';1"1;"" ''ynPfti ''rrv '''T. i. ii ! imimim iii 1. 1 111 miii tii if i iiiii i il ii i m k m i m u . n i i i ! itmiMii uttiimm 7 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN t tp fi j , 4q&$m , The-Daily Nebraskan ,r THI3 PROPERTY OF ' THR UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA, Lincoln. Nobraska. CONVOCATION 6 a -r X Prof, . T. Lees ' " .( IH- IK 15 ! ' , r.' i h w 1 V 1( ll THE STUDENT PORMUATlDN HOARD EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor.. . K. P. Fredorlck Mnnnplno Editor jL-(;';c"rj J- Lld Associate Editor T. M. Edgecombe AiuoclAte Editor R. O. Huwley BUSINESS STAFF. Manager. C. Kiddoo Assistant Manager... v v c Hascnu Circulator J....C. Buchanan Editorial and Business Office! BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION DLDQ. Postofflco, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. 2.00 PER YEAR Payablo In Advance. Single Copies, 0 Cents Each. . ... . Teleohono! Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1888; Auto 3844. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho mto of 10 contn tho liiHorllon for ovory flftoon words or fraction thoro of. Fnoulty notlccH and Unlvomlty bul letins will blndly bo published froo. Kntorort at tho postotHoo at Lincoln. Nobrankn, as scoond-olaaa mull mattor under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. Advertisements for the want column should be left at the business office, base mont Administration building, between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. , Cash must accompany all orders for ad vertising, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction thereof the first Insertion! three Insertions twenty-five cents; five Insertions forty cents. t " Ober-Ammergau Passion Play" 1 ' j 8 S MEMORIAL HALL 600000000000002)0OS)0000OfflO00 TODAY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1910. U tho UHUal hand shako and umilo ho on tho fnco of ono or two Honlora hh thoy moot on tho canipiiB It 1h a Htiro Blgn that ono of thorn 1b n mem ber of tho Honlor play committee. Uy tonight. It will all ho over. Tho unlyoraity will havo onco moro Bottled down into lt normal Condition a pool nntronulod by tho lipploB of polltloa. "Finality of Doclnlon: If thcro la no appeal hy olthor Btuilont or dean, tho decision of the court goes directly to tho faculty for onforcomont. In caBo of appeal hy either atudont or dean, tho faculty discipline commit too rovlowB tho caao.ylf thoy find the appeal groundlcBB, tlc docialon goes to faculty for onforcomont. If thero appeara to bo cause sufficient for a now hearing, tho discipline commltteo romnnds tho caao to tho student court with recommendations. Thoy can tako no action. Tho court again considers tho case, and Its final decision goes to tho. faculty for enforcement." Tho plan Ib ono which Is being ad vocated throughout tho colleges of tho country, and ono which requires a marked degree of success to warrant Its organization. Such at least would ho tho caao at Nebraska, whore so. Uttlo causo oxlata for any change In tho present system. Is no reason why they should be count ed out. If tho committee expect to make tho play a success the best way to begin Is to give each member a fair chance. RALPH MOSBLEY. BECOME8 A MISSIONARY. Now tho men are dovotlug a half hour of each day to throwing goals. This Is hotting the specialization the ory worked out In basketball to a line point. BASEBALL. Wo novcr think of sunuuor with- I (i I The Forum " Dally Nobraskan. Dear Sir: I beg yon to allow mo a Uttlo space to air my Ideas about the Injustice that tho senior play commlt teo Is going to denl out to the other mcmberB of the class. It does not Dr. Paul Wllberfcrce Harrison Goes to Arabia to Do Medical and Christianizing Work. Rev. Dr. Paul WUliorforco Harrison, an alumnus of tho University of Ne braska, has been sent to Arabia as a medical missionary by tho Trinity Re formed church of Plninflold, N. J. Dr. Harrison graduated hero in 1905 and then attended John Hopkins Unlver Blty Ho graduated in medicine thero In 1908. Dr. Harrison was born In Nebraska and attended collcgp before coming to the university. For the past two years he lias been a physician in the Mas sachusetts General Hospital at Boston. Guaranteed Quality Evcrv haso 1 1 n 1 1 nrtirln hpir?nrr tu UnnnU ri,l -U , ......... ,,.HI.., ,MW vtivtl tUlUL llitiJK 10 Ku.iiui!iL-i:u 10 uc me Dcai 01 us Kinu in the worJu. OualitV il our firnt rrmsiiloriion nn.l uln..ira I- .7 , . , V ii -,- i;i.id Ml II1C HUT IcnirilL'R nw 'fil ocrna vnmvimr tliic ..,...'..,, ii . " vV i ' '"H"" ..w..... una, nvu t II3U .auipuiug uut jcacii jooas. more than that, wo mum- our jjasa mil crooun arc sn nimnrinr to mm other make that we sell them under an iron-clad guarantee of satisfaction. Here It is read it could anything bo more fair? S'u ' Rga&h The Reach traae-mark guarantees pa eel goods. Should "."Si" "PPear. me win replace any article absolutely r,tjtM... .a m . m. m mw - m it . . ... - "' ,", yxcrpi uase vans ana vats telamnt under Si co.) Thi Reach Ofllclnl Ilrnu- IlnllCitiidecuiitnltia pinyinKruii-s,nciii-iulc!t,nveinKcn.liuinlrc(U vi nwiii cs. ui.fiuiv iiiiii nciimi tinnrna of World's Serlcn, etc. Kciuly nlwut .tinrcii 15111. 10 cents at dealers' or by mall. The BW c' " Rcncli IliiKt- llnll A.J. REACn .Cnta,?K!,.,;.Tnow rt,fli'y COMPANY BW-i'Kiwt. .700 r..ii ci BBBbw. N Philadelphia, Pa. IT'S QUITE A TRICK ' to please everybody but we believe When it comes to put ting up Sandwiches, Ice Cream Ices and Punch you get value received at. dSms 1307 O STREET Tho Y. W. C. A. expects to recolvo a visit from Miss Katolla Paddock, for eign Becrotary of tho Y. W. C. A. in China, March the seventh. Since Miss Paddock Is supported by the associa tions of Nebraska, the meetings will be of especial Interest to members hero. Announcements of these meet ings will bo made soon. TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES SOLD OR RENTED Rent Applies on Purchase Prico. Fivo Days Froo trial boforo you pay. Two years guarntoo whon you purchaso. Easy Tonus. Got our list. Auto. 2080; Boll 1200. .B. F. SWANSON CO.. Inc. 143 So. 13th St. Spring Styles In both Stiff and Soft Hats' lam showing now. Budd never carries over old hats, never in all my life, honest. WHY PAY MORE? BUDD 1415 O St. out calling up a picturo of the groat long sloping mass of humanity lined up in tlur after tier on either side of tho diamond. Wo picturo the dust-' covored, grimy jilayers In the bright gla'ro of a summer day. Wo hear tho roaring cheor as It rises and falls when a scoro 1b made. With the approach of a'pring wo au once begin to think of till these things. Tho baseball boiisoii at Nobraska Is not tilled with tho enthusiasm that comes with mld-summor baseball. Tho season fo'r tho university team Is "over boforo wo havo fairly forgotten the ovorcont of yesterday. But after all It is baseball. - Nebraska lias the matorial, and that material is about to begin work ing for Nebraska. Setting aside for the momont all other considerations, that material deserves all the support of tho student body. With tho right matorial nil that is needed Is the sup portand wo win-. THE 8TUDENT COURT. Tho Dally Cnrdlnal explains tho -workings of tho student court, recent ly Instituted nt Wisconsin, aB follows: "Composition: Tho cpurt will be composed of nine students, six snlors and three juniors.' They aro to. bo elected by tho studont conference committee. "Complaints: Any studont can bring a complaint directly to the court. Any faculty member can bring a complaint, but it .must ie brought with, the approval of tho jlean 1n . which tho studont .complained of It registered. "Appeals': Any student 'convicted by th'o court can appeal to tllo faculty "discipline committee dh any 'grounds. The only other, porson who can appeal from tho decision of tho court' is tho' dean of tho college In whjdh tho'stu-' dpnt-IsttoglSterGd'. ' Tho" only grounds 0n Which Ho' can appeal are that there Is new and unheard cvldonce In the case. seem right to mo that tho commltteo should Itself judgo tho members of tho class who are going to try out for tho play, whon thoy themselves are alBo going to try out. I would like to know how ,thoy are. going to Judge themselves and do the othor members justice. It seeniB to me-that If the commltteo wnnts to do tho right thing hy the vothors they should be, willing to allow someone else to do tho Judg ing. I think that the chairman of the play commltteo is of tho same opinion that 1 am, but It has leen rumored in tho class that the members of- tho commltteo ore In favor of dolug part of tho judging. And for no other rea son than to make it posslblo that they will be "sure to havo a place on tho cast, with Judges In that frnmo of mind, you can Imagine what the out come will bo. Now, when It becomes common knowledge on the campus that spvoral of tho commltteo havo already doclded who thoy want for tho loading parts, ivhat chnnco do you suppose those not on the committee will have to mako a place on the capt? Why not allow tho commltteo In tho first place to illclc tho cast and aavo tho othora who aro spending their time preparing for tho competition? Under the pres ent conditions this try out Is a moro farco.ui'bllnd to'decelvo tho others and mako thorn think that thoy are given a fair show. Now it seems to mo that if tho committee want to bo honest with tho class and with themsqlve"s, thoy should not attempt to do any judging. Tho committee can not como buck. to tho class and honestly say lhat thoy, have given overy mombor n fair chance if thoy do tho Judging. It seems to mo that if the committee' want to do the honest and upright thing they nniBt give overybody t.ho sumo chance. It is not 'fair that those who aro the, most popular should have any monopoly on tho job. Thoso who are not so "popular havo a right to n fair consideration. Just because, they have not been so active as the others NEVER KNOW if you NEVER-TR When yon wnut to not ('lonnliiR anil Pressing dona by linnd mid not by nmchliiory brlnn your olothoH to JOE The Tailor who la also u Hnoclaliut on altorinic ami rnlltt Iiik your olotLus un-to-dato. Special attention to Ladie't work and Uniforms. UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN University Bulletin February. 10, Thursday Freshman olectlon. le- modal Hall, 11:30. 10, Thursday Convocation. NProf. J. T. iloes. "Passion Play of Obor ammergau." Illustrated by store1 optlcon. 11, Friday, 8 p. ni. Inter-Frat meet. Armory. 11, Friday, 8:15 p. m., Torn pie Tho ator Gorman play. 11, Friday, 5 p. m. Prof. Lucllo Eaves. Undor auspices ot .Teach ers' Collego 11-12, Fri&ay and Saturday -Nobras-ka-Amos, at Ames. Basketball. 12, Saturday, 8 p. "in. Catholic Stu- dents' Club meets. 137 So. 11th. 12, Saturday, 8 p. m. English Club at Miss E. Morrison's 'home. 14, Monday, 8 p. m., Armory Baskqt ball. Missouri vs. Nobraska. 14, Monday Basketball .Nebraska- 14, Monday, 8 p m., Armory-rBaBket-ball, Kansas Aggies vs. Nobras ka, Informal dance, 15, Charter Iay Classes oxcused. Missouri, Armory, ,18-19, Friday and, SaturdayNobras-ka-Minnesota, Basketball, at Minneapolis. FeBrtmary H9 ILiimcolLife Hotel Officer's Hop WalU's Oirclfoestara $1.25 I I I f Febr. 1 1 --Inter-Frat Febr. 15-Barb-Frat I Season Tickets 75c Two Inf ormalsj I LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln's ".Select Dancing School" 1otm)oF AUTO 4477 C E. BULEARD. U. of N. '03, Manager JJELL A13U SOCIALS-Fridays 8 to 12 P. M. CLASSES- Wed. and Sat. 8 to JI P M. Saturday Night Fancy Dances and 'Social. University Night, University Orchestra. New and fancy dances Saturdays. Carlyle, Two Slep, Gaiety, Cadet, Esprala Shottlche Rye Waltz, etc. Eight o'clock, p.m.', sharp. AE LEAD - OTHERS FOLLOW SPECIAL RAXES TO STUDENTS IF YOU ARE WILLING -Ted will Dye for Yoii or Clean, Press, or Repair your Garments 235 No. Hth Street TED WARRINER : Juat'onnoaitfi fchft WlnrJnnr - Li ' "' " " TT I. ll II II !- J--. txperi nailery uipaner, and Presser; ' Dvnr of T.nflln.' anil'' n' ; i . Hotol Auto 4876 Bell F16D9 Dyor of Lodios' ancT Qenfr Garment' INDOOR ATHLETICS j 1 S-' V X f" fe