' t V ' "Vt'Wy ' Vol IX. No. 92. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, MARCH 4, J910. Price 5 Cents, 2) a i I v IRebraeftart VI V 1 II I FRESHMAN-SOPHOMORE DEBATE TONIGHT FIR8T OF THE INTERCLA88 CON TE8T8 IN MEMORIAL HALL. IIHall. SCHOOLS fINISil SERIES BATTALION REVIEW HELD Humboldt Wins from Pawnee City and Terminates First 8eres In 8outh- Eastern District Crelghton and Pierce Debate Tonight. Inspection of Cadet Battalion Follows Review by Commandant Yates. Last evening tho cadot battalion hold tho first battalion rovlow ot tho Bomostor. Tho companies woro lined up on tho athletic field, whoro. thoy .passed In review' boforo tho com mandant and tho battalion staff. Pol lowing tho rovlow tho battalion was Inspected by Commandant Yates and Major Dirks. Tho battalion made a very creditable appearance and showed that thoy had boon well drilled on this lino of military science NEBRASKA STUDENTS TO FORM AN AERO CLUB INVITATION gXTENDED TO UNI MEN TO ATTEND CONVENTION. MEN ARE IMPROVING ASSOCIATION TO BE fORMED Tho first dobato of tho lntor-class championship series will take placo this evening In Memorial hall between tho sophomores and freshmen. The sophomore team Is composed ot It. E. Halldorson, Lincoln; It. M. Gar rett, Madison; A. W. Vasoy, Boatrlco; and G. B. DoWolf, Gibbon, alternate. Thonnen who will cdmposo tho fresh man team aro H. D. English, Lincoln; B. B. Johnson, Lincoln; T. G. Andrews, Lincoln; and J. It. Forbes, altornato. Both Andrews' and Johnson aro mem bers of tho freshman law class and aro classed as frcBhmon In tho intpr class debates. The question that has been chosen for the intor-class debates this year Is, "RosGlved, That county option Is tho best means of regulating tho liquor traffic In Nebraska." The afflrmatlvo side of the question will bo uphold by tho freshmen In the dobato tonight, whllo tho sophomores will have the negative. Freshmen Won Last Year. Lost year tho Inter-clasB debates iworo very successful. Tho seniors won from tho juniors In an excollent debate before a small audience. Tho CHANGE IN DEPARTMENT Work of Botanists Is Rearranged. A rearrangement has boon, neces sary in tho department of botany on account of tho registration ot Miss Anna B. Lute, who has had tho caro of tho storo room, tho botanical library, and tho botanical supplies for hlKh schools. Tho caro and manage ment of tho store room Is put In chargo of MIsb Leva Walker, who will also suporvlso tho sending out of high school supplies, but she still remains In chargo ot tho big laboratory of gen oral botany. Bho will bo assisted In tho laboratory by Miss Margaret Han nah, '07, who comes to take a fellow ship In botany. The botanical library will hereafter be in tho especial chargo of Dr. Walker, who will con tlnuo tho work ot arranging and cat aloging tho books and pamphlets. "High-Flyers" bf the University Are Planning on Forming Club and Sending Delegate to Philadelphia. PERMANENT ORGANIZATION Officers Elected at Meeting Wednes- A now organization! This t. ac cording to tho latest report. Not that tho university Is fully equipped with an organization from ovory depart ment of tho institution and three or tour extra organization, but anothor ono must como forth. A recent communication from tho Aero QJub of tho University of Penn sylvania Invites tho aero olub of tho University of Nebraska to attend tho lnter-colleglato aoronautlc convention which will bo hold In Philadelphia FrI and Saturday, April 1st and 2d. Form an Association. Tho purpose of this convention Is to form an association of all of tho aero clubs of tho various universities of North America. Consequently on tho basis of this Invitation tho mombors of tho student body who havo in tho past considered themselves high-flyers aro. busy gathering togother from out of tho dark corners and recesses of tho university thoso who aro known to bo adopts at the art of high-flying and aro summoning them to gother to Statistics Show Big Gain for Men In Delinquency. According to statistics glvon out from the chancellor's ofllco yesterday tho men of tho university aro Improv ing In scholarship. Last year thoro woro 3 6-10 as many casos of mon do- Unquocles as thoro woro women dolln quonclos. This year only 2 7-10 as many casos of dollnqucncy have boon roportod for tho mon as for tho wo men. Tho number of delinquency casos among tho women was groator this year than last, tho lncroaso corre sponding closoly to tho lncroaso In registration. This Is duo. largoly to tho fact that tho women havo always boon undor closer Buporvlslon than tho men in this matter. Tho conclusion arrived at by tho cbminlttco is that tho dollnquonclos havo been greatly reduced among tho mon, all of tho gain coming from tholr side of tho statistics. This Ib duo to tho strong effort put forth toward re ducing tho dolinquoncy among tho men. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES TO MEET IN LINCOLN GATHER TO DI8CU8S REORGAN IZATION IN APRIL. PROGRAM WILL- BE IN SECTIONS.; Field Trips Will Be Taken Object of Academy Is to 8pread Knowledge, of Natural, Physical and Math ematical Sciences. ( question was tho parcels post ques tion, tho seniors defending tho afflrm atlvo and tho juniors tho negative. Tho freshmen won from tho sopho mores, and tho final contest botwoon tho froshmon and seniors was won by tho fbrmer and gave them tho cham pionship of tho school. . - Tho--clasB-of-lfll2-ls-maklnggroat- efforts to rqtaln tholr supromacy. Eleven sophomores took part In tho try-otfts, and thoy havo shown a groat deal of Interest In tho debates. This year's freshman toani, however, is a etrong ono, and tho contest tonight will bo hard fought. Tho last of tho first series of dis trict debates In tho southeastern dis trict of tho Nebraska High School Do bating Loaguo was that.botweon Hum boldt and Pawneo City at Humboldt Tuesday evening. Tho dobato result ed In a victory for Humboldt by a two to ono decision. . Professors Judge Debate. Tho Judges woro from tho univer sity. Thoy woro: Profossors E. B. Conant and Edwin Maxoy of tho law school, and Mr. James E.- Bednar, law '10. 'Mr. Bodnar is an old Nebraska debater and' Is toachor of, debate In tho Lincoln high school. Humboldt will now meet Falls City, which dofeated Stella. Wymoro, which defeated Tecumseh, wjll meet Auburn, whloh dofeated NebraBka City. The winners of these two contests will dobato for tho championship of tho southeastern district, and tho winner of this contest will send a representa tive to Lincoln on High School Foto Day, May 13, to dobato for tho cham pionship of tho Nebraska high schools. Professor M. M.'Fogg will' go to Crelghton today, where ho will help judge a debate between Crelghton and Pierce tonight. These townB aro In, the hprth-centrai district of tho state debating league and are contenders for tho champlbnshlp of that district. ' Albion and St. Edward will 'also meet tonight. Friend and Geneva will debato'at Friend Monday night. .Tha-Qlo-CIaliorm4-4upEa4 organization Wednesdny evening. Fred Hoffmann was elected president and H. C. Slater secretary. It was announced at tho meeting that Mr. Kimball will havo chargo of FRESHMAN LAW HOP Plans aro now bolng mado for the annual mooting of tno Nobraska Acad omy of Sciences, which will bo hold Jn Lincoln somo tlmo In April. It will bo tho biggest and best mooting the acadomy has bvor hold. At this moot- -Ing tho Important question of tho re organization of tho academy will be conBldorod. Tho reorganization will bo along linos of moro practical valuo and immodiato Intorost to tho various groups of scientists In tho state and Is to mako tho acadomy a sort of "clearing houso" for all scientific or ganizations and activities in tho state. More Informal Meetings, It Is dosircd to mako tho mootlngs moro Informal. Tho offlcors aro desir ous of interesting tho pooplo of the First Year Men Will Give. Dance on March Twelfth. Ono of tho last unlvorslty dances of tho year will bo given to tho fresh man law class on tno evening of Sat- stato and- Blowing thoiq thoro Is somo urdav. March 12. Tho dance will be tnInS worth their whllo In tho meet- 4.mm AMrwMMlafttlnkf ImtntM ll 4t4A dav Evenlna t iivum uu uibouii-uuuu uu r mo ClabaepneaUAmjtfKamat In responso to tno urgent pieaamg of tho leaders In this, movomont stu dents have flocked together at various times on the campus to talk ovor and arguo tho advantages of binding them solves Into this order and planB aro it. i..i. ml.n.r ii7 til Vtnrrtn rnmtlni' mu uuu. xuujr ... w. -w0. " . . !,,. rt ctn-Mno. n Pnmnnlfm Immnlnfalv Wuflri; mnln. uu,11b iuouwu .. uv. .0 . o 4UJUJ WUtt-WVJ - w j - practice voice In tho unlvorslty is urged to bo present at tho practices. Thoso doing regular wbrTr"mybonlIowodBomor unlvorslty credit. Regular tlmo for practice- will bo assigned at tho next meeting, Wednesday evening. Thoro Is to bo no regular try-outs for tho club, ovoryono who Is willing to at tend tho practices being considered mombors. Whon tho club takes a trip, however, try-outs for places will bo hold. given In Fraternity hall and tho music will bo furnished, by Walt's orchestra. Tho last hop glvon by a freshman law class was a failure It was not largoly attended and did not pay out Tho committee in chargo of this, year's lngs. Thoy aro Invited to como and Join in a gonoral discussion' of things loading to a cloaror scientific knowl odgo of practical things. Tho program this year will be di vldod into various sections,, jb that hop ia hard 'at wqVftand"tbosaib offo0 especially interested in.one scl- jxl-i.....Lw ,ai.. u.'..L'"'i'.V i-ji . nttprt nnniT nrt lfatnn iri . nvf. . uuKeiB ujj iu iuu pruBuui. uuiu mur Y. M. C. A. STAG Baked beans, baked on tho promisee and served' hot with delicious brown bread," 106. at'The Boston Lunch. Foreign Embassy Will Attend to Study Sqclal Conditions. Final arrangomonts havo actually been completed for tho Y. M. O. A. "stag" which will bo hold In Memo rial hall Saturday evening?' Tho stuntB aro all "now," at least that is tho way Secretary Der Klnderen puts it. Glen G, Fordyco, chairman of the committee, will bo assisted by R. F. Curtlss, R. E. Woavorllng and Olio Motcalf. . Tho featuro ovont of tho evening will be nn Indoor trade meet. Each class will be represented In, tho vari ous ovents. Rooting squads will bo formed to support tho teams. The list of eventB includes tho shot put, seeing race, smelling race, clothes 'nln race, hurdles and tho milk raco. V. C. Hascall has registered against a largo field ln tho milk raco. 'Chair man Fordyco is receiving registrations for all events now. The meet and-so-clal are free. All university mqn are Invited. Doflnlto assurance has reached head quarters that a commission of European Inspectors will visit tho, uni versity on Friday and Saturday. They will bo present at the "stag," while in vestigating tho social llfo' of thofcbl lego mon, when no ladles aro present They hope to Introduce American Ideas of pleasure Into European 'schools.,' . f to Bond ono of the most promtnontl workers In this movomont as a dolo- gato-to-tho-convontlon-of-blrd-mon-at Phlladolphia. A New Science. Tho. author of tho communication to tho unlvorslty states that It has found that this now problem of aorlal navi gation has seemingly sprung from tho oarth and now promises to revolution ize transportation. Tho mombors of tho. now club at tho university havo not ns yet determined upon tho era blom which thoy will wear. Somo are In favor ot a monoplane, others havo suggested a tiny airship, but the ma jority of tho organizers havo an nounced that they aro in favor of adopting a winged schooner as tho proper emoiom oi mo now oruuiusu- cates tthat tho attendance will be .targe. Tho tlckots woro put on said Mon day morning and alroady a largo num ber havo been sold, -Tho troshman law class has, liber ally patronized ovory university func tion this yoar, and they bollovo that othor unlvorslty organizations will ro turn tho compliment and attend their hop. This is tho first affair that tho laws havo planned for this year. once nood not listen to1 a number of addressos on other sconces. It Is hoped to havo a largo number of unl vorslty professors present to help In tho gonoral discussion of tho topics. A now foaturo has boon arranged on tho program in tho way of several field trips undor tho direction of com petent loaders. , Somo of. tho leaders will bo Dean Bossoy, Dean Wolcott. 8ophomore Hop Committee. Tho following commltteo has boon appointed to arrango for a sophomoro hop to bo glvon In tho near future: Vorn Bates, chairman; Claronco Clark, Frank Jonos, Charles Landers, Helen Dlnsmoro, Eula Bates, ana iTlorenco Rush. William Rltchio has boon ap pointed master ot ceremonies. Hon. Tho voto on tho matter will do takon as soon as tho organization be comes permanent. Tho names of the members ot tho organization which will boar tho name of tho Amalgamated Order of High Flyers fiavo not been announced to tho public yet, but thoy will bo known in .a short tlmo. s Several of tho prom inent upper classmen aro loaders in tho movement, which is receiving tho support of a largo portion of tho stu dent body. Forest Club Plan Program. Preparations aro being made In tho forestry department, for a very cholco nrocram In two weeks, the dato being as yet undecided. Two leading lum bermen and foresters will compose tho speaking 'staff, whllo mombors- of tho department will fill in with othor num bers. Tho Forest Club has also de cided to havo a banquet In tho future and action Is bolng taken to mako It a big success. , GUARD MOUNT PRACTICED Cadet 'Companies Drilled In Guard Mount and Duties 6f Sentinels.. For tho past two or three evenings tho members of tho dlff6fenfv cadet companies ot tho university, caet, bat talion havo been, practicing guard mount., Tho first evening company D had to go on guard and tho next even ing company C had tho -duty to fulfill. This -work is taught the cadets every spring so aB to onablo them to'become acquainted wlththejr- duties ag senti nels when they have this. work to per form at cadet encampment Students on tho campus aro talking about "Tho Goddess of Liberty,", Mort M. Singer's latest musical comedy suc cess, which is coming to tho Oliver for qnp performance next Tuesday even ing. This play was presented for 300 performances at the Princess theater tn Chliagq. Tho company - which comes to Lincoln includes, vivacious SaUla Fisher and tho other members of tho orgInatja8t. This comedy Is bettor than tho "Prince of Tonight," which-'played to capacity houses in Lincoln less than a month ago. . To keep students' from leaving, the city on' Sundays tho Yalo faculty has ruled t.o refuse tiraccopt certificates of church attendance from churches'out eid'o of New Haven. This check was proposed by the senior uhdorgraduate council. and DrTCondra, who havo mado spe cial studios of field work in their1 lines. Those trips 'will bo of special vauo and Interest to biologists, oral thologlsts, botanists and earth-sclonce' men as well as all interested In gon- ,' oral scientific work. Object of Academy. Tho Nebraska Acadomy pf Sciences was prganlzed In 1891, with tho fol lowing object: Tho lncroaso and dlt -fusion of knowledgo rolatng to tho natural, physical and mathematical sciences in their widest extent.. Tho academy mcots annually in Lincoln. It : Is of benefit in many ways, such as promoting acquaintance 'among scion tlflo men and with' tho work thoy are doing, in furnishing information in ro- gard to the resources of tho state, In -furnishing teachers with information for uso In tholr work, and to mould public opinion with regard to scien tific truths. Tho proceedings aro pub- ' lished each yean ', ; Tho membership is open to any one; Every citizen and ovory student inter- . cBted" in any branch 'of sciences should bo a member. Tho dues 'are per year. A large number of-new members have joined recently and It Is hoped that tho membership will be doubled this ' year. Teachers,' physl- '.' clans, business, and professional men'"1 all should havo'tho publications. ' ' J ur. viouura is jirutiiueui ui iuukujuu- -, eray and Professor F. D. Barker is secretary. All 'ard" welcome at', the' meetings, and students especially should attond, ' It was a dark night " A man Was Tiding fa bicycle with no lamp,' He cimo to a cross roads, and did' not know which way to turn, ' He felt In . his pocket for a match. He found biit one.' 'Climbing to" the tdp of the' pole ho lit the watch carefully, ah'd In (hd ensuing feUmmer, read " Wet fcaint - t