TTHE DAILY NEBkASKAN v - r j i , vfrtaMfcgi'itiiii I am - v. w -J. s OLIVER TIIEATUE TONIGHT, 8AT. AND 8AT. MAT. ST. ELMO Eve., 756 to 25c; Mat., 25c and 10c Tues., Wed. and Wed. Mat., Feb. 15-16 IN WYOMING FRIDAY, FEB. 1&7-LOUI8 MANN t. ' MM VV WW i v.i- I I SFIFCT BITTI SFIFCT niio v- DANCING SCHOOL BEGINNERS CLASS wnnnmRniv Aim RATimnv I Ci-II D.I.. I. C1..J..1. I SOCIAL FRIDAY AND MONDAY Ladlca Free Monday 16th and O St. Auto 5405 j SELECT SELECT Wfmi mkk (BoysMy Spring line of woolens are stunners. See th em: L J. HERZOG 1230 O St Fine Tailoring gs w The Owl Pharmacy Nbrtheait Corner 14th and O Streets Hot and Cold Drinks at Our Fountain SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros. TAlLQRS 142 SOUTH TWELFTH V TYPEWRITERS All makes rontod with stand $3 per Month. Bargains in' Robuilt MachTnos Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Auto 1165. Boll 1181. 122 No. 11th . , UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. Ai-Tucker v JEWELER '. S. S. Sheati . OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET, YELLOW FRONT 1 ' Your Patronac Solicited WU& iL P i PW . 4- nam I' UHC 22J2 Wk ov AND ? j7lTO' 96 !9MlM ITONE V 1,1 -U psn Campus Gleanin C. H. Frey,( florist, 1133 O street. Phi Delta Theta fraternity will glvo an Informal house party on Feb. 18. Thornburg's OrchoBtra. Auto 5877. ' The English Club will meot with' Miss Morrison at 1631 F street, to morrow evening. Chapln Bros., florists. 127 So. 13th. Eat at Don "CameroVs Cafe, 11M19 8b. 12th street Knthorlno Hole and Bculah Jennings will entertain the Caesav class of tho model high school today. Wanted Walter at Western Hotel, 731 O St. 7G-3t Found Fountain pen. Owner may have same by paying for this ad. 78-3t " Learn the new and fancy dances, Saturday night. Lincoln Dancing Academy. 78-9 Found Plain gold seul ring with in itial "B." Owner may have samo by paying for this ad. 75-6t This morning at 9 o'clock in Rhet oric 3 P work will begin on one of a series of modern plays, which will constitute clnss work for this semes ter. This is a diversion from the course which has formerly been given under Miss Howell. Hereto fore Shakespearian plays have been taken up in this course. This change was granted at tho request of almost tho entire class. ji n 5 ST-T- - r iu. Dort't See the Tailor About Your Spring Suit till you've investigated the possibilities of Kensington Clothes, f We choose the fabric, name .the style, pick out the linnihg material for each suit before the manufacturer gets the order made up, you try it on as it hangs pressed in bub new dust-proof cabinets. An expert tailor then fits it to you. What more is there to vtailor-macle clothes? No tailor in Lincoln has the trade dfc facilities for putting out the eqnal of Kensington Clothes. Magele & Deemer if i 1 i i a il, ELECTION OF GLASS OFFICERS COMPLETED FRE8HMEN CHOOSE PRESIDENT FOR COMING SEMESTER. NUMBERED BALLOTS ARE USED Coffee Elected on First Ballot, With Little Opposition All Old Committees Are Retained." The freshman class hold a meeting in. Memorial hall at 11:30 a. m. yes terday to elect tho now semester's president. Ex-President Miss Yates BROKEN LENSES-Save the Scraps No inattor whore you got your glasses or how complex thoir formula, I cau duplicate thom exactly. Just pick up tho piocoH and bring thom to mo, I'll do tho rost. HALLETT, Registered Optometrist ESTABLISHED 1871 1143 O STREET Lost A hunting gold watch, at the Junior prom. Initials "R. O. W." 'on case. Return to Nobraskan.offlco and receivo reward. 75- t J!hQ.-EalladIan.JLilterary -Society will have thoir regular weekly meeting in the hall UiIb evening. Instead of a literary program tho evening will bo turned over to a St. Valentino party for tho members of tho society. Valentine party and dance, Monday, February 14. Lincoln Dancing Acad emy. All students Invited. Quick's orchestra. 78-9 Dr. E. M. Cramb, Osteopathic Phy sician, U. of N. '99 Burlington block. "'Tho Young Men's Republican Club will hold a banquet Saturday night at tho Lincoln hotel. Tho Uniyerslty Re publican Club members will attend. O. B. Clark, prosidont of tho university club, is on tho toast list. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop. 120 N. 11th. t - Try a lunch at tho Y. M, C. A. Spa. 13th and.P Sts. Weak eyes made strong. Howe, Optician, 319 No. 12th. " 75-G Miss Mlnnio Swanson, ox-'ll, of Oakland, Nob., was united in mqr riago to C. W. Force of Oakland on Tuesday of this -week. Mr. Force is n, hardware dealer In Oakland, and with his wife aro attending tho hardware, dealers' convention in this city. A number of Mrs. Force's Palladlan friends gave her a rousing charlvail last evening at tho Dolavan hotel, where they are stopping. ' ' -' Glasses, a necessary 'ovll. Howe, Optician, 319 No. .12th. "77-at J t 7 ' Lost Gold watch fob, on campus. Reward for return to Js'fcbraskan of fice. ' 76-3t Have your clothes pressed at Web er's Suitorium, ' Auto 1708. called tho class to order, and tho minutes of tho last mooting were read and approved. Tho president then, in. ordor to avoid and difficulty or mis ,taltQsJxenupolnted-jnenibor of tho. class on committees under the consti tution. Tho work of these commit tees is not quite finished, and this will give thom an opportunity to com plete thoir work. Nominations for president were then declared in order, and after tho sec ond call Mr, McConnell made a nom inating speech in favor of H. B. Eng lish. Mr. Radcllffo then In a fow well chosen words nominated Harry B. Coffee. Tho nominations were then closed by a unanimous vote. Tho final returns were; H. B. English, 51. Hr B. Cdffeo, 139. Mr, Coffeo was doclarod elected by a majority of elghty-olght votes. A little enthusiasm was apparent during tho meeting, but on tho whdlo it, went; .off very quietly. Tho enumer ated ballot system was uspd the first time in this class during this election, and was considered to bo a Very com mendable feature of it, insuring abso lute fairness and a square deal to both candidates. Count of tho freshmen, present was taken by entirely disin terested people, and the. ballots taken In by check. Ono, hundred and ninety three ballots .were given out, ono hun dred and ninety returned, and three unaccounted for. . Tho timo of tho election of the minor omcers of tho class of '13 will bo announced later. , A Year In College. $250 cash or a year in college can bo easily earned by ono young man or ono young lady in each county In tho United States, Plan easy and does not Interfere with other employment. Stato name of Institution you wish to attend.' No money renuired. For par ticulars address M. H. Pemberton, Co lumbia, Mo, 78 vuai& WE ARE THE LINCOLN AGENTS FOR u Stetson Hanan Harlow Rorbush SHOES FOR . MEN 111 IS) ' Vw "v 4Hn "Sanderson's 'Footform Store" LOST! ' '$! Wt. If you have lost or found art- v icest rooms for. rent or books to .... ,self, advertise in the Nebrasfcari's WANT-AD column Our rates are' low and we get results. . :V:. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE '!! 'H K-T. i-' J0A 1J.iwi(sU . t