The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 09, 1910, Image 3

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    t ,. a, a . .
4 A
tv, ejwwtiMyf ;'?' t
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ff J
H . '
The Greatest Musical Event of
the Year
Grace Van Studdiford
In the Smith & De Koven Comic Opera
"TheGolden Butterfly"
Prices $2.00 to 50c. .
Ill -I - -" Studonts, Btono-
W aftlf v ae FAPhor8 nook-
WW D flU CIDu koopora and you
who Buffer with
weak oyos, Granalatod Lids, Inflatnod, Film,
Htyoa and Watory Byes, And IlyRcta Kyc
Cream acta llko a charm In rostorlnR thorn
to. a healthy condition. Porfoctly harmless,
and Is guaranteed to produco satisfactory ro
Hultfl or monoy refunded. At drugR'ats or
nmilod on receipt of prico. GOc.
II. V. HU TOW, Goiheu, Inillana.
BoysMy Spring line of
woolens are stynners. See
L. J. HERZOG 1230 O St
Fine Tailoring
The Owl Pharmacy
Northeast Corner 14th and O Streets
Hot and Cold Drinks at
Our Fountain
Elliott Bros.
All makes rontod with stand $3
per Month. Bargains in
Rebuilt Machines
Lincoln TypawrlUr Exchange
Auto 1165. Boll 1181. 123 No. 11th
C. A. Tucker
S. S. Shean
Ytr Fatrufc Solicited
, '
Quality Counts
We make a specialty of fan
cy creams, sherbets. Ices
ad.punchfor.PratA Sorori-
always oa hand. Bell SOi."
utoSltl. 1818 N St
Hot Drinks
are aew fas season. Do ,7014 Jkaarw
Ukj place where you can ftt a
as yau can at ouraew stars? No,
asset of being xrowoVrf.
Lincoln Candy
Kitchen s. w. ct
W- Gleanings w
C. H Froy, florist, 1133 O street.
Phi Alpha Tnti held a banquet at
tho Lincoln hotel Tuesday evening.
Thornburg's Orchestra. Auto 6877.
The athletic board will hqld a ape-
clal meeting at 2:30 this afternoon.
Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe, ll-llO
So. 12th street
Harry F. Smith, Lexington, has
pledged Kappa Sigma fraternity.
Chapln BroB., florlBts. 127 So. 13th.
There will he a meeting of the inter
fraternity athletic board Thursday
morning in Dr. Clapp's office.
Green's Sanitary Barber Shop. 120
N. 11th.
Professor Fogg went to Frlond,
Neb., Monday Evening to Judge a do
bate there. '
The Republican Club will meet at
7: SO tonight in science hall of the
"The Vici" stylish eye ghiBs mount
ings. "Peritoric lenses," shaped to the
eye. See Howe, Optician, 319 No.
12th. 94-2t
Company C, under the command of
Capt. A. C. Schmidt, had their pic
tures taken for the Cornhusker last
Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa.
13th and P Sts.
Watch a person with eye edfect trying to see
without glasses and the frowns, wrinkles and
crow's feet appear and deepen as effort to see
increases. Our glasses will counteract this.
HALLETT, Registered Optometrist
Tho freshmen will meet Thursday
in Memorial hall. Committee appoint
in on fti.
All sophomore class caps uncalled
- .1 1. I I M I IIIH I
for will now bo open for sale. All de
siring tho same call at Armstrong's
cap department.
John M. Alexander, '10, is teaching
tho class n money, banking and credit
during Professor Taylor's absence In
Texas. Miss Dye, '10. has charge of
his class in crisis.
On account of the senior-junior de
bate this evening the Platform Club
will not hold its regular Wednesday
ovening debate. Howoveh a week
hence the regular debate will be held.
Rupert Bailey, '10, at prosent super
intendent of the physical valuation' de
partment of tho Ogden division of the
Union Pacific, is visiting his fraternity
brothers at the Delta Upsilon housp.
Freshman Laws Go,
The freshman law class 'Is at It
again. This timo they will attend the
Orpheum In a body. Tho event Is to
occur tonight.
O. F. Swenson' and E. Wohlenberg,
Benlors "in the forestry department,
havo been offered positions In recon
naissance work in Arizona and will
probably take up the work In a few
Mrs. Elmore will glvo th'o second ad
dress of the India series at the Y. M.
C. A. mid-week meeting. "IdolB and
Temples' Is tho subject for this, oven
ing at 6:50 o'clock. The nominating
committee of tho association will re
port at this meeting.
Professor Phillips of the forest department-
is, in receipt of a letter from
S. Riley, head of tho western district,
.inquiring or available men to take
charge of field work. The salary is
not large, but a great deal of experi
ence, is not" necessary, so it is consid-
ered a good oponiug for moaUinyuitiuJ
dent of tho department. Tho work
will begin about May 1 and continue
until late In the fall.
Soveral University of Nobraska poo
plo are on tho program of tho South
west Nobraska Toachors' Association,
to moot at Bcatrlco In tho near future.
Chancellor Avery will glvo nn address
on "Hlghor Education and Higher
Ideals." Dean Fordyco will also glvo
an address. Miss Floronco Roth, 1909,
will read a paper on geography labora
tories. Prof. N. A. Bongtson is on for
two addresses.
Advertisements for the want ad col.
umn should be left at tho business of
fice, basement Administration build
ing, between 11 a. m. and 12 m., or
between 2 p, m. and 5 p. m.
Want ads will positively not be In
serted unless paid In advance, at the
rate of 10 cents per Insertion for
every fifteen words or fraction there
of for the first insertion; three tnser
tions 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents.
Foung Plain gold seal ring, with
initial "B." Owner may havo Bamo
by paying for this ad. 93-Gt
Found A Waterman's Ideal foun
tain pen. Owner may havo same by
Identifying property and paying for
thlB ad. 9;i-5t
For Sale A now high-grade bicycle,
at 25 per cent discount. Inquire at.
Nobraskan office.
For Sale A good dress suit; slzo
3(5; cheap. Address P, Nobraskan.
Wanted To rent a room, within two
blocks of the campus. House must be
modern. Address II, Nobraskan.
91 It
"Wanted Student wants placo to
work for board. Willing to do any
thing Address K, Nobraskan 93-3t
Lost A European history note book
with gray color. Reward for return
to Nobraskan office. , 93-3t
Lost Gold fob, in Uni Hall, March
4th, between 2 and 3 o'clock. Re
ward for return to Rag office. - 93-3t
Lost A brown fur scarf, between
Unl Hall and Gym. Return to Nobras
kan office. ' n 93-3t
Lost Phi Delta Phi frat pin, set
with opals. Finder -return to 1435 L,
or call F1383 for reward. 95-3t
Losf-A Delta, "Upsilon fraternity
pin, set with opals. Finder return to
Nebraskan office and recelvo reward.
Adopt New Book. '
The German department has adopt
ed a new book in lis German li course,
It Is entitled "Im Vatorland," hy Paul
Bason. Professor Fossler considers, it
excellent because it does- not plunge
tho student into tho lntrlcasles of lit
erature right away. Tho book consists
of typically German subjects, depict
ing German life, manners and customs.
Try-out for Soux Cjty.
Tho try-outs for tho Indoor relay
team which will bo sent to the Sioux
City meet will' he held at 4 o'clock
this afternoon. Fast tlmo Is expected
as there has b'eon a great deal of In
tereBt shown. Our last year's team
was tlo fastest in tho Missourf Valley,
and to all appearances tho trick will
be "repeated this year. The mile relay
team consists of four men, each run
ning 440 yards, '
Professor Engberg Also Spoke Sunday
Chancollor Avory and Profc3iior
Engberg, as motubors'of tho "Brother
hood" woro among tho flvo members
of that association who upon rcquuBt
Bpoko on tho tomporanco'quoBtlon at
vine Congregational church Sunday
The "Brothoihood" is nn organiza
tion of Vino Congregational men, tho
objoct of which Is to promoto the so
cial and spiritual Interests of (tho
neighborhood. 'Thoy have taken up
Lincoln tomporanco as tho thing most
vital at this tlmo.
Tho Bervlco was turned ovor to
theso representative men of tho Broth
orhood, each of whom mndo a brief
and pointed talk. Their genornl aim
was to reawaken lntorost In tho torn
peranco causo In tho light of another
approaching crisis, to appeal to per
sonal responsibility on tho pnrt of tom
poranco people ,and to suggest ways
of action.
In splto of tho numberless time's and
wnys this question has been dlBcussed,
tho Bpoakors brought forward now and
Interesting phases of tho subject and
mado tho audienco feol that' tho ques
tion of saloons In Lincoln Is moro
vital to tho pooplo now than It has
ovor been before. Chancellor Avery
mado tho statement That ho would
rathor Lincoln had nover gono dry
than that It should nowo baclc to tho
old stato of affairs, and admit to tho
world that Lincoln was not ablo to
maintain Its present decency. This,
ho considers, would bo nn admission to
tho enemy and tho world In general
that "no liconso" was not n buccobs.
Both tho chancollor and Professor
Engberg emphasized tho Influonco
which "no saloons" had had upon unl
verslty studonts tho past year.
"I havo boon a Bort of fathor con-
j'fessor to many young men of tho uni
versity this year," said ProfoBsor Eng
berg, "and I can assert that tho .ah
Bonco of saloons In Lincoln has had a
decidedly salutary offect upon tho stu
dents." Chancellor Avery's talk roBolvod it
self Into tli re 0 trends. First, a city
should protect Its greatest Industry or
assot Tho university Is Lincoln's
greatest industry, from tho consldora.
tlon alono that tho students bring Into
tho city approximately four millions
of dollars each year. The exclusion
of saloons from tho city Is not only for
tho good of. tho Institution as It stands,
but It moaiiB that tho people ovor tho
state and country will have a power
ful Inducement for sending their
young peoplo hero, aad there will re
sult a steady Incrcuso of students. In
proof of this ho said that slnco Lin
coln wont dry, at tho last election, tho
University of Nobraska has had a vorjy
considerable Increaso In registration,
while no university around us has
.sliown a llko Improvement. Knnsas
has had a very small Increase, Mis-sou-l
Hns not gained, Iowa has lost,
and so on down tho list.
Furtbpr, ttyo chancollor proved that
Intomporanco Is ono thousand times as
had today as It "was .In ancient times.
Ho said that peoplo aro wont" to rofor
to biblical lonioney ot "drinking," and
suggested that Iho peoples of that
time were not far advanced In tho
ingenuity of, wickedness.'' ThoyJtnow
no method tor manufacturing liquor
except by simple fomentation of. puro
grapo juice, and could produco no
article containing moro than, ten por
cent of alcohol, while at tho present
timo wo have n!nety;-flvo per 6mta
ocjiol concoctions, with tho addition of
poisonous drugs. Consequently intom
poranco In biblical tlmos would not ho
looked. upon with present day severity,
,s4nc0 It couldnWfead" imythW'bkV
so bad results.
Finally-Chancollor Avory refuted tho
popular argument of tho "Infringe
ments of personal liberty.''. ' Personal
liberty is a myth," ho .said,; "men, to
live among men, must submit to the
limitations of government" The clos
ing of rum flhope is' no moro a 'depri
vation of personal liberty' than tho for
bidding tho sale of poisonous medi
cines, or, in fact, tho restriction of
any civil law.
A series of locturostort'tjournalism'ls
being presented at tho University of
Minnesota; by a prominent representa
tive of tho press.
Just Publighec
Wsrtr't AeT INTERNATIONAL Dlcti'snar;'.
(G. &C. Mtrriart Co., S.nrfhM, ttait.)
lurpaiic the olJ cj much u tkt
book exceeded lit pttitttittr. f..'U i
Chief. Dr. W. T. Uarrkforncr U. S. Con
f Education. The definition's bava htci re-
arraof ed aad tmpllficd., The nsubr of Utrt.c
defifled hat beea mora than doubled, The HV-
moloffjr, ijfBoajrroi, proflttncuticra, hivr rc
eelred unipirini scholarly labor. Tbc fjo'
gHage of English for over wttn
ceaturiei, the terminology of the arte mh1
seicacet, and the overy-cay cpcccL cf street,
shop, aad household, tro presented vJth fell-
ncta and clearness. In the of vocabulary, In
ricbaett ot general intonniUon, aad in con
venience of consultation, Uio book seta 0 neu
mark la lexicography. '
400,000 words aad phrases.
6000 illustrations.
2700 pages.
Writ u'lbiTptblblMrs Ut Specimen Pates.
Cincinnati $2,50 Shoe
Store and Electric
Repair Factory
New Location 142 North '12
-JE lrlntln, k
C 9H: Bnsravtng;, x: -
t S- Mmt3ommln ac :: a
c AuTOlSlt 817 South. 13tii
Tht First Trust! Sav-
rst i rust. i
Inrs Bank
4 Par Csnt Infartst A
$1 pint an.aooiunt
Corner 1 0h ScO Street .-,
M-i, ,
arV the Lart '
Uanuf&ctureri .
in the World of
YT--- .
FOR ALL: . ,
1 i i
lumU Mara . a, 9&P7 w
Mis gsesMaceftMiirM.
It's aoesaBM eeTfll
m4Uo What'ijen
lsa Ufrt satlik iwt
(a kaovrm troa;Jioml
ths worla m a
Guarantee o!
A, G. Spaldine & Bros,
147 ITaBMli Aveaue, CMesge
' i. .
Li 'V sV sV. M stfE? . .. W4
1 HUansamau "I