THE DAILY NEBRASKAN OLIVER THEATRE TONIGHT, 8AT. AND 8AT. MAT. ST. ELMO Eve., 75c to 25c; Mat., 25c and 10c Tues., Wed. and Wea. Mat., Feb. 15-16 IN WYOMING FRIDAY, FEB. 18 L0UI8 MANN Campus Shirts Gleanin Shirts-shirts C. H. Froy, florist, 1133 O street ' Paul Yates, '10, has pledged Acacia fraternity. WE WILL SELL $1;50 SHIRTS Thornburg's Orchestra. Auto 5877. Tho sophomore class will moot Feb Saturday, Feb. 12, for ruary 22 at 11:30 In Memorial hall. I era Ml MHEMcszzmsi $1 X J SELECT PUTS' SELECT i DANCING SCHOOL BEGINNERS CLASS WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY Spiolal lUUs to Studints SOCIAL FRIDAY AND MONDAY Ladles Pre c Monday 16th and O St. Auto 5405 i I j SELECT SELECT VVKP IKB MSMa w I'll MM Boys--My Spring line of woolens are stunners. See them! L. J. HERZOG 1230 O St Fine Tailoring The Owl Pharmacy Northeast Corner 14th and O Streets Hot and Cold Drinks at Our Fountain SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros. TAILORS 142 SOUTH TWELFTH TYPEWRITERS 11 makoa rontod with stand $3 per Month. Bargains in Rebuilt Machine: Lincoln Typtwritir Exohangt Auto 1155. Boll 1181. 122 No. 11th UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET, jfELLOW FRONT Your.ratrttuic Solicited -- Wirv , . i -MM 'If rllMiGMiKi0J( !. -. --,: --. ... - Chapln Bros., florists. 127 So. 13th. All sophomores who Intend to try for debating team will meet in U10G Monday at 12:30 sharp to select place for try-out. Today is tho last day of our pennant sale. Bettor come in. Unlvorsity Book Store. 79 W. It. Ramsey, '07,- of Plattsmouth was in Lincoln yostorday, arguing his first caso boforo the supremo court. Ho is county attorney of CasB county. A fow pennant bargains left at from 40 to 60 per cent off. This is tho last day. University Book Store. 79 NOTICE. Tho date for tho mooting of tho Platform Club at Townsond's Studio has' been postponed until Tuesday at 11:30.' All mombors are requested to bo there on time. When you can save from 25 cents to 50 centB, doesn't it pay? This is tho last day of our ponnant sale. Unlvor sity Book Store. 79 Found Plain gold seal ring with in itial "B." Owner may have samo by paying for this ad. 75-6t FULK 1325 O Street Furnishings and Hats Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe, 11-119 So. 12th street NOTICE. All men desiring to try out for tho non-fraternity tug-of-war team or the relay race teams should appear at3 o'clock at tho armory this afternoon. " v Found Fountain pen. Owner may have samo by paying for this ad. 78-3t Mrs. W, H. Upjohn, neo Myrtle Freol, formerly a student in tho uni versity, of Lafayette, Ind., Is visiting with Prof. L. A. Sclpio and wlfo for a couple of weeks. w Learn the new and fancy dances, Saturday night. Lincoln Dancing Academy. 78-9 Tho young people of tho JFlrst Pres byterian church havo announced a valentine party for next Monday even ing. University students aro espe cially invited. , 4 Lost A hunting caso gold watch, at tho junior prom. Initials "R. O. W." on case. Return to Nobraskan ofllco and receive reward. 75- t Admission to tho Pershing RIflo drill and the band concert will only bo by tickets of admission to tho ath letic meet Tho Pershing RIflo drill starts at 1:45, tho band concert at 2:15", tho moot at, 2:45. . Valentine party and dance, Monday, February 14. Lincoln Dancing Acad emy. All students Invited, quick's orchestra. 78-9 Tho student volunteer band, com posed pf ' some twenty young people who expect" to become foreign mission aries, mot Thursday night. E. Rf 'Med lar was olectbd leader1 for ttils semeB- ten, . . Lost Gold' watch 'fob, on-campus. Reward for return to Nobraskan of fice. . . 7G-3t .-?' Our Spring Woolens are here. Come in and let us show them to .you. Green's Sanitary Barbor Shop. 120 N. llth. A conference of church wor'kors in state universities will bo hold at tho University of Wisconsin next weqk. No doubt this conferonco will bo of Intorost to churchmen in goneral, for twenty-ono western stato institutions will bo represented. Mr. John It, Mott will bo ono of tho principal spcakors. "Dad" Elliott will alBo bo on tbo pro gram. Rov. D. R. Loland, student pas tor of tho local Presbyterian church, will read, a ropdrt on "Tho Religious Conditions at tho University of No braBka." Ono member of tho faculty will alBo bo invited to attend. Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa. 13th and P Sts. Weak eyes made strong. Howe, Optician, 319 No. 12th. 75-6 Glasses, a necessary 'evil. Howo, Optician, 319 No. 12th. 77-3t Have your clothes pressed at Web er's Sultorium. Auto 1708. Last week of our Dis count Sale of Fine Tho Nebraska High School Dobatlng Leaguo, composed of slxty-ono high schools, has started work. Tho first district dobato was. that, between Au burn and Nebraska City at Auburn, last Friday ovoning. Auburn won tho debate by a decision of2"to"l7 Tttiss W. BatOB, '09, teachor of dobato and argument at Auburn, was in a largo measure responsible for Auburn'B vic tory. Y. W. C. A. Noon Meetings. Noxt week is a period of special meetings with tho Y. W, C. A., except on Tuesday, when there will bo no meetings. Tho leaders aro aa follows: Monday, Miss Vibbard. Wednesday, Dr.-B. M, Long. Thursday, Amanda Clement. Friday, Dr. F. D. Barker. L RRE TAKE8 MA8TER8 DEGREE. Writes Thesis of Importance to Cot ton Growers. H. W. Barro of Clomson College, South Carolina, who graduated at Ne braska in 1907, has just taken his ex amination horo for a master's degree. Ab his thesis for the dogroo Professor Clpmson has written a paper on "Tho Prosonco and Significance of tho Hyhao and Spores of Gossypil in Cot ton Seed." Mr. Clemson, In writing this paper, dealt with a problem which Js of groat importance In South Caro lina. Previous to tho present time little was known regardiqg tho subject of which ho treats and vast damago has been done by tho gossypil without any. means being discovered to deal with itfTho professor, however, has discovered, how tho gossypil propa gates and lives and his discovery is of great value to tho cotton growing world. t Among tho religious organizations at Tuskogee .Institute, there is ono whlchj Is doing excellent work. Tho Y. M. O. A., under tho leadership of Mr. J. D. Stevenson, has an actiyo mqmberflbip of oyer 500 men.. VNLAND GERMAN PLAY APPEARS BEFOREPACKED HOUSE "KOENIQ8TRA88E 102" PLEA8E8 LARGE AUDIENCE AT TEMPLE. (AST GIVE EXCELLENT PRODUCTION Comedy In German Language Staged With Good Scenic Effect Cast Entertained. at Luncheon by Prof. Fossler. Tho Gorman Club play wbb glvon last ovoning boforo a packed house at the Tomplo thoator. The comedy was full of ludicrous situations and was on Joyod to tho limit. Tho plot was eas ily followed and could bo interpreted without trouble by cvon those who did not understand tho language Tho ac tors took thoir parts in oxcollent fash Ion, nono of thoir work Booming forced. It showed that thoir training had boon very effective. MIbs Hoppnor had acted as coach. Tho scenery was loanod by tho Lyric Stock company, and the make ups wero supervised by Mr. Noble. Thoy wero exceptionally good. Stockolborg'B orchostra furnished tho music. After tho play tho cast was enter tained at luncheon by Professor Fobs- lor. Tomorrow night tho cast will bo entertained at a suppor and rocoptlon at tho homo of Professor Fosslor. The Plot Develops. Tho sotting of tho first act la in HorfBroHBOTs house In Borlln, Tho gentloman's numorous tenants aro proving very troublosomo bocauBO of tho unending demands thoy make upon him; so ho decides to trade Mb prop erty in town for farm land. Horr Krafft has a country ostato, Ludors dorf.iwlth which ho is dissatisfied', and ho realizes that it would oat up his fortune If he keeps tho estate run ning. A trade between tho two is arranged by Horr Soidol, who deceives- both owners as to tho real condition of tho properties. During this act Hugo, tho son of Horr Krafft, and Holono, tlio charming daughter of Horr Brofise, becomo enamoured of each other, and tho countrified young man and tho young girl, with their lovo struggling to show itself, Inject some good com edy Into tho play. A Lovo Mix-Up. In tho second act tho lovers create much nmusoment by their declarations of .lovo and the mix-up occasioned by Horr Soidel'B mlstako in getting tho couples mixed. Act threo takos placo In ono of tho parlors at Ludorsdorf. Drossol has fallen violently in lovo with Rosa, and ho and Hugo noWvfluccood in declaring their love to Rosa and Helen, In spite of tho objections ofho Brohses. and tho schomlng of Soidol. Soidel wlslios Hugo to marry Rosa. Hugo, while trying to explain toRosa, is thought by Seldol to bo asklnc tho erlrl to marry tym, so ho gives thorn his con sent and blossjng without waiting for a hearing. Horr Brohso has by this time discovered" tho true worth of Lu dorsdorf and his pretty housekeeper is also cauajng him trouble. More trou bles come when fho la arrested for shooting a rabbit in tho government game park. In tho. last act tho trou- 1 . a m . .x .'", ' . ujua sru uaKiiy Bifaigiuenea out' ana everyone is nappy. i? & CO.T.L? FOREST ANNUAL OUT 800NV Second Volume Is Now In Hands of Printers. Tho second nnnual volumo of Oio Forost Club Annual Ib now at tho printers' and will bo out In nbout two weokB. This year's publication will bo about 50 por cont largor than that of last year. It will contain 150 pagos, with twonty plates of Illustrations. Tho volumo will roprosont an ox pondlturo of two hundred dollars, all of which haB boon subscribed by pa trons of tho annual, forost students and othors intoroBtod in forestry. Tho distribution of tho annual will bo limited to tho contributors, forost students and forost schools. Tho staff is: L. L. Bishop, editor; J. S. Boyco, assoclato editor; ProfoB sor It. A. Pool, socrotary and Irwu?" uror; Professor F. J. Phillips, advisor. Tho Enginooring Society mot Wodnosday ovoning at 8 o'clock for tho orectlon of ofllcors. W. H. Bur loigh was elected presidont and II. S. Vlllars vlco-prosldont. Tho mombors of tho socloty woro glvon subscription blanks for tho "Bluoprlnt" Thoy will solicit subscriptions until tho appear anco of that publication. PROFESSOR PHILLIPS ACCEPTS POSITION ADVICE FROM WASHINGTON 8AY8 HE WILL GO WITH GOVERNMENT. DEPENDS ON GRANT ON ABSENCE- Popular, Professor of Forestry Depart ment Enrbute for Lincoln In tends to Accept Supervision of Forest' Lands. According to tho advlco recoived Irtst night from Washington, Professor Phillips has decided to accept tho po sition as forester with tho Indian bureau. HIb acceptance, howevor, will dopond upon his gaining a leave, of absence from tho board of regents. Professor Phillips has been in con ference with Commissioner Valentino and Assistant Commissioner Abbott for several days, and is expected to arrive in Lincoln some tlmo today. Tho news that Professor Phillips has decided to -accept comes somqwbat as a surpriso to tho university, as it'was understood that ho would decide noth- ' ing definitely until ho returned 'to Lin coln. Loss to Unlverajty. Tho loss of Professor Philllna will mean a great deal to tho department of forestryj of which h has charge. The dopartmont was scarcely on its feot when Professor Phillips took charge of it In 1907. Slnco that tlmo ho has built up a department which has few superjrs in tho country. Tho poaltioa" offered Professor Phil lips is ono- carrying with it a salary of $2,500 a year. Tho training which Professor Phillips has had makes him tho man to fill tho posjtlon in the In dian Borvlco for which he is required. Professor Phillips Is a graduate of tho Michigan Stato Collogo of Agriculture" and afterward took ainastor's degree at Ann Arbor. His work in the service VriH0betthe direction 'and care o'f., hep forest lands on,-the reservation. v , ' t , i i M r'i;it .