t Mtit " K . 4 1 : rV: 5;' Vol IX. No. 90. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1910. Price 5 Cents. ibe SJatlv iRebtaehari 3 f ? v .' v GOVERNOR SPEAKS ON -VALUE OF SERVICE 3TATE EXECUTIVE GIVE8 AD ORE88 AT CONVOCATION. MATERIAL WEALTH NOT A SUCCESS In Germany Men Aro Taught the In significance of Private Interests When Compared With Public Welfare. Governor A. C. Shallonborgcr gave an nddrosa at convocation yesterday. If attendance Is to bo taken as a criterion for judging tho university student appreciation of a visit by the stato chief oxecutive, the governor may consider his mcBBago and his time well repaid. In the course of his lecture, Govor 'nor Shullonberger sovercly censured citizens of the United States for one thing an inability or refusal to rec ogoo the value of public service. He emphasized tho facts that wo owe moro to our state than to ourselves; that wo attribute too much attention to .the accumulation of tho dollar, and as evidence of this evil in other coun tries, he cltod Germany's attempt to initiate this policy of subordination of private to -public interests Into all lier state Institutions. Ho doomed It es sential that we stimulate and develop a certain spirit of American patriotism nnd Impress the obligation of render-' Ing lndlvldual'servlces to our country. He also robuked American people for submitting and yielding themsolvcs to tho politicians' appeal to public sontl ment otherwise public prejudice thereby causing all reform measures to die a promature deuth. Ability to Think. In brlof, Governor Shnllenborgor said: "Tho thing of paramount Impor tance among the numerous things which wo attempt to learn during our university career is the anility to think. Tho majority of us have a jtrxngconcej)tlQnjof what suocesB really Is. Wo haven't been taught to perceive Into tho future and know that tho accumulation of dollars ai)d mate- t rial wealth is not success in fact, It Is an insignificant factor In the field of uctlvltlqs which properly make ono successful. One thing abovo ull that most of us lack is a truo realization of the value and dignity of public ser vice the voluntary service of an Indl- ' virtual dlrectod toward tho betterment of his country. One thing that we all prldo our- solvos In is our origin. Every ono points to his ancestors ub evidence of his worthiness. I, like you, exult In this peculiarity. My ancestors woro all farmers. . First In Pennsylvania, and from there tney may be traced to the slopes of tho Alps, all as poor as the crags upon which they clung-but , frpo. Thoywere as independent as Iho birds that fly; they briwod tp.no autocrat; thoy -knew no aristocracy. Friends, think what It means to live as theso people lived; to throw off the . sovereign shackles, to. enjoy free, dom of speech, politics, and-religion. Who wouldn't bo proud of such a fam ily troo? Who wouldn't cry-out for Immunity from royal ancestry? .'i?..Jtw1cj vnn' dnn't nnnrfflntn fyouth. You have an innate desire to grow up;, to have responsibilities thrust upon you; to bo wealthy ; to be successful. You forgot that the two ifilervcpnd'ltlons ore not synonymous, Wealth Is not success. Gentlemen, af ter due consideration, which ond of ypu.wpujd change places today with Rockefeller, Carnegie and other of our consplcuoiitf conglomorators of the al mighty dollar? 'He, who would has no plage in an Institution of learning. Condition In Germany, VIp .Germany, men. are taught tho insignificance of private interests when compared with public Interests, and as a consequence, tho most ablo.of GcirmunB will Joll for a bare subsist" once- In ordoT thai Ihoy may, T)y lutb He service, remove tho debt which thoy owo to their state. Tlioy con sider it tho highest tribute that man can pny thorn If thoy are reckoned among tho state benefactors. This Is the sjjlrlt that America must $nd will dovelop. "Another of tho great evils of tho American Btato is tho willingness' of Amorican citizens to yield to tho ap peal of polltlclanB-thoroby cauBhTg public prejudice against tho beneficial movements. Truth, gentlemen, will always triumph but not necessarily until tho end. Because of this, poli ticians have bo formulated their pub lic speeches that public projudico has destined a Waterloo for overy reform measure. I, at present, enjoy moro nowor than the king of England If, I however, you should appeal to tho Amorican public to mako mo a king and Invest mo with all kingly powers, thoy would revolt from tho very Idea, but prefer rather to allow mo to exor cise nil. kingly and. Bovorolgn preroga tives under tho name, governor. All because of public projudico. "Tho greatest opportunity for an American effort Is right hero at homo the opportunity for ub to oncourage the development of tho highest typo and character of American citizen ship." Preceding the lecture of tho gov ernor, Miss Malono of tho senior class rendered a piano boIo. Tho senior class has volunteered to provide a musical number at overy convocation, and it the subsequent numbers nro as high clasB us tho one this morning, no ono should fail to hear them. TRACK MEN PREPARING F0RJND00R MEETS LACK OF INTEREST FELT BY CAP TAIN BURKE' OF THETEAM. WEAK "ON POLE VAULT AND JUMP Loss of Hqmmcll and Russell in These Events Handicaps the Team, "WKtciTWould OtHervvlie Be Well Balanced. SOCIAL SATURDAY -NIGHT Y. M. C. A. to Eentertain Men of the University. Tho Y. M. C.'A. will hold a social event for tho incn of the university Saturday night Tho Boclal will In all probability be held in tho university armory. Tho event promises to bo ono which wlll furnish amusemenrrothoinen or tlio univorslty. Tho enovlng's enter tainment will consist In tho main of contests between the different classes, Smelling conteBtB, seeing "ontests, milk races and similar contests will omploy tho various faculties of tho guests to tho utmost. Clothes pin rnces, shot put and other events' may uIbo bo pulled off. MORE MONEY COMING IN I rund Will Grow Rapidly With Arrival of Large Subscriptions, Tho money for tho Jack Best fund has been pouring steadily Into the Ne braskun bfllco during tho past few .lays. The; first of- tho- cadet com panies sent in subscriptions "yester day. Money is coming In from every class of university organization. Fraternities, sororities, classes, clubs, companies; alumni and Bible classes are all roprosejrtert , on tho subscrlp-, tio'n list. Many of the organizations .have not sent In, their, subscriptions yet.- With what is expected to como in from tjils source and tho subscription of the alumni, togdthor with the miscellaneous- list which Is growing steadl! overy, day tho monoy will soon be raised. In fact Jack's trip to England b as good as assured. ' Tho subscriptions, up to date fol low: , . J Amount . previously- contrlb- - uted ,.,! '.....'... .$15f.2p Phi Kappa P.sl ........ k . i .. . . ! 10-00 Delta Upsllon .... Dr. E. J C. Svnrd ,,,.,,., fif. J. C. Knode . .'. ..,,.', Anonymous . ,. , n T 1?lAolitilAn. ' ' .M H. W. Spraguo Total :..- K, -, ,,...,..., ' '' O-l ""' ! ' Three meets. In tho noxt month.. That 1b tho program which tho Corn liUBkor athlotes' haVo to fill In tho noxt four weoks. With inoetB to bo hold In Sioux City on March 12, ' In Itnnsas City on March 19, and two weeks iateT-tho'blgOmaliamootrthcr track men at tho university oro busy training. The line-tip of men who will repro Bent tho university ut theBe nicets hns jib yet not been decided upon. Tho roprosentatlon of tho university at tho SJoux City meet and the Kansas City meet will ho composed of a few men, while tho ontlre force of truck mon from tho unhersity wtlll participate in the meet nt Omaha. , Weak on Pole Vaulters. , The. track team will bo hamllcupport by tho fact that thero 1b a scarcity of pole vaulting niatorlal. This ovent Is left open to no veteran except Gra ham. Ilussoll has left school for tho present semester nnd Hummoll will bo out of tho meets on account of an Injured ankle. This leaves the entlro work to Graham, unless some excel lent frcshmnu material develops In tlio.ueat-.fujUire . AtprfiSPJiLther6 are only two men working at. tho pdlo vault outside of Graham. Theso are Llndstrom and Hammond. Hammond hns done no work In the vaulting line except In Indoor meets. Llndstrom hns done most of his vaulting out doors and may be counted-onari a strong man to bacl Graham up In. any. of theso Indoor meets. Ontlrelalreinnriiildillc-TltBtnircD-! runs the university has a good line-up of material, Campbell, Ileod, Burke .and Amberson. arc a quartet of run ners which are hard to beat In the Missouri Valley. Campbell ond Reed are tho mon to represent tho univer sity in the short distance runs, unci with Burko and Amberson on tho mid dle, and long distance runs the univer sity will be represented to ascertain extent. Good Freshman Material. BesldOB theso men as veterans thero are several freshmen who are doing excpllent work,, in track athletics. Funkhausor, who broke tho university record In tho shot-put, will bo an able second to "Sid" Collins with tho weights. Collins for the past two years has been considered ,tho best wolghTman In the Missouri Valley, and his work- will go far in winning meets for the Cornhuskors. In tho (fashes foy, a freshman, Is ono who hos shown up strong, nnd along with him are two sophomores, Powers nnd Flaak. Powers has showed up well. laBt year In tho 220 run nnd also In tho short dash In tho Charter Day moot this year. In the, "hurdles Flack has shown good form and ought to help Dale MacDonald-win points In tho high and low stick runs. This is tho limit of the material' out for par ticipation In these meets.' With, the number of men limited as a rule to the veterans and with the quality of tho newer men unknown, Cuptaln Burke of tho track team has been busy urging more men to got out nnd take an interest In track "work. Freshmen are, not barred from these moots, a,nrt they may. participate If thoy show that they have, tho quality necessary to hold down places on tho teams.-- '' ..-$l8140 At -the 'same tlmo theso men will be All J'i" ' bonolltcd by coaching thoy recolvc for thoso niootK, and thus be better pro pared to win places In the meets which they will ho eligible fdr noxt year on athletic Holds at the univer sity or at other schools. Another sovero handicap to the team will bo the loss of liummell in tho high Jump. Huinmoll was tho best university Jumpor, nnd with his abBcncX) this ovent will all fall to Graham, tho polo -vaulter. Graham has jumped live foot soven Inches, but in thin evont Hummoll had slightly the better of the argument. In tho jump thero aro a numbdr of mon who nro adoptB at this part of track athletics who would bo of valuable assistance to tlio team ft tlioy" would report ' for" practice. PROSPECTS BRIGHTER FORJMSEBALL MEN OUTDOOR PRACTICE EXPECTED TO BEGIN TODAY. A NUMBER-OF OLD MEN ARE BACK" ORGANIZE CORNHU8KER CLUB Freshman Material Good Schedule for Garnet to Be Announced Soon Cornell and Grin ned Dropped. Michigan Students Loyal to Nebraska University. NobruBka mon at tho University of Michigan hnvo organized a Corn busker club. Some of tho members have novor attended tho University of Nobrasku, but as residents of tho state aro loyal to tho university. Tho majority of the mon, however, have attended tho university. Tho members aro: Christopher Ab bott, Hyannls; Leon Balloy, Max Mer rill, Falrbury; Wilbur Campbell, Bel den; John Chapman, Kearney; Eu gene Donahuo, O'Neill; Carl Goohrlno, Grand Island; Enrl May, Hayes Con tor; Donzol Noll, Wymoro; Otto Stofor, Wost Point; Carl Coo, Lloyd Osborne, David Brodkoy, Lyman Bry- son, Raymond Crossman, Itobort Fishor, Louise Hallor, Doane Kollor, Edwin Klrsehbnum, Arlnip Morpwtz, Edwin Ho30nburg, John 7obstbr, John Woodworth, nnd Eogar Snbrlskl, Omaha. COMMITTEES ANNOUNCED. , 10.00 1.00 5,00 .50. 2.70 '1.00 President Hahne of Juniors Makes Ap pointments for This 8emester. ...... - President Hahne of tho junior class -yesterday-nnnonncccl-tlratrlnrhndmitnlo: tho following appointments of mem bers of the class on committees for tho present Bomcstor: -1 iMnnagor of Junior athletics, C. E. Reed. Manager of Junior basketball, T, 55. Zacok. Ivy Day committee, II. M. Nplblo, A. Bt Amberson, E. S. Munson, L: R. Blanchnrd, Catherine Reoder, Corircllh. LindBo'y, Sylvia Kllllan. Social committee, A. M. Oberfoldor,. chairman; B. M. Cliorrlngton, G, it. Rushton, E. J. Leo, V. C, Hascall, Helen Stelnor, JeBslo 'Beghtol, -Edith Hnnno. . . Junior convocation, .A. M. Hnro, chairman; C. J. Lord. M. E. Barker, .Grace Rohrbuugh, Ruby Barnes. Class numerals, J. E. pike, chair man; C. F. Styrmor, O. "E. Rood. ' Cornhuskcr comtnlttoe, J. E. Law rence, chairman; Lynn Lloyd, Verna Hyder. t- , -..., The 'Olympic commlttoo holds ovor this semester with the came members as last someuer A. R. Raymond, chnlrman; Tt. D. Garver, T. Z. Zachok .and .G. H. Rushton. Tho clnsB ca pcommlttco which was appointed last semester has', not' as yot received tho4uifllclent number of orders for caps to socuro them at, tho prlco offered tho class. Until 15 rfioro orders nro recolVed by tho comullt- teo the order for caps cannot ho sent In. Tho lnombers of thochiss who are engineers have not yet ireen rep resented In tho order for caps and thlB has held tho order hack. AJ1 members of tho class who wish caps must order soon or the money nlrpady collected will bo refunded and no cups, wu uo purcunHca; -., ,v BasoballproBpocts continue-to Ibokf" brlghtor overy day,, Tho number of mon uppcarlng dally Is rapidly In- - 'creasing. Moro candidates aro out each porlod than tho gymnasium enn . accommodate although ton "nioif ivof ICZ at a time and thero are four porlods each day. All or tho old men in school hnvo appeared and. aro now working out in earnest. Coach Carroll yostorday carofully examined tho condition of Nebraska Hold and annpuncod that outdoor prac tice will bogln today If tho woatlio'r re-; mains favorable. Many -mon who havo been unablo to get a place to work out In tho gym will now havo ii chnncc to begin work. Tho coach 1b. anxious to havo u large squad out, as .there will bo plonty of room for all to practice. Ixjt ovoryono who can ap pear ut tho Hold today at 12s 30. Old Men Back. Tho old mon who aro back are Mathers, Olmstead, Metcnlfe, Sturtzo neggor, Sleutor, Clarko and Captain Greonsllt. All theSb"htori nrdxollglble and aro practicing overy day.- -Thoy-should mako a strong nucleus around which n winning team can bo built up. Among tho largo nunibor of men who are out, tho fallowing aro some who are doing very promising work and show vnrslty material: Powors, Waters, Kesslor, and' Boyles nt second base; Woods, Lofgron and Fehlonian At third; Hyde, Patterson, Radcllffo ind Cochran for catcher, and Fordyco, Baked beans, baked on the premises and served hot with delicious brown bread, 10c, at The Boston Lunch. Rood, McNeil, Buck, Blish and a host of othors for tho outflold. ' With Metcnlfo at short, Clarke at llrBt, and Captain Gr.eonBlIt behind the bat, an infield equal to any in western ,col lego circles should bo picked from theso now men. GreonsIIi can bo used at bccoiuI If needed, as ho played thero a portion of last season and did satisfactory work. Thero is still mi shortage of pitching material, but Olmstead and Mathers, who were with tho team last year, are showing excel lent early season form, and should show an Improvement over last year's' work. Freshmen Good. Tho.freslimnn material Is tho best tho university has had for years, and Conch Carroll and Captain Greonsllt aro delighted with tho work they are. doing. Such men as McKlbbon, Jami son, Slddell, McKinnoy, May, Miftui, Klepsef and other promising players look mighty good for a winning fresh man team this year. Nebraska's baseball schedulo will bo announced In u duy or two. It has practically been completed by Man ager Eager. Thero will bo two trips Las usual. rTho southern ono, through Kansas nnd Missouri, will take , place shortly after the spring vacation; Tho northern trip -wjll he taken 'some tlmo In May. Thero has been some trou ble In arranging tho schedulo on ac count bf tlio dropping of Cornell and Grlnnell games on tho , northern trlpN - - It seems .that these colleges havo decided not to abide by the Missouri Valley, conference rules in rogard to 'thb playing of freshmen, and the rest of the teams In .the valley have stricken them from their ' schedules. Their dates will probably, lie. rilled with other colleges.. -,.'; -r s i'