The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 23, 1910, Image 1

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VoL IX. No. 85.
Price 5 Cents.
lion1 a detailed training in a chosen
work. In this way duly can, great of
nclency bo nddod unto tho student.
"Lastly, the world Is looking for
men trained in tho habits of strictest
honesty mon who can dotect and ob-
Some Students Come to School Be
cause Their Parents Send Them,
and Others Come to School
for Mere Social Pleasure.
IffhllBh a uTvfillhg UncT between right
and wrong. The world Ib looking for
men who are attached to-tho highest
(LASSES '(lca'B' If you want to make your col
lege training ol uigncBi useiuinoss,
you can do Ho bettor than to ally your
self with God anrwnlk with him
through tho years -of sorvlw that are
to come."
Keforu a fairly large audience, Chan
cellor W. J. Davidson of Wcsloyun
UitiverBity nddreBsod atudontB of the
university at convocation today on
'UeligiouB Services." J
Tho purposo of Professor Davidson'
ucAure wub to classify university stu-
dents. not as" to clasB, rank or stand
ing, but ns to the direct motives which
actuated thece students to attend an
.ducational institution. In concise
language and in all sincerity he de
clared it to bo utter folly for a stu
dent to attend the unlvorsity under
the impression that the collego has a
'cut and dried" education, which, upon
roqudst, will permeate the innermost
ptirts of the dullest brain. Ho also
branded the Btudent who assigns to
himself tho parasitic function of "crib
bing" as a "despicablo leach sucking
tho life blood from hlB own arteries."
Jn brief, Professor Davidson said:
'Wo often hear college student
npokon o falling into four distinct
and separate classes freshman,
sophomore, Junior and senior but I
like to think of theso students as fall
ing into different kinds of classes of
many varloticB.
Many Classes.
'In tho first place, thero aro thoo
who enter tho university with the
vague idea that tho collego has a 'cut
and dried' education, which it will im
part to them at a specified tlmovTlicrc
Is certainly something beautiful in
Mich a conception, but like all other
beautiful droama. there must be an
oh(T without realization.
"Again, , tlu-ro aro those who look
upon college education as an incompr
honsiblo thing worthy to bo sought foi
Its own Bake. ' Such a ono expatiates
upon tho beauties of college Hfo, its
dazzling social functions and so on
but ho never stopB to conBidor tho ben
jilts that ought to accrue from a co1
logo education and which ho migl'trnt
some future time pons on to a mu-p
unfortunato boing.
"Another typo of studont consist of
those who attend college bocauso they
are sent. Thoy havo no purposo in
view, no aim in Hfo, and - their np
paront doslre is to harmoniously obey
parental command.
A Third Class.
"Again thero ar6 thoso who com
poso tho 'lean to' class. Thoy contin
ually 'leau' on other students for pup
port, and thus far have, never realized
that mental as well as muscular force
can bo developed. Thoy aro purely
uarowitic in tholr. wholo mako-up, and
as n leech they, are sucking the life
blood from their- own, arteries.
"Lastly, wo find the class of stu
dents that get the moat out of Hfo.
Why? -Merely because thoy put the
moHt Into it and live In the expecta-'
tion of contributing from their store
of knowledge to the Ignorant world.,
Thoy havo already .mastered some .of
life's greatest problems, 'By their
fruitage shall know them.'
"Every college Is obligated to give
students' some vision of life problems,
and tho achoot that fails to do this
falls in every thing. Wo ofton find
students, good students, who at the
ond of their collego career, havo not
decided what Bhall bo their life work.
To a certain extent, tho collogo is re
sponsible for this deplorable state of
affairs, The student who la in such a
conation has Igst ono- of ,tho greatest
contributions of a university oduca-
PnMMITTfC QHQDmillQ ru, ufroctfl the law cpllego this bow-
UUmlTlll ILL DUOrLllUu " ester, and a Krcnt doal of objection
nci iiiniiruTomniriffifreMra
ULLlllljUtNl ulUUtNIUThoy claim that they can bo absent
Outside Work Is Cause for Delin
quency Among the Men of the Uni
versity, While the Women Are
Held Back by Sickness. '
from clnsB and their work will not be
nffectedaa will thuworYc of tho stu
dents of tho college of arts and sci
ences when thoy aro abBont. Tho unl
verBlty Bonato has boon unablo to boo
mattorn in this light and tho "laws"
miiHt now attend classes with more
Captain of 1910 Football Team Com
pelled to Leave Missouri.
J. It. Bluek of Nevada, Mo., captain
of the University of Missouri football
team for 1010, has been suspended
from the university for the rest of tho
semester. This means that a new foot
ball captain must ho oloctod. Should
Illuck decide to return to school next
j oar ho will he ineligible to play foot
This action was recommended l
the student senate and carried out by
President A. Hobb Hill.
Muck was recently lined llvo dollars
and costs in tho Columbia police court
for being drunk and disturbing the
Muck is a junior engineer and one
of the greatest football players ever
produced by the University of Mis
souri. He was. flolocted as lacklo on
the All-Missouri Valley team for 1000.
Forty Men Hold an Enthusiastic Gath
ering at the Temple.
Yesterday afternoon tho members of
the committee on delinquent students
labored. Many of tlLO. records of the
members of the Btudent body who
wore behind in their unjversitj work
were Investigated.
Tho work of the committee, was not
completed, although they labored near
ly the whole afternoon. Throe mem
bers of tho university wore dismissed
from the university, and several oth
ers wore put on probation, for one
week.- Tho work of tho committee
comprised on the most part tho inves
tigation of tho cause of tho delin
quency of I ho students and the
ohancos that tho (Undent would be of
fered to make up tho work In a man
ner satisfactory to the members of tho
Thirty Cases.
Tu the uftornoon'fl work yuHtorduy
the committee Investigated about
thirty 'cases of delinquent students.
These students wore investigated
along all linos of work. Investigation
was not alone regarding tholr univer
sity work, but their outside work as
well as the work that they were at-
New Debating Organization to Discuss
Primary Question. '
' Tho Platform Club Will liold itu reg
ular weekly debate tonight In the mu
sic hall of tho Temple. Tho quest Ion
which will be discussed is "Should Ne
braska adopt a system of direct pri
maries.?" These debates are open to
the public, and since tho question Is a
live one at the present tlmo, it is
hoped that a largo audience will bo
prosont. The debate will commence
at eight o'clock.
Some Good Freshman Material Also
Out for Practice Inter-fraternlty
Basketball Games Are Being
Played Regularly. .
Frankforter to Read Paper
"Studies In Asphalt."
The Chemistry Club will moot
night in tlio chemistry hall lecture
room. Mr. Frankforter and Mr. Lion
borg'or will be in charge.
Mr. Frnnkforter will address tho
club on "Studies in AHphnlt." Ho has
done much work along this lino, both
experimentally and commercially. The
public is invited.
That a glee club at this university ;
will be a permanent organization Is
now very ovidont. For several days n
committeo has been formulating plans
and conforrlng with Chancollor Avery,
who will give this organization his
support. The procuring of a director
has been discussed, and it is undo
stood that ono of tho musical insi rue
tors in the conservatory will tnio
charge. Yesterday morning about
forty mon mot In tho music hall of
the Temple and at that time plan-?
wero discussed and Incidentally a few
songs wore tried. Thore wns a grout
amount of spirit manifested and tl
who aro pushing tho affair fodl assured
that a club of high standard can be
organized hero.
tempting to accomplish along s.oclnl
Members of the Second Year Class
Elect Remaining Officers
for the Semester.
The members of tho sophomoro class
hold a meeting in Memorial hall yes
terday morning at 11:30. Very few
wore in attendanco. The following
minor officers Qf the class wore elect
ed: Vice-president, Miss Hnzol Johnson.
Treasurer, Searlo" Holmes, j
Secrotary, F. P. Smith.
Sergeant-at-arms, W. It. Power.
Thq matter of giving nnothor dance
was dlsousBed and nil tho members of
the class who wero In attondnncowore
in favor of giving anothor Informal.
The matter has yet not boon definitely
settled, but it is possible that a dance
will bo glvon. ,
President Hawloy announced tho ap
pointment of tho following athletic
committee: Q. C Klddoo, chalrmnn;
vOhnrlos Landers and Qoorgo Flrtck, A
baseball committeo to havo clinrge of
sophomore baseball and to help ar
rango a schodulo for inter-class base-
ball appointed in tho near
Over throe thousand farmers rpg
lstered for tho short course at Cor
Michlgan students wore fortunate
enough to, receive" love notes from fac
tory girls "in their 4,000 yarn caps re
cently ordered. The notes were in
several languages,. .
On tho whole tho committee found
as a result of tholr Investigations
that very few students wero willfully
neglecting their unlvorsity work.
Many of tho members of tho student
body who who had managed to get
"behind" in their studios had attempt
ed to do a large amount of outside
hvOTk", nndnhifr-wTry-thcy-huvcr-nerir
lectcd tholr studies to tho benefit of
their outside labors.
This was the result of tho Investiga
tions so far as the men of tho univer
sity were concornod. Regarding tho
women of the university who had fell
behind in their work, the cause was
on tho whole sickness. Bocauso of
this fact many of tho unlvorsity wo-
unen had been forced to negloct their
Three Suspended.
Whllo tho members of tho commit
tee did not complete tholr work yes
terday afternoon in tho investigations
of tho delinquent students, thoy sus
pended three studonts from tho unl
vorsity bocauso of willful neglect of
their work. A few others wero placed
on probation for a week and tho rest.
of tho students who had noglectcd
their Btudios wore placed on probation
for tho time between now and the mld
somester examinations,
, Tlio work of-tho-committee on dolln
riuont students has been expended this
Semester to tako In tho collogo of law.
This was not dono last semester, and
t Ib the Intention of the members of
he committeo to mnko their enforce-
nent of rules regarding delinquency
ib binding in this collogo as thoy were
ri tho other collogos during tho past
; Tho committee keeps a clicck on
the work of the member of the stu
dent body, and especially does it
Kvatch the number of times any stu
dent Is" absent from classes. If a stu
dent is absent moro thnn tho limited
number ot times he is notified to ap-
pear before the committee and explain
why he was absent from classes more
'times than wero allowed, Tho result
jpf this checking tpf absences by the
members of tlio-committee has result'
cd In bettor attendanco among the
! 'members of tlio student .body, . This
Definite Date Arranged by the Athletic
Managers of the Two Schools.
Whllo in Minneapolis with Tlio nTem
hers of tho university basketball team
on the recent trip, Managor Eager
made definite arrangements for tho
annual football game between tho Go
phers and tho CornhuskerH, to lie
played at Minneapolis on October IK.'
As football practice at tho unlvorsity
-will' commence about September 20,
litnieii-f-UieTininnnwIll linve about
three weeks to prepare Tor this gamo
with tho northerners.
lJasobull practice is on in earnest
this weok. Kvory day from 12: HO till
2 p. in. tho gymnasium is full of pros
pective "N" mon who intend to make
good on tlio varsity or tho freshman
team. About sixty mon reported tho
first day. Thoy havo been assigned to""
half hour periods for cage work each
duy. Tho gym has boon fitted with
new who and netting and will allow
from sixteen to twenty to work at ono
This is tlio largest squad Nebraska
luiB had out tlio vory first day for a
number of years. Coach Carroll and
Captain Oroonsllt are in personal
churgo or tho men. Horotoforo the
conch was soldom on hand bofora tho
outdoor work was woll commoncod,
and tills handicapped him In develop
ing tho loam. Doth of tho loaders are
oxporlenced catchers and this will holp
thorn In dovoloplng tho Blab mon for
the team.
Many Old Men Back.
Practically all of the old mon are
hack or will begin work in a fow days.
Motcalfo, Clark, Sturtzoncggor, Olm
Btoad, Mathers, Hydo and Waters are
Homo of the old squad mon trying for
positions on tho 1910 toara. Cllno,
who wiiBjm tho team two .yoarB ago,
Is in school this year and is boing
urged by the coach to got out, as ho is
a good man to cover tho socond sack.
The prospects aro particularly flat
tering for tho freshman team. A big
buncli of now mon nro out and thoy
aro allowing oxcontlonnl ability nnd
Jack Best Fund Grows 8owly Ycoter
day First Lull of Campaign.
Since tho campaign for tho Jack
Best fund opened, it has not been as
quiet as it was yostorday. Nono of
tho Horprltles or fraternities of the
university havo boon heard from and
us yet it Is not known what amounts
these organizations wlH subscribe, to
tho fund.
The amount subscribed has now
g;own to $05 and moro rapid receipt
of funds Is expected before the cIobo
of tho week.
Tho list of subscriptions upto last
ovonlng Is as follows:
Oeorgo. Holmes $10.00
L. . Cottlo, Edgar; Nob ... . . 1.00
V. K. Geor -?. : . . .. .150
"Stick" DoPutron 25
Charles Cohaldor '. . .7 . . . .25
( A. Green .., LOO
II. A. Tukoy, Omaha 10.00
speed. It is hopod that tho weather
will modorato soon and allow outdoor
practico tq begin as oarly as possible.
A numbor of practico games havo
boon scheduled with tho Lincoln
loaguo team, which will roport some
tlmo tho latter pnrt of March.
Although the number of mon out Is
already largo, Coach Carroll wants ov
ory man who Iiob had basoball oxpori
onco and hits not already reported to
do bo at once. Every man will bo
given a chance to show what ho can
Frat "Basketball Games.- -
The Intor-fratornity basketball'
schodulo is being played off rapidly., A
gamo or two is played nearly every
day. Tho games aro as a rulo inter
esting, nird a good growd is generally
present to chooV tho teams onv
Friday Phi Kappa Psi defoated Dol
ta Upsllon 29 to 7 in a fast game, and
on Saturday tho phi Psl's gained an
other vlctoryovor Phi Gamma Delta'
27 to 9. The two victories put' thorn
at tho head- in tho per contago table,
no. other team having won moro than '
ono gamo so far. Tho second game
Batt Kobater ....,...:..',.... V. 50 Saturday between Alpha Thota- Chi
Bert Barbor ; .50 1 and Sigma Chi resulted in a victory
V. F. Votaw '.....'.,.. 1.00 for tho former by a 'score of 18 to G.
Guernsey Jones ..,.,; .-, ,1.00 ( Tho series of games will be concluded
Traveler ' 4 25 in auout two weeks, at' which JJmV the;
al. P. Wallace, ExotorrNob.rrr. .50 .team standing highest in'iho porcoh,tfi
T. C. RcsBlor ,...,. 1.00 ago table on each sido yHl , play,, g
unanos aiurmor . r.uu cuampionauip game ior nrBuaHo;vBcqn.
Ed Boehmer ...,,.....'..,.... 1.00 ond placo Intor-fratornity; basjtotbaHi
Anonymous ...,........,,,, 2,00
Miscellaneous , .' 1.50
Freshnlan Law Students 17,00
junior Latv. Students .'', ;.,.... 15.00
championship pennants.
At Dartmouth a, n,ew. prize, of ,fcwon(y.
dollars, called the Kenneth Archibald
A. Jensen ." , 25 athletic prize, is offered to tho'member
lofgtlio graduating class who, in tho
Tota) ,,.; $65.00
Your car fare would pay for a nice
lunch at tho Boston Lunch. Whj go
home? - ' w .
judgmeut of the athletic committee,
has boon tlio best all-around athloto,
"regard also being had to recognized,
moral worth and a higV, standing !, in
Rohhlflrnhln ." ' r" ; '
i ii li if