mbmmifictmmtmfrmtmmmtm srardcaE&Kje -A it THE DAILY NEBRASKAN -v; tit ' The Daily Nebraskan THlfl PROPERTY OP TUB UNIVERSITY OF . NEDRABICA, Lincoln, Nebraska. f ' Published by , . THE STUDENT PUHMCATION HOARD 9 O O 000000000Og & MEMORIAL HALL ;3o fi tU. Ya h n i ! i l'4- r I i i i i mt Kf b 1? ' FU 111 5 lit ' R & t till & i i ' '" , EDITORIAL. STAFF. Editor K. P. Frederick Managlno Editor -:c"rLJ' LoJ!d Associate Editor T. M. EdQicombo Associate Editor R. D. Hawley BUSINESS STAFF. Manager. a. C. Klddoo AiiUtant Manager V. C. Hascall Circulator. C. Buchanan Editorial and Business Offlcei BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDO, Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, B Centa Each. Tetephonet Auto 1888. Night Phonea Auto 1B88; Auto 3844. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 contu tlio Insertion for ovory fifteen words or fraction there of. Faculty notlcros and Unlvoralty bul letins will bladly bo publlnhed froo. Entorcd nt tho postofTlco at Lincoln. Nebraska, as sooond-clasn mall mattor under tho Act of ConffrcBs of March 3, 1870. AdvertUemonU for the wont column hould be left at the business. office base ment Administration bulldlna. between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for ad vertlslngi at tho rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction thereof the first insertion; three Insertions twenty-five cents f five Insertions forty cents. I 8 Gov. A. C. Shallenberger CONVOCATION TODAY I ooooooooxooooooooK)oooex9oooo TUESDAY, MARCH 1, lflJO. WOMAN 8UFFRAGE. ' At InHt wo havo urrlvotl nt tho ho crot of tho wholo affair. Tho Hiif rwgottOB nro not going to force tho Ibbuo of woman's HUffrngo, but uro go ing to clonond on,tho mon to glvo it to thorn "whon thoy got around to It una, nro ood nnd rondy." Agnin- wo hcavo n slgh'-of rollof. For a few fleoting moments wehad vtslona of man drivon "into a cornornnd forcod nt tho point of a lint pin to grant equal Huffrago. iN Man can wait until rondy. hn la frnnil nnd TO THE GENTLE REPORTER. Tho Daily Nobraskan has uh yet boon unnblo to consult nil of tho mem bers of tho reporting Btaff as to thoir Thoro niny bo a IcHBon or two In tho dofent. Tho gnmo that Kansas played wns somowhnt different thnn tho ono played by NobrnHkn. Anyhow wo will play thorn ngnln next year. And wo still insist that Nebraska has nnd enn dovolop tho mnterlnl for a winning team. Lot tho aforesaid mnte rlnl hold Itself In rondlncBH to bo de veloped whon tho time comes. "AGRICULTURE." A press bulletin will soon bo issued from tho J3xporlmont Station giving directions for tostlng seod com.4 (This is very timely. ToBts made In various parts of tho state indicate an nvcrage germination of not more than 7n per cont. This menus thnt uuIcsb tho poor onrs nro discovered tho farmers will hnvo only throe-fourths of a stand noxt spring. Vnl Kuscka, of Ohlowa, Ncb. a grad uate from tho school of agriculture, 07, has aecopted a poBition aB super lntondont at $1,200 per year for tho Forguson farms. Tho dopartmont of agronomy has received during tho month of Febru ary Inquiries offering positions for 40 difforont mon. Of those 29 wero for oxporlmont station work; paying from $800 to $1,800 por year. TIiobo posi tions domand college tralnod men, and at tho present tlmo tho supply can no Xboro equal tho domand. The other 20 qsUIoiih open wore for graduates rcBidonco which ho expects to qvcc upon a largo fnrm nt Fairfield. The house will bo vory modern In every detail, combining beauty with convenience. Y. W. C. A. NOTE8. Tho mondayto( IMD.Tmhrdlublnuol Tho Monday noon meeting, which has boon reserved each week for' a praiBO sorvlco, is becoming popular with tho Y. W. C. A. girls. Yesterday Miss Huth Manning played a Chopin nocturno and gave n brief history of tho writing of tho piece, cnlHng,ntten tlon to proximity of the grent musi cian's birthday, Fob. 28. Bessie Man ning gnvo n violin selection, a sere nnde by Piorno. Miss Blanche Cnmpbell, assistant secrotary of tho city Y. W. C. A., will Bpoak at the Wednesday Y. "W. C. A. noon mooting in plnco of hor sched uled tlmo Inst week. All girls Inter ested in tho summer conferenco nro urged to be present, for Miss Cnmp boll, having attended an unuBtial num ber of thoo conferences, is fitted to talk comprehensively on the subject. The Student Volunteer Bnnd will moot Tuesday nt six-thirty In Science hall. The small cabinet of the Y. W. C. A. hnB changed Its time of meeting from Wednesday at 0:30 to Thursday at 0:30. 8 8 r No. 8 cAgain the Nebraskan stands for the best things in Uni versity Life it believes in a Glee Club, in sending Jack Best to Europe, in clean ath letics, and in fighting Kansas. If you believe in these things and agree with the attitude of the "Rag" in University affairs you ought to show it by subscribing and then pay ing for your subscription. The Daily Nebraskan Circulation Manager Snappiest Young Men's Stiff Hats you ever saw and all at the same price (With Apologies to the Medical Dep't.) $2.50. Why pay more? SPRING STIFFS BUDD 1415 O St. CgCC3CC(3CCI3C3CCCI3eC3. NOTICE! We are up-to-date in Baked Goods and Candies. We also are noted for putting up Sandwiches, Ice Cream and Punch for Parties. Call up Bell 456, or Auto 2214. t-ty&ty 1307 O STREET most convenient time for securing a little "dopo" for its columns. Whllo tho Dnily hhtes to nsk thoin to dovoto nny.of thoir valuable tlmo to tho pur- ;, suit of nows, yoC in tho intorost of tho university public it fools called upon .to ask theso reporters to boo tho ed itor boforo tho" ond of tho somestor. Perhaps some agreeable arrangement could be mndo whereby tho pnper could bo published without nows. Any suggestions nlong this line will bo gratefully received. FIRST AID TO THE LITERARY. Thursday will appear tho next Lit erary Number of tho Dally Nebraskan. "The Isbuo will bo edited by mombors - of tho English Club. If, hidden away bohlnd tho stacks of the library or tho recesses of the laboratories, there is. nny ombryo nuthor this Is n good timo to burst forth. If tho 'spring weather calls for a burst of rhyme from your swelling heart try to inv . jioso it on tho long-suffering public through tho columns of tho Daily Ne braskan. It will rolloyo your overbur dened soul and tho public won't rend It If they don't liko it. But if thoy do you will find yourself famous. All aspirants for fame or anything olso " Hint tho Literary Numbor has to offer 1 will address communications or sub mit manuscrlps to Miss Fayo Hartley or Misn Eutelle Morrison at Station A. DEFEAT. Kansas defeated us. Somehow wo 'felt liko getting; a new straw hat and stamping on it when tho last game was over; hut wo didn't, bocauso we lacked tho straw hat. There is noth ing In the world that grinds into and (dries up the soul like defeat. However, after we hd, frmo to think It over, wo decided that tho visitors played a strong game of basketball." After another Interval we came to the elusion that p'erhaps we wore out classed. ' from tho school of agriculture with salaries varying from $2R to $75 per month. Mrr-Gr-LT'-JonoB'-of Hastings-called- 9 at tho Experiment Station Monday looking for a man capablo of manag ing tho St. George ranch at Sidney, Neb. Mr. Jones wishes to get a grnd unto of tho school of agrlculturo and oxpects to mnko of this ranch a large agricultural enterprise. Mr. D. D. Reaves, ex-'90, has 80 acres of land in the Great Nemaha valley near Falls City, which. Is being experimented upon to determine, the bonoflts of underground drainage. Prof. Chaso of tho farm mechanics de partment and Mr. Mengel of tho civil engineering department havo just re turned from surveying and laying out this drainage system. Forty acres is to bo tile drained; The crops produced from this land will be kept track of as will all tho expenses connected with thoir production. Theso will bo compared to the yield and cost of ad joining fields which nro undraincd. Wells will bo placod in various places in both tho drained and undraincd Holds, tho water level determined and tho temperature of tho soil will bo taken and compared to determine th'q effect as to early cultivation. Tho amount of rainfall upon (he area will bo determined and the rato of tho lowering of tho water level in the soil will be studied. Decauso of overcrowded conditions, the cIubb in. rural architecture has been compelled to movo out of tho grain judging pavilion which has been previously used by thorn. Tho serious condition of winter wheat over .the stnte of Nebraska has been ,tbe.causo of a floqd of letters which have como-ln to the farm me chanics department, asking about the benefits or injuries to bo derived from tho use of tho land roller. O. A, Brodorlck, '10, is designing, in the rural, architecture class, a large University Bulletin NEVER KNOW it you NEVER TRY YTienyoiTwaUt t& TjcQCCIOSDIuk umlPreBahlK" uono iy iinnu aim not oy mnuiunory urint your clothox to JOE The Tailor who 1h nlso n Hpochilist on ultcrlng uiid refitt ing your olotLos up-to-dato. Special attention to Ladle' work and Uniforms. UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN MARCH. 1, Tuesday Convocation. Address. GovT A. C. Shallenberger. I, Tuesday, 11:30 a. m.,, Music Hall, Temple Gleo Club meets. 3, Wednesday, 8 p. m., Memorial .'Hall Music Hall Sonlor-Junlor debate, Freshman-Sophomore debate, "County Option." 3, Wednesday, 8 p. m. Platform Club meets. 3, Thursday Convocation. Musical program. 4,. Friday, 5 p. ni. Convocation. Prof. Grummann. "Efficiency in Educa tion." 8, .Tuesday Convocation. Prof. J. T. Lees. "Tho Passion Play of Ober Ammergau." Illustrated. 10, Thursday Convocation. Musical Program. II, Friday Vesper services. Memo rial Hall. University Chorus. 11, Friday, 5 p. va. Special convoca tion. ,Prof. H. W. Caldwoli. 12, Saturday Y. M. C. A. social. 12, Saturday Freshman law hop. 12, Saturday, 8:30 p. m. Non-com hop, Fraternity hall. 15, Tuesday Y. M. C. A. social. IF YOU ARE WILLING -Ted will Dye for You or Clean. Press, or Repair your Garments 235 No. 11th Street TED MARRINER Juat opposite the Windsor Hotel Auto 4876 Expert Hatter, Gleaner, and Pressor Bell F1609 Dyer of Ladies' and Gents' Garments FRATERNITIES & SORORITIES Wt Want Your Coal Orders. Give Us a Trial Order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST GOMP'Y 1106 0 STREET AUTO 3228 BELL. 2 34 Fraternities Sororities We can lave you 12 per cent on your fuel bills i-Anthracitc $8.00 IS THE REASON LHU.BM,. Gregory The Coal Man 1044 OSL LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln's "Select Dancing School" . . UthibdSkSorT AUTO 4477 - R BOLLARD. U. of N. '02, Manager gEIX A1311 .SOCIALS Fridays 8 to J2 fl. M. CLASSES-W. nd Sat. 8 to II P. M. Satti NJbt;Fancyr Dances an4Soclal. University Night, University Orchestra '' New and fancy dances Saturdays. Carlyle. Two Step, Gaiety. Cadet, Esprala ShotUche Rye Walt, etc. .Eight, o'clock, p.nu, sharp. WE LEAD - OTHERS FOLLOW SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENT 9S