-iw- A THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ooe&oqo6ooooooo&q ffl O O 00)0000000O V a , ' ' ' Convocation uk. na.taTism 1- i, i fit The Daily Nebraskan ' tub pitoi'Hivf f lov THR UiNIVMUSITY OP NBIJItABttA, f Mhooln, NobranKtt. . initilinlifri by TIIK BTIMMSNT PUHUHATION IIOAUH EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor K. P. Frederick Managing Editor .Carl J. Lord Auoclato Editor T. M. Edgecombe iioclate Editor R. D. Hawley BUSINESS STAFF. Manager C. Klddoo Assistant Manager V. C. Haicall Circulator C. Buchanan Editorial and Builneia Office! BASEMENT ADMINISTRATION DLDQ. Postofflce, 8tatlon A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. 2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 0 Cents Each. . ii , ' ' ' ' i '- Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1888? Auto 2683. : I- INDIVIDUAL N0TICE8 wilt bo charged for t the rule of 10 ci'iitH tlm limnrtjon for ovory (If toon words' or fraction thoro of. Faculty notions and UnWorslty bul letins will bladly bo TbllBhoo7 f roo. Entorca at tho pontofflca at Lincoln, -Nobraskar ns,-sooonl-claas mallmattot under tho Act of Conf-ross of March 3, 1870. Advertisements for the want column should be left at the business office, base ment Administration building, between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for ad vertlslng, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction thereof the first Insertion; three Insertions twentyflve cents; five Insertions forty cents. TUESDAY, F12URUAIIY 1. 1!)10. A POLICE. MnturliiK tho second sumuBlor uh It (Iooh -under now nmnnKomont, Tho Dally NebrnHluin Ih, according to n time-honored cuHtom, snpiioHOd to do clrtro 'Ub policy. While wandering through tho nin.o of events which mark imch seniOHterT It Ih supposed to have an opinion on onch and every ono; not merely an opinion clothed In ho many words, hut an opinion con forming to some dollnlto policy Thoro lH.only ono poliMp which hcouih largo ojiough lo fulllli thlH re quiFemont, namely, n policy which Hhnll udVocato ovorythlng which tends to build up a stronger and a a Culiure and Common Sense" j TUESDAY s - O Memorial Hall $ os A CLEAN 8LATE. The first BCniCBter Ih pvcr. All tho torror of.lito first final oxninlnatlon Iiuh loft the hoilrt of the frcHhmnn. All tho back work with Kb nlghtB of worry l gone and the student oneo more BBBumos Ills carofrco attitude. The Blato In clean once-more, Bomo have, made "E' In all of tholr subjocls, and are at onco BUBpectcd of working for Phi Beta Kappa. Others have failed and aro branded as "Bluf fers." Some have worked hard and conBclentloualy dining the Homeator. Others have "crammed" for tholr grade during tho hiBt few moments before tho examination. And a few have "cribbed." "Cribbing" is nefarious IhihIiichk at boat. Cultivated to its highest de- gree It becomes a flue art. There Is something ncsthotio about a carefully and skilfully prepared "skin roll," or a Hot of hyrogllph'icB on a cuff. And the student who will "crib' while the instructor Is In the room yet refuser, to do ho when he Is absent 1b certain ly possessed of a senae of honor. Yet It Is nothing but plain cheating. Driven to It ofton times by an imag ined necessity, the student could puss with half the troublo It Is the fear of failure Hearing him in the face which unnerves bm. which makes him lower himself to' the level of any other man who takes that which iIoob not be long to him. course In debate, which was organized yesterday at I o'clock. The questions and speakers for the first series of debates are as follows: Group I II. W. Coulter, '11; G. N. Foster, Law '11; P. It. Halllgan, '11; J. T. Votava, Law Ml,: "Resolved, That the United States should adopt a and div.Qrco law." Doll, '09. Law Ml; uniform marr Group II 1 Byrne C. MarccllusNMl'. A. C. Munger, Ml; Paul Yates, '10:x"Roaolved, That fraternity pledging at the University of Nobraska should' be restricted to those who have completed registration for the third semester's work." Group III A. M. Oberfelder, '11; Anan Raymond, 'U: "Resolved. That American cities should, adopt a com mission form of governinont." Group IV E. II. Hahn, Ml; II. ('. Hathaway, Ml; Vih. Ritchie, Jr.. Law Ml; W. C. Weiss, Ml: "Resolved, That congreas should pasB a law compell ing, tho physical valuation of railroads." The University or Missouri will ou ter a team In the two-mile race at the Pennsylvania relays in April. This la the first time that a unlver alty west of tho Mississippi has en tered this meet. Prof. Wlnslow of Chicago said that microbes aro useful In tho household and that they should be treated kindly. $3.50 4.00 4.50 Shoes $2.95 Patents, Gun Met tals, Tans, Buttons and Lace. BUDD 1416 O St. hotter unlvoiBlty. So ho It. THE FIVE. Without any preliminary.. hosltatlon ' or -preamblo, we rlsw to remark that.. tho CornhuBkor five are "thoro." They arrived with four successive victories. A few more arrivals arid they will -hnvo-Bcctirod-thc-chainpionTdiipT Basketball has not tho halo of'tra "Hlflon surrounding lt;tlfat BurrOumhT football. Nor do thousands witness and cheer the players on to victory. Tot It Is a gamo which requires, all tho nervo ami skill that Hob within a man. It Is a gamo which deserves the re spect and admiration or tho college world. Tho victories won by the Uorjilmsk era are not victories for tho team alono, but victories for Nebraska. Con sequently, only ono thing-romalna to bo done. Got behind and push. Whether he has"E" or "F" on the books In the olllce; whether lie lias" worked or "sluffed," tlje slato Ih clean onco more. Even if ho Is one of the fow who "cribbed" It belongs only to tho memories of the past. What the inarks on the alate of tho future shall bo rests with tomorrow and the student. REGARDING PROMENADE8. Somewhere, maybo in California mnybo In Kansas, or maybe In Denton, thero is a girl wTio Iibb sobbed until her oyeB rofuso to lose tholr redness on application of tho chamois. Her new dress lies noglected in the lower drawer of tho chiffonier. Evon tho latest novel and tho box or "bon-bons' cannotquell tho flodd. ...., All ..edict Jinn been Inmied hnniHhlne FORMER STUDENT APPOINTED. t . N. R. Smith, Negro, Causes Threats of Trouble at West Point Mill- , tary Aoademy. O u 6lJG HT TO PAY WHAT U OWE THE NEBRASKAN BASEMENT ADM. BLDG. It's This Way If you wish the Best Punches, t tYl Ice Cream and Ices, also your 92 Sandwiches, call at jS . 07o o&dtyt?) r 1307 O STREET NEVER KNOW if you NEVER TRY When you wnnt to not donning ami Prowlng done by linnu nnd not by machinery bring your clotlloH to JOE The Tailor The report that N. R. Smith, a col ored studenVat the Univorslty or Ne braska during the year 107-08, will have a chance to be appointed to a cadetshlpat West P'Slnt mllltiu-y'ftcad-omy Is canBlng considerable dlsouB slon. LaBt year Smith moved to Wyoming nnd has lately been, ap pointed first nltornnto to a white miu for WeBt Point by Senator Clark. It. Is. Bald he has a good clianco or got tlngr tho appointment In cbbo Ue fiiBt appointeo falls to pass all of tho examinations. At West, Point it is said that all sorts of threats havo been made of troublo In case a negro Is sent thero. It Is clalmqd (tliat It would upset all social precedents nnd the cadots will not stand for It. They probablLConld only ostracise the negro, and, It is not'! who Ih nlao n Hpeclallst on altering nnd roltt ing your olotLon up-to-date. 'Special alteritloh to Ladiera work and Uniforms. UPSTAJRS, 1328' O ST... LINCOLN 1 University Bulletin the "only boy" from the sacred pre cincts of the Junior promenade. Hence the tears. What caros sho If a multi tude of juniors and seniors should be turned away from tho door so tjuit slip might ontpr. What caros tlo "only boy" for tho establishment of tradition bo long as ho is permitted to tread tho mystic mazo with Mar guerite or .Ieatotto. floating on ltl urrii. It Is toilay they live and not tomor- - row. Yet tomorrow comes occasion ally for, everyone. l'Jvon the freshman 'will some day.be a senior and then it will ho Ills last junior promenade. known whether they could drive him out or not. Smith was well liked bore and was a fair student. Ho was interested in football and was a member of class teaniB, Those who knew -him wlslr him success if he receives tho ap pointment. " . " February, t, Tuesday Junior prom committee moetB, 11:30. 1 1, Tuosday -Convocoation. Ur. F. S. Stoin. "Culture and Common Sense." 2, Wednesday Engineering Society meotB. 31.- K. 200. , Thursday Dr. W. D.' Weathorford of Nashvlllo, Tonn. 4, Friday Junior prom. 5, Saturday, 8 p. m., Armory Barb meet. 8, Tuosday, Temple play try-outs. 9-10, Wednesday' and Thursday Bas ketball. Nebraska-Drake, at Des Mfllnpjj , ADVANCED COURSE IN DEBATING. Fraternity Pledging to Be Discussed at Second Debate. Fraternity pledging Is one -of tho four queBtiohs selected by the four groups In Rhetoric "18, tho advanced 11, Friday, 8 p. m.-Intor-Frat meet. Armory. 11, Friday, 8:15 p. m.,. Temple Tho ater Gorman play. 11. Friday, German Play, Mosor's Comedy, "Kopernickor Strnusso, No. 120." 11-12, Friday and Saturday Nebraska-Ames, at Ames. Baskotball. 14, Monday, 8 p. m., Armory Basket ball. Missouri vs. Nobraska. 14, Monday Baskotball. Nebraska Missouri. Armory. 21, Friday, 5 p. m. Special' convoca tion. Memorial Hall. A. A. G11I v Liiracolirh' Feb. 4 Junior Prom "Walt's Full Orchestra $3.0.0 I I INDOOR ATHLETICS I " 4 . I Febr. 5--Non-Frat Febr. llInter-Frat Febr. 15--Barb-Frat I Season Tickets 7Bc Two Inf ormals ' I -! LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln's "Select Dancing School" nTnmDSFLooRT JWTO 4477 a E- ULLABD, U. of N. '02. Manager DELL A1311 SOCIALS Fridays 8 to Yl Pt M. -CLASSE7-Wel. and Sat. 8 to P. M. SaturdayJCJlgbt-Fancy Dances and Social. University Night, University Orchsstra lew and fancy dances Thursdays. Carlysle.. Two Step, Gaiety, Cadet, Esprala Shbttlche Rye Waltz, etc. Eight o'clock, p.m aljarp. AE LEAD - OTHERS FOLLOW SPECIAL RAXES XO STUDENTS I I I I t 4"iAl ---Jff M(wwti'Wji"ima gyrJy wcny Kf"tM- toTMU1 Mt mhomrm