lrtggtfte'iwitiMjjwmx! mil mmiHiimmiiim ,tki j m :.n t wi ymmmmmmmmmJhktmtmmAtmmtaammVtawn , , .....iM,,..,,;,..... I JIJjMllilOlill THE DAILY NEBRASKAN i I! .1 I! l t- ' I I The Daily Nebraskan ii i jTIIli PnOPBttTY OF . . , TIIB UNIV19R8ITY OF NEBBABKA,, Lincoln, NoUnuka. Pubilpliod by . . TUB STUDENT PUBLICATION HOARD EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor........ K. P. Frtdtrlck Managing Editor 'ctri J' LoId AMQdat Editor r.T. M. Edflecomba Associate Editor R. D. Hawley BUSINESS STAFF. Manager G c Klddeo Aailttaht Manaqor .V. C. Haaoall Circulator . .C. Buchanan u Editorial and Business Officer BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDO. .postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. . Single Copies, S Cents Each. 1 i. . .. , Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1888 Auto 3844. . ? ' 1- INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will be chanced for at tho mto of 10 contn tho InHortlon for every fifteen words or fraction there of. Faculty notices and University bul letins win kindly bo published free. Entered at tho postofllct at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall mattor under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. ,i ' Advertisements for the want column should be left at the business office, base ment Administration building, between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and s p. m Cash must accompany all orders for ad vertising, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction thereof the first Insertion; three Insertions twenty-five -cents! five Insertions forty cents. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY Ti, 19(5. Again wo hoar tho "CornhuBker" mention something about eoming out oarllor this year Chan over boforo. Strango, but wo soom to bavo heard somothlng like that years ago. Too bad It takes a telescono to soo Halloy'8 comot. .Tho obsorvatory might Install twin tolcscopes. NEBRA8KA 80NQ8. Tho mild-oyod Individual with the flowing hair and demented look (miro signs of genius) is seldom seen, on tho collpgo campus of tho present day. Ho 1b tho man to whom tho composi tion of ballads and lays of college llfo woro dologated In tho days of old. Slnco ho has fadod away, who has BUDD DONT BUDD-A SPECIALTY MAN IN FURNISHINGS BUDD A SPECIALTY MAN IN SHOES BUDD THE ONLY LINE HATTER IN LINCOLN taken his placo? At NobraBka tho rnuso has been courted, but with lndlfforont Buccess. "Xltflo of pormnnont value has been offored to make up a collection of songs which In tho days to como might bo regarded with tho roverenco always accorded to tradition by tho college world. A fow songs of real morit havo boon composed and pub lished recently, however, and thero is promise of moro to come. All of tho songs entered in the con test, recently Instituted, for tho best Nobraska song are In- tho hands of tho committee. Just how long It will take for oach member of tho commlt teo to sing thorn aft and to pass judg ment Is an open question at present. Tho result, however, ought to mean not only ono, but a number of songs of vnluo to Nebraska. Tho muse is still alive. Hunt her up. THE FRESHMEN. Some llttlo dlfllculty was experi enced yesterday In- determining just who was and who was not to nomin ate ono .of the candidates for tho presidency of tho freshman class. ' Theso llttlo, things will happen in tho best of political organizations. Oth erwise tho conduct of tho election and especially tho methods adopted for tho prevention of fraud were as near perfection as that of. any olec ' tlon, hold at Nobraska for a number of . years. , Politics, oven In tho university,-has tho namo of bolng a rather filthy pool. Sqmo of tho moro conservative mom bora of a class often hesitate to dip Into lt for fear of a touch of tho con . taminating mire. They are tho kind who stay at homo on tho day of elec tion; -who never take any .interest In tho nominees; who, In a word, aro use Jess Amombors as far as tho class Is concerned. ' Ift, ,& political ring 'has ever con trolled a class It Is because1 those not TooNVOCAflON I JPrpf. Lupife, Eaves aBBBBBBVBKaBisaiBSSBBaBaBHBBlBBHBBBaBCSBKSSaBSaBaBHBBB Under Auspices of Teachers 000000000000060000000OOOQOOSO in tho ring wero not interested enough tq rco that tho glass couKT Co' controlled by good aa easily as by bad interests. Tho meeting of tho fresh- mon yostorday Bhowod a spirit which, if carried through its college llfo, will make It ono of tho strongost classos In tho univorslty. GENTLE KNOCKER. Listen, gontlo knocker. You havo boon scorned and spit upon by the unseeing throng. You havq been branded as more dospicablo than tho comtnbn thlof. Your wrongs cry out to tho hoavens for rfedress. And at last thoy liavo It. Regarding the knockor, tho West ern Intorcolloglate Magazlno sayB, "Ho Is not n grumbler; he's the best booster in the school; and tho hardost knocker. No one is moro UBoful than ho, and his peculiar utility is duo to tho fact that ho knows how to And fault. WIen tho homo team loses bo doesn't got cynical or complain not be; ho just scoots around, picks out tho cause, and with his llttlo hammer domands Its removal: He won.'t cover a soro spot, but will compel attention to it by his incessant knocking; and ho knows by oxporlonco that when tho unpleasant or harmful is oxposcd it speedily disappears. Tho fowor ho is in number tho greater is his ser vice, and one consistent knockor can EAT MEAT do a world 'of good. Just now there is somo mighty helpful knocking be ing dono upon American colleges, but, Sir. Pessimist ancnTr. T-T61d-you-so, K will not discredit Higher Learning; It will only help it along. Nothing Is nbovo criticism, and that which thlnkB it . Is, most sadly needs tho sympathetic yet determined attention of a friendly knockor." A student In want of monqy soldlils bookB and wrote home: "Fathor, re Jolco, for I now doiivo my support from lltorature." ) The Forum Editor Dally Nebraskan: On next Tuesday tho student body Is again to havo Imposed upon,it that athletic monstrosity popularly known as tho "Gharter Day" Indoor meet, but which Is in reality a "Barb-Prat" meot. It soem's "strange indeed aftor the cold reception given tho affairs a year ago that tho athletic management should deem it expedient to repeat It. You will obllgo mo by giving space to tho accompanying editorial taken from tho Nebraskan for Feb. 17, 1909, and penned by a prominent fraternity man. It expressed tho sentiments of the students then, and to my mind voices their opinions now. "Tho now method of conducting tho athletic- events of Charter Day has now been given a fair trial, and tho general verdlqt seems' to bo that tho substitution of tho fraternity-barb meot for tho,' athletic events of other years has not been an improvement on tho old plan and "was anything but a success. "In tho first place tho now meot did not arouse tho Interest, that was expected. Tho fraternity meet aroused keen interest and tho same was true of the barb meet, but tho O 9 O 00C00b00002 TODAY College kind of Interest that makes men get out and work seamed to bo ontiroly absent when tho two wero pitted against oach other. Another unfortu nate feature of the meet was tho fact that tho Incontivo of winning indlvll ual honors scorned to bo almost en tirely lacking. "In order that tho fratornltleB may bo of tho groatost valuo to tho school and in order that tho objectionable features of fraternity life may bo as nearly as possible removed, it Is of tho utmost Importance that the best of fooling oxist botwocn tho fraternity mon and tho non-fratornlty men. Any thing which tends to emphasize the fooling between the two makes It less likely that this feeling of good fellow ship will continuo to exist. It is for this reason that tho recent meet is boliovod to bo a step in the wrong di rection. "Lot nB many athletic ovonts be ar ranged for tho competition of univer sity men as Is desirablo and tho re sults can only bo good. If the frn tornity men wish to hold a meot there can bo possible objection to that, nor can thoro bo any similar objection to tho barbs holding a slmllnr meet. "When, howovor, tho distinction be tween fraternity and non-fraternity men is emphasized in athletics it is a step in tho wrong direction." S. A. MAHOOD. NEVER KNOW it you NEVER TRY When yon want to got donning nnd PrenalnR dooo by lmnd nnd not by mnchlnory bring your clothes to JOE The Tailor who 1h nlso a SpoolnllBt on filtering nnd ro fitt ing your up-to-dnto. Special attention to Ladie'a work and Uniformi. UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN University Bulletin Feb'ruary. 11, 'Friday, 8 p. m. Inter-Frat meot Armory. 11, Friday, 8:15 p. m., Temple The ater Gorman play. 11, Friday, 5 p. m. Prof. Lucllo Eaves. Under auspices of Teach-ersi-Collogo 11-12, Friday and Saturday Nobra-lea-Amos, at Ames. Basketball. 12, Saturday, 8 p. m. Catholic Stu dent Club meets. 137 So. 11th. 12, Saturday, 8 p. m. English Club at Miss E. Morrison's homo. 12, Saturday, 8 p. m. Itocoptlon to univorslty Mason's. Acacia house, 1220 It. ,v 14, Monday, 8 p. m., Armory Basket ball. Missouri ys,. Nebraska. 14, Monday Basketball. Nebraska- 14, Monday, 8 p. m., Armory Basket ball. Kansas Aggies vs. Nebras ka, Informal dance. 15, Chartbr Day Classes excused. Missouri. Armory. 15, Tuesday, 2:30 p. n. Fraternlty-non-fratornlty meet. Armory. , 18-19, Friday and Saturday Nebras'-ka-MInnesotn. Basketball, at Min neapolis. 21, Friday, 8 p. m., Temple Palladldn Club meets. 19c 19c 1000 Four-in-Hatids worth 50c arid 95c oil sale Saturday at PALACE CLOTHING CO. 1419 "O" ITS QUITE A TRICK to please everybody but we believe when it comes to put ting up Sandwiches, Ice Cream Ices and Punch you get value received at TYPEWRITERS all makes SOLD OR RENTED Ront Applies on Purchase Prico. Fivo Days Froo trial boforo you pay. Two yoars guarntoo whon you purchase. Easy Torms. Got our list. Auto. 2080; Boll 1299. B. F. SWANSON CO., Inc. February 19 Officer's Hop Walt's Orchestra I INDOOR ATHLETICS I Febr. 1 i Febr. 15 I I Season Tickets 7Sc Two Inf ormals LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln's "Select Dancing. School" AUTO 4477 C E- BULLARD. SOCIALS-Frtdays 8 to 12 P. M, CLASSES-Wed. and Sat, 8 to U P. M. Saturday NJght Fancy Dances and-Soclal. University Night, University Orchestra. New. and fancy dances Saturdays. Carlyle, Two Step, Galetv , Cadet, Esprala ShotUche Rye Waltz, etc. Eight o'clock, plm., sharp. 1AE LEAD - OTHERS FOLLOW SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS 19c 9C t gj 1307 O STREET 143 So. 13th St. L,incoli& Hotel $11.25 I I -Inter-Frat - - Barb - Frat 1124 N STREET inutu ITLOOR U. of N. '02. Manager gLL 3j g I U i -