i r ' 4 3 -r--Hfc ,i,A,,n,v MftiMAtJWiijaraimmfrp-ntiai n -j r ' Tibe 2) a tip IFtebraefeart ; Vol. IX. No. 84. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22. 1910. .J! LltiUi.'Jll Prict 5 CefitJi HURRY EWING ELECTED '10 ASSISTANT COACH ATHLETIC BOARD CHOOSES STAR FOOTBALL MAN TO AID COLE. TO BE REPRESENTED AT MEETS cams., to Be 8ent to Omaha, Kansas City and'8loux City High 8choo Basketball Games to Be Held on Local Floor. team and has mot with success in this lino of athletics. As yot no action has boon taken by tho mombers of tho board. DATES ARE CANCELLED. At a mooting of tho athlotic board lust ovoning sovorAl matters of impor tance to tho university and to high schools out over tho stato yoro trans acted. Tho board oloctod tho assistant foot- bull coach for noxt fall and also con sidered tho matter of Bending teams to the indoor moots at Kansas City, Sioux City and Omaha. Tho matter of hold ing tho high school basketball cham pionship gamos at Lincoln was also discussed by tho members of tho board. Ewlrifl for1 Coach. Onb of tho principal matters under discussion by tho mombers of tho board last evening was tho election of tho asBls'tani football coach for next fall. W. Vt. Swing was elected to fill tho pbsitl6ri. Ewlug has for tho past three years been n member of tho vjvrslty football team and has played tho poBiUon of guard and tacklo. Xevor in tho thrco years-that ho has been on the team hus tlmo been taken out for him on account or injurlos or nny similar thing for which time is usually taken out in u game. lu his tnr'eo years of oxporionco on tho univorsity team Ewing has beon uhdor tho tutorship of Coach Colo, and next year ho is to bocomo Colo's assistant. Ewing has had a number of years of oxporionco also in tho "plg-skln" gamo on tho Lincoln high school toams, and thus has hnd tho ox porionco of- all tho plays and tricks pf tho gamo. Teams for Indoor Meets. Tho board-alsP-considorod-tho -mat- tor of sending, teams to participate in tho coming indoor moots nt neighbor ing cities. It was (Jecldcd that tho teams which would represent tho iS vorslty a th'o moots at Kansas City and Sioux City would bo small. TheBO moots wilt b6 hold some timo in tho near futuro, and tho men who are rep resentatives qf tho university in each event will comprlso tho teams which aro eont to thoso meets. Tlip team pn thq other hand tho board; decided, Whlch would represent tho university at tho Omaha moot wouhf j5p largo and complete. -This moot' ill ntf hold April 1st, and the member p( tho track squad nro pro pping already foe tho ovonta in which thq unlyejg y will ba ontorod. High 8chool Championship. Tho board also considered tho mat- Attack ot Throat Trouble Causes Chancellor to Postpone Addresses. Chancellor Avery has found It nec essary to cancel a nnmber of his dates for, addreBsos. Ho Was scheduled for "fifteen days of this work undor the auspices or tho univorsity oxtension department, but on account of his throat was unablo to fill tho last sev oral appointments. Ho mado two ad dresses a day and would likoly have boon nblo to atnnd tho sovero Btraln of tho work, but requests for oven moro talks from tho popular chancel lor gavo him so much to do thnt It waB necessary to nrrango for somo of the addrc8Bcs to bq made at a later date. DR. WALLACE AND WIFE MAKE NEW DISCOVERY FIND IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS IN LONDON ARCHIVES. ARTH HARPER'S 8tory of Labors Told and 8hakespeare Presented as a Man Among . Men by Professor Wallace. ART CLUB CH008E8 NAME. Will Be Known in the Future as the Portfolio Club. Tho art club held a mooting Satur day afternoon in tho studio of Library hall, at which they decided upon a namo for tho club. Tho club will henceforth bo known as tho Portfolio Club. Tho organization of tho club was offected a short timo before tho CliristmnB recess. It is composed of The most important documents ro tating to tho Ufa of William Shakos pcaro that havo booh unearthed in the last 150 years, containing tho first au thentic signnturo of Shakcspcaro found sinco 17C8, havo boon brought to light by Charles William Wallace Pu.d'., iiHsoclnto professor of English lan guages In tho University of Nebraska, who is now In London on a leavo of absence; Dr. Wullaco spout nil of last summor working in Loudon and mado tho important dlBcovoiies concorning Bluckfrlar's theater. Ho and his wife wont to England again in October, tho board of regonts granting him a loavo of absence. Years of Search. Tho documents woro found by Dr. Wnllaco and his wlfo, aftor years of search, which Involved tho examina tion of about a million documents, among tho rocords of tho Court of Re- along with other sots' of racordit. "And tho result may host spend for ltsolf. It is simply tho samo fooling that has mado us cross tho water cloven times, travel far enough to put a bpk twico ubriut Jlio grid's middle, spend annually moro than my salary and work doublo tho timo allowed by 'tho union' moroly tc find out tho truth and fict it right." Such -in brldf hi tiio story or tho most marvelous literary discovery in moro than a century, mado by n No- broska professor and his wlfo, who hcrotoforo havo boon littlo known to Urn great world outsldo of their own world of books and class rooms. Thoy havo found Indisputnblo ovldonco of tho roallty of Shnkospouro and of his charnctor aB a man, and found it whore It might havo boon found cen turies ago had othors had tho pationco nnd porsovcroncb to Bonrch for It. Money to send jack ish6infast MAY BE RAISED. MY SATURDAY. , EVENING IS PREDICTION. ORGANIZATIONS NET LAST . MIGHT SENIOR COMMITTEES vAP"POINTD Rumor Circulated that Omaha Is Qui etly Raising Fund to Send In List of Subscriptions Published. Btmlonts or former students in the school of fine nrts at Nobraska and .wests In the public record office in also a few students not registered In tho department but intorestod in tho work. At Kb meeting Saturday nf tor noon the club discussed several articles on art from tho viewpoint of tho artist? Tho greater part of the meeting, how ever, wus taken up in drawing from a modoi. Tho mombers of tho club nro permitted to worlc in any medium when sketching nt the meetings. JAPANESE MAGAZINE RECEIVED. Former Japanese Student of Unlver- - sltyEaiftpYlagazlnc. - Professor W. G. L. Taylor rocoived a copy of "Tho Japan Magazino, ' which is published by tho Japan Mag azine company of Tokyo. Tho maga zine is edited by Yoshichlro Bryau YamnBhita. Yamashitn was a student In tho Uni vorsity of Nebraska from 1898 to 1904, London, whero thoy had lain absolute ly undisturbed for 300 years. They constitute tho record of a enso In which Shakesponro was a witness, and I In which tho complainant sought to recover a sum ho nlleged his fnthor- in-law had ugrccd to give him as a dowry at tho timo of complainant's marriage. In a most interesting copyrighted article, which will appear in Hnrpor's Magazino for March, Dr. Wnllaco tells how ho and his wlfo canlo to discover these documents of Inestimable value to tlio English-rending world, nnd jjivcB aU tho details of the JlltlaJiiL man comedy in which Shakespeare's part sliowed him a kindly, sympnthoiic mnn in his relations with his neigh bors. No other documents in exist ence throw so strong a light on "Shakespoaro as a Man Among Men" ns Dr. Wallaco's article Is entitlod. "Once more," Dr. Wnlluco writes, "through tho over-constant and devot ed assistance of ,my wife, and ns ono Subscriptions aro coming in rapidly, At tho present timo Blxty-four (loUnra havo beon subscribed to sond Jack Best to, Engl nnd, nnd moro Is coming tn ovcry moment. Tha alumni of tho stnto rofuso to bo loft out until 9 tho student body hns hnd Us chnnco, nnd tho management was forced co admit their subscriptions. It in boliovod that by Saturday night tho monoy will havo boon ralsod. Tho organizations to which loiters havo beon sont have not ropliod as yot. Somo of tho organizations hold thoir mooting)) Saturday ovoning nnd tho sororltios and frntornltlcB mot last night. Tho uctlon taken on tho lotters at thoso meetings ought to bo hoard from In u fow days. Omaha May Give. A rumor has uIbo boon circulated that tho Omaha alumni havo boon quietly circulating a petition to sond Jack to England for tho summor and Announcement Made Yesterday by President Jones. Tho committees of tho senior class woro announced yostorday evening by Presldorit Jones. This Is rathor early for tho full appolntfnont of tho com mittees, but tho president bollovcs that tho early appointments will bb conducive to bottor and qulckor notion on tho part of tho commlttocs. Tho committees follow: Masquerade, Frod Hoffnlan, chair man. Convocation, JoBophlno Huso. Ralph Mosoloy, Floronco Rlddoll. In vitations, II. O. Perry, chairman; Ed Woods, A. E. .Westorvolt, Lois Fobs ler, Ida Mlatt. Cap and gown, Carl Mongol, chairman: Howard Shonff, Margnrot Whoolor, Lucia Aronds. Ihat tho results of this subscription Finance and auditing, Roy Cochran, chairman; Paul Yates, O. E. VanBorg, Esther Balloy. Baskotbnll nmnngor, Dnlo McDonald. Breakfast, S. A. Mnhood, chnjrmnn; W. E. Byorts, W. J. Wohlonborg, f. M. Clark, Edna Stovon, Mao Dion, Alfreda Powell. Ivy Day, J. A. Cllno, chairman; L. R. Heggolund, II. F. Wundor, H. O. Bnumnnn, J. M. Alexander, A. T. Up- tony Dnlo-Lapp, Louiso-StognorT-Mnrlo- Tonaootz, Mnboilo McVeigh. Athletics, D. C. Mitchell, chairman; G. R. LeRoy, J. A. Ttynn. Commomorntlon, H. C.'Fisko, chair man; J. G. Mason, R. E. Waldo, Mary Cook, Coralio Moycr. Social, W. H. Burleigh, chairman; R. E. Campbell, A. C. Schmidt, Mildred Holland, Irma Franklin will bo mailed to the Dnily Nobraskan in a fow days. Tho press of tho state hayo been taking up tho matter and Nobraska graduates from over tho btato qro . working up enthusiasm which would lu tho end sent Jnck to England with out any other assistance Tho slu dont body has been respbndlng to the call for, subscriptions with; tho- utmoe't rendincss. TIiIb Is nil tho mord iq- jnurknbla,wJon lis romorabored that l xtiltr titw fn nil nltrmt ilil'ia') Ull JUtJ QJIU1IV, lit , .UWMW . . -- i f in Bchool. Provlous to that tlmo of tho results of our research through somo million of documonts, I havo tho years ho graduated from Wnshoda Cojlogo pf Tokyo. Whllp In tho university Yamashitn lived at tho homo qf William Jennings Bryan, who assisted -hlm-flnancjaljy. Ho wos a hard working student an;i took moBt of tho work In tho economic nnd Amorican history dopartmonts. When Mr. Bryan visited Japan on' his trip around, tho world, Yomashlta escorted him ovor tho Japanese orii- lionor to present Shakespcaro ns a man among mon. IIo Is hero as uu mythical ns tho faco that speaks living language to you across tho table or up out of tho poBtllng strcot. Ho Is as tor of holding tho clmmplonshlp-hlgltpire and showod him ovory courtesy scnooi pasKqioau games on uiu univur sity gymnarilum fld'pr. Tho onrd le--elded Ihatthls would bo don6; and thnt It ox&ud- an invrtation to all tho hlghjcftpolp who wished to compoto fithVVmPion'8h,P Kamos." Any high, ,8cb.qpl tpam which wlshps to par tlcloate In thoso games Is urgpd to notljty "Innagor Eaor or Dr. Clapp, as 'thoy werfl appointed as a connlttoo to tako chjifKjj, of ' thQ matter and Invito tlcipaioT Ig this way tho champjon ! 8hli5of ijie'itajo hlh schools In has f kotbairWlU bo do'flnltcly sottlod. ji( 'ThQ iiajfCbr &f 'aeloctlng a coach for tho faVslly track team was not actod on ql,n(er ?ti ad. $? SorQVme, "havo pjade nppllcatjon fqr LtbQ'lto'sltldn'ktni'thq rumor among tlio ! stiid'e'riii1 of "fho- Univorsity Is to tho Effect tljat I, P. Hqwitt will ho 0ff.ored Stho posltlbti when th.q board acts oh tho matler. M?. Hewitt Is at present Icoaqb iqf the university baskptball CONVENTION ADJOURNED. ppSBlblo. Tho following letter ncmompnnlqtl tho magazino. "Tokyo, Jan. 25th, 1910. , "Mr. Taylor, Doar Sir: I hnvoj, fielved your manuscript a llttla wuilo ago and had quto pleasure to havo read tnom. I thank you lor yonr kindness in romoraborlng of mo still. I send y.qu herp my. magazino wlijeh Just- havo out on 20tb lasT and lippp yoi look otpr It If you hvp chnnco please. TI1b Js qutq work for mo, jjut fool sure It will be great success. "I'm so anxious to got so many sub scribers from my ojd pollogo p.qqplp and send ChnnqoHor Audrws bo many 'nubscvlptlbn'" papers. ' Pjptfso ypU loojc aftor' 'it In asking students thcro in .- v " ''J-! i iiniyqrsuy. i am prouu xpr going to gdt many Bub'scrlbors frbm America. . "Yours truly, "Y,4 BRYAN YAMASmTA." Tboprlco of tho magazfno Is 4: CO ypnpornr; ;LMDaHff real and humnnasyou and I who an swer with word or touch or lobk." Story of Ljiwsuit. "Tho story of this lawsuit, qf the facts leading nr to It, and of Shako spoaro's part In It, Is a story of en trancing Interest; but hardly less rc markablp is tho story of tho patient,' painstaking and laborious searchj thrqugh which tho Iobraska. rofcBBori ant, his ,wlfo attained tho success which will bring thpm tho congratula tions of all Utprary students a.nd tho' gratitude of all lovors of Shakes ponro," says tho London Tlnfca. In his article JDr. Wallace tolls, In' a slmplo and modest way, tho story ojt that search of a million documents a1 search that, allowing but two minutes' to each document, would mean 33.333J 1-3 hours; or ovor threo yeaTs ana nine months' of. continuous worji Do4 scribing-thq worlc that be and his' wlfo carried on so long In1 tho public records ofllce nt, London, Dr; Waliaco writes: . .' "It was a long search: Thechic? feeling thnt possessed us may bo1 gleaned from the fact that- wo crossed tho ocean twice 'and- spent much! mbnpy- amj-lopg labor to.cpn)pjqlo tljlrf 8tate Y. M. C, A. Meeting Closed Sun day Night. Tho t state YTM1. o! A, convontlon closod on Sunday ovoning. Tho clos ing address was given by Dr. Howard Agnow JoluiHtpn, special guest of tho convention. Robert VoIderi8nil, who started tho association work in Ne braska, offered tha closing prayer. Tho iinlquo. method of adjourning asso ciation conventions was carried out as usual. Alt delegates and merabors of the association joined' hands; forming a largo circle Ovor throe hundred andrflfty.mmbor,hiiU:1llJteUi hand In ihand' nni?r"tllifc ha thft' tin HaV blnci our hearts In Christian love."' This samo method hns bedh used in adjourning almost ovofy Y. M, d. A. convontlon. This yonr, UowoVor, all members of tho' Ydurig1 Women's .Chris tian Association prfeserit Woro invited to' form anotlier cl'rclo. Tfidy fielped ib singing 'the song. AboUt'ond li'uri d'red dnd twenty .Y. W. C. A. girls joined Iho circle President W. J. Hl(l thori declared tho convention ad Journed. Thov state watchword for this year was' chosen 1 Corinthians lrl3. AWu thirty 'NebrasV. dele gates were uro'sont at tlitf Sdriday night mce'tlngj IT - .. " ' tho student body hns not boon so licited but that all tho subscription havo been wndo without tho ngoncy of solicitors. Well Loved. , Tho fact that Jack Bost Is loved by pvory man who bus ovor come In con tact with him Is Illustrated by thu let-tor- received by tho Dally NobraBknh regarding tho subscription. It followst "Gontlcmon: I notice In yestorday'a i'ssuo of your paper tho propoBod plan to sond Jack B. to Eng. ThlB Is tho bost thing that you havo started. Why should tho alumni bo put of it Wo nil bad the borioflt of Old JtCck'B rub bing and also tho mlBory of it, and I for ono would. bo selfish enough' to en joy it If ho should bo n littlo weaker ns a sailor than ho wan a rubber. Any way, hero's a ten spot and If moro Is needed will bo glad to do my share "Yours for the Unl, . 'rf. A. TUKEY." " Tho list of subscriptions up to last evening is as follows: Gcorgo Holmes k . 110.00 i E Cottle, Edgar, Nob 1.00 V."K. Gor 50 "Stick" DePutron ..'.....'...... .25 Charlos Cobaldor ' -.25' C. A. Green .. 1.00 H. A. Tukoy, Omaha ; ....' 10!00 Mutt Kobater .'...;.:..' .50 Bert Ba'rbor i ...... .t .50 W. F, Votaw .,.. 1.00 Guornsoy Jones f f . . '. 1.00 Travolor ........;.. ;25 M; P. 'Wallace, Kxfeter, Noti. . J . . v .50 J. C. Resslet .... . ;'. .' 1.00 Charlos Stnrmor ;."..'; ' 4.00 Ed Boehmet" ..; ...... :'.. i;00 AnonymoUs , : V2.00 Miscellaneous :.......... 1:50 Freshman Law 8thdentg?. ; v; . , , 47:00 f 'of " . , Baked beansvbaked'o-i tup. bmlsei, Jun,or w 8tudentg'...';.r..,aB:(H) IbVead, 10c..JatThf BoW-sf.Xftllri f TotaU.,.,...i....y.f4i80i., fjh.w -.' (?JW&'-ilfVJ, flJ PUpWaWKIM'M n w ri.-yt