mbm ii m mmM mA::-imm w i uig- -g3 WlW - MB 1 1 wiiMiji iiiiiiiiiwwi4ttaBMrtWWilOMt "C3 THEr DAILY NEBRASKAN 1 'j ' 4. H '1 t 5k ;(:' : 'J . '. K " -l' M- The Daily Nebraskan TUB PROPERTY OF ' THE UNIVER8ITY OF . NEBtlABICA, Lincoln) Nobrnnka. Publlxhod by , , .,, THE BTUDENT 1'UHMOA'fION HOARD EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor K. P. Frederick Managing Editor '::c2Ti J' Lo!!d Ateoclate Editor T. M. Edgecombe Associate Editor R. D, Hawley BUSINESS STAFF, Manager G 5 . 'a0?, Attlatant Manager V. C. Hatoall Circulator C. Buchanan Editorial and Bualneit Offlcet BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. PoatofTlce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, S2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 5 Centa Each. Telephonet Auto 1888. Night Phonei Auto 1888 Auto 3844. - INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rnto of 10 cents tho litHortton for ovory flftoon wordu or fraction thoro of. Faculty notlctsa and Unlvornlty bul letins will bladly bo published froo. Entered at tho postofflco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as socond-clann mall mattor under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. Advertisements for the want column should be left at the business office, base ment Administration building, between 10 a. m. and 12 m or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m, Cash must aocompany all orders for ad vertlslng, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction thereof the first Insertion; three. Insertions twenty-five cents; five Insertions, forty cents. THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1010. aa AL t ik ! i sJ U. Lf jjf, W sW )tt itf X ? " pr ' "r pT " v p W "V r ""n This Issue Edited by Editor FAYE M. HARTLEY Associate Editor ....'.... E8TELLE MORRI80N W Mfi W Ufc tk A -A' - A stf -W U V v rp r T 'I' 1 T 'I" I T T r 'F T 0000000000OiW3000000000000000 CONVOCATION TODAY 8 Mrs. L&z Helms, Soprano MEMORIAL HALL II O'CLOCK o poo6ooooooooooX)oeooooooffioo o I Continued from Pngo 1 "ODE8 ON THE GENERATIONS OF MAN." Lot it bo understood, onco and Tor all, Hint tho lltornry Ihhuo of tho No lirn'slmn 1h not lntondud uh u Btuinping ground for n vory Helcct fow. Wo uro exceedingly nnxIoiiB to roeolvo contri butions from overy coUcro and ovory c1nB In tho school, n grout ninny of ins, Hinging rhythm that would delight tho most rcluctnnt render of pootry. LlHten to thlB "Awnke! . For tho whltc-plllared porchCB Of dnwn nro flung opon to dny; And tho jubllnnt voloos of morning, With Inughtor nnd bolstorouH warn ing, Summon nwny!" In his introduction to tho nino pages of notoB at tho end of tho book, tho author nmko this stntoment: "A thomo of tho scope of that hero un dertaken must niiturnlly ho supported by n body of allusions drnwn from dlvorso sources and ropresonting di verse culturoB." Accordingly, ho hus carried' out this obligation with thor oughnosB nnd enro in sovernl of tho odes, notably in Odd I, dealing, with tho Bpiritunl evolution of mnn, nnd in Ode II, taking up his inntorlnl evolu tion, "Of blood nnd drenniB uro Iniilt tho towns of men." , Thrco full pngefi nro givon up to tho .history of Baby lon; tho myths thnt wore sulig with in hoi gatcB, the grent men nnd women who ruled her. Two more pngeB record tho doom of twelve dif ferent cities of antiquity, nnmos not familiar for the most part to un learned enr.8. In Odo II. tho Aztec thnt given by yenrs of plodding in Bomo llnes-ot-study. Let nil Nobrns ka studentB rend this notnblo work of a Nebraska mnn. FAYE M. HARTLEY. 80ME RE8URRECTED "YELPS " FROM "THE KIOTE." Tho Kioto is the only periodical now which is not reprinting pinto matter about tho wnr. Wo hnvo no grent gen erals nmong our contributors. Tho Kioto is n Library of tho World's Best Literature, nnd llfty cents a yenr 1b vory chenp for it. - At times Tho Kioto feels another nnturo struggling within it. It would like to bo n Gront Newspaper nnd de nounce Yellow Journalism. The oc cupntipn 1b bo comforting, nnd withnl so snfe. It 1b like denouncing sin. No ono takes up cudgolB for tho other side. No ono thinks of tho remarks ns npplying to .him. And the de nouncer is hold to bo vnlinnt nnd right principled. It may ns well be understood thnt The Kioto is bitterly opposed to Sfn. If Iowa nnd Minnesota do take up rowing, they enn join with Wisconsin Jn the formntlon of a conference row ing association, which has been n middle western iden for some yenrs. SPRING HATS Soft and Stiff I am prouder than ever of my gorgeous spring lids at $2.50. Why Pay More? BUDD 1415 O St. thorn; but in tho monntlmo wo uso whnt wq hnvo. It may bo thnt tho spectnelo of any shortcomings our flrnt two numbers ovinco will Induce -onouglrTlghtcouB indignation- among potentially literary members of tho school so thnt thoy will effectively pe tition tho hitherto silent mimes nnd wo shall recclvo somo copy. If thnt bo true, our sins will not have boon In vain. It is but a trite saying that supersti tion continues to cling to civilizations and peoples ?ong aftor thoy fondly bo llovo thoy havo shaken it off. It sim ply shifts its hold and takes a frosh grip. In tho lltornry world, supersti tion shows itself most unmlstnkably In tho periodical cry, raised Just now so vociferously in England and Amer ica both, thnt tho spirit of poetry is -dead, vory dead; that tho materialistic spirit of tho ago has strangled it al most past roviflcation. Such is tho old, old story, rotold. How mankind loves to dwell upon its wrongs nnd its wnnts until, twenty yenrs too Into, tho world wakes up -mayhap to tho fact that grent pootry nnd grent hooks nnvo been produced under its vory noBe, whilo it was too busy sniffling to' notice. APOSTASY. From "The Klote" for October, 1899 Ho has forgot his early lovo, and gone Into tho quiet of a shadowed day Whero nil is dim nnd uniformly gray As April moonlight on a misty lawn. Ho haB forgot tho vision, nnd with drawn For quiet's snl'co" boyond tho restless swny Of future nnd achievement gone ' astray Beyond the finding of tho great white dawn. Professor Jfall Pryo. doitios, Hultznl, Quetzal, Tezcntll pocn, nro doscribod. With .tlio help of tho n'otes a donl of vory Interest ing information, valuable nnd new to jnoaL people,. enn bo -gleaned from thoBo pages. But ono ennnot help thinking of tho many peoplo who, nt Iracted first by tho beauty of descrip tions liko this "O'or quiet prairies swept tumultuous winds, Thru tho wide-pasturing sklOH thoir billowy llockB a-hordlng"--mlght go on to read tho ontlro poem nnd receive its grent brondonlng and inspiring inlluenco, did not the sight of a fow long lists of hard and un familiar namos frighten them Into thihklg that such poetry was too hard' for them, after all. Wio hear a great deal nowadays about tho low' levels of litorary tasto to which tho American reading public has. sunk. Good pootry Is no longer rend, wo hoar; especially good poetry by contemporaneous wrltors. Grant that the chargo Is truo; who shall bo our Moses to Load us out of this -wll-dorness? Wo cannot look to the peo plo, wo must look to thd poets thorn- solves, If not to tho poets of Oxford and of Harvard, stooped in traditions of poetic dignity and propriety, then to the poots that tho Middle West. 'with her democratic education and her democratio social atmosphero, Is coming to produce. To bo concrete: is it the Instinct of the poet, or tho instinct of tho scholar, that prompts tho frequont ubo or allu sion, classical and otherwise, In much of our modom poetry? If of tho poet thoro Is no more to bo said. If of tho scholar is not tho question open, at lonst? Buj, wnlvlng matters or educating '.popular tnsto, I crin confidently proph esy thnt ProfesBor Aloxnndor's, Intest poems will furnish tho averngo uni versity student with much solid and lasting enjoyment nnd an intellectual mnd emotional quickening to Btirphss NEVER KNOW if you NEVER TRY Yhonyou wontr to got Cleaning nnd Proving: uono uy nnnu auu not uy macmnory urint; your-clothoH to JOE The Tailor who la nlBO a Specialist on altering and r cutt ing your ulotLoB up-to-dato. Special attention to Ladle's work and Uniforms. UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN University Bulletin MARCH. , 3, Thursdny Convocation. Musical program. 4, Friday, 5 p.. m. Convocation. Prof. Grummann. "Efflcloncy in Educa tion." 5, Saturday Y. M. C. A. social. 8, TuesdayConvocation. Prof. J. T. Loes. "Tho Passion Play of Ober Ammergau." Illustrated. 10, Thursday Convocation. Musical Program. 11, Friday Vesper . services. Memo rial Hall. "University Chorus. 11, Friday, 5 p. m. iSpecial convoca tion. Prof. H. W. Caldwell. 12, Saturday Freshman law hop. 12, Saturday, 8:30 p. m. Non-com hop, Fratornlty hall. 15, Tuesday Y, M. C. A. social. 15, Tuesday Convocation. Prof. G. E. Condra. "State and National Con servation." Illustrated. 17, Thursday Musical program. Con vocation. 18, Friday, 5 p. m. Special convoca tion. Prof. W. L. Stephens, super intondent Lincoln schools. 25, Friday, 5 p. m. Convocation. -Prof. G. W. A. Lucky. "Shall Or. , ganized Pldy Bo Made a Part of the Public SchooJ Curriculum?" Fielders' Gloves and Mitts Some of llic one-hand stops made by the big infirm fielders arc most sensational ten years mm fltpv would have been deemed impossible. 'Hig yrcnt necret of perfect ficldinc lies noto'nly in ability, but in die right gloves and mitts. Reach Fielders' Gloves andMitts arc perfect. Their superiority is evident through use by such star players as wagner, l,odd, uijuie, mourns, raw ford, Magcc and Keeler. Also used by well-known college players. The RgaK Trade Mark guarantee satisfaction and perfect goods. Tin Rcacli Offidnl Base Ball Guide Is tho most complete ever published. bverytninK you want to luiow about base bai in ono uook. Kcauy about Marcn 15111. 10 cents ai ueuiei ui vy y j Reach Base Ball Catalog- T rZZJSZEr - FREE. T vmrnm, 179S "Wp Stmt, nSaddpfcla, Pa. f & 1 8 CXC3 r No. 10 cAnd finally you should sup port the Nebraskan because it is YOUR paperrun in your interests by students chosen from among your number. If you dont want the paper tell your represent ative on the Student Publi cation Board that you would like to see its publication dis continued but dont try to starve it to death by reading the other fellow's copy". The Daily Nebraskan Circulation Manager CJCg3Cg3 TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES ssssEsss. SOLD OR RENTED Rent Applies on Purchaso Prico. Fivo Days Froo trial bofore yon pay. Two yours guarutoo whon you purchase. Easy Terms. Got our list. Auto. 2080; Boll 1200. B. F. SWANSON CO., Inc. 143 So. 13th St. Fraternities Sororities We can lave you 12 per cent on your fuel bills Semi-Anthracite $8.00 IS THE REASON ut.BUf. Gregory The Coal Man 1044 Ok , . v . t IF YOU ARE WILLING -Ted will Dye for Yon or Clean, Press, or Repair your Garment 235 No. 11th Street TED MARRINER Expert Hattir, Clianir, and, Pmsir Der of Ladies' and GenUGarmenU , Juat eppoalte the Windsor Hotel Auto'4876 BaW609 Patronize Ovr Advertiser: 4 A