f THE DAILY NEBRASKA! v w V N OLIVER THEATRE FRI., SAT. & SAT. MAT., MARCH 4-5. Original Chicago Production of Geo. Barr McCutchcon's BEVERLY OF BMUSTARK Night $1.00 to 25c. Mat. 75c to 25c. WED. MAT. & NIGHT. MARCH 9. Grace Van Studdifford IN "THE GOLDEN BUTERFLV." ' pnnnimnniTHiiHUnmmnnnnnmum SIMMONS 3 TUB PRINTER t VrlntnK mboaalng! Engraving:. Bt Atrro 2811 817 South 12th - CiiiiuiiuiiitniiiniiiiimtniiuniiHHiirt lK kwTLLLLLLLkRJfi JJqysMy Spring line of woolens are stunners. See them! L. J. HERZOG 1230 O St Fine Tailoring The Owl Pharmacy Northeast Corner 14th and O Streets Hot and Cold Drinks at Our Fountain SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros. TAILORS 142 SOUTH TWELFTH TYPEWRITERS 11 makes rented with stand $3 par Month. Bargains in Rebuilt Machines Linosln Typiwritir Exohings Auto 1155. Bell 1181. 123 No. 11th UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 1 STREET, YELLOW FRONT Ysur.Fatrwuf c .Solicited Quality Counts THAT'S WHY - FRANKLIN'S ICE CREAM IS SO POPULAR We make a specialty of fan cy creams, sherbets. Ices abA punch for,Frat A .Borpri-' tyt!WhlpbihfCrei'm alwjRjsAnluAa. JtoU.808. Auto 8111. 1816 N St j))Campusyj)j jl Gleanings W HotDrinks re now la season Do yo know amy place where you can fat as QUICK SERVICE as yau can at ournew store? -No need of being crowded. Line o lii Candy fvitchen s. w. crm- C. H. Ftoy, florist, 1133. O streot, Frcshmnn Cornhuskcr committee meets todny nt 11 o'clock In Ulll. Thornburg's Orchestra. Autd 5877. . Wo should suggest that the senior play committee look up the definitions for try-out, decisions and understudies, Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe, 11R-U9 So. 12th street Dr. Condrn lectured the .first three days this week to Professor Stout's C. B. 22 class on materials of con struction. Chapin Bros., florists. 127 So. 13th. The Company A basketball team will leave Friday afternoon for York, Neb., where they play a game with the York high school team. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop. 120 N. 11th. - Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa. 13th and P Sts. Have your clothes pressed at Web er's Sultorlum. Auto 1708. Field Geology 22. ClasH will meet next Saturday March G, at 8:30 a. m., In U7. A short excursion will bo nmdo to study fea tures of geologic interest about the campus and in tho museum. 21 a The timber testing laboratory of the forest servlco which was located at Purduo University has ben trans ferred to the University of Wisconsin. JACK LEAVES LINCOLN JUNE 14J0H MONTREAL 8ECOND CLA88 BERTH ENGAGED FOR UNIVERSITY TRAINER. GRANTED TWO NORTHS VACATION University Authorities Give Jack a Vacation of Two Months With Pay Over $200 Is Subscribed. Jack Best Is to sail early In Juno. Yestorday arrangements wore mado for tho stoamor ho was to tako and when ho was -to lcavo Lincoln. Jack will loavo Lincoln Tuesday, Juno 14th, with tho party conducted by Prof088or Lees of tho Greek flo partmont. Although ho leavos with this party, Jack will not bo a mem ber though of tho party. Ho goes from Lincoln to Montroal and leaves that city on tho samo steamer as tho party of about forty Lincoln peoplo who aro to bo conducted by ProfoHsor Lees. Vacation With Pay. Besides having ongaged a second class berth for Jack, arrangements were made yesterday to grant Jack a two months' vacation with pay. This will enablo him to tako tho vacation frco of expenso and at tho samo time ho will bo drawing full pay whllo on tho trip to his old homo In England. Subscriptions did not come In vory fast yostorday, although two fratornl tics added $10 each to tho list. Tho subscriptions up to dato fol low: Amount previously contrib uted $151.20 Phi Knppa Psi 10.00 Dolta Upsllon 10.00 lngtor's oarly professors. The book contains an Introductory chapter wrlk ten by Dr. Howard. Mnny cases of Inw and sourcos aro tabulated lu tho back of tho book. It also contains an oxcollent bibliography and Indox, It Is Intondod for uso us a ttixL and for roforohco. Tho vol u mo Is divided Into four parts as follows: (1) Gcnobls of Law, (2) Popular Constitution-making In tho United Statos, (3)! Popular Legislation in tho United Statos, and (4) Popular Participation In Law making Outsldo of tho United Stales. MEDIC8 HIKE Warm Weather Was Too Much for Doctors. YoBtorday's balmy aftornoon proved a big lnducomont for a hlko, and whon tho word wan suggostod In tho-medic-laboratory tho ontlro class of thirty deserted tho campus and hiked for tho country. After walking around for somo tlmo thoy ondod nt Twenty-first and Vino, whoro sovoral boxing matches and nn oxcltlng boll game fin ished tho aftornoon's ramble. FULK 1325 O Street OUR NEW STETSON, TWEEN AND GORDON HATS ARE ON DISPLAY THIS WEEK. Prices $2.50 to$5.00. The members of tho reservo football team aro requested to moot Friday at 12 o'clock at the Templo to have their pictures taken for the Cornhuskcr. All momborB of tho team are request ed to wear their sweaters.- Cblumbla, having beetrdlSalipoInt ed in getting a rowing race with Har vard, still has hope that Yale will agree to meet tho Now Yorkers. The Btudents and alumni of tho University of Minnesota are to build a men's building as a tribute to Presi dent Northrop. The Forum Editor Nebraskan: (1- Grunted that tho law students aro "under tho Jurisdiction' of their dqan." (2) Granted that "a history teacher attempted to cross his jurisdiction." (3) , Granted that tho law students have a right "to rebel against tho Potty Tyranny of Potty Professors.", Then what? Shall wo blame the dean for sanctioning certain actions oh tho part of "tho boys who will do anything' that tho dean requests"? For It muBt bo with his approval that (the "all-obedient laws" so often, force other classes in main, hall to st6p their recitations until the laws have satisfied their f'lone-power. It unit bo 'with his .approval that stampeding1 on third floor may take place with out regard for those of us on second floor who may be sensitive perhaps unjustly to apparently needless nolso and saneless shoutings. It must be wUh his approval that tho laws rush downstairs regardless of any man or woman who may be going in the op posite' direction. I am happy to know that hereafter I may go with my requests to one for whom "the boys will do 'anything that he will request" Respectfully,' . A STUDENT. Dr. E. J. C. Sward. J. C. Knodo Anonymous Co. D Froshmen ., H. W. Sprafcuo ..., Delta Tau Delta . . Alpha Theta Chi . -Lr-Wr-B. ...i.t..i Company B ....... 1.00 n.oo .50 2.70 1.00 10.00 10.00 ,60 5.20 $207.10 Y. W. C. A. Notes .Mrs. Elmore's interesting classes are showing a steady Increase Wednesday noon thoro woro thlrty-flvo present to hear hor talk on India. Her Tuesday class from G to ( Is also growing. Tho Thursday noon meeting will bo led by Carrlo HeBseltlno. Tho Friday noon meeting will bo given over to the inauguration of tho new officers, and is in tho hands of tho retiring president, Mies' Compton. This mooting will not conflno itself to affairs of' legality, but Is to' havo somo original features that must decidedly appeal to tho sense of humor. Como with your faco relaxed. Change In Meeting. Tho "Gormanlstlscho Voroln" has decidod to hold Its Friday afternoon meetings from 4:30 to G p. m., In ordor to bo opon to studonts who havo 4 o'clock classoH. All having 5 o'clock classos can now attond as usual from 4:30 to D; thoso having 4 o'clock work can como from 5 till G. SInco not many will bo able to attend for two consecutive periods, tho program commltteo has decided to carry on Its work In alternating sections: 1. Sing ing folksongs undor the direction of Mrs. Raymond. 2. Formal program. 3. Conversation and games; ordor of sections to bo varied to accommodato thoso who cannot attend the ontlro session, A RARE TREAT. Mr. Helms, Soprano, at Convocation Today. Mrs. Lillian Helms, of tho university) consorvntory will sing a series o sovon songs at convocation today. Tha program 1b in tho nature of a Shakes pearian colobratlon. Tho following' program gives tho namo of tho plays In which .theso songs were sung, tho namo of tho composer, and the tlmo in'whloh ho lived. Bring this program with you. 1. "Whon Icicles' Hung on tho Whll." Thomas Amo, 1710-1778. Love's Labor Lost, Act V, Scene 2, 2. "Sho Never Told Her Iovo." Franz Joseph Haydn, 1732-1809. Tho Twolfth Night, Act II, Sceno 4. i, "Holgh-ho for n Husbandr" About 1GR7, montlonod In Much Ado About Nothing, Act 11, Scono 1, Act III, Sceno 4. 4. "Tuko, O Tako TIioho Llpo Away." .Jojin Wilson, 1H04. Sung In Mcnsuro for MeaBtiro, Act IV, Sceno 1, undor Shakespcaro's direction. ' C. "Whon In blsgrnce." Sir. Arthur McKonzIo, Sonnet No. XXIX. 0. "Avo Maria." Vordl, 1813-1001. Sung In Act IV of opora "Othollo." , 7. Waltz Song, "Song, Jest, P.er fuino nnd Dunces." By Gounod, 1818 1893. Act II, opora of "Romeo ana Jullot." A formor Unlvorslty of Chicago baseball star who Is touching school In Japan, says, la nn artlclo written for thb current numbo'r of tho maga zino of tho Unlvorslty of Chicago, that during tho three years that ho has umpired basoball in Japan tho worrit "kick" ho ovor received was pollto und mild protest and that tho sport Is ono of tho best Influences In tho II fo of tho young Japanese For a nice Place to enjoy refresh ments, stop in at The Fohom. Ice Cream and Fancy Drinks and a Nice Lunch. We try to please all. se; 1307 O STREET March 12, 1910 Fraternity Hall j i Freshman Law Hop i $1.25- Walt's Orchestra , NEW BOOK IN THE LIBRARY, Written by Former 8tudcnt and Pro fessor of Nebraska. A new book, written by an alumnus of Nebraska, has Just been placed' in tho university library, "Tho Peoplo'sl Law, or Popular Participation in LawJ Making." , Tho author, Charles Sunvi nor Loblngier, ham token "four degrees at tho University of Nebraska and wus, at ono tlmo, a professor In tho law school. He 'is at presont Judgo of tho 'court of first Instance in tho Philippine islands. Jiidga Loblngier ontored tho univer sity In 1884 and received' his A. B". degree in 1888. Ho took his masters yjegroo ln1892, M. L. L. in 1894, and Phd. In 1903. A period of only nine teen years was consumed in this work. Much teaching was dono on tho side. The now book is a large volume, It is dedicated to Professor George Elliott Howard, who was, one of Lob- LOST ! If you have lost or found art- iclcSf rooms for rent or books to ' sell, advertise in the Ncbrasfcan's WANT-AD column Out rates are low and. . Fwe get results. IT PAYS TO A D V E R T I S E r x ; ti.