y K u. -THE DAILY. NEBRASKAN . i -i ' j OLIVER THEATRE Tues., r Wed... .and Mat.. March 1-2.i t The NewlyWeds and, Their Baby "'. , . Night $1.00 to 25c. Mat. 75c to 25c. 60 Peoplo 75 Girl. Lii MARCH 4,5 "BEVERLY OF GRAU8TARK." i " ' : I ! ji SELECT PITTS' SELECT J DANCING SCHOOL BEGINNERS CLASS wnnMRRnAY and SATiionAv ' ChkM Dl Am CIiiiIahI I SOCIAL FRIDAY AND MONDAY Ladlct Free Monday 16th and O St. Auto 5405 j SELECT SELECT j tBIHBBHBaHiMMBHI pniMiniMMMMIIMMMHIIMMWHlHMnMrG E I7V7V0 INS E THE PRINTER p. frlntlrif, :k BnarAvrlria;, Cfc Emboaalnfi; Auto 2819 Ifiiniuiitiimtminiiiiiinniiiiitiiiiiiiir 317 South 12tii 5. K1B sBB? iy.yi . BoysMy Spring line of woolens are stunners. See them! L. J. HERZOG 1230 O St Fine Tailoring The Owl Pharmacy Northeast Cprper 14th and O .Street; ' Hot and Gold Drinks at ft ' Out Fountain '.U t A SEE OUR WOOLENS ElliotirBros7 TAILORS 142 SOUTH TWELFTH .4. TYPEWRITERS All makes rented with stand , $3 per Month. Bargains in ' Rebuilt Machines r Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Auto 11G5. Bell 1J181. 122 No. Xlth, '-.' I UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S- S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 1 STREET, YELLOW FRONT Yeur Patruc Solicited Sii Quality Counts THATSWHY FRANKLIN'S ICE CREAM ' . js,so jPqPUi . - We"1 make's specialty of fan cy creams, sherbete. Ices and punch for Frat '& BoMri- ' ty parties. Whipping CWeaty . always on hand. Bell 200. Auto 8181. 1810 N St I c . fIf M I 1 ' i i .i am pus leafiin i' esw Q. H. Proy, florist, 1133 O strcoL Tho Intcr-class athletic bonrd will meet Tuesday morning at 11:30. ' Thornburg's Orchestra. Auto 5877. Kappa Kappa Gamma will give their formal, party Saturday ovenlng. ' Vi ,f ' Chapln BroB., florists. 127 So. 13th. ' '. "' : ? Delta Gamma will 'give a house parly" tWlgiit.rn Green's Sanitary Barbor Shop. 120 N. 11th. C. M. Johnson hns pledged Sigma Alpha Epsilon. 0 Try a lunch at tho Y. M. C. A. Spa. 13th and P Sts. It has been definitely sottled that the freshman law bop will bo given March 12. o Seo Display Ad. Lincoln Dancing Academy. 85-7'8 Dr. Edwin Maxey will go to Alli ance Saturday to Judge a debate bo tween Uie high school of Alllanco and Bnreoy: ' Dr. E. , M! Cramb, Osteopathic Phy sician, U. of N. '09 Burlington 'block. o High grado work for thrco high grade college men through summer. H. L. Brock way. 229 No. 14 th St.. 4 to 6p. m. today. 87 00 Havo your clothes pressed at Web er's Sultorlum. Auto 1708. Watch our windows always For Early Season Styles. Showing Spring Styles in Manhattan Shirts- Nea effects in stripes and figures, in tasty colors or plain white. Stetson Hats- Always standards of style, service and satisfaction. r Hawes Derbies-- The , Spring Derby in this the Derby Season. Magee & Deemer LINCOLN AURORA RED OAK battalion ho fainted and . fell ,faco downward upon tho brick sidewalk. Ho has a great brulso' on the left cheek bone and the left sldo of his '.forehead. FRE8HMN 6LECT. Minor Offjccrs Chosen for This Sem ester and Other Business tending a class was mado to provont hny possibility of logal difncultlos. Theso dinicultloH might arlso through a student, qualified to attond a .class, being rofuscd admission by an Instruc tor. In this caHO tho student might suo tho university with somo chnnco of success. The ruling as ombodlod In tho lot tor to tho faculty follows: Transacted. Tho frcshpion held a c'ltiHH meeting yesterday morning at tho Tomplo at 11:30. At the beginning of the meet ing President Coffco thanked the class for the honor It had bOBtowcd upon him, and promised that his adminis tration would be conservative and Hint he. would try to preside in a manner to suit the clnns. A small aniount of routine business was disposed of nnd tho election of minor olllcors taken up. "In ho ' far us thucxclndlng; IB atulectod-f rum tho "faculty ut tlrercoiT A DULL HEADACHE j naCuro Bounding1 tho alarm that something is going wrong. Fifty per cent of hoaddchoe aro caused by rofraotivo errors, and can bo rolioydd by glassos properly fitted. I always mako a thorough oxaiol rfation and give honest advice as to tiro condition and caro of tho eye HALLETT, Registered Optometrist" ESTABLISHED J871 1143 O STREET Meeting of inter-clasB athletic board Tuosdny,. March 1, 1010, in U102, at 11 a. m. Important. A. T. Upson, chairman. Eat at Don Cameron's Cafo, 11K-119 So. 12th, street Person who took watch from first floor of Mechanfc Arts hall will re turn to E. S. Heath, first floor -Nebraska hall, and recolvo reward. Special Students' Danco, Monday, Fob. 28. Bruco's Orchestra. Lincoln Dancing Academy. 85-7-8 All members of the Swedish -Club are requested to appear at Townsend's studio, Saturday at 1:30 p. m., to have tho picture taken for the Corn- huskor. Notice to Students. Special ratoj .Learn to danco! Lincoln Dancing Academy. ' 85-7-8 o -"Four men wanted for summer work. Excellent business proposition. Good monoy for right men. R. ,L. Gllmoro, Windsor hotel. 84.i5t p E. S. Brown, chief of tho pure seed bureau of tho department of agricul ture, is at tho university looking for men. It Ib expected that he will take several students from the senior class. 83-4 ,' For about an hour yesterday after noon in tho gymnasium Dr. Roller amused almost one hundred men-, in cluding many from outside tho univer sity, with his skillful wrestling, .Sev eral students tried to throw hlmt but their efforts were of no avail. Ho'w over, It afforded somo flnq amusement fprvjnen- liijroBted in wrestling. A A. HJ. DinUnjore who . received , a hard 'fall -'at tiHo university Tuosdny evening and bruised his face badly, Ma1 apllj ?to bo out yesterday after nJbn. Ho had been feeling bad all day Tuesday. Just as he came oulfof (thevarmory.vjBf ten dvilling,.In j,thecadet It was discovered that thorb was not a quorum present, but forty-tnrue members bolngjn tlio room. Howovor enough new arrivals came In to con stitute A quorum 'and business pro ceeded, file following officers wero elected without opposition: Wcepreldentr-IcilcrBoirr- Socrotary, Margaret Gilbert. Treasurer, O; H. Doyle.. Sergeant-at-armjB, A. H. Dlnsmore. temporary maltdr for 'tho purpose of diucipllno the right pt. tho profossorj hns novor bd'en''quosti6ncd: Howovor a jirofesBor has no right to oxcludu permanently from his classes and slit- ' dent whoso record In tho registrar's omce is sucu as to autnorizo mm to tako the courso In question .If a stu dent shows by his work In the class room that he Is Insufficiently trained to carry on '.tho work properly, or IT his presonce In tho class is detrimen tal to tho work of tho professor or tho class, the matter should bo reported at onco to the' dean for lite action. "If It is' found necessary to exclude the Btudont from tho clasp 'permanently as a.,maitor.jtjdiaeiDlliie,Buch action flhoujd bo takon up by thQ donn with tho approval of. .the chaoqpllor.'J GLEE CLUB MEETING. TO GIVE FAtfCE COMEDY. Union Literary 8bclety Will Put op Sketch Friday Night. J'Six Kleptomaniacs'" is tho title of a farce comedy which" will be staged by tho Union Literary Spcioty In Their hall in tho Templd Friday night. The skotch will bo put on by tho girls of the society and Is In charge of Miss Eleanor Dobson. Tho cast of chnr ac.Jers follpw: ," MrB, Reynolds . ; Mario Ca'rrlker Inez White x ..... .'. . . .Iris Ware Claro Reynolds .Agnes Waldo Claudia Snell ,.... Bessie Mason Mrs. Thaddous Lypch Vera Wind Brldgotto de Flannlgan . i : . Grape Richards) Crocus Washington Jbned ....... . ............ Fay Malsbary Madam Joliette , ...BesBip Chambers Jennie (tho maid) inn Hendricks Carrio .Brown .... .1 Ethel Chambon Fancy Dancer Stella Hardy Pianist Celee Bargvr Manager .....' Ellen Do'bpo:. RULING REGARDING ADMISSION. Chancellor Send Letter to Faculty Members to ' Prevent Complications. Chancellor Avery In a letter sent to tho 'members of. tho faculty yesterday topic' up the matter of students' being debarred' from attending classes by the' faculty. The action was taken by the chancellor In the form of a ruling which was mado after the chancellor had consulted, with Regent Allen and Dean t' fastings. t Tlio ruling which provides the'qualiacaiionB on which a student may not be debarred frpm at- t Chancejlor Makes Arrangements for Club to Be Under Supervision ' 'of 8chool of Music. Is now 'nBBiffeu? 'ChancolIorA'vOry"haH become Interested In tho club's- suc cess and hns announced that ho will push the enterprise. Tho chancellor has madp arrangements with Willard ivimpau.airecuir qc me scnooi or mil- i . ... , slc.wheroby students Hiiccossful in making good on tho club will ho given an hour's credit per somoBtor,, At a mooting of prospective moni bers or tho club this morning about twonty.-fivo . mon wora prosont. THoy votod to accept tho proposition of the chancollor and Mr. Kimball. Tho work will bo under tho supervision of tho, school of music and a director wlll.'bo r.. ..... r DUI IUIUI ). ' Comploto arrangomentsfor tho work of tho cjub havo not as yot butm c6ni plotod, but will boafl H.oon as Chair man Hoffman and tho commltteo meet Mr. Kimball. It Is hoped that every one who hnB singing ability will try out Thoro l a good chanco for ovory man to win a placo In tho club. It will bo onjoyablo work nnd ll- WIN Bhow Nobrnska spirit to mo-he" tlio club a succcsb. FEAR 8EC0ND EARTHQUAKE. Plaster Falls and Tutor Leads Leap for Life. In Panic. hr-Thlnklng-thnt-an earthquake-was at hand whon a portion of tho ceiling fell in during a lecture in law at tho University of Missouri, tho Jnstritcto'r) Thomas A. Street, loapod onto a radi ator four feot high and thrust bin fist through a window, aftqr which ho jumped to tho ground through tho aporturo. Later, flndfng tnat ovdry- That Nobraskawi11 hnvo-a-glfle-olub-t-fhlng wnK-inlotr -hn -rotprinrd SnTT apologized to the. class. Tho eighty-fifth natlvo school in Alaska has been established at Tatalik on Prlnco William Sound -by tho department of education. - T-l . ri. u y liliST! W H,r "' Ifyotr'halrc Iot or found art icles, rooms for renfor books to sell, advertise in 'the Nebraskan's ,? t -i4- 'j 'uv-fwr' t, V1"-. ' WANT j AD t s ll 1: . a V 1 A-'jiTi,' w . it ft :.. .:r& y t- column Otir rates are low anor , Tre'gct results. v.. Jt IT .-PAYS TO i ADVERTISE n M y 0; ii v, , V - . .n II 'wmmmmmmL H .111 .' I A i il s''-U I f v. , f iiu ' u