AlwWMnirWrtWill ' .' v?7r 'M - 3)&Hx IFlebraeftan r. i j S f . I fi .1 Vol. IX. No. 88. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1910. Price 5 Cents. ( -V "" ttbe rfr . r Wf" ' I CORNHUSKERS BEATEN BY THNMHKB& KAN8A8 MEN WIN FIRST GAME BY 8CORE OF 20 TO 40. "WOODY" THE STAR Of THE CAME 8ame Teams Meet Tonight in Battle , Royal and "Tommy" Johnson's Jayhawkers to Be Fought to the Finish. and tho work bo did of "Tommy" 'Johnson, tho lanky In tho fastest gamo played so' far this Boason on tho local floor tho Gornhuskers wont down to dofoat last -nlgbtrntrthrrhanuB or tho Jayhawkers by tho scoro of 40 to 20. Throughout tho entire gamo tho members of both teams of goal toss ors brought tho spectators to their iflfit tlmn nftfir timo hy hrHHnnf piny I lng and excellent guarding. Wood, as usual, was tho star of tho gamo guarding Jay- bawkor captain, was of tho nature to win him tho glad hand timo after time. Nebraska 8cores First. Nebraska -was tho first to score and ,two points wore chalked up to tho credit of tho Cornhuskors aftor a min ute and a half of play. Tho mon from KanBaB quickly evened things up by a goal, and this was soon followed "by another, whldfTgavo tho Jayhawkors tho load, which thoy hold' throughout tho contest. At tho opening of tho battlo tho Nebraska mon were slow to cover and tho scoring machine of tho Kansas mon had piled up a total of olgbt points boforo tho Cornhuskors annexed any more to their original two points. Vandovioso, right forward for tho Jayhawkors, was easily-tho-star- for tho Kansas bunch, and ho scored a total of six Hold goals to his credit Tho work of "Tommy" Johnson, which tho Kansas mon oxpoctod to bo so spectacular, was handicapped to a great extent by having to play against Wood, tho scrappy Cornhuskor guard, and Johnson soon showed tho effects of having to follow tho tireless "Woody." Nebraska Poor on Goals. Where Nebraska lost tho gamo was in tho fact that thoy wore unablo to throw goals when opportune times ar rived. Time and timo again tho ball was rushed Into tho Cornhuskor territory, only to bo lost aftor a vdin attempt to locate tho basket Perry, tho Corn huskor captain, scored four flold goals for Coach Hewitt's pupils, and only ' through tho efforts of tho Scarlet and Cream guards wore tho Jayhawkors. kept from running up a larger score.. In team work tho teams woro on a nar and neither side excelled in this iOCt'of tho gamo. SlownosB to cover and inability to locate tho basket spelt defeat for tho Nebraska quintet. Am borson was particularly slow to cover InUhe opening of the first half, hut ho made ifp for it in tho rest of tho timo ho was. in tho gamo. Hlltnor proved to bp tho surprise of tho contest, and tho lanky center proved to bo more of an aggressive player than oven, tho "most optimistic of tho Cornhuskor 'supporters had expected, Timd aftor time ho managed to got tho ball and wfo constantly on tho alort to keep !hls man from scoring. In the latter part of the second half Jones went in for Amberson at left ,, guard and Schmidt substituted tot Hutchinson nt right forward. After ilxo advent of these fresh, men the Nobraska team seemed to strengthen, but tho'CornkHskers only scored lntor- ttently, while tho Jayhawkers, wno could locate tho basket at any dis til $$& 08 wfr PwlttmBr'Qi' - mvz.Miimiimi KS WVYTn jxj -JSlWCHfrati Hfl W Com m up Gcortci Ne'UctltbrAf' flnytniif 1 1 In 1 L-1 lli ALV.4 a f Wfiss y ' mkjk fcbK. Shnoto 0,w. fer!X.:i.i C0KN ny. maS&j f SAD HISSAKE IN THE DAILY BRINGS GRIEF 8UFFRAGETTE8 INCENSED AT RE-' P0RTER8 ERROR. PlATfORM NOT BASED ON RIGHTS Co-eds Think Ultimate Enfranchise- ment Will Come, as Logical Evolution of Changing Structure of Society. In the Eyes of the Cartoonist BSaSESBEB5EE2aBEEEBEE 13 S39S3S3S3S35a5aS3S33KI P. T. tanco, kopt thoir scoring machine con stantly at work. Summary. Nebraska F.G. Perry, capt, 1. f 4 Hutchinson, r. f Schmidt, r. f. 1 Hlltnor, c ! 1 Amberson, 1. g Jones, 1. g 1 Wood, r. g 2 Total 10" Kansas Johnson, capt, 1. f." . . . . 3 Vandovioso, r. f 6 Smith, c 2 Holzer. c 2l JUNIORS WIN GIRLS' BASKETBALL HONORS THIRD YEAR QIRL8 WIN CHAM PIONSHIP FROM FRE8HMEN. Apparently somo grlovlous error has boon mado, In a rocent issuo of tho ' Dally Nobraskan an artlolo appeared' setting forth tho details of a mooting of tho university club of tho Collogo' Equal Suffrago League. It has causod. trouble A mombor of tho club has tnkon ox coption to several statements mado by tho Nobraskan ronortflr. Tf BPP " Woodard, 1. g. Martingale, r. g, i 2 3 Total .. 18 4 Tho samo teams llno-up against each other this evening and tho battlo which will bo fought botweon thom for the two halves Is oxpoctod to bo as fiorcoly contestod as was tho gamo last ovonlng. Both teams will havo tho samo llno-up, and tho Cornhusk ors will bfittlo desperately to win tho gamo from tho Jayhawkors. By a overwhelming victory tho Jay hawkors dofoatod Drake, and tho No braska mon Intend to show tho mon from tho sunflowor stato that tho teams of tho northern section of tho Missouri Valley conference can play basketball. UNIQUE PARADE IN THE ARMORY Exciting Battles Between Sliver Ser pents and Black Masks and Fero cious Wild Animals In Cages Features of Tournament. VESPER 8ERVICE YESTERDAY Convocation This Afternoon at Memo rial Hall. A veevor service was given by tho members of tho University Chorus last evening In Memorial hall. Tho chorus was assisted by n string quar tod composed of Mr. Walt, Mr. Boll, Mr. Quick and Miss Elche. The ser vice lasted but thirty minutes.. The following .was tho program: Strings and Organ "Nocturne," Mendelssohn. CalJ to Worship, Glqrla Parl. Anthem "Trlsaglon an'd Sanctus.' Hawley. Responsive Heading. " Strings and Organ "Largo," Dvorak " 3holr "Now tho pay la Over," TJarnby, - "Evening Prayer. Responso-I Will Lift Up Mine Byes," Barnby. Baked beans, baked on tho premise! and served hot with, delicious brpwa J bread," 10c. at Thn Boston'.Luuch, Tho girls' basketball tournament is over and tho juniors nro tho BChool champions. After a month of hard practico and systematic training tho big athlotlc event of tho year Is over. This tournament haB becomo an an nual affair and- Is looked forward to with groat Interest by tho girls of tho university. It is tho one big event of tho year In which all tho girls take part and in which thoy are ontlroly alone for a big time. In this event tho cc-od is given a chanco to show her class spirit and athlotlc energy, by the original arranging of mascots and by participation in tho athlotlc ovontB. Big Parade, Comes First. Tho parado this year was tho moBt unique over tjTvori. Tho costumes and. decorating gllttorod and beamed like tho brass trimmings and- Bpangles of a' real circus parado. Tho XI Deltas led the parado. They woro dresBod in military uniforms and ropresonted a band. Thoy played somo very original music which was greatly enjoyed by the spectators. Second In lino came tho members of tho Black Mask. Thoy woro dressed In black caps and gownB and .woro thocustomary maskB. A very lively mascot accompanied thom, namely a small white bull dog. Next camo tho senior class team. Thoir mascot was a small boy, wearing a senior cap. J. Tho Junior class team followed tJio seniors. They presented a very form idable appearance and many of tho spectators picked thom as winners. Tho spphomdres presented a pleas ing spoctaclo. -Thoy presented, a pic ture of class loyalty. ' Their shoes woro tied with the class colors and thoy woro largo balrnrittbons of tho samo colors. Next camo tho fresh men., Thoy had largo, class numerals "on their whlto. collars and white, caps. The Silver Serpents, presented an appearance both unique and original suits and woro green masks. As Ihoy marched, thoy WTlthod Uko .a sorpont, and sang an appropriate tlltty. Each member carried a banner of the order. Cages flllod with ferocious wild an imals brought up tho rear of the parado. Tho animals woro all very rare specimens, ns was explained by their keepers. The Basketball Games. Tho basketball tournament was ex citing. Tho class of 1011 won tho championship last year and tho other classes wero determined that thoy J should not win again. Tho Juniors wero equally determined to win, and they did. Tho seniors wero no match for thomr and tho froshmen vvoro beaten with oaso. Tho scores wero as follows:: First garao-Freshmon, 13; sopho mores. 3. s Second game Juniors, 20; seniors, Third game Juniors, 1G; Fresh- tho reportor gained, his information from a mombor of tho club, not fully, Informod as to tho standing, plans,, and motives governing that organiza tion. . 1 Tho suffragotto in quostion in. hor letter to tho Dally NobraBkan ex pressed horsolf as unconscious of tho fact that tho club was composed .of a "body of dotormlnod womon." And furthermoro, sh6 claimed that It was riot tho lntontlon of tho club to "forco" tho lssuo of equal franchise. Tho club Is not as aggresBlvo a body as tho NobraBkan roportor was led to under? stand. Tho club moreover, it is claimed by tho correspondent, is gonuinoly Inter ested in its subjoct, namoly: Equal Suffrage. Tho Nobraskan reportor fallod to mention this dotail, although from tho general tone of tho artlclo this fact might havo been gloanod. Among other things tho club discusses recent articles from all points of vlow and its mombers ondeavor to koop jjostadJiLxurrenUovontBr- , r Grave Error. men, 9, Thd following girls compose tho ohampionBhlp Junior team: Amanda Clement, Beulah Itader, Hattlo Roll ings, Vera B.argor, Josslo Beghtol, Clara Erlckson, nnd Janet Cameron. 8ome Lively Mix-ups. During tho basketball tournament tho Silver Serpents, stole a Black Mask girl, tied hor up in thoir colors, and carled, her off Into captivity, Sho was finally rescued by tho valiant 'Black, Masks aftor a great struggle Not content with this contest,, tho Silver Serpent's dressed, ono of their own girls 'in a senior uniform. ' Ttiojr then formed a circle about her and sang "Poor Old sijriior.'-Thq Black Masks iminodhtly frpshel, into, thij fray, ,aelgod the ,atfuBQd one; find tflto off' tno cap and. gown. Tho 'contest bocame so furious, that Miss. .Gittlngs. was forced to ..act, as, peacemaker and stop tho combat -n i ANDREWS MAY. -BE IN LINCOLN. tfliey wore dressed p. Will Leave for th. 'United States'Next Tuesday. '., Dr. "XndrowSj writing under date of January 23d, says- that ho arid Mrs. Androws-'aro 'enjoying ItHeih.' stay at Calcutta, India. -Thoy expect to start foAhe United. States 'via' China and Japan, about- March 1st' reaching Hong Kong on -tho 20tlu. .TheyJeipeot to' land aV Vancouver about Slay 10th, and aro thinking of making" rlilt to Lincoln about Juno-Tst; although-they have' not definitely 'decided In regard to" tho points' they 'wilf visit In the nn'-. I' .... t'T. 6jruiuwuuiynlted BtateB. " But where tho Nobraskan roportor , mado tho grayest orror was in stating that "speeches" woro mado at tho gatherings of tho club. It is ovidont that tho roportor was misinformed or that, in tho uso of words, ho substi tuted tho word "speech" for tho word "discussion." Tho oxact manner in which this transposition was brought about has so far remained a comploto mystery owing to tho disappearance of tho reportor. Tho word "denunciation" is also .taken' up by the correspondent She maintains that no denunciations would ever bo allpwod(at tho meetings, overi we're 'some co-ed disposed' to make thom. Again tho reporter, not being able to attend tho meeting; had1 to' de pend' on-his informant, with tho result that ho galned-an entirely wrbng'cb'iii coptidn of tho" character of tho' nWdtl irig. iThd corros'pbndbht, iurihormfcrb; describes-the meetings -ha "soreno and fafaifqnll.' .1 'J' i -! . J ..i , a i..., A "Logical Evolution.1' ' Tho!basIo principle of tho organized tiori was missed voritlrbIy by tho ro-porter;-' IW'statdd'it mo'roly as a ques tion of 'rights." But that is not'itt Thd foundation of the- club is baiod upon tho "ultimata enfranchisement df ' woman" as a logical ovoliition of tho" changing structure of society.". I Another matter upon wbloh 'thcjlob' tor." istorilightoriIng is thrfi vloWpoirit of the mombers 'of tho club with regard t6 the men. TheyfhaYoMiopes that In the'courso of timet the men will grant thom equal suffrage. 'Th!s Is toicdme, however, when the men And the spare timo to think about At and later to act on l,t t , i . , .Th6 letter which 'was received 'by . ) i ' VTo tho Editor of T.he'Nebi'askan.J-f May I ask ypu to. nke'' coVrecUoh, t . -' r .ii t . or two, In ybur ifccotjnt of oaf meet- fiiz Awb-i.'Uu-jiivc-. 'A' I 1 1 Jm t f