The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 25, 1910, Image 1

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VoL IX. No. 87.
Price 5 Cents.
' t . , .yj '. r. "
a i
Jayhawkcr Squad Is Confident of Vic
tory, Although They Met Their
First Defeat at Washburn J"J'
Is hard luck to follow university
athletics through; tho wholo year.?
First ih football, then 4In basketball,
now In baseball does Damo Fortune
enter nnd pursue tho university ath
letic teams with vengoanco. Tho foot
ball season last fall was far from a
success, and the basketball team has
also been subject to a run of Tiard
luck, and now to follow this up hard
luck follows in tho wako of the bnse--ball
camp, .
Ono of the brightest hopes for a
strong slab -squad was tho fact that
ono of tho Qld varsity pitchers had re
turned to the university and hud ent
ered baseball practice. This was
Adams, who was ono of the best pitch
ers on tho university teanra- few years
hgo. Ho was on tho team but one
year and then loft tho university.
Played With Peru.
While absent from tho university
Adams entered Poru Normal and
while thoro participated in athletics
and pitched for tho baseball toam of
that college. When ho returned to
tho university thiB year It was thought
that ho was tollglbla for tho varsity
team and that with him in tho box tho
university would havo a strong slab
artist to depend .upon in . critical
games. "T .
Upon investigation it was dfsdbv
pred that Adairm had played at an
other school for a year and that per
haps under tho ruling of tho athletic
board ho was thoreforo Ineligible for
tho diamond gamo thlB year. This wub
because he came under tho ruling that
oTnust 1)0 aTeaia&tftfof thOTiniversity
for a year and this ho has fulfilled.
But as botwoon tho tlmo ho was a
student at tho university and tho.
present tlmo ho wa student at an-
t other school and participated in ath
letics at that school ho must therefore
' bo considered a now student at tho
university this year. At present tho
matter is under -consideration and will
ho decided in a few days.
MbariwTillfr tho work 6f the varsity
squaar gooa merrily. Qn., A largo num
bet oir'trien arV but for daily practlib
in tho cage. Thoro is so far an, abun-J
dance of material and chances aro that
a whining baseball team will bo turned
out this, spring.
Many of last year's team aro back,
and-these'lnonSftll make a strong bid
for tb$lrold positions. ;01mstoad,and
, iuuuwia-utv tiiu .UDb jruti a uua. utiioia
who aro making a bid for their old po-
sltions, o and positions on, tho rest of
thaVoam. arogplne to bitterly fought
Basketball Tonight.
Tonight tho members of thq.baskpt-
uau lunm'uro up against iuu .tvunsas
Jayl.awkers,!landf ono of-tho stlffest
basketball battles of the season on tho
local fPidr Is'oxpocted. Tho CornhUsft-
, qrs hayo been poltned for tho contest
tpriTght and tomorrow evening, and
thoy fcre' going Into, tho gamp,, Ylh,Q.
determination, to win ono 'if not both
of the.-games, with tho nten from tho.
southland. ', .......
' In a game Tuesday with Washburn
the Jayhawkcrs were defeated by a
score of 1G to 15 and this Is tho first
tlmo that Captain Johnson's men havor
blti the dust this year. The fact that
the loss of tho gamo was blamed on
thbvofnclals by tho Kansas men shows
that they aro poor loaors. Nobraska
goal toBsers hopo to show Kansas that;
thoy can beXdofcated m'ofo than onco
during a season
Constant Moving of ChalrsXjn Law
Library Annoys Professor.
"mm .Tran In ,! A . A
can history dopnrtment has boen at
tempting tocoiiduct a class in a clans
r.oom yndQr.tho law library at throrc
o'clock in tho afternoon, much tcr liis
nnrioyahce. " There is no covering' ,it
any sort on tho floor of tho la; li
brary nor aro there any tips on tho
legs of tho chairB. Consequently tho
constant scraping of tho chairs on the
floor makes a great deal of uoiso.
Wednesday afternoon tho noiso be
en me so loud that it was impossible
.to carry on tno American history
class, and tho professor climbed tho
stops to tho third floor to havo an In
terview with tho law studonts.
On entering tho library tho profes
sor vns informed .that the nolso was
unavoidable on account of the condi
tion of tho'iloor. Thereupon .tho pro
fessor mado a short uddrcss to tho
law students nnd asked them to bo as
careful as possible. The law studonts
seemed td be amused. Tho professor
lfocam0i;anKry"nnMnvlted somo of the
men to 'accompany-liim out into tho
hall for an interview. Thoso in tho
library laughed and the professor do
I Ml
h'i.. .5 : ... L
Jack Best Vacation Fund Now Raised
to 117 Dollars.
Subscriptions cnYno In rather slowly
yesterday;? although tho total was
ralBedvt6 $fl7. 'The PI Bota Phi soror
ity gavo $5, while a number of
smaller subscriptions followed. The
list follows:
Goorgo Holmes , ,' $ 10.00
L. .,Qot,tlo, Edgar, Nob '1.00
V?K. Gcer' ...'..'. 50
Stloki' DoPutron- T25
Charles Kobalter
C. A. Green
JI. A. Tukoy, Omaha
MaUVjCobater .,(,.
Bort Barbor
W. F. Votaw
Guernsey Jones 1.00
M,. P. Wallace, Exeter, Nob. . . .
J. C. Rossler
Charles Surmer .,..:.... ,vS-s. .(. ,
Ed TJoohn&r ; ..., ;. ."..
Anonyhibua t. . . .". . ; .". .". '. .'. :
Freshman Law Studonts J.7.00
Junjor taw Students...,....,;,.,...... 15.00
A Jensen -jr.-. . ..-.'... -.25
Geo. C. Shodd, '00 V:;V,"v 59P
RD. Andreson, '00 . .' ? . . . 10.00
D?j R, G. Clapp .:;..,. . .".''. ... K 5.00
Prof. Hy;W: Caldwen ;; .'....V. 1.00
Prof. ,M. M. Fogg ... s.. ... . 3..V,;:.? 1.00
moan CJEPossoy..,. ....o... 2.00
Edw. A. Bessoy, '9G. y..t, , . ...,. ,v. 1.00
ErnBt A. Bessoy, '9G . . .'. . 1.00
can, a., uessoy, ru;. ,..vv
EdUli. HIgglns, Bessoy, '01 ..... ...
A. W. Carpehler, 'Omaha-, 5.00
Alpha au-Omegft'rr... .r.T....,;:. . - 10.00
A.- L. Palmer ....... ........ . ; . j . .50
iha e. Gjttirigs , ..:,.:... 1.00
' E. R. Guthrie ., ... ... . . ,. .v. 50
Anonym'biiB . .V. '..'. .7.'.'.' i . . . : . 1.00
"in n ' f. .
Miscellaneous , 25
PI Beta .Phi-
-.j .
r- ' ,
total -..$117.00.
Your car fare wouldvpayfor a nice
lunch at the Boston Lunch. Why go
home? . '
Many New .Features Are' Assured
Black Cat Episode of Last Year
Be Surpassed -Festivities
to Open With Parade.
Tho " glrlsxbaBkotball tournament
will tako plnco In the. armory this af
ternoon beginning at 2 o'clock Sharp.
This tournament follows a month's
baskotball practice which has boon
systematically carried on byxtho girls,
of tho unlvorsity In preparation for
their ono big day, which luls coiho. to
bo an annual affair.
Tho ovent which will bo pulled off
In tho armory this afternoon Is a cli-
-tnttx-to thc-con8clontlonir" workwhlclr
tho girls havo devoted to make tho
annual affair succosBful. Ah In pnBt
years tho Silver Sorpcnts nnd lllaclt
Masks, tho various teams with thoir
mascots, banners, bands, dlshpnnK,
brooms, otc, will form In a parado at
2 o'clock and the tournament Will be
gin Immediately at the conclusion of
tho parado. Tho glrla of tho. univer
sity havo looked forward to this evont
with eageri anticipation, becnuso Jt is
the ono day of tho year In which all
tako part and aro ontlroly nlono for u
big time. In thlB ovent tho co-ed-Is
given a chance tp show her class
spirJMpd .ojigjj
IflUiliy UU ill TUUK'Hb Ui. (iifJvn jjimi
participation in the uthlotlc oveiits.
'parado Heads Program,
In tho parade, which 'heads-tho pro
,gram thoro will bo untold vnrlnlqns
from .that' of" past years. Each class
will bo represented by an appropriate
mascot and will 4iir out with their
baiiners 'and fun mnklirg"duvlc6a;' Tlnit
the bjlack at will appear and then
suddenly disappear 'noVbi to show up
again' will ba, a'problein, Jrt uiihvc1
until atter thb'tournantont. Soma'an-,
Imalj mqr.o boyitcllng,nn(l .oiron m6ro
uncanny than the black cat Is likely
to bo displayed in tho parade from tho
assurance tho gH;lB',gavo a srcp'ortur
y08tor'diayi, At the conclusion of. tho
parado tho Inter-clasH basketball
gameB will bo played From- the en
thusiasm and conscientious work
shown on tho part of tho contesting
teaniB, this contest will bo the warm
est over hold on this gala day. In tho
tournament last yenr the cfasB tiriSll
won tho pennant put up as a trophy
for the wjjmlng team, hHet'iheI)er
sonnoT of the toan) Is almoBt tho B.amq
as dast -year-.,theother.'itbams-have'Tle-
tormlned not to lot thorn curry off this
honor today, and Jhayp been putting In
hard work to make their (earns vic
torious ones. This contest alono prpny
Jses to her full of excitement. ' The
gabies will bb started 1y the freshmen
and conhomoro teams, then followed
by a rgame botwoon tho jifnlors and
seniors, tho winning tca'ins playing
off tho' tie for championship honors.
The line-up of tho class toams is as
Marlon Swezoy (c)
Helman Greenland.
Lucllo. Boll .
Mary Cambron
Flora Mulr
Florence Buffington
Louise CurtiBs
CelluDavlp (c)
Anna Smith
Helen DlnBmoro
Ethel" Johnson
Alma Sullivan
Louise Barr
-Juniors. - "Seniors.
. , 1 a I.
Amanda Clement (c). Alta Gorden (o)
Boulah Rader Mary.HOrbert
Hattle Rollings " . My.ra Conner
Vera Ba,rger Grace KIramel
Josslo Boblltol Uertha Luckoy
Clara Erlckson Knto Flold,
Janet Cameron Jcannott Lawronco
For tho purpoHo of furthering ath
LotlcB among tho girls of tho unlvor
sity, and bbcauso of -tho uleslro to
build) a tennis court for tho girls on
tho now athletic field, an admission of
10 cents will bo char god at tho door,
Tho ndmlssloa is only nominal and Is
lovled for the purpoBO of encouraging
rnthor than discouraging atlilotlcs
among the-girls. ATI girls will bo ox
cused from their 'Classos this after
noon so that thoy may nttend tho
tournament. The girls on the baskot
ball teams dcBlro that all. their class
mates turn out and show their loyalty
by rooting for thoir respective class
Club to Hold Informal Gathering and
-to Be Addressed by Members
and Faculty.
The Graduate Club will moot at tho
Temple this evening from G;30 to
7-3h nlnnnr wllllin nrif.y.1 ill A.
o'clock. A short" program will follow.
talks being made by Dn Eiiveff and
Professor Fossler of" tho faculty, and
Mr. Goodrich anil Mr. Elmore or the
grnduato studonts. Tho gathering
will ho entirely informal.
AH gradualo utmlo'nts are urged to
bo prcBont. Como early and spond a
social half. hour boforo dinhor gqttmg
better acquainted with ono another
nnd with the faculty. Treasurer Pqol
will bo on hand In tho lobby wfth din
ner tickets, the samo nB laBl year.
TransactedWill Glye Dance.
...There was but smhll nondancb
at 'the junior etnas' meeting Hc)dVves'
terday at 11:. '10 Iri' Memorial $ai.'.
PrcBldont Hahnei' presldeii-. iyh) .qlocf
tirni-of oillcors was iiqniodiaieiy' pro
ceeded with. Tho following were
elected by ncclumatibh In e'achcaHb.
Vice-president; Vdrna flydbr. w
Secretary, ribwardPlasters:"
Trensuror15. FrBlanchnrdl '
.' Se"cgchntyit;armB', A. M. : Oberfblder.
The mattor b!f a class -function "was
taken up. ' Thero 'soompd to 'bo somo
sontlmcnt for an informnl class gath
brlrig, as woll as for tho usualv dasB
dance. It was voted to glvb a dance,
ami it committee wns appointed to act
on the 'Informal affair.
It -was voted to pUt the mattbr'of
purchasings fdbs tot tho members of
the clns's' debating team Jn the hands
of tho .commltteb wHich has chdrgo of
awurdlng the 'class UN."'
-, i
Regular Cdnvo'catfon This Afternoon
aV Five O'clock at Memorial Hall.,
"A vespOr service will 6o ,glvbn "by
thembmbers of the Urflverslty Chorus
this afternoon, in Membrlal hall" at 5
o'clock. Tho chorus will bo assisted
by-a -string quartet composed' of Mr:
Edward R. "Malt; lfr. Bell, Mr. Quick,
and. Miss Elchov The, service Wll) last
only thirty minutes. The following Is
tho order of. the .program:
Strings ,and Organ -"Nocturne
Ca(l to" Worship. I
Gloria Patri. 1 ...
Anthem J'Trisaglon and Sanctus,"
Responsive Reading, ,
Strings and. Organ j'iLaf go,". Bvorak
Cholrr-"Now. the Dayr Is- Qver
Barnby. - . . . . ,
Evening Prayqr, - -.,,
.Response "I W)U Lift Up :Mlno
Eyes," Barnby.;- . ; u
Yale football men will .begin prac
tlce thjs week ,
- Delation to college.
tells 'of His Life Smarted tp College
on 8even Cents-Washed"
Dishes n ttlrls'Dor-
ml tory.
If tostlmony is to ho accoptbd as
ovldorico of high vnluo, wbiilust now
conclude! that wrestling and , boxing
ought to bo consigned to tho hlghost
rank" of professions;' that 'liby ro
both honornblo monns of acquiring a
suTJsiutonco, and ought to. bo rocog
nlzed as such. This constltutos tho
gist of a talk mado by Dr. B F. Rollor
at --convocation this morning. Dr,
Rollor 'Is a graduate .of bnih rn pg--
and Pennsylvania untvorsltloa and'has
secured A. B. and: M. D. dogreos from
those respootlve I'schools. lla is an
athloto of. romarkablo strength and
was'atmombor of tho rocont and no
torious Joffrlos-Gotch- combination
pbslng na a wrostlor Intthat nggroga
lion of world-ronowriod.ntblotbB,
At1 apodal request Dr. Rollor today
addrossod moiubors-of tho Unlvbrslty
of Nobraska on quostions of intorost
especially to tho men. Dr: Rollor Is a
champion of. tho nthlotlc world. He
subordinates athletics, howovor, to his
chosen prbfesslon and takes recourso
to athlotlc games nioroly as a moans
to obtain enough cash toefray school
oxppnaos, , Jji tho .'coursojDJpDr, Itoll
er's loctuto ho attompted.. fa proyo
cbhcluslvol that a -man ' ,ican t follow
wres'tllng or boxing) as' a.chosen pro
fession nndvrotain jiisbnqy solf-re-spect
and ijieqency, 'Jus't tHb.'amo'ias
thb' man who.' pursues 'tho.mbrocom
mon and seemingly more humano pro
fessions. Ho also assigned to foot
.bail ntyrqmlne'rirpWlh ihq unlVoi-sIty
durrlciiluni. nddlhg 'that .football .ajsran
ngbhey fdr dbvoloplng solf-coritrol and
abnegation ln .thol .Individual, stuclpnt.
can "riot be surpassod' ' ' ''
L Dr. "RbllV Speak..'
Briefly Dr. Rollor said:. "With' me,
tho wrestling game is if sido Issue. Al
thbugh I, thbr fact that I
am considered among the ranks of
tho greatest wrestl6rs, I still cling td
my chosen 'profession and live' 'happy
In thb contemplation of its perfection.
I wrestle ndw morely as a moa'na' to"
aii end. w-" v ' "
"Tfio lilstory of my Hf"W not" very
romantic I left "homo at 16 years o(
ago, tho oxultlng 'possessor of 'seven'
cents. I.' walked. ,to' D6 Ta'u unlvor
sity and: there I obtained. the lucrative
position' of washing" dishes tin a girls'
dormltbryr Throughout my university'
careen 1 was . confronted, by the'
money problem and rat the tlm I
entered Pennsylvania university, I
was! compelled 'to play , football .at a
distant schooL'to dJofrayexponBOS.!
ti"jConcorning tho athletlai side :of;
school lTfo,iJ.havo -much to say." la
the. first iplaco, W Is not necessary, to
bo delinquent in school .work) because
of, athletics. This may bd an-astounding
statement, but It Is nevertheless
true.t It Is" not morely . a matter of
physique, but the cbaractecvthatiiat-
tendsdtf Before .oatetlng; schoolruino
should establish 'a goal rfor himself.
Then, if the march toward, this goal 1b
rigidly adhered to.-thefe will bo no
danger of excossly.ely.j indulging In
athletics. In addition to this, - there
Is. no logical, reason why the athloto
cannot oasjly surpass, the book-worm
In -rschool work. The latter . Is- not
practical .and anything that fails, in
. . Coninuedon Page 4
o, .
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