The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 10, 1910, Image 1

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VoL IX. No. 77.
Price 5 Cents.
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Annual to Be Divided Into Eight
Books Plan Working Out With
Every Promise of 8uccess
Jokes Coming In,
All seniors and juniors who wnntj
their picture to appear in this year'B
"Cornhusker" will hnvo to havo them
taken this week. The contract with
Town8end for individual pictures
comes to an end next week, and all of
this claBS of pictures must bo taken
boforfc that time.
AH group pictures must bo In the
hnndB of the editor-in-chief by March
first. All fraternities and other uni
versity societies who wish to have
their picture in the annual will havo
to get busy at once. This is the sub
stance of tho orders of the "Annual"
Bluff, which will be strictly enforced.
Out May First.
The 1910 Cornhusker will go on salo
May first. Everything Is being ar
ranged with this end Jn viejv, and all
delays, such as occurred last year,
will be avoided. This year's staff
have decided that the book should be
put on Bale earlier than In tho past.
The material for the "Annual" Is
being collected rapidly. The staff will
begin to take personal write-ups this
week. The management wants all
who tako degrees In February to sco
the editor at once. It is desired that
each student appear In this year's
book with his or her class, and in
order to carry out this plan, thoao
write-ups must be handed In Imme
diately. The material for, tho Joke depart
ment Is being handed In rapidly. Tho
Joke boxes are being used more than
ever before, as tho Btudents seom to
bo taking a greator Interest In this
Sale to Be Limited. .
Contracts for tho salo of the 1910
Cornhusker will bo out In about ton
dayB. Tho staff hope to obtain a
larger nunVbor 0f advance orders than
were obtained last year. Tho con-'
tracts this year will require a deposit
of, fifty cents In order to assure tho de
livery of tho books.
Tho management will print only as
many books this year aa they have
advanced orders. This is made imper
ative by Jho Increased cost of produc
ing the annual. As tho price has not
bco raised, It will be necossary to
sell every copy In order t6 escapo a
deficit In tho troasury.
The university authorities have not
ob yet decided whothor they will send
a copy, of tho Cornhusker to each of
tho-hlgh schools -In-tho -state. They-
hajo donothls for tho past two years,
and it is thought that they will do so
this year..
Eight In One.
Tho CornhuBker this year will be
divided Into eight books. Thoy will bb
separated by colored poster inserts
and will be printed in' three colors.
Book' I wll bo entitled, "Colleges."
It :wlll contain individual pictures of
alf the seniors and juniors of each
college, with their records. Each col
lego will be separated ly a "half-tone
Book II ia to bo named "Fraterni
ties," and will contain a group pic
ture of each fraternity, and probably
a picture of the fraternity house.
Pictures t)f the professional fraterni
ties will also 1)0 contained in this
Book III will bo ontltied "Sorori
tier," and will bo, arranged in much
the same way ' as Book II, It is
thought that somo new picture desigtiB
wTIIappenr in this book.
"Literature" has been chosen as tho
nanio of Book IV. This book will con
tain a few short stories 'of college Hfo
and will afTord an opportunity for
those who are inclined toward litera
ture to display their talonts.
Book V has been named "College
Life." It will contnln articles on all
college organizations and school af
fairs. The military department of the uni
versity will bo displayed In Book VI,
which is to bo called "Military." Pic
tures of tho different companies and
officers will bo contained In this book,
anil also stories of camp life, with pic
tures illustrating them.
Book VII 1b to go under tho namo of
"Athletics., ' It will contain a write
up of the past year's achlovomonts in
all lines of athletics. Spoclal atten
tion will be paid to track, basoball
and football.
Tho last book, Book VIII, will be
entitled "Jokes." ThlB book will be
full of wit and humor regarding uni
versity life. All cartoons and puns
will be contained In this 8ection.
Preparations Completed for Aspirants
to Appear Saturday Night.
Today Is the last day that appli
cants for places In the cast of the
sonlor play may file their names with
tho committee Preparations aro prac
tically comploted for tho try-outs,
which come Saturday. Tho play com
mittee will hold Its last meeting be
fore the try-outs this morning at
11:30 in II10G. Some very Important
matters will bo discussed at this moot
Friends Join Harry Hathaway In
Search for Lost Animal.
A valuable brlndlu bull puppy be
longing to-Harry Hathaway- dlsap--
pearod yesterday afternoon and caused
his owner coiiBlderablo trouble. The
dog la only about four months old, and
when his absence wns noticed a stron
uous search was Instituted.
Tho dog wns accompanying Harry
to school yesterday afternoon, and
while his mnstor stopped to converse
with a friend, he disappeared. Harry
began a search and was soon Joined by
a number of friends.. Tho streets
leading to tho campus woro ransacked
and then tho neighboring territory In
cluding the campus and the railroad
district. Just a,8 tho ownor had con
cluded that his property- had been
picked up 1)y the police the dog was
v- -- -Shonka
Elected President for This
The Komensky literary and educa
tlonal club hold a very ahimntcd moot
ing, at which- it 'olected the following
ofllcors who will serve during tho en
suing aemostor: President, Sylvester
V. Shonka; vice-president, Jos. Tobls
ka; secretary, MIbb Vlasta Dolansky;;
treasurer, William Provaznlk; corre
spondent, Mrs. Olga Stastny; historian,
Edward Vrana; critic, Miss Sarka
Hrbek; membership committee, Sr.V.
Shonka, J. B, KuskaMiBs Eva Ptacek,
Miss Emma Papez; program commit
tee, Mrs. Fred Herman, Miss Irma Her-:
man, Mrs. Olga StaBtny; guard, Henry
O, Baumann. ,
Tho next meeting of tho club will
be held on Saturday, February 19th. A
program of musical and literary num
bers will then be rendorod,
A dolegato to the inter-university
convention of associated Komensky
clubs will also be. elected at tho next
meeting of the club.
8pecja to The Dally Nebraska--Nebraska
won from Drake at Des Moines
last night by a score of 20 to 16. The
game was a tie at tho end of the sec
ond half. After ten minutes' extra
play Nebraska scored. Petrashek Is
reported an "ruffed" during the game.
Practice for Inter-Fraternity Basket
ball Games Has Been Hindered
by Interest Taken In the
Indoor Meet.
.Now that tho season for varsity bus
kotball Is nearly over, tho time for
tho playing of the class games ap
proaches. Tho varsity team has threo
contests to play on tho homo floor be
fore the seaBon closes. Theso con
testa aro with Manhattan and Kansas.
Tho Cornhuskors meet tho "Aggies"
from Manhattan next Monday evening
nnd on February 25 and 2G they meet
tho Jayhawkers. After tho present
trip of tho team Is concluded tho team
makes one more trip to Minneapolis,
whero thoy meet tho Gophers In a
series of two games. Those contoats
will bo held the 18th and 19th of this
Sophomores 8trong.
The class toams havo been hard at
work, especially the under classmen.
The sophomores have already built up
a strong flvo and thoy have scheduled
outside games. Last Frulny thoy Jour
neyed to Syracuse, whore thoy met a
strong team composed of high school'
Btudents nnd business mon of that
place. Tho men on tho lenm havo
been profiting by practice with tho
varsity fivo and In this way they had
ThifltTup a steady machine
While the sophomores have been at
work the membors of tho freshman
basketball squad havo not boon wast
ing their time. Tho candidates for the
freshman five have been holding reg
ular practice and thoy havo also de
veloped a five which promises to give
the other class teams a hard flglit for
the class championship.
Upper Classmen Lax.
The members of tho squads In tho
two upper classes have done littlo
practice and these men hnvo been
rather lax in tho amount of interest
thoy hnvo shown toward the develop
ment of their teams. Tho Juniors have
had a little practice and tho seniors
practically nono. Whllo'tho dates for
tho Inter-class games have as yet not
bc,en.Bot, yet tho contests will bo held
some time in the near future Tho
games are lield nnnually near tho close
of tho schedulo of games played by
tho rule this year. - 1
Tho class team which wins "tho
.championship wlll bo awarded track
Jerseys bearing tho"' class numerals.
Last year, tho championship for class
baBkotball was won by tho present
senior class. This year this class will
be somewhat handicapped by tho fact
that somo of the star members of their
team aro on the varsity five. This will
weaken them somewhat, but it is
hoped that suitable material can be
found to fill up, tho, gaps. .
Inter-frat Games.
Up to the present time tho schedule
for tho intor-frdternity basketball
league has not been announced. a Prac
tice for tho fraternity games has bee'n
at a standstill for tho past week as
the athletes havo been busy practic
ing for the inter-fraternity Indoor
n)eet which will be hold in the Armory
tomorrow evening. Tho practice
schedulo for tho fraternity squads has
'.been announced. ' ,
The now membors of tho Drahintia;
Club will present two plays at tho club
meeting Thursday evening. Eoch play
will bo glvon by two casts, tho four
casts with their coaches taking in all
new members oftho club. Tho plays
to be given are Bkotchos entitled "If
Morning-Glory Wins" and" "Tho Sur
fragettc." Tho meeting bogins at 8
Cadet Battalion Holds First Parade of
the Present 8emester' on Twelfth
For tho first time this someBtor tho
members of the ca'dot battalion hold
dress -parade Wednesday evening. The
parlfdd was "hold on Twelf th stroot and
tho on tiro bnttallon was In attendance
Tho lino of six companies nnd tho hos
pital corps tletachment .proaontcd a
fine nppoaranco. Tho lino of com
panies when formed oxtonded north
nnd south for' over a block. . Parados
will bo hold frequently this Bomoster,
nnd in this way tho men will bo en
abled to learn as much as posslblo
about one of tho most Important pnrts
of military drill.
Latin Club Elected Officers Tuesday
Tho Latin Club mot Tucadny night
at tho homo of Miss Louiso Fossler.
In' addition to the program Uiey elect
od tho officers for tho second Bomoster.
The program consiBtod of a reading
of the Bovohth book of tho Aenead and
a lottor from one of the old members."
Miss Maude Miller was elected presi
dent, Miss Fno Dufur vlco-presldent,
and MIbb Margaret Whoolor Becrotnryr
The meeting was closed with a Bhort
business session. ,
First Year Men to Choose aPresdent
for This Semester from Two
At 11:. '10 this morning tho mombors
of the freshman class meet in Me
morial hall to elect a president for
tho coming semester. So far tho cam
paign has been quiet and devoid of
any animosity. Two candidates havo
beon In the field now for somo time
and interest hns for the past week
slightly waned. Tho candidates aro
H. B. English and II. A. Coffee. Eng
lish Is a "barb," and was alternate on
tho debating team which met Iowa
last December, Coffee 1b an Alpha
Tau Omega pledge. Ho 1b. a strong
candidate for the class ' basketball
team and has represented Northwest
ern Nebraska in the state high Bchool
debates. Unless p, dark 'horse enters
the field this morning little excite
ment is expected at tills mooting of
Iho-flrBUyear-studonts,-. : -
Organization for Original Research In
Botany Will Initiate New Members.
Tho annual initiation of Sem Bot
will bo' held this opening, Tho occa
sion isr a, traditional bno for the soci
ety, which "Is v composed of. advanced
botanical students. When the Sem
Bot .was first organised the students
forming it coleb'fatedrtfio occasion by
a ,pio supper and an annual t "feed"
has been in voguq ever slnco. Of the
seven charter members of ,lhe organ?
lzatlon threo. having slnco became
deans in leading universities. Itoscoo
Pound was dean of tho Nebraska law
college; he Is now being a professor
of law in tlie University of Chicago..
A, F, Woods is at present dean of the
agricultural college at the University
of Minnesota, and Hi Jr Weber holds a
similar position at Cornell University.
Decide, to Select Judges for Prelim-
Inarles Through Faculty Menv
bers Others Are to Be
P'lcked Later.
'-. .Tho members of tho student dobat;
Ing board held a mooting in the Ad
ministration hall Tuesday ovonlng and .
formod a, pormanont organization, with
Dr. .Tewott as chairman. Tho quostlon
for tho coming scries of dobatcn be
tween tho four clnsses of tho univer
sity waB chosen and tho dato sot for
tho try-outs and tho prollralna.ry do
batOB as woll as for tho final cham
pionship contest. -
Tho quoBtlpn which was decided on
wns: "Ilesolvod, That county option Is
tho boat mothod of doaling with tho
liquor tra'filc in Nobraska." Tho qtioB
tlon of county option was decldod upon .
aftor Borne debate bocauso it Is a
question oxpected to cause sorop ex
citement In tho coming oloctlon
Come Soon.
Tho try-outs will como on Thursday,
February 17th. This dato leaves littlo
tlmo for preparation on tho part of the
cotnestants. Tho lateness of the sen
son, however, makes the early dato
Tho preliminary dobato botwoon-tho '
freshmen and sophomores will bo hold
on Wednesday, March 2d, .and that
between tho seniors and juniors -on
tho following ovonlng. Thoso dobntoa v
were sltauted on Wednesday and
Thursday owing to tho fact that such
a debate on Friday and Saturday oven
Ings-wouId-bo-noxt-to-lmpoHslblo: OtT"
thoso evenings tho unlvorsity public
is largely occupied with affairs of a -more
or less, social nature.
Another milt tor which came up be
fore tho board for discussion was tho
manner of selecting th'o Judges. No
definite plan was agreed upon as to
the manner In which they should be
olected for tho preliminaries, or tho
final dobates. It was decided, how
over, to leave tho selection of tho
Judges vfor tho pro'llmlhorios to tho
threesacuity members df the board.
,The6 membors wero appointed Mon
day by Chjjncollor Avery. Thoy, aro,
Dr. Jowott, Dean Hastings and Prof.
M. M. Fogg.
Tho question decided on . was: '
'IResolYed, That county, option, is
contestants. The latoncss of tho sea
were scheduled for Wednesday and ;
, Not Discussed,
' Tho quostlon of the advisability, of
county option is not ono much dls--
cUsseaTnTho press of Nobraska at tho
present time, but it is bolievod to bo
a question which may become a 'burning-
Jsbuq nU tho next political cam
paign. 1 such is tho case, tho, de
bates at tho unlvorsity will bo of ben
efit in promoting a better understand
ing of the question.
As tho time for preparation for the
try"-outa is short, a. qiiestion ,
more or less-famlllar'to tho student
body was desirable. The question for
tho try-outs "will bo retained for t'he
preliminaries. According to tho opin
ion expressed by the board, alf wero in
fayof of retaining, tho question in the
final contest on Phi'Bota Kappa day.'
8hould the teams meeting in- the final
debate happen to be arrayed on, the
same side of the question, however, it
may bo necessary to jchooso a. now
question. '
Your car fare would pay for a lce .
lunch at the Bostoa LacH.r iwarae)
kOJM? ' '
' .$
i ,