K ' :;' mc vHfj$p&&zt few?" "f.fwwi.' i'j.- f,fc .. .V- ' , , S f W S 1 5 V .. Uk"tiil Li" -ll.li LJ1 lf ' jL-rsr'.tiiT: XiyKfl: !i - r Vol. IX. tto. 79. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1910. Price 5 Cents, 1 1 r- 1nmirtowm!LiUiXtLwJLLji.jye " ; x -'' ""'"T",!1 :'. !' ' " .,g.."Tffy -- -J . . J . J.K.Aiil.j. ..l.(r,U. . j ', .. .A , . . " ' - . 2ail$ Ifteftraeftan Qbe K ?' BETA THETA PI WINS , 8PRING8 A BIQ 8URPRI8E ON THE GREEK LETTER fEN. -lUG0rWAR- DECIDESMHE MEET , Alpha. Theta Chi Wilis Relay 'and sfiows 'Surprising 8tren,gth at Close of Meet. tiota Theta PMastovening sprung a complete surprise by ,vylnnlng the an nual univorsfty Intern-fraternity Indoor athletic meet. By taking 27 points tlio Bqtaa won .a victory over their competitors in a gamo which was' marKefl. by close contests throughout Alpha Theta Chi took ' second place with 25 1-3 points, while Delta Upsilon third by 19 1-3 sdor.es. . Tho meet was dull at.tho start, its only feature at flrs't being tho unex pected strength of Beta Theta Pi, which had -not been doped to win a goading .place, .When seven of. the ninq events had been finished tho Betas led tho score with a total of 21 points, Delta, Upsilon having 17 l-3f and Alpha Theta Chi 9 1-3. Tho latter fraternity showed less strength tlirin had boon expected and was evidently out of the. race. , Jn the eighth event, the relay race, Alpha Theta Chi ran a sensational sprint, talcing first place, with Beta second. With Beta having 27 points and Alpha Thqta Chi 19 1-3, tho latter fraternity had a chance to win the meet by taking first In tho tug-of-war. & r1 i ri?. S3h r$2nc$2n S3h ' rS3n v r2o v Pl ' irSnrG S2n ?GorS3nrS2r 8 r.i y "j3 blttht tie say CQ& fffttt, the 'PofitizaJ Storms ' VrtO Oior-ua Fiahmc For BTSS ES The ?bm G-MdbeAs i 3kt(chArp " Threo Weeks Events As Seon by tho Cartodriist.'", & 8! 3 VI- ---- r e j. .J "V ANNUAL CHARTER DAY EXERCISES TUESDAY VICTOR. R08EWATERMID-WINTER COMMENCEMENT ORATOR., INDOOR MEET IN THE AFTERNOON Chancellor Avery Will Confer Degrees Upon Fifteen Graduates at Com mencement Exercises In ' the 'Evening. Delta Upsilon, height 10 feet; third, Schock, Phi Delta Theta. 12-lb. shot put First, Collins, Delta Upsilon, distance 44 feet; second, Han son, Beta Theta PI; third, Gibson, Delta Upsilon. Fence vault First, Hummel, Sigma Nu. height 6 ft. 7 in.: second. Davis. In tho preliminaries Alpha Theta Chi Alpha Theta chr. thIrd tlo botwoon won irom uoua upswon ana. rm .up- Colllnfl and DlnBmcro o Slgma Nu pa fa oeat lietn. in tno nnais I'm PsI won, and this- threw Iho final re sult to tho BotaB.,, Tho third ptoco in the tug-of-war, lying between Delta Upsilon and Beta Theta PI, was not pulled off, it not affecting tho result save by a possible addition of two points to ono or tho other of tho two contestants -with places already as sured. No Records Broken. No records woTobTolrenTTxUlrough" Swanson-of Beta Theta PI tied tho record in the 25-yard dash. He made the Bprlng In 3 -and 1-5 seconds, which is tho mark sot -by F. J. Winters in 190G, F. W. Coo in 1907, and R. H. Bur rus' In 1908. In most of tho other, events the marks made were not un usual. . . ' . . In tho 25-yard dash four preliminary heats were run. .As a result of those and two semi-finals, Swanson, Beed, High jump First, Russell of Delta Upsilon, height 5 ft. 4 in.; Bocond, Hansen, Beta Theta Pi; third, tie be tween Munson of Alpha Tau Omega and Rathbone, Delta Upsilon. High kick -First, Hanson, Beta The ta PI, height 8 ft. 9 in.; socond, Poarso, Alpha Theta Chi; third, tlo by MunBon of Alpha Tau Omega, Davis of Alpha Theta Chi and Rathbone of Delta Up silon. Rope. climb First) Barnes, "Beta Theta PI, time 7 4-5 seconds; second, Clark, .Alpha' Theta Chi; third, Lea rner, Phi Kappa Psi. Tug-of-war First, Phi Kappa PsI; second, Alpha Theta Chi; third, Beta Theta PI or Delta Upsilon. Not pulled off. Relay race First, Alpha Theta Chi, time 1 minuto 17 1-5 seconds ; second, Beta Theta Pi; third, Phi' Kappa Psi. NEW SORORITY TO INSTALL TONIGHT FIFTEEN CO-ED8 OF NEBRA8KA 8ECURE NATIONAL CHAPTER.' DttTA IETA TO JOIN THE CREEKS Secret of Charter and Installation Die. covered Last Night Names of Members Not Yet Known Officers Arrive Today. Officials Referee. Hewitt: starter. Howard, and Chrlsmas qualified forlclai)p. jU(lgGS and UmeTB WaIto Wlldman, Hewitt; scorer and clerk, the final. Swanson took first in this race, with Reed second and Chrlsmas third. Tho shot-put "was a tamo ovpnt, won by Collins of Delta Upsilon. Hummojl took tho fence vault In easy form. Beta Theta PI showed 'unexppctod strength by taking first in tho high kick and in tho rope climb. ' In tho relay race six teams of four each wore ontored. Phi Kappa Pal ffwon tho first preliminary with Beta Theta PI socond. Tho socond heat was won by Dolta Upsilon, Alpha Theta Chlsocond. Alpha Theta Chi tfien won tfio final; Meet 8low. The meet .was slow", occupying oyer three hours. , It began at 8:15 and was not finished, until. 11; 30. Two hundred students attended, Tthe contest. FdUowIrii Is "a sdmmary of! the events: 25-yard dtisti Won by Swanson, Betas Theta PI, time 3 1-4 seconds sec- ondj Reed, 'Alpha Tau pmega; third ChrismaB, Delta Upsilpn. , r . jPole vault First a, tlo between Hummel of Sigma Nu and Russell of Hooper. DR. JOHN80N WILL SPEAK. To Talk' to Religious Associations at University. Howard i.A'gnow Johnston, Ph.D., a preacher of national roputation, will give an address at the Tomplo theater on next Friday night. Dr. Johnson is pastor of tho .First ProBbytorlan church of Colorado Springs, Colo. Ho is to DO one oi me principal Bpoattors at the state Y. M. C. A. convention, which .moots, at tho Nebraska Wes- loyan university next week. Tho 'lec ture Is to bo given under tho auspicos of the Christian associations of the university and no admission, will bo charged. Dr. Jotiriatonva subject, has been announced as "Tho Scientific Character of tho Christian Faith." " Dolta Zeta, a national sorbrlty, will Install a chapter at Nebraska Univer sity tonight. This is tho startling nows'-whloh-was -discovered -at-a-late- hour last night Fifteen Nebraska co ods have secured a charter from Delta Zeta and will install tonight, Tho fact that tho girls wero peti tioning for a charter lute been kept an entire secret at the university. Not r "T 1 T t T T t T t f T j J $ Special to Dally Nebraskan $ Nebraska lost to the Ames $ basketball team at Ames last $ night by the score of 23 to 3H. $K The game was. hard fought & throuahout. Both teams olaved clean ball. Perry and Hutchv inson were tne stars on tnc je- -braska quintet, both playjng an $ unusually good game,v- & iU. &. ik. &. k ilL i & l &. k sk. . 'l P P "fi P "Fj ' P "F " 1 f f T x Of Alpha Omicron Pi House Scene Wild Excitement. Alpha Otiilcron PI sorority AGRICULTURAL CLllB TONIGHT. 8eries of Papers qn the 8tate Fair Aro to Be Read. Tho Agricultural Club of the i uni versity will hold a mooting tonight at 8 o'clock In tho Tomplo. Tho subject for discussion will bo 'tho state fair, Tho papers which will bo road are": "Tho Importance of tho Stato Fair to tho Agriculturist," M. S. Jussel, 'io. "Tho Educational Significance of tho Stato Fair' Albert Pool, '11. "The History of tho State Fair," V. S. Culver, '10. 80RORITY HOU8E FIRE, Tho hoUso was tho scene of wild oxclte ment last night. At 12:30 a fire was discovered in tho upper story, and bo foro tho firo department was able to extinguish tho blaze It had burned a hole through the roof. The girls In tho house wero frantic, and it was only after the departure of the department that anything like or der could bo restored. Exhibition Drill 1:45 pirn. - Pershing Riflos. Band Concort .,.,,.. 2;i5 p. m. UnlvorBlty Cadot Band, Indoor Moot 2:45 p. m: Mid-Wlritor Commoncomont Ex- orclBOB 8:00p.m. Abovo Is tho program for tho an nual Charter Day oxorcises which will bo hold Tuesday afternoon nnd even ing. Tho a'ftornoon program will bb hold in ftrritit hall, fhb mfd-wlntor commencement oxorcisos will bo hold In tho Tomplo thoator. 'Tho mld-wlntor graduating class will bo addressed by tho lion. Victor Rose- wator. Ho will speak on tho subject of. "Tho Combat with Ighoranco With Special Reforenco to tho Modora Newspaper." Chancollor Avory wjll confer degrees upon flftoon graduates. In addition to tho formal commence ment exorcises a mooting of tho board of regents will also bo held. Athletic Program. In tho aftornoon an athletic program will bo hold In tho armory. This pro gram will commenco at, 1:45. The first number on tho program wlU be ' an exhibition drill by tho mombors of tho Pershing Rifles. This drill will comprise a number of exorcises in tho manual of arms and somo marchings. Following the drill tho company will, hold a spolltdown for a gold modal. Immediately at tho conclusion, of tho drill and spoil-down tho IJnlvor slty Cadot Band will givo a concort, for thirty minutes. Tho band will bo, undor-tho-loaderflhlpotDlroctorHagtL 8EM BOT INITIATE. Your wr faro, wpuld pay for a njee lunch at the Boston Lunch. Whj go Home? Il tho slightest breath of suspicion was aroused, and tho matter was only"TilB- covered through an accident last night. Tho secrecy of the whole affair may bo in part ascribed to tho, fact that tho petition was gained without much loss of time. Tho names of tho petitioners, are nc;t as yet known, but tho facf that they will install tonight with a banquet 1b, verified from authentic au thority. Several officers of thp na tional chapter arte at .present In the city for ,tho installation and .more are expected to arrive during the day. The Installation of Delta Zeta, at Nebraska will make ten sororities at this university. Delta Zeta is a na tional, sorority, which wasi established at Miami University in October, 1902. ttgt4 Give Undulator and Eat Pie Thursday Evening. Thursday evening tho now mombors of Som Bot wore given their initiation and those vwhlch wero taken in' last semester were promoted. w , Som Bot is ,tho oldest organization in tho school. It was organized in 1886, twenty-foUr years ago, 'by sdeh men as Dr. Pound, Prof. , Williams, uean fVYOous ana omers. . i It Js interesting to know that in this as In no other blub in the school the old traditional functions are hold. One being the pio feed. Tho same kind of plo has been served at each convoca tion' for the last twenty-four years. .The yell or "undulator," as it is failed,- was given par excellence by ho members last' evening. It 'lb one of tho most distinctive college calls known and it ia said by somo to excel oven the famous K. U. yell. Tfcerd were v present about thirty members, among whom was a forrder student, H. W. Barre bC Clenison College, South, Carolina, 'He is to take tils de gree in t,hat department in a few days. onow and n program of oxcollent mu sic is promised. , , At 2:45 tho indoor meet will bo hqhl., This meet is tho annual "barb"-frator- nlty meet. Tho winners of first, sec ond and third, places in, tho "barb" meet last Saturday and tho winners of tho samo places in tho events last evening will contest for tho university championship in tho several ovents. In tho twonty-flvo-yard iasn ; there, will bo four entries from each slder Those entries are tho runners in the finals at tho two former meets. .- The Events: , ,t K Tho qvents , for this meet will tbo tho same in the two former,, ath; letic contests. They are as, follows; ,' 25-yard dash; 12-lb, shotput-pntpole vault, fenco vault running high Jump; running high kick,, rope climb, relay race, -and lug-pf-war. Tho tug-of-war and relay race, Will bo contested by teams j composed ;bt "barbs" on- one side and Qreok letter linen on tho other. TJhe, try-outs for 5 " th.0, "barb" teams will be hpld. this, afternoon, in. the, armory, Monday at- ? ternoon the aspirants for positions oh , the fraternity relay ;team and Ug-of. war teamwlll hold tholr .try-outs , 1 The students who, wish to atteBdthe exhibition drill and band concert.. on, Tuesday afternoon and do not w,lsh to remain for the Indoor .meet will have ,tot pay tho full price of ftduU sion. Np ono wllj bo admitted tovjany part of te, exerclBesln the afternoon . unless Caey have a regular ticket for tho whole program. CoilthiutdoriPaire ifh , .. h i 'I ,IJ i WJ-l V. o 4L- nd tMBMilHHMMMMIMMMMMMHHHMHilBWMM DAY ,t U . V CHARTER MEET TUESDAY