvorslty Toam for 1910
by tho vote or :i to 2. Thoro was a
baro quorum of tho board In attend
ance nnd threo student mombors wero
In favor of tho election of tho former
Nobraska star. Mr. Howltt was glvon
until Snturday to deefdo wliother ho
would accept tho position. If he
should decllno, tho position probably
will go to Bob Chorlngton. Tho track
mon of tho university favorod tho ap
pointment or Chorlngton.' Somo mom
bors desired to cull unotho'r mooting
nnd placo Chorlngton and Howltt hs
cnndldntos before the full ntondnnco.
As u result, a mooting was called
this morning and an offort nmdo to
reconsider, but tho threo Hqwitt sup
porters roriiBod to movo a reconsider
ation and by parliamentary law this
proven ted nny oppnlng pt $0 uctlon
of tho board. Whiter Jv majority or
tho board would havo voted for How
ltt had all mqjnbprs boonn itttond
anco iiMiojQpjwn Jiftwral of tho
members were not inclined to divulge
tho position thoy havo taken In tho
I. P. Howltt was tho coach of tho
bnskotball team this season. 'Al
though tho souson must bo rognrdod
ns unsuccessful, it must bo admitted
that tho fault cannot bo placod nt tho
door of tho conch, but was duo to tho
rroqucnt rearrangements of tho team
caused by chorgos or professionalism
and by graduation. Mr. Howltt hns
lil .ojUHLrloncQ UfLa icnclccoacluaLtho,
University of Washington and was
very successful. In his unlvorslty
career ho was prominent In ovory lino
of nthletlcs and sot soveral recorda.
Dr. Clapp last night did not know
whothor Mr. Howltt would accopt or
'not. Ho was trying to find him and
learn his doclslon, but could not lo
cate him.
A treat is In store for unlvorslty
people in tlio concert of tho University
of Chlcngo Gleo Club, which comes'
hero Snturday, March 19, 'under tho
auspices of tho University of Nebras
ka Gleo Club.
Tho Chicago Gleo Club .,1ms tho
reputation of bolng a very excellent
musical organization. ' Thero are
eighteen, monibors, nil of tHem artists.
They aro on an oxtenslve tour and
Nobniska Is fortunnto to got a date.
One of tho special features of tho
program wllljbo a rendition or "Tho
CornhuBker," tho nowunlversity song.
A special version has been written for
tho club, nnd It- will "bo an excellent
Tho club' consists of about oighteop
men. It Is" Bald that about two-thirds
aro fratornity men, and these will ho
entertained at tlio various fraternity.'
The Chicago club comes here under
the auspicos of the gleo club of this
university and Is a sort of preparatory
event. As thero is no other event the
evening of the, concert tho Tomplo is
expected to bo crowded. Tickets are
.50c and 35c, and are on sale, at,' tho
Temple. . .