The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 10, 1910, Image 1

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Vol IX. No. 96.
Price 5 Cents.
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Juniors Had Affirmative 8idc of Ques
tion and Favored County Option-r
Seniors Contended that Pres
ent Laws Were a 8uccess.
The seno(-junlor debato last night'
wns proWabijr the most closely consist
ed Intehclass dobnto that has cvor
been hold lntho university. Tho do
bnto was held in- tho music hall of tho
Templo and tho question wub that
choHen for he Inter-class dobntes:
"Resolved, That county option is tho
best means of regulating tho liquor
question Jn Nebraska."
Tho( Juniors upheld tho affirmative
side of ihe question and won tho de
,bato by a two to one decision. This
glyds (,h Ju'Oipr team tho privilege of
debating the freshman team fortho
championship of tho school.
Tho senior team was composed of
iH. P. Wunder, Paul Yates and J. P.
jEbert. Tho men who composed the
junior team were W. T. Wolvington,
A. R. Raymond and A. M. Obcrfolilor.
Tho Judges were. Prof. S. B. Goss, Dr
Edwin Mnxoy nnd Prof. C. E. Por
b Inner.
Wolvington First Speaker.
W. T. Wolvington led for the af
firmative. He deflneU county option
as supported by tho affirmative and
said, that tho liquor traffic was the
chief fountain of crime In Nebraska.
Ho maintained that more, liquor Is
consumed, than should bo or will be
when tho people got a hearing. Tho
three qiieBtions to bo solved with re
gard to county option as supported by
the affirmative are:
1. Is county option right in prin
la count.v notion fair and just?
:t. Is, county option enforceable?
Mr. Wolvington said that tho farm
ers pay a great proportion of tho real
estate taxes nnd aro thus affected by
the saloon. Ho has a right to voto on
the llqubr question, and the only way
he can exercise that right Ib by mak
ing tho county a unit.
Mr. Wolvington alBO contended that
it would be Impossible to make tho
state a unit In tho liquor regulation, lis
many people wore not ready for Bjflto
prohibition, as was shown by tho op
position to tho 8 o'clock closing law.
Ho "called1 Omaha "a vile city,'' and
.said that people having bettor morals
i could not leglslato to suit Ub Inhabit
ants. Favor Present Plan.
H. P. Wundor opened the argument
'for tho negative. Ho said that tho
TspeaKers for" tho negative -would base
'.their arguments on tho present laws.
Ho said that tho Slocumb law and tho
law which, preceded It .have proved ef
ficient for over fifty years. The city
is tho unit undor theso laws and they
have proved very successful.
Under tho present system tho liquor
question is referred directly to tho peo
,plo by tho referendum. Mr. Wundor
.stated that the nogatlvo did not be
llovo that county option would correct
the ovils df tho liquor traffic, but that
the preBent system will bocnuso It Is
-backed by public opinion and sentl--mont,
A. R. Raymond, tho second speaker
r'for trio negative, stated that the farm-
6rs make tho t,own possible and ,sup
'. ports tio stato by producing tho necoB
isltleB of life. He hold that 'tho pres
ident laws wero not BUcceBsful or tho
'.people would not continually bo ask-
Ing for a change.
Mr. Raymond traced tho history of
tho liquor traffic and told of tho grow
ing opposition to it. Ho said that
-many "'people voterln-favor oft saloon
licenses only to lessen the amount of
their own, taxes, and that tho farmer J
would not do this. Ho maintained
that tho county without saloons has
almost no crime, while the cIMqb with
them aro full of It,.
City 8olve Question.
Paul Yates, tho second speaker for
tho negative, contended that tho sa
loon question affects the city alono and
should bo solved by tho city alono. Ho
taald that the city was bettor able to
cope with the evils of tho liquor traf
fic than was tho county because If has
better organization and contrnllzatiou.
A. M. Oberfeldor closed tho argu
ment for tho negative Ho maintained
that If undpr county option a county
voted wetMt would bo wet, and If It
voted dry It would remain dry, County
option will lead to state wldo prohibi
tion, and that Is what tho people
want. He said that county option has
been a success wherever tried.
Mr. Oberfoldor said that In Ken
tucky 00 counties out of 119 'wero dry",
and that if county option was a suc
cess in Kentucky it would bo any
where on onrth.
J. P. Ebert closed tho argument for
tho negative. Ho said that It Ib In tho
southern states that county option Is
onforcod, and that Is becauso they
must deal with the nogro question and
.that It Is two to one shot county op
tion at that.
Mr. Ebert contended that cities In
corporate to get borne rule nnd that
tho farmor- cannot know whaC the
.needs of the city nro. Thus county op
tion would not have local sentiment
behind it.
Mr. Ebert quoted ex-Governor She.1-
don as saying that liquor is sold in
the open in Memphis, Tonn., In a pro
hibition state. Ho said that- some
Htatcs have- ubundoncd prohibition and
taken up high license, as tho prohibi
tion was not a success. In closing,
Mr. Ebert said that county optfOn
would be unjust and could not be en
Y.Mrc. A. Elects Officers for theNew
Tho nominating conimitteo of tho Y.
M. C. A. made Its roport last ovenlng
at tho mid-week meeting. Tho com
mittee wob composed of senior active
mombors. Tho commlttoo submitted
only ono list of nominees. All were
elected without opposition. Tho now
officers wore chosen for ono year and
their terms will Uegln on April 1st.
Tho officers elect are:
R. E. Rice, '11, president.
L. B. Templo, '11, vTco-proBldent.
R. E. Weavorllng, '11, treasurer.
A. H. .Hlltnef, '12, recording secre
tary. ,
President-elect Rico will make com
mitted appointments, within tho next
two weeks.
Class Caps May Be Ordered at Once
Appo'lntments-tWill Be Made.
Tho freshmon will meet at 11:30 to
day in Motuorlal.hall. Class politicians
nro looking for a lively meeting .full
of Jntorest and exciting "from tho
word 'go.' " Tho clnss "will Jjo asked
to deelde whether a. danco Is to be
given 'during this semester". It Is pre
dicted by several class 'politicians
that tho class will bo unanimously In,
favor of another danco. Several np--polntments
will bo matle by President
Coffee. Dame Rumor says that man
agers will bo named for tho class base-;
ball and track teams. 'Boverttl com
mittees will bo selected.
Shall tho 1913 plapsmen Bond Jn or
dors for caps, regardless of Olympics
and threats from upper classmen 7
This question will bo discussed. Tho
coming basketball tournament is ex
pected to stir up a little class spirit.'
Earl Campbell) who Ib to bo tho refi
oreo of the coming (Olympics, will gq
present to explain the revised plane,
and- rules.
A large part of the news
space of the present issue Is
devbted to news of the Y. W.
C. A.. This, together with the
Mjtorlal page, Is In charge of,
tHb' following staff:
Editor Miss Alice Compton
,t !& .k. k. .k. si if . k W. , k l t
J "fc 1 jT v "J "F f 'T1 p n " T Iff
Small and Large Cabinet Meet at
Close of Year's Work Report
Balance of Over Vree
Hundred Dollars.
Two unusual meetings murk the
close of this lust association year,
when tho small and largo cabinets
meet to compare notes and hand In
final reports.
The small cabinet meeting: Tho of
ficers and chairman mado this u very
personal meeting and came in closo
touch with each other. They gavo
strong testimonials us to tho personal'
bQtiefit they had dorlved.
The big cabinet meeting: The mem
.borshlp committee, with Doula Jen
nings as chairman, submitted an ex
cellent roport. Active and associato
mombors, f75; honorary, sustaining
and faculty members, 230. The vied-
prosident, Miss Jennings, deserves
praise for her loyal support and strong
work. Although sustaining nn inter
est In many ou'tsido things, tho associ
ation has come first with her. Bible
study work has been unusual in direct
results if not in tho number of
Mission study work has been espe
cially helpful and fruitful tho past
year. Mrs. AY. T. Elmore, Tor nine
yonrs on the field in India, has hold
classes, and taken part in tho noon
meetings. Her classes will continue
through April, on Tuesday at G o'clock,
In U204, nnd on Wednesday, at 12:20,
in the association room. All students
aro welcomed. Personal subscriptions
arc being mado by the students to
ward the support of Miss Paddock's
work in China, ono or more girls
assuming the "responsibility of ono
day's work, tho expenso of which is.
estimated at three dollars. The .stu
dent volunteers consist of thirteen
girls, and one. or two others who aro
considering the matter. Several of tho
girls aro considering Christian work
In our own country.
The finance work has been good.
The treasurer submitted tho following
-repQ-pfT -,
Balance on hand ;$ 1.81'
Active membership dues .... 385.851
Honorary membership dues.. C85.15
'Alumnii membership dues 31.2JV
Faculty membership dues ... 1G2.85
Systematic giving 108.27
Conference ....4.... .142.73
County Fair, t... 410.97J
May morning bfeakfnst ..... 74.70
Miscellaneous 32.48
Total receipts- $2,015.0ff.
Salary ...$ 858.31,
Conference exponse .,,...,.. 50.00
Conference expenso- ......;.. 128.50,
Sunday meetings .-. ,23.0'
State pledgoV. . .' ' 4D.0q
National pledgo . ... t ....... . 50.00
Missions , ,..f.,. '! - 30'00!
Expense of national workers. 5,20
Stamps ,.,,,,..,,, , , . , , 30.2a
Flowers "..... , 14.9C
(Printing ,. , ;..,,,.... 9068
County Pair .. ..,..'.........' . 1 J&5
Social committee .....' 48,215
Rooms (decorating, etc.)
Miscellaneous ,
May morning breakfast
Total expondlturo , $1,68L7
On hand , . .$ JJ35.27
Tho roport of tho president, AUco
Compton, showed constant thought
and devotion for tho work as a whplo
aud for tho girls Individually. Ueula
Jennings presented Mian Compton
with a nntlonnl pin of, tho Y. "V. C. A.
and a Y. W. C. A. world's guard, gifts
from tho cabinet of twnly-oho girls.
Y. W. C. A. Rejoicing Over Securing
Her for Several Addresses
May 15 to 18.
Great things' aro bolng planned for
May 15-18, when Miss Ruth Pnxson
will onco more bo u guest of the asso
ciation. Miss Paxson visited tho asso
elation four and a half years ago as
national secrotary for student work.
No national secretary has over had
more Influenco than MIbh Paxson. Her
mesKagos nro forcoful bocuuso so defi
nite and becauso Miss Paxson has
such a strong personality nnd Is a
good spcakor. Sho holds hor audience
in a wonderful way.
MIbh Vibbard worked two years in
summer conference -with Miss Pnxson
nnd without hesitation calls hor the
strongest speaker among women wo
have over had. Miss Paxson will
como to uh in May as traveling stu-t
dent secretary for tho student volun
teer movoment. Each year tho associ
ation has tried to arrange for a week
of her tlmo, writing somo times a year
In advance, but failed, and It Is with
grent rejoicing they announce these
datoB. This -will probablybo Miss Pax
son's last visit to Amorlcan colleges.
Further announcements' will bo made
through tho Nebraska!).
Old Officers to Retire and New Ones
Take Office Sunday, March 13,
Tho Installation sorvico of the
will take placo Sunday afternoon,
March 13, at 4 o'clock. Such n sorvico
Ih held overy year in 51arcn, at which
tlmo tho ofllcora for tho now year
publicly 'pledge themselves to tho work
of' Christ through tho Young Women's
Christian Association. The outgoing
Ulcers and chairmen at this time for
mally give up their places to tho new
The cabinet of tho past year Is
matjo up of twonty-ono young women:
Miss Vibbard, AUco Compton, Boula
Jennings, Vera Bargor, Alice Humpo,
Bessie Brenlzer, Edna .Howlt, Blancho
Given, ElBlo Rokan,r,v'elirl8tlno Ander
bory, Mary Horbert, Merlo Thomas,
Alt a Gooden, Gortrudo Lyford, Kathor-'
Ino Ilolo, Nell Blodgctt, Bertha
Luckoy, Grace White, Eaycf, Hartley,
Claire McKlnn,on,,01lv(o Mann.
All tho places have not yet been
filled for tlio new cabinet: Tho mem
bers wo already have are: Miss Vib
bard, Lucllo Miller, Merlo- Thomas,
Florence Davis, " Alive Humpo, Vera
Bargor, Claire McKlnnon, Orilla Wash-
burne, Beulah Radqr, Luella Craig,
Hazel Vibbard., Aima East Blancho
Ends, Hattle Rollings, Ethol Chambers,
AUco Compton, Alta Gpoden, Lota
Llnch, nnd Besslo Mason.
Dr. Lawrence of t,bo First Presby
terlan, church spoke to tho Y. W. C. A.
at tho Installation service a year ago,
and will speak to us. again this year.
Hiss messago will bo worth listening
to. We invite every young woman to
hear him. and by hor presence to help
Install tho cabinet for tho year 1910-
1911. i
TJie sophomore informal 'bqmmltteo
wfll meet todoy In Mqmqrlal hall at
11:30. Tho committeo follows: R. W.
Patterson, chairman; W.'O. Wiess,
master ,or . ceremonies; FrederlcRJ
Coulterj Raymond, Hazel Snejl. Marian
"'"u'bi ..v iuiim6M.
Scarlet and Cream Are Working to
Get Largeit NumbtF WHjrthe
Campaign Takes Place at
This Time.
Not because 700 looks good In print.
That Is ono rcasou, but so small a ono
as that It woutd not bo worth men
tiontng if It wero not obvious and
easy to understand. The real reason
why tho Nebraska Y. W. C. A. has
Just Inaugurated an earnest campaign
for now members is because tho girls
already "on tho Inside" have found'tho
Y. W. C. A. work such a bclp(ul, use
ful part of their school lifo that thoy
uro willing to glvo a'Josgpull, a
strong pull, nnd a pull all together to
wnko up other .girls to the opportuni
ties thoy are missJsg.
At first blink, March does not seem
a good month in which to secure new
mombors. With the year so far gone,
can thoy bo brought" into, touch with
the actual work, which is presumably
already organized and. Bowling merrily
along? As a matter of fact, March Is
just as much a montk of organization
and of beginnings as Is September, if
not more. New officers and now, com
mittee heads have. Just been chosen,
nnd thoso in tujjn qrNo,chpoijlng nnow
ho chalrmon, of their various sub
committees and ttip "onllrQ personnel
of tholr committees.
Girls who aro able and anxious to
do real work In the association, work
that counts, ' whether it bo helping
with Informal social affairs, helping to
direct the Blblo study plans, calling
upon freshman girls, or ono of twenty
other things, can find no .hotter tlmo
than the present to sign a momborshlp
card, visit tho rooms and get acquaint
ed. Miss Bcula JennlngB, who for tho
last year lias bec'n tho alert and hard
working chairman of tho momborshlp
committeo, has not" only succeeded in
Increasing tho membership' of tho
association beyond all former limits'
It now numbers 575 but has 'cham
pioned more and more earnestly 'tho
thought not tho girls for tho asso
coatlon, but tho association, for the
girls. The moro members thoro aro,
the moro thoro will bo taking an ac
tive Interest in tho work, helping with
tnoir suggestions ana tueir experience;
hence tho greater profit that will nc
cruo to the university Itself. '
Tho present catripalgn is organized
in Iho form of a contest between two
sides, called the Scarlet and the
Katay Kinsman and for tho Cream
-Cecilia Stchger. Each .team numbers
fifteen girls. Tho two teams Inaugu
rated the campaign at a meeting held
In the rooms Friday morning, March-
4, presided over by Merle Thomas,
chairman of the membership commit
teo. ' Tbmorrow evening, Friday, the
glrlB will 'take supper togothor at the
cltyT. W. C. A. Tho campaign closes
at C o'clock, sharp Friday, March ,18.
Tho following evening tho losing side
will entertain all association members
in honor of tho now girls. Mysterious
and 'fascinating rumors of thor 'nature
of this affair aro already circulating
about the campus, '.
Tho German Club will hold its reg
ular mooting tonight at 1234 R street.
Misses Myqr, Von Goetz and ' Reeder
vill be. hostesses.'
Baked beans, baked .on the pfftratewi
aod Jerv9d hpt -wiU 4e"?.IC'i
oreaa. iuc. ai 'inn uobiob luhos.