HlniiW ppw"i ' I THE DALLY t.l.O'WO. n ! ii DIRECTORY. ' Builneii Directory Evor loynl Unlyorfitty Btudont Is urged to patron- J7.0 thcBo Nobrankan advartlaorfl, and to.inontlon tho, Nobraskan whllo do ing Bo. BANKS . First Trua. Ik Savings BAKERIES Folaom BARKER SHOI'8 Green's BOOK STORES Coop. Unlvorlety ClEANERS .l! 0 Wood & Co. Weber's Sultorlum. , Joo, Tho Tailor. Tod Mnrrlnor. CLOTHING Faniuhar - - a? Magoo & Deernor Afayer Broe. Palace Clothing Co. Spcler & Simon' ArmHlrong Clothing Ce. coal ; Gregory Wbltebreasr """" CONFECTIONERY l.ltfcoln Candy Kltchea Tommy DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln PITTS DOCTORS . Dr. Cramb fDRY GOODS ' Miller & Pain ttudge & Guenzol "DRUGGISTS IUggs ENGRAVERS Cornell FLORISTS C. H. Froy CHAPIN BROS. FURNI8HING8 ' Budd Futk Mngee & Deemor . Mayer BroB. Palaco Clothing Co. Rudgo & Guonzol "Spolor & Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. HATTERS Budd Fulk Unland Armstrong Clothing Co. Mngee & Dcemer Mayer Bros. Palace Clothing Co. . , Rudgo & Guonzel Spoler & Simon ICE CREAM Franklin Ico Cream Co. JEWELER8 UnllQtt Tucker LAUNDRIES ' Evans OPTICIANS t i Shean .Howe. PHOTOGRAPHERS Townsend PRINTERS - Simmons ' Van Tine '. RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch JV it i. Cameron's t; V Y. M. C. A. Spa JSHOES r Armstrong Clothing Co, . Beckman Bros. t l Budd Mon's Bootory Rogers & Perkins , Mayor Bros. Miller & Falne J SKIRTS ': Skirt Store I TAILORS k Elliott Bros. ', Qrogory ' Horrog . Joe, Tho Tailor. ; LUDWilG. &THEATER8, 1 p Oliver ( . Orphoum. ; Lyric , ' I TYPEWRITERS ; .Lincoln Typewriter Br. ' Underwood Typewriter Oe. Tht First Trust t Sav- lni Bnk 4 Par Cm! Intinst A $1 pint an aooount ConWr lOth&OStruta Bring Your Next Job of Printing to v AN TINE PRINTING CO. I afcd Get Sthfactory Results 128-130 No. 14th St. Auto 3477 wmmtmwmmmmm Underwood Typewriter Go. TYPEWltlTERS SOLD AND RENTED 187 No. 18th. Boll 848. Auto 2505 mmsm Fraternity and Sorority Trade A SPECIALTY Quality Counts TH ATS WHY FRANKLIN'S ICE CREAM IS SO POPULAR We make a spialty of fan cy creams, sherbets. Ices and punoh for Frat & Sorori ty partloa.Whipping Cream always on hand. Boll 20B. Auto 8181. 1810 N St. r Electric Shoe Rep. Factory 1220 O Street Saves you Time & Money Hot Drinks arc now la season. Do you know any place where you can get at QVICK SERVICE aa you can at ournew store? No need of being ctowded. Lincoln Candy Kitchen S. W. Corner" swtti iHWW"" UHCH in2:5 A8fe 249JS VfOME S7r? PS MitA ITONE AND ME vsr SB SIM TWO CANDIDATES OUT IN FRESHMEN GLASS ENQLI8H AND COFFEE ANNOUNCE THEIR CANDIDACY. OTHER (LASS POLITICS ARE NORMAL With Three Candidates in the Senior Class, One in the Junior Class and Three In the 8ophomore .Class, Politics Begins to 8tlr. The political pot continues to boil. Tho fnct that, last week wns the time for examinations and tho proper time for tho consideration of things not po-, .lltlcrtl was "overlooked. The political situation In tho three upper classes of tho university hnB been fully developed for some timo, but no action had been taken in tho first year clnss. With tho rush of examination week II. B. English of Lincoln announced that he wns a candldateJor presiden tial honors and launched b boom In the freshman, class. English Is a graduate of tho Lincoln high school and distinguished himself during his, first Bomestor In tho university by hie work as altornate on the debating team which met Iowa. Another Candidate. Another candidate also showed up during tho latter part of examination week In the freshman class. This was H. B. Coffeo. Friends of Coffee can vassed tho class for supporters, and with tholr work as a basis ho an nounced thatjio was a candidate for presidential honors. Coffeo Is a fra ternity man, having pledged - Alphn Tau Omega last fall. His opponent, English, Is a barb. With tho announcement of these candidates for olllcos In the freshman class and tho candidates for ofllccB In the three other classes the political campaigns of the university are In full blast. The Candidates. , In tho senior class three 'men have political aspirations. W. A. Jones and Jesse Clark announced that they were candidates for the ofllce of claBs presi dent shortly arter tho closo of tho Christmas vacation. Shortly after wards J. A. Scotnoy announced that ho was also acandldate for flic same of flco, and a three-cornered light was started. All three men are prominent In their cllfcss and aro We'll known. Jones and Clark aro engineers and Scotnoy Is a fourth-year man taking freshman law. . In the Junior class the campaign has been very quiot. Only ono candidate for presidential honors has appeared hi tho Held and this Is E. H. Hahno. No ono haw nn yni-nppflin-iy , rfllll" -against him and the Held so far Up- poars clear for his oloctlon. Rumors have been-xjurrent f6r-thtPpaBrfew days that ono of tho popular co-eds of the class was considering tho mat tor of Btartlng a campaign, but so far this report has proved groundless. In tho sophomore class the raca Is alBo thrcc-fcornorod. It. W. Garrett of Madison, It. M. Hawloy of Nebraska City and E. B. Grlswold of Lincoln have announced that they aro seeking political honors In this class and" are desirous of tho support of their class mates, Garrett la registered In tho arts and scionco college, while Hawloy anil Grlswold nro mombers of the JrcHhnmn law class. With theso men working In their various classes and tho .now candidates announced In the freshman class political affairs of all of tho classes have crystallized. An investigation of what tho grad uates of tho University of Illinois nre doing has brought to light- tho fact that eighty-four per cent are doing tho work for which they re celved training. William SIdls, tho elovon-year-old prodigy at Harvard, has rocontly as tounded tho mathematical society with his knowledge of fojir dimen sional bodies, Tho speaker took about an hour and a half tos explain to his audience tho technicalities of KIb subject. Georgo Ado, alumnus and trustee of Purduo University, haa' promised to- wrlto a play for tho Harlequjn Dra matic CluC for presentation tills year, Get All The Copies For The New . Semester By Subrcribing Now WE NEED THE MONEY BASEMENT ADMINISTRATION BUILDING I i . -i ., -i- J 1 1 s .--- J!fliAfcMHmUUUH tJIJUUJWI II IWIH IBWIIIHII IfcVT " JBB 1TWlM'Twi-rt fc-5-sl