The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 01, 1910, Image 1

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Vol. IX. No. 89.
Price 5 Cents.
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Chief Asset of University Is GoodsWIII
of People Students Draw Mil
lions More Into City
than Before.
Chancellor Avery of. the University
of Nebraska, Row Dean R. Lolnnd and
Sam A. Mahood, '10, delivered ad
dresses ut the First Presbyterian
church Sunday morning upon the Im
portance of the university to tho city
ot Lincoln, and tho importance of a
"dry" town to the student body. They
all spoke from the standpoint of their
own exnerience. Mr. Mahood con
trasted present condition at the school
with those of four yearB ago. He said
ho was sure that the Btudents were
fur better, morally, than they have
ever been In the past.
Chancellor Avery said in part:
"T feel that as an employe of tho
stato Jt 1b not fitting for mo to take
any part or exert any influence In re
gard to any statewide movement, but
I also feel that ns an employe of the
state I can, with propriety, express
myself freely In regard to a local mat
ter In which the institution which I
serve Is so vitally concerned.
"There are, perhaps, those who
lmaglne.that.though a city may llconso
forty or fifty places for the sale of
liquor within a stone's throw of thou
sands of students, the authorities of
the university can provent any serious
contamination to the student body. I
will admit that In the past our stu
dents have been, I bellevo, considering
tho circumstances, remarkably freo
from tho demoralizing influence of the
saloon, but I will say further that the
university authorities have not been
entitled to very much credit for this
condition, altfiougTmieyTTave exerted
their Influence to this end In every
legitimate way. We receive at tho
university the best young people of
the state. The high school and the
church send their tribute, the saloon
never sends anyone. Generally speak
ing wo get relatively few students
from those In sympathy with tho
saloon, except In the case of some of
our foreign population who, while they
patronize the saloon to somo extent,
are more Immune than Americans to
the contagion of Its vlloness. Even
these people nre more than glad to
have their children away from Its, In
fluence during their period of study.
I never yet heard of a man objecting
to his boy studying In a place freo
from temptation, Thereforo I say tho
fact that in times past student Wo
has been relatively so pure, clean and
decent, has not been much to. tho
credit of Lincoln, and not very much
credit of ub professors, but owing to
ttio tact tnai me iiuiuy inmiumioo ui
thp places -fromwhonco tho students
came were pure and clean.
"if the student came from a town
vlth saloons, the homo, church, and
school had protected lilm from their
contamination. Therefore we are un'
der every sort of moral obligation to
the homes that send students here, to
continue In Lincoln conditions ff life
which will In every way represent a
perpetuation of the best conditions
which have helped to produce theso
splendid young peoplo who are so
jo'utnlng among us. I am now going
to try to, appeal again to' the enlight
ened iBOlflshnesB, of the business, niai;
,whbse training has been such that lie
thinks most easily in dolla'rs and cents
and by way of Introduction I am go
ing to quote a little conversation that
il'had Recently with former Chancellor
'MacLean, w(hom many will remember
hb a former member of this church.
He opened tho subject somewhnt like
Nebraska Has Gained.
" 'Have you read the statlatlcs given
out by tho registrar of Columbia uni
versity on registration for this fall,
which sIiowb that Nebraska Is one of
tho few Institutions of tho country
that haB made n mnrked gnln In regis
tration?' I replied that I had. Well,
he said MiowVdo you account for It?'
I went into soveral things that might
possibly account for It to a certain
extent, but I said finally that I thought
perhaps the most important factor In
tho increase of registration was the
fact that Lincoln way a dry city, that
the law "was strictly enforced, and
that wo had a city administration of
which every Nobraskan could bo proud
and that I verily believed civic' condi
tions in Lincoln were about as clean
and decent as In any city In the coun
try or In the world. Chancellor Mac
Lean said, 'Ah, I see It easily, that
would account for the situation.' Let
me say In this connection that- this
has been an off year In tho registra
tion of institutions. Missouri Is at a
stand-still; Kansas has made a very
slight gain; Iowa has lost in registra
tion; Minnesota has lost In spite of the
fact that its appropriations nro now
just about double the appropriations
thnt we receive. Compared with other
Institutions hnvlng an equal number of
students, Nebraska is doing business
on relatively poor financial support.
but at the present moment tho right
civic conditions in the city of Lincoln
mean more to the university than
largo appropriations out of which wo
might secure a splendid campus and
magnificent buildings.
"The chief asset of any stato univer
sity is tho good will and the confi
dence of the people of tho stato. This
is determined very largely by tho op
portunities for the development of
character on tho part of tho students.
The peoplo of tho state havo shown
their increasing confidence in tho con
ditions that exist In Lincoln by the
Increasing extent to which they are
sending tlieir sons and daughters horo
for educntlon. I have often noticed,
however, that It always takes time for
a knowledge of conditions to permeate
a great mass of the people, and espe
cially for a consciousness of good con
ditions, for a knowledge of evil goes
with lightning rnpldlty, whllo a con
sciousness of good somotlmes moves
at snail's pace. Hence I believe if
Lincoln becomes permanently known
ns a dry city and a clean city, if all
abominations are permanently ban
ished from her midst, that tho effect
on the people of tho stato will bo seen
Increasing In geomotrlc ratio. I firm
ly liellcve from my study of tho tem
perament of tho peoplo of the state,
that If tho present policy continues
permanently we shall havo In five
nyors a thousand more students In the
university than wo-shall havo If we
again admit to tho city evil condi
tions ns now proposed, worso than
thosp which have been banished. If
this estimate bo correct, if theso
thousand extra students draw to tho
city their quota of population, their
quota of families to settle here, and
the increased appropriations thnt are
bound to come through Increased con
fidence, it will result, at n conservative
estimate, In nn expenditure of a mil
lion dollars a year more In Lincoln
than If tho city decides to perpetuate
its old policy of licensing tho saloon.
"I have spolceh, by arrangement
with Dr. Lqland, largely on the busi
ness side. I would not havo you think
for a moment that I consider this the
most importing side. ' jvbujjl rather
that tho unlversfty ' hay fewer stu
dents than It has now, and that tho
business of tho city be less; If It wore
necessary In order to maintain high
standards of scholarship and ethics,
If It wero a matter of choosing, I
would rather that the university turn
Continued on Page 4
Ames Is the Big Game of the Season
on the Local Gridiron, With Kan
sas and Minnesota to be Play
ed Away from Home.
At last the student body is to know
what is In Btoro for tho Cornhuskor
football team next fall.' The schedule
as announced by Manager Eager Is
composed of six games, with a sev
enth game to be added some time in
tho near future.
Tho game of most Interest Is tho
Thnnksglvlng game, which will bo
played at Lincoln with tho Huskoll In
dians. This gnme was ono of tho
hardest on tho schedule last fall and
It was flnnlly loft to tho Cornhuskor
management to accept this dato with
the Indians or play a gamo away from
home with the Manhattan Aggies on
Turkey Day.
Ames Comes Here.
The annual game with the Amcrf
Aggies will bo played this year at Lin
coin, and this Is perhaps tho hiost Im
portant gamo of tho homo season. Last
year no gamo was scheduled with the
AgBies, but this year relations on tho
gridiron will again bo resumed be
tween the two schools.
Tho Cornhuskors Journey next year
to the northland, where they meet the
Gophers at Minneapolis on tho second
'Saturday In October. Tho following
week Is open, and negotiations nro
still on to plny a gamo with some
team of the Big Eight, If poBslblo Illi
nois, at Omaha, or Denver will bo
brought hero on this dato.
Tho Nebraska team will also havo
to Journey Into Kansas next x fall,
where they will meet tho Jnyhawkers
on their homo grounds. This Is nec-
eBsary, as Kansas has played In Lin
coln for tho paBt two years and It Is
noccssary to play p. return game on
the .Tayhawker territory.
First Grime October 8.
The first game of tho season Is on
tho homo field October 8 with South
Dakota. Tho next week th1 team goes
to Minneapolis to piay tho GopherB,
and then the following Saturday Is, as
yet an open date. On tho last Satur
day In October, Doano cornea to Lin
coln for a practice gamo for the Corn-
huskerB. On November & tno team
goes to Lawrence, Kan., for tho an
nual game with tho Jayhnwkers. The
next week Ames comes to Lincoln.
Tho noxt Saturday no gnme will be
played by the Cornhuskors and then
on Turkey Day tho Cornlniskors moot
tho Indians from tho Haskell Institu
Tho schedule ns announced Is a
well balanced schedule nnd ono which
It Is believed will not cause tho re
sult of tho season of 1908. As a rule
tho team has a better chance to rest
'after a hard game nnd this with a
period of twelve days after tho Ames
gamo for tho coaches to point the men
for tho Haskell game makes one of
tho best balanced, schedules that the
Cornhusker football men have ever
had to play.
The schedule Is as' follows:
Oct. 8 South Dakota, at Lincoln.
Oct. 15 Minnesota at Minneapolis.
Oct. 22 Open.
OcL 29 Doano at Lincoln.
Nov. 5 Kansas at Lawrence1. ,
Npv, 12 Amos at Lincoln.
Nov. 15 No gairie". '
Nov24 Haskell at Lincoln
(Tliah,kglvlng), '.
Your car fare would pay for a nice
lunch at the Boston Iiunch. ' Whj go
home?! ' ' .'.?, ' -
Many Careless Students on Campus.
In a recent round-up of lost and
stolon books, about thirty woro found
In tho unlvorHlty library. Theso liaoktf
are Baved and tho owners may havo
them by Identifying their property.
Because of tho number of nanioH found
in samo bookB It 1b Impossible to no
tify tho rightful owner.
But tho Wanderer Can Bo 8cen Only
Through Powerful Telescopes.
E. S, Hayncs, instructor in astron
omy at tho University of Missouri,
recolved n telegram this wook an
nouncing tho discovery of a now comet
by tho astronomor Vldeux, February
20. .The comet Is very dim and can
bo Been only through powerful tele
scopoH. It Is not probable that It will
become Wight enough to bo soon with
the naked oe. At sunsot It Is about
thirty degrees above tho southwestern
Door Knobs In Benton Hall Connected
to. Electric Wires.
Visitors on tho second floor of Bon
ton Hall are now being frequently
"shocked.)" A. J. Durant, a freshman
In tho collego of agriculture, and W.
L. Durnnt, a froshninn In tho school
of engineering, who llvo in room 11,
Benton Hall, connected tho current of
their electric llghis to tho door knob.
As a result students -wore shocked
wIiom they woio Invited Into tho room.
About sjx of the victims got revongo
by wrlng their door knobs nnd shock
Ir g others. Visitors now wear gloves
"vllen tHeJr' o"pbn the doors on tho sec
ond floor. Dally MlBsourlnn.
Address by Professor E. A. Wilcox.
The Agricultural Club mot at tho
Tepiplo Saturdny night. Tho clhb Was
addressed by Profosaor J2. A. Wilcox
fossor talked on seeds. He gave many
statistics on tho per cent of gcrmlnn
tlon of soedB sent out by tho govern
ment and various seed houses. He
said farmers "wore taking nn Interest
in this matter and woro domundlng a
guarantee from seed Arms before pur
chasing seed for their crops.
Tho club will enjoy a social even
ing with their friends Friday evening,
March 12, at tho Phi Delta Thota
house, 1504 S streof. Refreshments
woro served nftor tho business meet
Democrats Will Gather In Memorial
Hall. " ,
A largo democratic mnss mooting
will be hold In Memorial hall tonight
Under tho ausplcos of the Unlvorsify
Democratic Club. TIiIb will ho the
first of a series of such meetings that
are to be hold from now on until the
end lot tho present school year. Tho
object In holding tho meetings Is to
get all university democrats interest
ed and to expound democratic princi
ples. ,
This, meeting 1b tho outcome of tho
mcetlng-of university men at tho Lin
coln hotel last, wook nnd tho organiza
tion of a university democratic club.
This club doclared Itself in favor of
Governor Shnllenborger and' Is going
to work for his. re-election.
Hon. .Richard L, ,Metcalfo and Mr
Arthur P. Mullen .will speak at the
meeting this evening. Both or these
gentlemen are very prominent speak
ers both In and out of politics. " ,
Chancellor on Program.
Chancellor Avery has been placed
on the program of the Bummer session
Of the Ohio State University.!! is
to'Rlvo several' lectures.' '
It Is the Hope of Senior Glass to Make
the Senior Masquerade an Annual
Affair Such Masquerades at
Other 8chools Big Events,
Tho- long lopked for Bonlor mas
quorado will bo hold Snturday ovon
Ing, March 12, 1910. Jt will bo tho
most olnborato affair of tho kind that
Huh over been held at tho university.
It has been a Rood meany yours since
thoro has been a masquorado given
by the members of a clasu, at louBt
none of tho present student body can
remember Buch un event.
All or the clauB of 1910 aro looking
forward to thla function with much an
ticipation. As nono of tholr predeces
sors for many yoars havo attomptcd
anything of tho kind, It Ib believed by
those backing tho movement that It
will be a pleasant Innovation. It is
thought that it will bo a means of
bringing the members of tho clnss
closer together und strengthenlngTho
spirit or the chiBB.
Novel Function. ,
Tho senior bnsquorado promises to
bo a most novel and pleasant function
In every way. It la not to bo lornml
In. any Bcnso of tho word, and will bo
very Inexpensive. ' Tho committee is
hnrd at work planning stunts. Thoy
arc dotermlncd to havo the most novol
nnd unlquo entertainment that Has
qvor been given hero and nro sparing
nothing to make it a success
Tho coBtumos will bo Inoxponslvo
and can bo mado fa a very short time.
thoir costumes now, nnd it is thought
thu.t somo very novol offects will bo
the result, Tho girls in tho different
sororities nro preparing a largo vari
ety of beautiful costumes. Thoro will
also be a large number of comical and
humorous costumcB worn.
Not a Couple Affair.
Another Innovation in connection
with tho mnsquorado Is the fact thnt a
argo numbor of tho glrla nro planning
to go without escorts, mo incK oi
an oscort has at various tlmea provont
ed a lnrgo number of people from at
tending somo university function. This
will be done away with at the sonior ;
masquerade. Tho glrlB aro already
planning to go In llttlo groups by
themselves This will not only make
it possible for ovory girl In tho class
to nttend tho function, but It will
puzzlo tho men In tho class. "
' It is a goneVal custoyn nt mas- ',
querndes for somo couple to arrange
their costumes together. Not so at
tho. sqnlortfnasquerado. Tho men will
know none of tho girls, nor will they'
know each othor. This is expected to'
result In much merriment and fun
n)dklng and will promote a spirit ot
gopd ' fellowship and "congeniality
among tho seniors, t
Thoro will ho a very restricted sale
of tickets In order to provent any out
siders from coming in. No one but
seniors ' will' be admitted. All of yio
masKs will be removed at ton-thirty,
and tho rest of the evening will he
spent in Jollification and dancing.
, - ,
Drfari at Indianapolis.
Dean Fordyce is at Indianapolis at
tending the national convention of su
perintendents and principals, Ho left
Friday, golttg by way of St. Louis, .
where he stopped for a couple of dayst
He expects tor return the first or noxt
nrnnlr " '