-tpsssai r"ji:ifiih'n iii.i,f,. n i ..u.'t ; i jm'yww i .Yi. jMfyirt itf .- Vv.' THE DAILY NEBRASKAN n li III! u t. I'M The' Daily Nebraskan ' TUB PnOPEfiTT'OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Nebraska. Published by , TUB STUDENT PUIIMGATION BOARD ' EDITORIAL 8TAFF. Editor. .,... K. P. Frederick Managing Editor .:c"ri J Uoi!d . Associate Editor T. M. Edgecombe Associate Editor R. O. Hawley f BUSINESS STAFF. Manager..... G C. Klddoo Assistant Manager ,V. C. Hascall Circulator C. Buchanan Editorial and Business Offlcei BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $Z0O PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, B Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888, Night Phonet Auto 1888 Auto 3844. INDIVIDUAL NOTICE8 will bo chanrod for at tho mto of 10 cents tho Innortlon for ovory flfton words or fraction thore of. Faculty notlcea nnd Unlvcrelty bul letins will bladly bo published froo. Bntored at tho poitoflloo at Lincoln. Nobrnska, ns ocondolans mall mattor under the Aot of Congress of March 3, 1870. Advertisements for tho want column should be left -at the business office, base ment Administration building, between 10 a. nv and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for ad vertlslng. at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction thereof the first Insertions three Insertions twentyflve cents; five Insertions forty cents. THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1900, "j-rryt; . . . . - f. ..! . . CONVOCATION o ft'oeoeoobeosofccteosoaosoeog TODAY jMusical Program An Easy -OUT 'A first baseman has more chances far ntlt.mita than any other nlaver on tho nine. He must have the host mlit made. Chance. Konetchv.Chnuo. n.ivli. Tcnncy and Stahl are men whose nrcurati work on first is duo In a larce measure to O'CLOCK MEMORIAL HALL 6 00000000020QSO000000000OOOfflO0 o e WHAT IT 8TAND8 FOR. What dooB tho Young Women's Christian Association stand for in tho University of NobraBha? It stands for tho out and out Christian llfo in tho university tho llfo that 1b not afraid or aBhamod to bo known as Christian --Christian In tho big things and Christian in tho llttlo things; itolandB for honest, earnest brainy work In examination, In recitation, In prepara tion. It Btands for equally lionoRt and onrnost heart work, soul worlc, If you will, for cheerfulness, solf-control, dignity, quiotnoBB. It stands for "Whatsoever things' aro truo, whatso ever things aro honest, whatsoovor things are just, whatsoovor things aro puro, whatsoovor things aro lovely." said an'tl undisputed that a "Mann" hag "boon present at every meeting of this Bacrod body this yoar. Even the treas urer, It sooms, lias boon unworthy of the trust reposed In her, but Miss Miller promised to kcop an oyo on her Fn ho future. Sho had praise, too, as well as criticism, to give, nnd closed hor nddress by saying Bho hoped to remedy' past evils, retain tho good points, nnd Improve nil around during tho coming year. Following flils addcss tho ox-prosl- dont, Miss Compton, unveiled the pres idential chair and invited Miss Mlllor to bo sonted, which she did, though tho position was a precarious one, as tho seat was only about four Thebes squaro. Then the room resounded with chcorff and yollsor tho,now and the old presidents: "Pros-1, Pres-1, Pros-I-dunt Lucllo Mlllor, that's thojtunt; i Horo's to hor congratulation U. of N. AsBoclntlon." "Horo'B to Allco Compton, drluk her down, drink hor down; .Horo's to Allco Compton, drink her down, drink hor down. Horo's to "Allco Lizor," she us faith ful as 'Old Goysor,' Drink hor down, drink hor down, drink her down, down, down." With great enthusiasm tho girls sang a song wrltton to tho tune of Ne braska's football soug, by the ox.-pres- Wllh a strong but gentlo band; Shnll I tell you though, something that I know About our now president? Sho 1b just as truo, oven if she's now, Ab any ono wo'vo over had; And I toll you now, wo aro proud, I vow, Proud of our now president." Following tho singing of this song wns tho grand march, Miss Miller be ing carried at the head wearing tho presidential chair as a crown. After some persuasion the ex-president yioldod to tho same honor. Then the mooting broko up nnd Informnl con gratulations were in order MY NEIGHBOR. My neighbor passed ino on the street, She dropped a -word of greeting gay, Hor look so bright, hor tono so sweet, I stopped to music all that day. The cares that tugged at heart and ' brain, Tho work too heavy for my hand, The ceaseless undcrbent of pain, Tho tnskH I could not understand. Grew llghtor us 1 walked along, ' With air and stop of llborty, Freed by tho sudden lilt of song That filled the world with cheer for nic. PUMPS GUN METAL AND PATENTS, SWADE SURE MAGGIE! I GOT ALL THE NEW ONES---AND MY PRICE $2.50. BUDD 1415 O St. ea First Basemen's Mitts Features 'Patented Lacing Device, Laced Thumb, Deep Pocket, Strap and Buckles nt wri'.t. Leather Lacing throughout. The KAAsCh TraWfo M-ir guarantees satisfaction and perfect goods. The A. J. REACH COMPANY, 17M Tulip St., Philadelphia. Pa. ' w-SE ,.n.wu.'i,clal.I,a50. "' Oulclo - ready about ..... . .,. Mi uuuivr or uy mail, uon t'.utu smut iimuuii in ono dook. irwc for tree Kcacfl Base Czl dialogue STOP INTO THE FOLSOM FOR REFRESHMENTS. ICE CREAM AND ICES, LIGHT LUNCHES, CANDIES AND BON BONS. te 1307 O STREET TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES ww simw sqld QR RENTED Ront Applies on Purchoso Prico. Fivo Days Froo trial boforo you pay. Two yours guarntoo whon you purchoso. Easy Terms. Got our list. Auto. 2080; Boll 1209. B. F. SWANSON CO., Inc. 143 So. 13th St. I Marclta 12, 1910 FiTEttercnifcy Hall i FresHman Law Hop It finds its example in tho lifo nnd touching of Christ, and it alms to make Ht-possiblo-for-ovorj7young-AVoman-to ,laiov that llfo and to lovo nnd follow tho ono who lived it. This aim is1 worked toward partly through Blblb and mission classes, partly through tho various dovotlonal services of tho asso ciation, partly through tho dally lives of those moBt intorstcd in and inti mate with tho association and its ideals. Th association, then, stands for tho slncoro Christ llfo nt all times, in all places, and undor all circumstances; for tho dally abiding life in Christ, as opposed o "spasmodic" Christianity; for trusting Him for strength to do our best in tho daily tasks, whether those tusks bo physical, intellectual, moral or, spiritual, and. then resting content, not worrying nnd frotting and making ourselves and other pcoplo miserable rostlng contout with tho re sults when wo know witliln ourselves that "trusting in tho Lord Josus Christ for strength" wo have dono our host. FUN TIME VERSUS INAUGURA TION. In order that March 1 might not bo without tho inaugural ceremony and, address which wo Americans have learned to expect on that day, the Y. W. C. A. girls Inaugurated tholr presi dent and other ofllcors. Ono might have thought from tho vigorous wel come glvon the new president Chat tho girls wero ridding themselves "Of, a moBt tyrannical ruler. Still tho expres sions of "emotion" when Miss Comp ton, addressing her "follow citizen esses," preached hor "own funeral ser mon," soemod to be heartfelt. Miss Miller, thinking it her duty to point out to tho girls tho errors of the past administration, ruthlessly exposed flaws in character and hitherto con cealed treachery. Disloyalty and all sorts of iinBUspected traits, it seoruB, havo beeri prevalent in tho old cabinet. JuBt as one. bit ,bf evidence, it was ldont for tho now ono and hor cab -Gonio- a -runnlnglrlB bring ulong- your curls. Inauguration's in the air; "" Oh, it comes around, onco a yoar it's bound ' To outshine the County Fair. Now at last it's hero; 'tis the time of year To greet our now president. So with might and main, we will sing her name, Sing to our now president. Chorus For Luetic and her new cnUinot, For Lucllo and her now crow; (For MIsb Vibbard and tho "old folks" We can't help Blnglng too; Thoy havo borne tholr Bhnro right gladly, Carried burdens not a fow; But thoy'ro glad to dump thoBO bur dons now On tho shoulders of tho nos. "When (ho sun is bright, and no cares in sight, Not a shadow in tho morn, Wo will do our best, with a right good zost, To be cheerful not forlorn. We will cheer up all, bo thoy groat or small, All that we may run against. We'll lay up a store, in enso tho chan cellor, Should fire our now president, "Now it's 1, 2, 3 for tho varsity For tho girls of the U. of N.; Association girls, congratulations girls, Girls a' thousand or .just ten. For wo lovo 'em ajlh whether short or tall,. ' Tell jne, Js it wrong, to sing a crazy sonfc. . " , ' To a brand now president? In tho days of old, Carrie Shultz sho rulejl ,. .. . . '. xYet was this nil? A woman wise, ( Her face enriched by many a year, Had faced -me with her -grave, true-oycB, Passed on and said, "flood morning. denr!" - -Association Monthly. NEVER KNOW it you NEVER TRY Whou you want to got Cleaning nnd Prowling dono by hand nnd not by machinery bring juur uiuiuuh u JOE The Tailor who is nls.o a Bneolnllst.on'nltoring and routt-i ing your clotLoa up-to-date. MARGARET M. FRICK Dressmaker of Style and Quality UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN I $1.23 Walt's Orclbestra MemmornBil Hall Marcbi 12 I Senior Masctuerade J I TICKETS 50c University Bulletin -- MARCH. 10, Thursday, 11:30, Memorial Hall Freshman class moots. - 10, Thursday, 8 p. m. Gorman Club ' meots. 1234 II street. 10, Thursday Convocation. Musical Program; , 11, Friday Vesper services. Memo rial Hall." University Chorus. 11, Friday, 5 p. m. Special convoca tion. Prof. H. W. Caldwell. 12, .Saturday Freshman; law hop. 13, Sunday, 3 p. m., Temple Y. W. C. A. vesper service 15, Tuesday Convocation. Prof. Q. B. Condra. "State arid National Con servation." Illustrated, 17, Thursday Musical .program. Con vocation. 18, Friday, 5 p. m. Special convoca tion. Prof. W. L. Stephens, super intendent Lincoln schooler' LOST ! If you have, lost or found art icles, rooms for rent or books to sell, advertise In the Nebraskan's WANT-AD column Our rates are low and we get results. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE -! i I 1 I 1 I I I l v ."V H tt .