. - 5) a Ui ' .- J sk?1 ft be S VoL IX. No. 71. UNIVERSITY NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1910. Price 5 Cents. IFlebraehan FRITS TO .CLASH IN BASKETBALL SERIES SCHEDULE 18 ANNOUNCED DAILY PRACTICE. FOR ipOPHY AWARDED JO THE WINNER Action of Iowa In Arranging Date on Annual Football Battle Not """ Liked and-No Gamo May -Be Played. - Intor-frat basketball is a now lino el university athlotlcs to bo hold this year. Tho kocn compotltlon, which Is manifest among tho various, Qrook lot tor Boclotlos, will bo Increasod-by its dovolopmont In previous years baseball and in door athletic- contests havo boon tho only events to which tho frats (havo had competition along physical lines. Consequently there worb only two tro phies availablo dmopg tho tw'olvo dif ferent -secret- societies which oxlst in tho upivorsity. With tho inaugura tion of basketball thoro will bo a chance for ono moro fraternity to hold ono of tho prizes of victory which are oovotcd by all of tho fraternities,. ' Practice Commenced. . Many frats havo had men put prac ticing for somo time, and others are commencing daily practice. Every frat is determined to win and much in terest is already being shown. Tho iptor-frat basketball commlttoo consists of Ralph Colo, Phi Delta Tho ta; Bon Owens, Alpha Tau Omega, and Owen Frank, Sigma Alpha Epsllon. Thoy havo not as yet doflnitoly rtocld od upon tho trophy to be awarded, but It will probably be a pennant similar to tho baseball pennant. No definite schedulo has been ar ranged for tho playing of tho games. The frats havo, howoVork boon divided into two sections. Tho no'rthorn divi sion is composed of all tho Greoks who havo fraternity houses located north, -of It streot, and tho southern division, which consists of all those Whdso houses are located 'south of this lino. Games Held 8oon. Tho games will start soon aftor tho non-fraternity moot of noxt Saturday. All games must bo played before a certain day, which has not yot boon determined. Although not doflnitoly decided, It is planned to havo tho teams of each division play so that the-threo winning teams will' play to decide tho. championship of tholr divi sion. Tho winners .of each division will then moot and play for tho cham pionship of tho two divisions. Tho rules that will govern tho eli gibility of the playors will probably 'bo tho somo as thoso which havo gov erned the participants in other intef frat moots in tho past. Tho rules by which tho gamos will bo governed will e thoso which tho varsity-team uses "V . .. ii tit. ii ui in US COUICBIS wiiu uiuur buuuvjib. Tho frats which compose the north ern division are: Phi Gamma Dolta, Phi Kappa Psi, Delta Upsllon, Sigma Chi, Alpha Thota-Chi, and Phi Delta Thota. Thoso comprising tho-southorn dlvi slon are: Sigma Nu. Kappa Sigma, Beta Thota Pi, Alpha Tau Omega, Delta Tau Delta, and Sigma Alpha Epsllon. Tholr .practice schodulo is as lows: Phi Gamma Dolta Wed., 7-8 p. Sat, O-ip a. m. .Phi-Kappa" Pal Mon.,tf-9:30 p. Bat, 10-11 a. m, Delta tfpslldn Fri., 8-9': 30 p Sat, 11-12 a. m. fol- m.; m.r m.; Sigma Chi Prl. or Sat,' 7-9:30 p. m.; . gat. 9-10 a. m. P 'aiim nvi.-n nut- -Fri., 7-8 p. - .l(ua tuom uur m.; Sat, 11-12 a. m Mi Belt Theta Wed., 8-9:80 p xn.jat, 10-11 a. m. . Sigma Nu Fri. or Sat., 7-9:30 m.; Sat., 9-10 a. m. Kappa .Sigma Mon., 8-9:30 p. m. Sat, 10-li a. m. Bet Thota PI Fri., 8-9:30 p. m.; Sat, 11-12 a. m. Alpha Tau Omoga Wod., 8-9:30 p. m.; Sat, 11-12 a. m. Dolta Tau Dolta Fri., 7-8 p. m.; Sat, 9-10 a. m. Sigma -Alpha Epsllon Wed., 7-8 a. m.; Sat, 10-11 a, m. s No Date With Iowa. Thoro is a report abroad to Iho of foct that Nebraska will not play Iowa on tho gridiron noxt fall. This roport is as yot unauthorized, but indica tions soom to yorlfy tho rumor. . According to roports, Iowa authori ties deliberately closed a dato with Purduo which Manager Eager had pre viously asked for. Tho Iowans thon said that thoy would play tho Corn buskers on Nov. 19, but this date was not satisfactory to tho Nebraska man ager, and accordingly football rela tlonos botweontho two schools aro at an end, unlessQio athletic board over rules ManagorEagor, and arranges for Novombor 19 as tho dato when tho two schools arp. to moot Nebraska has a gamo with Kansas Novombor 5, and tho following Satur day they moot Ames. This leaves them with Novombor 19 freo, which la necessary, as a hard gamo Is to bo playod Thanksgiving. A schodulo with, four hard gamos has proven dis astrous to Nebraska before, and tho management does not care for a sim ilar experience. GIVE8 TWO LECTURE8. Miss Hrbek 8pcaks at Morse Bluff in Two Languages. Miss Sarka Hrbek. of tho depart ment of Slavonic roturnod yesterday from Morse Bluff,- Nob., whore she gave two addresses on "Bohomla." Ono of thoso was in tho English lan guage undor the auspices of tho pub lic school, tho "bthor was in tho Bo hemian language and dealt mainly with the middle period of Bohomian history. NEARLY OHE HUNDRED PRE8ENT. Campaign In Y. M. C. A. Was Opened WHh a Banquet Last Night. Nearly -a hundred students wore present at tho banquet held In tho Temple last evening. Tho banquet marked tho opening of tho campaign for tho bottorment of university men 'which is to bo carried on during the week. Short addresses woro made by Dr. Condra, W. D. Weathorford, "Dad" Elliott and Arthur Jorgonsen. Tho series of meetings which begin to night will opon oach evening at 6:60 o'clock and close at 8 o'clock. The subject of Mr. Wo'atherford's address tonight, will bo "A Collego Man's Bat tles." INCREASE IN CADET8. Number of Men Registering for Drill This Semesterarge. A largo numbor of now men havo registered in school this semoster. Thoso mon havo on the whole taken up tho work required of thorn in the military department Theso men g-tho-Atarlous companies of the battalion and. havo alroady commenced Upon their" work as cadots. Tho cadets who aro taking their first year in drill aro still work ing every evening on tho manual of arms. Tho second yeaTmtm are tak ing class work In tlfo guard manual and arTalso studylng'-tho manualof arms. Tho Increase In' tho numbor of mon drilling this someslorbflngsthe total number of men taking work in the military department, at tho unl TorBltywery' close jto loj). .. Your car fare would jay tor a Bice lunch t8)t the Boston Lunch!,"" Why go hornet T w- REGISTRATION WILL REACH HIGH NUMBER Wooo 8TUDENT& AT UNIVER8ITY A I PROBABILITY. v A LARGE INCREASE PAID New 8ystem of Registration rated at Unlversltyby Registrar Harrison Considered a 8uccess. Conflicts Not 8o Numerous. Tho oxpocted attendance at the uni versity for this year wfl.1 in all proba bility bo reached. At tho beginning of tho yoar tho oxecutlvo department of tho university announced that tho mark of 4,000 studcntB at the upivor sity would probably bo reached. That thiB high mark in the attendance at tho institution will In all probability bo reached is now announced. Tho definite figures for the present semester havo as yet riot boon deter mined. But it is known that the num bor of now BtudontB registering for work this BomoBtor Is far in excess of the number of thoso who commenced tholr college work the second semes ter last year) Large Registration. Tho number'" of Btudonta' who reg istered for work nt the university proper is vory largo. About 1,900 peo- plo passed through the doors of tho registrar's ofllco to hand in tholr slips and signify tholr intention of taking work for tho coming semester. Con sidering tho numbor of students who registered at tho beginning of tho first semester and tho Increnso of now students this semester tho mark of 4,000 students is almost .certain to bo reached. Added to thoso who register for work at tho university t aro tho" largo number of students who register for tho regular work at tho college of agriculture. Thoro aro also t tho num ber of short term studonts at tho farm to bo added to this total and alBO tho number of students at tho conserva tory of music. As tho year at tho conservatory 1b composed of four terms, the now students at this part of tho university Increases with, tho inauguration of each torm. Tho num bor of students who take rogular sum mer school work at tho university also must be considered. To this large number of students muBt bo given the credit of making tho attendance at tho university very near the mark Of 4,000 Fees Increase. Tho Increase in registration figures at tho university is not alono in the1 attendance. Tho students havo paid moro 'money into tho treasury of tho university man tnoy did last year. Tho total receipts by Treasurer Dales for the first wook of tho second som- OBter last year was "$15,649. This in cluded all laboratory, professional 'and Incidental fees. During tho same pen rlod of timo this semester tho fees have been $17,729. This shows an in crease of $2,270 over the total of last year. That this increase would have been muoh larger is apparent but a largo number of engineering students paid foes for work last semester that they woro unablb to tako on account of tho.non.complptlon-ot-tho-new-en glneering laboratories. Instead of re funding tho mosey the university al lowed this to bo applied on the fees for the .Work In that college this sem ester. This difference amounts, to about r400, making In reality the in crease of fees, paid' this semester about 12,700 over that of tho secotid semester of, last year , System a 8uccess. Thar systom In voguo for. the regis tration of .students for tho past two semesters has .proven a great success. Everything has gono smoothly and the office has, been bothered less with changes .in, the registration-of- tbe'stu-. dents.' Formerly the students had X IN FEE X Inauau many conflicts and thoy woro thus forced to chango tholr coursos. ThlB now systom of having tholr courso mado out by thoIi advisor, then chocked by tho doan of tho collego In which thoy aro taking work, and thon rochockod by tho assignment commit too hns causod vory fow conflicts and also prohibited an overcrowding of classes. This how systom 1b being perfoctod and in timo will obvlato all chanco of mistake and conflict in tho schodulos of tho Btudonta. O MORE NIGHT WORK. Faithful Watchman Put on Day Shift After Thirteen Years of Night Work. Night aftor night fqr thirteen yoafs and threo months has A. L. Bowers looked tho gates to tho university campus. Ho has regulated iho heat ing systom in tho winter and awak ened tho birds in tho summor as reg ularly as tho seasons havo como and gono. Mr. Bowors has witnessed many Bhlrt-tall parades and midnight class fights. Ho has soon tho merging shad ows on tho campus benchos In tho spring and in tho fall, but says that ho has always found tho studonts to bo ladies and gontlomon and has noth ing but words of pralso for thorn. Today Mr. Bowors began duty as a daylight .workor on tho campus and hopes to continuo Jn tho sorvlcd of tho university for many yoars to come. 8ENIOR8 WILL ELECT TOMORROW Three Candidates to Come Up for Final Ballot The sonior election will bo held to morrow morning at 11:30 Jn Memorial hall. Tho special business of. thiB eloctlon will ho tooloct a president for tho closing semester. W. A. Jonos; Josbo CTark and J. A. Scotnoy aro (the candidates who havo boon canvassing Iho class fortho po sition during tho pasTTownyeoks. Tho election promises to- bo a rather .quiet ono. All of tho candidates, havo canvassed tho ground thoroughly and no othor aspirant for tho position is oxpocted. Tho campaign has been markod by an nbsonco of any "mud- flKFowlng" or-hard feeling on tho part of tho candidates or thd(r supporters. ALPHA TAU OMEGA GIVE FORMAL Many Novel and Beautiful Features Are Introduced. Ono of the most novel, and one of tho most beautiful fraternal parties ever hold in Lincoln was the Alpha Tau .6'mcga formal of Saturday night The danco was held at tho Lincoln 4 1 hojpl andbout sixty-five couples afc In the center of tho danco floor a bower of palms was erected, and con cealed in this was a harpist with' her instrument Tho orchestra, stago was faced with green vinos, which nearijr concealed tho players, and in the cen ter of the stago was a. curtain. , When tho last danco was reached, a lino was formed and silver Alpha Tau spoons woro presented to- tho ladies as souvenirs. Thon tho cur tain was raised and as tho enlarged A. T. O. pin fcbhind was illuminated with light tho men of tho fraternity sang their song, -HWbbonn wero"diBtriDUted to tho mon as favors, being worn as tho students in tho German collego fraternities wear tho fraternal ribbons, transverse ly across tho "breast With each pro gram was a sheaf of roses for the la dles. Other oroginal features were, in trdducedin the music. OnJPof the most original features was in the program. Notice had been, sent to each of the guests to send to the fraternity' twenty, stamp pictures'. These' pictures we're arranged so they could be pasted In the program and wero placed In small envelopes In" the back of each. program, the pictures being' pasted' in the program instead of the names being written, PROFESSOR J. W. JENKS -COMMENCEMENT ORATOR PROMINENT EDUCATOR OF COR NELL ACCEPTS INVITATION. TO ADDRESS SPRING GRADUATES Authority on Political Economy and Political Science Appointee of . President on Several Inv portant Missions. Professor J. W. Jonks, hoad of the department of political oconomy and politics of Cornoll University at Ith aca, N. Y has boon Invited to bo or ator at tho commoncomont oxorclsos for 1910 and has accoptod tho invitav tlon. Sovoral attempts havo boon ' mado to havo Professor Jonks prosont as commoncomont orator, but ho has novor boon ablo to accopt boforo. He is rocognized as ono of tho leading univorslty mon of tho.Unitod Statos. Is an Authority. Professor Jonks id a graduato of the University of Michigan and tho Unl vorsity of Hallo, Germany. Ho has hold profoossorship in Knox and Indi ana unlvorBltios. Ho has been at Cor noll sinco 1801. Whilo Professor Jonks' chair Is political oconomy, ho is greatly interested in political sol enco, tho two dopartmonts bolng close ly allied at Cornoll. Ho Is considered an authority on both. Tho United StateB government has employed Professor Jonks pn sovoral occasions to make Investigations and report on various subjocts along his lino. In 1901 .ho was sent by, Presi dent Roosevelt as a mombor of a com mission to study currency, labor, tax ation and pollco .in tho Orient The year before this ho was tho oxpert agent of tho government industrial commission investigating trusts in this country and Europe. Appointed by President. , When tho Chlnoso envoys mado their long trip through tho United States; Professor Jonks was appointed by the president to tako charge of tho tour. When th.o party passed through -Lincoln several of tho univorslty profes sors called on Mr. Jonks at'hls hotel. Professor Jenks is an author. and ad ltor Of somo renown. Ho haB pub lished several books, among them one on trusts in 1895, ono of tho first pub lications on that subject, anyone that proved vory valuable. Ho has gath ered, andarrangod' much trus't legisla tion andf given it to the public. Mag- ' azlno articles from his' pen are not un common. Professor Jenks has been omlnont in many movement looklifg to'tho'be't torment of economic condltlonslliiate years. His address will no doubt be of- great vqluo to tho graduating class. 'The' .commencement address'wUi be Thursday, Juno 9. -' " .3 , no schedule'Vt chicVqo. 8tudents Fear that FootbUihMy. Be Dropped from List of 8pbrts. -' -. Is football to' bo droDDdd by 'the University of Chicago? e t. At a recent mooting of tho faculty board of athletic control, Coach Stagg was authorized to schedulo '1910' soc cer games, but "was not authorized to schedule any regulation football con tests. Tho action was taken at a spe cial meeting of the board and means that soccer is tho only authorolzed game for 1910 at' the university up to date. " The faculty's failure to endorse 'foot ball is interpreted as meaning that the game Is Under suspension until' ttie rules'are changed. -If the changes lg the, .rules to be. made in New York next month fall to satisfy the profes sors, the future of 'the old' style game at the nildway Institution if mA to be problemallcal.' ' ' "