THE DAILY NEBRASKAN The Daily "Nebfaskan THE) PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NKDP.ASKA, Lincoln, Nebraska. PUbllBhad by TUB STUDENT PUIIMOATION BOAKD EDITORIAL STAFF Editor K. P. Frederick Mannglng Editor . . . . .Carl J. Lord Aiioolnte Editor T. M. Edgecombe Associate Editor R. D. Hawley BUSINESS STAFF. Manager Q. C. Klddoo Assistant Manager V. C. Hasoall Circulator .C. Duchnnan Editorial and Business Office: A8EMBNT, ADMINISTRATION DLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. Telephones Auto 1638. Night Phones Auto 1888; Auto 283. INDIVIDUAL N0TICE8 will bo oharjrod for nt tho rato of 10 contH tho Innortlon for every flftoon words or fraction thoro of. Faculty notices and Unlvoralty bul letins will bladly bo publlnhed freo. Entered at tho postofflco at Lincoln, Nebraska, ha aocond-olass mall mattor under tho Act of Congrona of March , 1870. Advertisements for the want column ahould be left at'the business office, base ment Administration building, between 10 mustachos and tho whlskor haB boon a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. andK" . . ... n AM.nmt.aMm ,,.,, G p. m Cash must accompany all orders for ad vertlslng, at the rate of ten cerita for each fifteen words or fraction thereof the first Insertion; three Insertions twenty-five cents; five Insertions forty cents. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1910. 8PEAKINQ OF PICTURES. Tho tlmd is with us again wlion juniors and seniors spend moro tlmo posing , for tholr pioturos for tho "CarrihuBkor" at tho local art galleries than in attending thqir classes. ANARCHY AT WISCONSIN. Anarchy as expounded by Miss Emma Goldman Is creating quito a sonBation at Wisconsin. Miss Gpld man has been Breaking boforo groups of tho students on sovoral occasions, and tho faculty has como in for Its share of criticism in .the stato press. Whilo bonjb throwing is not to be on couraged as a-pastlmo, Miss Goldman's Drill Tans TlBit to WlBconBln servos to Illustrato tho. decidedly llboral tondonclos of tho neighboring university. THE CAMPAIGN. Tho Y. M. C. A.' campaign for ' tho botterment of university mon was started last night with a mass meeting in tho Tomplo. Tho fact that a hun dred mon wero present marks tho ' movemont as ono which should, rocoivo tho recognition of tho student body. Tho series of moqtlngs which com mence thlfl-oV6nIng Include addresses by somo of tho most prominent col logo Y. M. C. A. mon In this country. An oortunlty td hear men llko "Dad" Elliott and W. D. Wcatherford is, ono which comes but seldom during a col- ,lego courso. And you all know "Jorgy." v GLOOM AJblack cat crossed ouc-patlusoma time ago, and wo know something was going to happen. It was a porfoctly lnnoconl black cat of tho omaciatpd variety, but It brought tho usual luck. That day, wo lost our pocket knife. The following day wo failed to ro coivo that' chock from homo. Yestor day it was announced that Wood, In gorsoU and . probably Hutchinson , would leave tho basketball toani. "There Is not a student on tho campus -who ' does not feel that tho loss of theso men will bo th6fr loss. It is something liko having tho lights turned out in a strange room.' It,Js up 6 Nebraska to hunt a match. A A 8HAVE. Tho following editorial' from tho OmahaT Daily Boo. reveals an appalljhjg . atato of, affairs ot Chicago University, MustacbloB.f It would seem, form a veritable forest on tho campus of that institution, 'Tho Boo says: "Certaja of the fair 'co-eds' connect edhwith -thd1 Chicago 'University havo oandedn tbenrtply -. together, to dis courage tho cultivation of-mustacbloB O0000000$000000 o . .. ,..-,-. W. V. WiSATtiUKPUKU "College Man's Battles" . TONIGHT 6 0000000000OCO00QP)OffiO00OffiO0 o by tho young men connocted with tho school. 'CIobo shave or no favors is tho ultimatum of thoso young mlsBqs. Of oourso, tho young men will hlo thomsolvos away to the harbor with out lolay, for who would hosltato a momont betweon his mustacho and tho maldon of hlB heart? ; "Thus Is anothor blow struck at man's rights by -domlpoorlnfr womaj From tho vory bogtnhlng of tlmo tlio of box no, not supromacy; that word 1b obsoleto now distinction. Nature lmplantod tho beard on tho man, and loft fair woman's faco smooth, and downy as tho freshly rlponed poach. In all Ills mascullno attributes,, man has glorified, but In nono moro than his hirsute equipment Among clvlllzod trlbos tho board has boon Bacrod as woll as symbolic. An oath sworn by tho board has possessed peculiar os Bonco of sanctity, whilo tho plucking of anothor by tho board has always boon looked upon as tho most immi nent qf deadly personal, affronts. Tho callow youth has Uukcd forward through his adoleBconco to tho day whon bis lip and cheeks would brlBtlo with this omblom of full dovolopod manhood, and hlB strugglOB with tho oarly crop of fuzz havo boon Homoric, but hlthorto rospocted. "To bo sure, in theso dayB of anti septic troatmont of ovorything from T $2.95 tho cradlo to tho grave, most mon aftor thoy havo fully satlsflod thom solvos of tholr capacity for growing a board', and havo domonstrated It in ono way or anothor-to the satisfaction of thoso about them, hayo boon con tent to rest on tho record, and, with rocourBo to razor, safety or othorsort, havo wrestled mightily that nature's mark might bo mado as llttlo con spicuous aB possible. But to tho boy of collogo ago has always been re sorvod tho right to grow whatover of board or mustacho h'ok. might elect. That ho is now to bo given his phoico' between asserting his Hedging' man hood and tho favor of his lady friends Is putting him, to too sovoro a tost. But porhaps thoso lmpotouslco-eds' do, not know tho savor 6t a real mus tache. . I y' 'At any rato, tho blow Is a cruol ono. But, so long as tho young men aro pormlttod to wear tho bifurcated garment that" "still" servos to distin guish botweon tho soves, maybe thoy'll Survive ,thp hardship of being com pelled to shavo 'cleanly." DRAMATIC CLUBW1LL INITIATE. 8erlcs of Plays Before the Club Will Decide NeW Members' Standing! Thostr students who mado tho Dra matic Club last November aro finding that boforo bolng admitted to full membership in that organization thoy must indeed "win tholr spurs." Those who woro successful In tho try-outs aro now required to oith'cr appear bo foro tho club In a rolo assigned to them or to act as manager of a sceno. Two plays will be presented with two casts presenting' each .play. TheBo presentations will take tho nature, of competitive work, and to qulto an o tent tho work done on February 10 Will decldp tho standing of tho now" members. On tholr execution of their roles tho cast committee will d to wnat extent tney may no relied upon to tauo responBipjo parts in the plays ffl O O 00000000000 fr-rcwnr H - lUMr-LiG - 6:5 0-8:00 that aro to fee presented by tho club In tho futuro. Tho initiation performance will be opon to club members only. CONVOCATION 8CHEDULE. V Many Prominent Speakers to Appear Before Student Body. Profossor Graumann, who has char go of tho convocations, has .an nounced tho list of speakors for sev eral coming poriodB. From tho fol lowing schodulo it is ovldent that the speakors aro among tho best that havo appeared boforo tho university convo cations this year: Thursday, Fob. 3, Dr. W. D. Woath orford of Nashville, Tonn., and Y. M. C. A. 'secretary for tho south, will ad dress tho regular convocation. Friday, Feb. 4, at 5 p. ra., an, address "Somo Perils In Education," will be givon under tho auspices of the teach ers' college At tho regular convocations on Tues day and Thursday, February 8 and 10, Prof. J. T. Lees will glvo lectures, Il lustrated by storooptlcon, on "Tho PasBion Play. of Obor-Ammorgau." Friday. Fob. 11, Prof. Lucllo Eaves will Iocturo at tho 5 o'clock convopaff tlon undor tho auspices of tho teach erB' collogo. The UnlvorBity of Chicago track team has begun practice Button OR Lace 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1'l 1416 NEVER KNOW if you NEVER TRYl When you want to got Cleaning and Pressing done by hand and not by machlnory bring your olothos to JOE The Tailor who In also n Spoclallst on altering and rofltt lng your clotLos up-to-dato. Special attention to Ladle's work and Uniforms. UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN University Bulletin February. 2; Wednesday Engineering Society meets. M.JE. 200. 3, ThursdayDr W. D. Wcatherford ; ot "Nashville, Tonn. T '. 4, .Friday Junto? prom. . 4, Friday, 5 p. m.-7-4,Somo - PerllB In education." Auspices of Teachers' College. ' 6, Saturday, 8 p. nl.; Armory Barb moot. ' v 8, Tuesday; Temple play 'try-outs. 8-10, Tuesday and -Thursday Convo cation. Prof. jr. T. Lees. "Pas sion Play of'vOber-Ammorgau." Illustrated by" storooptlcon. 9-10, -Wednesday and Thursday Bas lcetball. Nebraska-Drake, at Des Molnos. ' 11, Friday, 8 p. m.Jnter-Frat meet f . Armory. ; ' 11, Friday, 8:15 p, m., .Tomplo Tho- ' ator Gormad play. 11. Friday,. German Play, Moser's Comedy, . -Kopernlcker Strausso, No.; 120.",, ; ' 11, Friday, '5 p. ra. Prof. Lucllo Eavo's. Under auspices of' Teach- Ntl12, Friday and SaturdayNebras- ka.-A'mos, at Ames. Basketball, U, Monday, 8rp. m!, Armory Basket ball, Missouri vs. Nebraska. 'OL St. I j. Www a i M IP YOU ARE WILLING Ted will Dye for You or Clean. Press, or Repair your Garments 235 No. 11th Street Just opposite tho Windsor Hotel Auto 4876 It's This Way If you wish the Best Punches, Ice Cream and Ices, also your Sandwiches, call at V IvilaCOlla V- Junior ) Walt's Ftull Orchestra I I INDOOR ATHLETICS I Febr. 5Non-Frat Febr. 1 1 -Inter-Frat Febr. 15--Barb-Frat I I Season Tickets 75c Two Inf ornials i l LINCOLN DANCING ACADJGMY Lincoln's "Select Dancing School" ' "thirdlooIT AUTO 4477 O. E. BULLARD, U. of N. '02. Mannger fiELL A1311 SOCIAfcS?FrtdayB"8 to 12-PrM; CLASSES Wed. and liat. U to il P. lt. Saturday Night Fancy Dances and Social. University Night, University Orchestra New and fancy dances Thursdays. Carlysle Two Step, Gaiety. Cadet. Hspraia Shottlche Rye 7altz, etc. Eight o'clock, p.m.f sharp. 1AE LEAD - 6THERS FOLLOW SPECIAL- RAXES TTO STgDENTS SUBSCRIBE NOW for The Daily Nebrasfcan l TED MARRINER Expert Hatter. Gleaner, and Pressor Bell F1609- Dyor of Ladles' and Gonta' Garments 0m 1307 O STREET Feb. 4 Prom $3.00 I I l IMBIO i ") X